It all started when a seventeen year old Sawada Tsunayoshi had the most brilliant idea of bringing along a small mp3 player and a set of earphones to the tuition center he was attending.
Well, forced to attend, anyways, as an unwelcome courtesy of one Sawada Nana as per usual.
And while normally he could have brought his phone instead of an mp3 player like all his other peers, he'd only intended to listen to some music while the teacher was writing down whatever notes they were supposed to be taking down on the whiteboard, so he'd deemed the phone too distracting for him.
Not that there was anyone to text, but still. It was best to avoid all unnecessary potential distractions. 'Besides,' Tsuna had thought, shoving the small device into his bag. 'Listening to music could help distract me from all the nasty murmurings and maybe even help me focus on whatever Minami-sensei will be writing on the board for once.'
It was him being unusually optimistic, but hey. At least Tsuna was trying.
So he'd brought it along, unknowingly making the biggest yet somehow the best mistake of his life.
It was exactly half an hour into the tuition session as Minami-sensei finished up in explaining the uses of a mathematical formula that made absolutely zero sense to Tsuna before turning around to write more examples of clone questions and solutions using that exact same formula. Needless to say, Tsuna wasn't impressed with himself.
"Well, so much for trying to understand anything," he murmured bitterly, flipping open a worn notebook. "At least he gives us notes. Though, I've never understood the 'letting-students-figure-it-out-themselves' part. That's just gonna confuse me more."
"Talking to yourself, Dame-Tsuna? Always knew you were a nutcase."
Ignoring the snickering and audible slaps of high-fives, Tsuna shot the sneering bullies a weak look of disapproval from the corner of his eyes before turning back to focus on his notes. They weren't worth the wasted time nor were they worth the trouble for missing out on any notes, anyways.
Now grateful that he had decided to bring along his mp3 device, Tsuna quickly slipped on his earphones before blasting the music on high and proceeded to fall into the embrace of one Grace VanderWaal's melodic voice, oblivious to the fact that his whole life was just about to change.
"I don't know my name… I don't play by the rules of the game…"
It was a soft, smooth and clear voice that made Yamamoto Takeshi jerk his head up in surprise, not exactly expecting to hear someone singing in the middle of class. Looking around, he tried to search for the source of the unexpectedly mesmerizing voice and absently noticed that a few people had also stopped taking their notes and instead were, like him, trying to identify the source of the singing.
"So you say, I'm just trying…just trying…"
Though it was softer this time, Takeshi's sharp ears managed to identify its position and immediately, the boy snapped his eyes to the front and…oh.
"So I heard you are my sister's friend, you get along quite nicely…"
It was Sawada.
Sawada was singing that wonderful tune, and it didn't seem like he was aware of it, too.
"You ask me why I cut my hair and change myself completely…"
To say that that was unexpected was an understatement of the century, and judging by the shocked expressions and gaping mouths worn by the students around him, they seemed to agree with Takeshi's train of thought, too.
"I don't know my name… I don't play by the rules of the game…"
'Well,' the dark-haired boy thought, suddenly feeling strangely elated and excited at the same time. 'At least Minami-sensei's tuition sessions will be something I can look forward to from now on.'
'It worked!' Tsuna thought happily as he packed up his bag and got ready to dash out the door. 'I was able to focus on what Minami-sensei was teaching, too! Man, if I had known, I would have done this earlier.'
The brunette was practically glowing with pride for finally coming up with a suitable solution to his troubles, and so happy was he that he didn't notice the weird looks and the stares aimed his way.
He also didn't notice the start of a small fanclub forming in his name, but maybe that was for the better.
This went on for several weeks, and soon enough, the entire class had caught on to what was happening. Surprisingly, no one had stood up to complain about Tsuna's absent-minded singing in class. Not even the his usual bullies, though that might have something to do with the very lethal, very threatening glares they were sent whenever they tried disrupting Sawada's singing.
The teacher, Minami-sensei, was also surprisingly fine with the unusual development in his class.
"When you've been a teacher for 46 years, you tend to be immune to at least some shit. This isn't even the worst that has happened," he'd confessed one day after Sawada had left. "In fact, I think that this might be the best."
Despite the green light and excuse given, some of the students suspected that one of the reasons why Minami had let the boy's singing slide, aside from the obvious, was also because of the steady rise in everybody's grades. That man was a teacher through and through, after all.
A few other curious students had soon taken it upon themselves to find out what exactly was going on, and after further observation that lasted a few more weeks, they had concluded that Tsuna was somehow able to improve everyone's concentration and motivation to study by singing a few catchy and bright songs during the note-taking session.
Which was kind of cool, and honestly very enlightening to know that the human senses could be so easily controlled by well-trained vocals.
Tsuna was still blissfully unaware of everything happening then.
"Oi, baseball-idiot. What are you doing staring at Sawada like that?"
"It's nice to see you too, Hayato," replied Takeshi absently, his gaze on an oblivious Tsuna not wavering an inch. Rolling his eyes, Gokudera ignored the greeting and sat right next to Yamamoto before forcing the other to turn to him. "Don't start being an idiot so early in the morning and answer my question, you fucktard. Why were you staring at Sawada?"
Takeshi blinked. "I was?"
Groaning in exasperation, Gokudera released his hold on the other's head before muttering obscenities beneath his breath. "Yes, you fucking were, you pervert. Now what's got you so fixated on a nobody like Sawada? It's the third time I've asked you and I'm really impatient now."
Takeshi blinked again before laughing at Gokudera's cat-like behavior; demanding and with patience as short as a dynamite fuse. "Maa, Hayato, calm down. Sawada's not a 'nobody', you know? In fact, he's quite a 'somebody' in some places."
"I have literally zero ideas of what you're talking about, and if you don't start being clear with me right now-"
"Say, Hayato, what do you think of taking this tuition class with me?"
"Don't cut me off, you idiot! And you know I don't need to take tuition classes, so what the fuck are you on right now?"
Takeshi laughed again, much to the annoyance of Gokudera. "Maa, you wanted to know what I was talking about, so I figured that I'd just show you instead of telling you since it's much more fun that way."
"And this involves a tuition center, how?"
"Well… you'll see. You'll see."
A/N: Well, it's 2.44 a.m and I'm tired. This is meant to be a two-shot, btw, so let me know if you guys liked it and leave a review, yeah? Thank you in advance!
E.N: Visit my tumblr page mars-take-scribbles if you've got any requests or questions, yeah? It's specifically made for my fics so its kinda empty since its not my main blog but anyways.