[Midoriya Izuku]

I'm Midoriya Izuku, and I have a childhood friend named Bakugo Katsuki. And ever since we were little, I've admired him.

But then, I realized that the 'admired' I thought of back then was just a simple respect for his brave and cool attitude all along and not what I thought it was. Other than respect, my mother had told me that it must've been 'love'. I had no idea. I was a child back then, with no clue as to what the reality was. It was still foreign to me, so I just let that feeling grasp me.

Years had passed, and I learned that mom was right about what she said. My feelings grew stronger, day by day at that. I realized that I started to like Kacchan more than a childhood friend and I would, sometimes, unconsciously stare at his face or his back when I was sure he didn't notice. Upon noticing that, I reminded myself that I should keep my distance away from him, separating my love for him with friendship. After all, I was scared of facing rejection.

Even if we have always had a complicated relationship, we haven't really got along very well ever since his Quirk manifested. We still had few, short conversations, but cussing was never out of the tags. It was fine for me, even if that's the kind of conversations we had - some people wouldn't call it that though - as long as he was giving me some attention, it was enough. We lived in that kind of process until we entered high school.

But then, I realized that our relationship had gotten worse. Ever since that sludge - or slime, or whatever that monster was called - incident happened, I was there idiotically, trying to save him. All Might in the end finished everything, but his hate towards me just skyrocketed after that.

This made me worried. I couldn't control what I was feeling for him, but all I knew was that it was getting even stronger, to the point where it began hurting me emotionally. As many of our highschool days passed, I was growing more frightened of rejection. Yes, I decided to keep it for myself, but what I was feeling at the moment wanted to burst out. Knowing Kacchan better than other people, I knew if I gained the courage to confess, the rejection would only maybe haunt me for a life time.

"Haaa…" I let out a depressed sigh while walking on my way home from school.

I always head home first, since Kacchan and I travel one direction, and left Uraraka and Iida back at school so I could go on ahead for the day. Today was so tiring and I wanted to stay in my room for the rest of my life.

I was always in daze whenever I was heading home, but I was still remaining just enough in my right mind so that I wouldn't walk into things or get hit by a car.

Well, that's what I wanted to be able to do.

Paying no attention to my surroundings, I bumped into someone, causing this person to fall. I was brought back to reality by that and started to panic. My eyes gazed down to the person I accidentally hit. It was a girl about my age.

"Ouch…" she muttered while rubbing her side.

She had waist length raven hair (Kinda like Tsu-chan's hair, but straighter.), fair skin, an unzipped black jacket with a blue shirt underneath, a knee length pale blue skirt, and sneakers. She caught my attention more or less 'cause of her disguise black sungglasses.

I held out a hand as an offering to help her up. She accepted it and when I pulled her up, she asked me, "Are you alright?"

My eyebrow arched up in confusion. I thought to myself, 'Shouldn't it be me to ask her that? Did she hit her head or something?' But for all I knew, she only landed on her bottom…

"No need to worry about me…Y-you though? Are you alright, ma'am?" I politely asked, but only horror appeared on her expression.

'I don't get her. Is she a weirdo or what?'

The girl scanned me with her eyes, but it was hard to tell at first because of her glasses, from head to toe before she said, "You're…a boy, right? You're not a girl in boy's clothes, right?" Her voice sounded panicked, but I just let out a heavy sigh.

'What is wrong with her?'

"Relax. I'm a boy and nothing else. Is there something wrong with that?"

She formed a glad smile and sighed in relief after I said that.

"Thank goodness. Of course there's nothing wrong about that! Please, ignore everything I have said. I'm Emilia, by the way, and I have a favor to ask." She took off her sunglasses to wipe the lenses, revealing her silver eyes.

"But I just met you, like, five minutes ago," I retorted.

"Oh, please! I'm just a nice girl trying to escape from some guy who's chasing me. So please hear me out?" She clasped her hands in front of her face with her eyes shut close.

My gut at the time was telling me that helping her wouldn't be that troublesome. Since I still had a lot of time before I was expected to be home, I agreed to hear her favor out.

"Accompany me for some time in that coffee shop, my treat!"

She pointed at the nearest shop, which happened to be right across the street. Emilia pulled my wrist and dragged me to there without hearing my response. As we entered the said shop, a bell right above the door rang. The homely smell of roasted coffee beans lingered in my nose, it felt so relaxing. There were also various of sweets and snacks in a little display case beside the counter/cash register.

Emilia urged me to sit on one of the couches before she sat on the other side. Our spot really was nice since we were beside a glass wall and we could watch some cars and people pass the shop's window.

Emilia put her sugglasses in her pocket when a waitress headed to our table and asked for our orders. I didn't know what to buy, so I let her choose my order.

"One cappuccino and one espresso, please. And also add that cake with an oreo on top, uh, I don't know what its called…" she pointed out a slice of white cake with a cookie on top in the display case.

The waitress jotted down the order on her notepad with her pen. "One cappuccino, one espresso, and an oreo cake. Is that all?" She repeated what she wrote and Emilia nodded.

The waitress gave a short bow and muttered an excuse as she headed for the counter and gave the piece of paper of our orders to someone I couldn't see.

"So, anyway…while we wait, may I know your name?" My attention turned to her.

"I-I'm Midoriya Izuku…"

"Owhh! Hm. Hm. Nice name." She crossed her arms below her chest while nodding her head.

"Anyhow, about earlier, I'm sorry for dragging you into my problem. It's just, it's my first time escaping that house with no bodyguards assisting me out." Emilia then gave out a victorious laugh. "And this is my first time in a coffee shop…" she added. "And you, Midoriya-kun, are my first friend!"

I flashed a smile at her. We just met a couple of minutes ago and she was already addressing me as a friend, huh. Well, she seemed happy about it, so I decided not to try and ruin it.

"Must be tough. Though, something made me curious, Emilia-san…" I carefully said. "Why were you so worried about my gender?"

Emilia had her eyes on me, as if observing an animal at the zoo. She remained quiet for a moment, and when I thought that question was too private I was about to take it back, but her sigh made me stop.

"I guess it's fine to tell you, Midoriya-kun." She smiled, and before she spoke again, our order came. The waitress placed them on our table and left again with a short bow. Emilia gave me the cappuccino as she sipped her espresso.

"You see, my Quirk's really rare. So rare, that my family keeps me away from other people, who want to use my power for their desires. And it's also dangerous," She said and sipped her drink again before taking a bite out of her slice of cake using the provided fork.

"Since you don't seem like a bad guy, and you're in fact a boy, I'll tell you." She pointed her fork to me, staring at me intently. "My Quirk is what they call 'Fertility'."

"Fertility? What do you mean by fertility?" I curiously questioned her as I took a sip of my cappuccino. It sure was my first time hearing of such a Quirk.

"Whenever I make contact with a female, she'll get pregnant within a week. My Quirk only activates on a girl who has strong, very strong, feelings for a boy. Why? I'm not sure. Even if they haven't experienced sexual intercourse yet, the girl will get pregnant whether she likes it or not. So, long story short, my Quirk is an easy way to have a child without experiencing sex."

I almost spit my drink on her face when she explained it. Just, what kind of Quirk did she just describe to me?!

I cleared my throat. "Oh, now that answers why you were panicking about whether I was a girl or a boy…"

"Yes. You see, about three percent of girls I accidentally made contact with in the past became pregnant. They got angry at me, and I was hated for giving them a hard time carrying a child with their 'love' not giving responsiblity for it. It was quite harsh, so I was always monitored by my family for it to not happen again."

The smile on her face fell as she said that. Her Quirk sounded really dangerous, but I have to admit, in some other cases it could help some couples who had trouble bearing children. But what's the sad part was probably that the boy, the one the girl likes, wouldn't take responsibility for the child.

"That's troublesome. Must be hard for you, huh, Emilia-san?"

She nodded and resumed eating her cake.

"Since then, I grew up being bad at making conversation with other people as I was kept in the house most of my life. Though, I do go outside from time to time, but with a bodyguard to monitor my actions. Good thing that you're a boy, Midoriya-kun. And you're so nice, I'm glad."

This time I flashed a sincere smile. Her expression eased me and…she wasn't that bad. I guess she only needed someone to hear her out, but had no one to hear it until now. I sipped on my drink as I looked at her relaxed face, until something moving in my side view caught my attention. I glanced outside and across the street, an ash blond boy was walking with a blond and a red head.

"K-Kacchan…?" I muttered under my breath, eyes still glued to his figure.

Kacchan had this bored, pissed off expression while Kirishima and Kaminari blabbed behind him like the world was about to end. I panicked and placed my bag on top of the table and leaned it on the glass to hide my head behind it so that he wouldn't notice I was there.

"What's wrong, Midoriya-kun?" I raised my head a little when Emilia spoke.

I saw her gazing outside, searching for the reason behind my actions. Then, her eyebrow suddenly arched up.

"By any chance, Midoriya-kun…" she spoke, then her gaze slowly turned to mine. I gulped. "Do one of them have your interest?" Her expression clearly held curiosity. She wiggled her eyebrows in a teasing manner at me. I averted my eyes away from her intense gaze as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"H-h-how can you say that, Emilia-san? They're just my classmates!" I retorted and placed my forehead on the table.

'This is embarrassing. And even in the distance, Kacchan looks so cool and…'

"Oh, let me guess. Is it that boy with ash blond hair? He looks pretty hot, though."

My head rose instantly to look at her in shock. I had no idea what my expression looked like, but her cheeks puffed and a laugh erupted out of her.

'Is she making fun of me, or is she serious about what she said?'

"Haha! Oh my! Midoriya-kun, the look on your face! It's written all over it!" She blurted and covered her mouth to contain her giggles.

I wrapped my arms around my head to cover my embarrassment. 'How did she guess so easily that it was Kacchan I like? Uh, this is so embarrassing!' I screamed to myself as her laughter stopped.

"Don't worry; Even if he's hot, I won't take him away from you."

I raised my head a little to look at her, confused. "Y-you're not disgusted?"

"Why would I be? I'm cool with people like you. In fact, I support people in love with the same gender. They're so cute." She squealed silently before she realized we were in public.

I let out a sigh of relief. Even if we were just strangers who just met, we addressed each other like old friends, we got along easily. I was glad that she was fine with me liking Kacchan, who's the same gender as I am.

"What's wrong, Midoriya-kun? You look down…"

I glanced at her and smiled, then shook my head and replied, "Nothing. It's just, I'm sad that I can't speak out what I'm feeling for him…" I lowered my voice and felt my chest suddenly get heavy.

Emilia formed a small smile. "I know I shouldn't be saying this, but I can at least tell you something…" she said before finally finishing her food. "Besides, you look really hurt and I want to help…you know, in exchange for hearing my side."

I smiled again, and thought it wouldn't be that bad if I tell her few details about it.

"You see, I've liked him ever since we were kids. But knowing him better than other people, I knew if I told him I like him, the rejection would be painful."

"…Then, why not confess now?"

"…EEEHHH?!" I exclaimed out loud while shrieking in my head, 'Is she even listening or did she not hear it right?!'

"I mean, won't you regret it in the end if you don't speak out now? You look like you've been enduring it until today…"

I went silent and thought about it for a good long moment. It kinda felt like a weigh was slowly rising off of my chest. I thought, 'She's right. She's got a point. I can't always think about rejection if I haven't even given it a go, or I will surely regret not doing it."

I looked straight at her and smiled brightly.

"Yeah, you're right! I should. Thank you, Emilia-san."

She replied with a happy grin, "You're welco-eekk!"

We both yelped in surprise when we heard a bang on the glass wall just beside us. We instantly looked at the glass to see a man in his late 20s with short brown hair in a black suit, who had his hands on the glass and was giving us a deadly glare while huffing heavily.

I gulped, thinking if this man was some kind of maniac or what, then heard Emilia chuckling nervously.

"Hehe, I-I guess my service has arrived, Midoriya-kun…" she stuttered as the man quickly went straight for the entrance and went to our location.

"Emilia-sama! I've been looking everywhere for you! And I see you made contact with this boy," The man scolded her, and turned his gaze at me after catching his lost breath. "You, boy. Are you fine?"

I quirked my eyebrows then nodded with caution. He stared at me with his eyes squinted until Emilia stood up and lightly slapped his arm.

"Oh, Ibusaki-san, don't be like that! Midoriya-kun's very nice. Trust me."

The man scanned me from head to toe to confirm her statement, I guess. He sighed in defeat before taking out something from his pocket which he gave to me.

It was a card with a phone number printed on it.

"Call this number if something happens to you," He instructed as Emilia flinched.

"I-Ibusaki-san, it's not possible for Midoriya-kun to…" her words drifted off, and this only made me curious as to what was going on.

"It might not but let's be sure, just in case. We still don't completely know what your Quirk's other uses are, or if it even has other uses. It'll be a problem if he happens to get it, Emilia-sama," The man explained.

Emilia looked at me with a scared expression. She was stumbling on her words, but I just smiled at her and assured that I would be fine.

We said our goodbyes after Emilia payed for our food and drinks at the counter. We separated ways and I began to head home. I thought of following her advice, but at the same time, I was petrified of what might happen.

Still, whether being shot down or accepted, I had to tell Kacchan how I felt. Regret was probably more painful than rejection.

I was nearing my house when I saw someone very familiar walking two blocks away in the opposite direction. Judging from the appearance of their back, I figured out it was Kacchan. Suddenly, I felt extremely nervous, and began having conflicting thoughts whether to do it day or the next day. However, it was too late when I realized that I was alreay running toward him. My mind panicked, yet my feet continued running just to catch up to him. I didn't know what to do or what to even say to him.

"Ka-Kacchan!" I shouted out and instantly he froze in his tracks.

I was so dead nervous that I felt my heart beating so fast and started to have trouble breathing. My cheeks flushed a deep shade of red as he slowly turned his heels around to face me. He was getting closer to me.

I was sweating buckets and really, really, really wanted to run away at that point. However, the moment I saw Kacchan's expression, I felt like I really called him at a bad time. His expression clearly stated that he was beyond pissed, and talking to him right then and there was not gonna be good for my health.

"What?" Was his response, his tone when he said was really deep and strong.

I took a step back.

"I-I-I think I'll tell you tomorrow. B-bye, K-kacch-!" I was already backing away and ready to run for it, when he suddenly grabbed my wrist, and held it tightly.

My eyes widened and my cheeks got even redder. I gulped and thought, 'This is bad. Kacchan may be holding me and it may be causing my mind to feel all hazy and such, but he's enraged right now. I just stepped into a danger zone.

Kacchan was trying to give me a smile, I think, but it ended up becoming a forced angry grin.

"Why not hang out with me, fuck-munch?"