Dylan could hear them once again, only this time much louder.

The sounds of people cheering.

Music was booming.

The intensity was racing through his heart.

And everyone was as excited as he was.

"You ready to do this again son?" asked Finn.

Dylan smiled at his dad, then at his mom, then at his girlfriend, and then at his sister.

"As always," he said.

"AND HERE THEY ARE!" yelled Mickey Mouse from outside on a microphone. "OUR SAVIORS ONCE MORE, AND THEIR LEADER WHO SAVED THE ENTIRE WORLD!"

Dylan took a deep breath and grinned.


"THE KINGDOM KEEPERS AND YOUNG KEEPERS!" yelled thousands of people.

And then everyone came running onto the stage.

Screams filled everyone's ears.

Fireworks began blasting into the air.

There was this time literally thousands of people in Magic Kingdom.

So many that they filled up every corner of the park, and had to watch the castles from TVs set up for them.

But no one cared.

They only cared about screaming and cheering for all the heroes.

Everyone on stage stopped in the midsection, waving to everyone and cheering for themselves.

They could see all the characters, including the Ex-villains.

King Horgarath was up on the balcony on stage with Yen Sid next to him.

He waved to everyone and they waved back to the new king of Disney.

Dylan ran right up to the front of the stage standing next to Mickey.

He managed to give people up front high fives without getting pulled down.

"This is him everyone!" yelled Mickey. "The new leader of the Young Keepers, Dylan Whitman!"

Everyone cheered loudly.

"Walt Disney himself long ago chose him to save the world this time," said Mickey. "He made him his successor, and he is now the New Author!"

Mickey stared at Dylan and nodded at him.

"Show them," he said.

Dylan smiled and then stepped up.

Everyone quieted down, and then Dylan reached into his pocket.

He took out the pen, and then showed everyone.

Everyone ooed and ahhed.

Dylan uncapped the pen, took a deep breath, and began to draw.

He left trails of gold light as he drew different things.

The audience was dazzled.

He drew animals and made them run and right.

He planes and cars and made them move.

He made things fly all around as he drew them and they came to life.

"That's the drawing part!" said Dylan. "Now for the other part, and the real fun."

He then got down and began to write.

"All the drawings came together, to make a celebration that would last forever," he wrote.

When he finished writing, all the drawings began to come together.

As they combined, they all formed a ball of glittering gold light.

It got bigger and bigger until finally it was big.

"Now go!" yelled Dylan.

The ball was then blast into the sky, and exploded into golden fireworks.

Everyone cheered out loudly.

The ball kept shooting and shooting and everyone cheered.

Dylan just stood happily and proudly.

Finn and Amanda stared at their son at the front of the stage.

"He's really grown up," said Amanda.

"Just like we did," said Finn. "And one day maybe his children will have a destiny too."

Amanda and Finn laughed as they kissed one another.

The other Keepers noticed and decided to join, kissing one another.

Finally, Amelia stepped up with all the Young Keepers.

Francesca ran up to Dylan and kissed his lips.

Mattie and Charlie stayed back and stared in amusement.

They all gathered at the front of the stage and raised their hands.

"We are the Young Keepers!" they yelled. "We are the protectors and heroes of Disney. And as long as we fight, and as long as we believe, no evil will ever threaten or win in this kingdom!"

Everyone cheered out loudly, throwing confetti and watching the fireworks boom.

Dylan stared up in the sky and then over the horizon.

"It's finally over," he said. "All that's left, is to see what happens in the future."

Everyone laughed and cheered, as they celebrated their final victory.

Disney had won, forever.


It's over! It's finally over! The series is complete and the heroes have won!

Thank you so much all of you for supporting me with your reviews in writing this series. As my friend whom I call the Queen of Hearts states, to think this all started with Stranded. To think this series simply started with Finn and Amanda getting stranded on an island.

Thank you everyone for everything and look for more Kingdom Keepers stories to come.

See you all real soon! Review always please dearies!

From your favorite Fanguy,
