A/N: I know it's been awhile. I do feel like after this chapter though, the rest of the story will be easier. Which explains why this chapter is so long (like over 30 pages on Microsoft), but I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Also, big shot out to my friend Mistress Malica (I have literally been telling her for weeks that this new chapter will be up any second and she has been so patient). Anyways here it is The Great Escape (love the song).

Despite the library's basement office not being the warmest or most comfortable of places, at least it was the safest with the door's being able to lock. Ezra sat up from the office chair where he slept, slouched over the desk after attempting to catch up on his missed homework; at the very least it was something to pass the time. Ezra looked at the clock and saw it was six in the morning.

Sabine wrote another email that said,

'Zeb's truck, 3 pm',

So, Ezra knew that was when Zeb was going to pick her up from school. Ezra knew the library opened at nine, so he figured he could lay low for a while, sneak to the school, and hide behind the dumpster's till the truck came. Ezra could even dumpster dive before he leaves the city for what could be a long while.

As Ezra thought of the plan though, he couldn't help but feel guilty. Sabine was his only friend, the only person he trusted. If things went south, and he got caught, Sabine could get into serious trouble.

However, Ezra knew he could hide in the back of the truck well underneath her art supplies, and it was the only way out of the city. Even if it meant he could not go into the city for a while, it was better to stay away and lay low then be on his constant guard. With what Ezra had collected over the last week in his bag, he knew he'd be okay until this whole thing died down.

So, Ezra decided to catch up on little more homework. After all, it may be a while before he's be in the library again.

Sabine looked all over her room, turning everything over before calling down.

"Mom! Have you seen my laptop?" Sabine hollered down.

"It's on top of the washer," Hera hollered up.

Sabine went back downstairs and sure enough, found her laptop.

"Thank," Sabine replied as she placed her laptop in her bag.

Sabine the looked through the laundry.

"Hey mom, where is my fave hoodie? The one I dyed light purple."

Hera once again told her, "on the kitchen table's chair. Where I have asked you not to put your clothes." Hera said this with her authoritative tone.

"Sorry," Sabine mumbled as she put her hoodie on and grabbed a few other things before she realized the last thing she was missing.

"Mom, have you seen my coffee."

Hera then came into the kitchen looked at Sabine and smiled smugly, "Hun, look in your hand."

Sabine looked at her hand and there behold was her coffee mug.

"Oh," Sabine laughed off as she blushed a little.

Hera then got her own mug and key's, "You don't normally lose track so easily. You okay?" Hera asked with such concern.

In truth, Sabine was reasonably nervous about today. Despite knowing she was helping a friend, she wished she could tell her mom or at the very least Zeb about Ezra and the situation. It would make the whole thing easier, less stressful if someone else knew. But in the end, she knew if they knew, Ezra would never talk to her, and how can she help him if he doesn't talk to her.

Sabine put on her confident face and smiled, "Yeah, guess I just am distracted by the weekend finally getting here." Sabine shrugged off

Hera smiled as she nodded in agreement, "I know what you mean sweetie. With imperials going all over the city and checking who is coming and going, this week has been rather stressful. That's why I'm glad we're going to Kanan's tomorrow; at least there no one will be constantly watching us." Hera told Sabine as they headed out the door.

Sabine decided to pick some fun, "I don't know mom, it seems Kanan have an eye out for you."

Sabine saw her mother's cheeks blush, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

Sabine rolled her eyes as she got into the car, "So, are you ever going to tell me what happened to you guys the first time?"

Hera then looked downcast, like she just relived a bad dream.

Sabine felt horrible, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't-,"

Hera then smiled and waved her hand as she started the Phantom 2.0 (Sabine came up with the name), "It's fine hon, it's just… I'll tell you when I'm ready, okay?"

Sabine smiled at her mother, knowing very well what it was like to wait until one was ready to face the past.

As they drove towards the city Hera explained, "So, Zeb will meet you after school to pick you and your painting's up. Is that okay?"

Sabine smiled, "Yeah that's fine. I just feel bad I am asking him to come on his day off. But you're working, and the school is too crazy in the morning to pick up the canvases now."

Hera shook her head, "Helping you out will probably be the least stressful part of Zeb's week. Both Kanan and him have been talking about how every trooper and the officers have been searching high and low for that kid. Zeb and Kanan sadly haven't had any luck either and they have checked all the usual spots for him."

The mention of this made Sabine nervous, "They are dedicated to finding this kid."

Hera chuckled, "That's Kanan for you, won't quit until he wins; and Zeb is too stubborn to give up. Heck, they might be around your school today.

Sabine's heart stopped, "Why?" Sabine asked, trying to sound more curious than nervous.

"Well, the two have looked at the kid's usual pick-pocketing places and have gotten nothing. They figured that maybe whoever this kid is, goes to one of the public schools in the city."

Sabine laughed at the idea, "Trust me, he doesn't."

"Whys that?" Hera wondered

Sabine knew she had to get Kanan and Zeb away from her school. If they spotted Ezra coming towards the school, then Ezra was screwed.

"First off, I would have seen him at my school; plus, any teacher in Capitol City would have reported him to the Empire, right?"

Hera shrugged his shoulders, "That's a good point."

Traffic had slowed down as they reached the car line for the check point to enter the city. Several check points throughout the city were at every possible road out of the city. Troopers at the city boarder stopped every vehicle to check who was inside and what they were doing. Fortunately, they never checked the vehicles.

As the two girls waited their turn to enter the city, Sabine got the idea, "If I were them, I would check the library."

As the girls finally got to the check in point, the two stopped talking to give them their ID's and why they were entering the city before they carried on.

Sabine also continued, "When I was…alone. I would go to the library quite a bit, and when I have gone to the one here I have seen fliers about some sort of 'home schooling program'. Maybe the kid goes there for school. I know a lot of the kid's in Tarkintown go there too."

Hera smiled proudly at her theory, "You might be a good detective someday, Sabine. I'll call Kanan and suggest that."

Sabine smiled as they reached the school. As the girls bid farewell, Sabine hoped Ezra would make it to the school yard before Kanan and Zeb ended up at the Library.

Time passed quickly for Ezra. Most of his school work went by with ease. In truth most of the video's he already knew from the books in the library. Ezra would even help Sabine sometimes with her school work, and she was a grade ahead of him.

So, with the assignments and reports, Ezra always managed to keep an A average, even if he wasn't the most routine student to the program, he couldn't help but smile as he saw the '100' on his submitted work. Soon though eight-thirty came by too quickly for his liking. Ezra decided to leave a note for Mr. Sumar on his desk. That way Sumar knew that he was okay.

Finally, Ezra logged off the computer and was about to leave when he heard a voice just outside the door.

"Ezra?" asked the elderly man. Normally this would have sent a shiver up his spin, but this time it brought comfort to him; after all, he's known that voice since he was little.

"Mr. Sumar." Ezra greeted as the man opened the door. Once Sumar closed the door behind him, he quickly hugged Ezra. The kid blushed a bit at the act.

"Sorry about your office," Ezra mentioned sheepishly.

Sumar then heard someone else coming into the hallway, the two waited until the person passed the office and went upstairs. Mr. Sumar got a good look at Ezra and how filthy and tired he appeared and sighed,

"I had heard about the motel incident and was worried sick about you. Mrs. Sumar and I have been worried the imperials would finally get you."

Ezra faked a laugh, "Me, get caught by them, no way. They just have made the game of 'hide and seek' a little more challenging."

Sumar sighed at Ezra's cocky attitude; he knew the kid was tough, but as Ezra stood there, it was clear the kid was exhausted from his week on the run. The kid looked like he was about to keel over to take a long nap. It was upon closer examination that he saw Ezra's hand was a little bloody.

"I figured you would come here. Just wish it had been better timing," Sumar explained as he got the first aid kit from his closet. And gestured his hands for Ezra to sit in the desk chair.

Ezra smiled weakly as he sat down,

"How is she?" Ezra asked, knowing what the 'timing' meant.

Sumar sighed as told the kid, "She has good days and bad day's this week though seems to have just been all bad.

The two males were silent as Sumar saw the wrapped-up hand. Unraveled, the man saw just how bad it was, how bad it could be.

As Mr. Sumar helped him, Ezra spoke, "I am happy to see you, Mr. Sumar," Ezra admitted happily as his mood then went down, "It might be a while before I can get back here."

Sumar's smile faded, "No!" The man sounded serious as he stood up, "Ezra, this is enough! Look at you," Sumar gestured the boy's baggy clothes and filthy appearance, and the injuries the boy had all over him

"I've been worse, and I can take care of myself," Ezra replied nonchalantly

Sumar then took a hold of Ezra's injured hand again. Seeing how bloody and swollen it was.


Ezra looked away in annoyance, "That was just a mishap, AH!" Ezra winced as Sumar decontaminated the deeper of the cuts.

Sumar cleaned up the cut and wrapped the bandage up newly. Ezra looked at it and smiled, noticing how it felt just a little better.

"Ezra, please hear me out,"

Ezra rolled his eyes as he got up to get his bag, "I know last time you stayed with us, something bad happened; but know that it was not your fault. It was the Empires. They are awful. Plus, I can sneak you into our apartment. We have a couch you can sleep on, somewhere warm. Please, Ezra. I am tired of being scared that the next time I see you might be the last time."

Ezra felt those words sting his heart, and he knew Sumar was honestly scared for him. But Mister and Mrs. Sumar had enough problems that weren't him.

"Mr. Sumar, you are like the only grown-up I trust. I know that I can come here to learn because you are here. You have done more for me than anyone. But I know how to take care of myself, and I hate to say it, but Mrs. Sumar doesn't. You have your hands full with your wife and her condition.

"Besides, with the Empire still after me, if they find me with you guys… I can't let what happened last time I stayed with you guys."

Mr. Sumar looked down, crestfallen at the logic the teen had. Ezra too was sad by what he said; he remembered how nice Mrs. Sumar was when he was little, and when he was first alone. Over the years, however, she got sicker, to the point where Sumar would have to skip work to take care of her when she had episodes. It made money tight for the couple.

Ezra smiled at the kind older man, "I know you are here to help me when I need it, and that's enough for me."

Sumar smiled as he turned serious as he reached the bottom draw of his desk.

"What are you doing?" Ezra questioned.

Sumar smiled when he handed Ezra a tablet. A worn out one that had a crack on one of the corners but worked fine.

"I know you can find a place to charge this up, and if you are going to be gone for a while, then you better have some time for school work."

Ezra smiled at the kind man as he placed the tablet into his bag, "Thank you."

Sumar smiled at the boy before checking to see if the hallway was clear.

"Okay, you should be all set. Please though, if you need help, you know my number."

Ezra nodded as he made his way down the hall and towards the exit.

Ezra was leaving the back side of the alley, that was when he sensed it, that same annoying kick to the back of his head whenever 'he' came to the scene. The same officer from the bar and the motel. Ezra was pissed;

"Why can't this guy get a life!"

All week he was pretty good at avoiding this guy, and now, just as he is about finally get away from the city, this guy ends up pulling into the library's parking lot.

Ezra saw the man and Zeb walking into the library, and just like before, the man stopped and looked around. Like he knew Ezra was there. Fortunately, he saw no one and entered the library, with that Ezra bolted for the alley, ready to get to Sabine's school and away from the city, the police, and that man who gave him such a headache.

Kanan and Zeb were making their way to the library.

Zeb was in the passenger seat on his phone looking at the library site.

"Sabine wasn't joking, the library has a homeschooling program. Looks like it's run by the librarian. Say's the guy taught for a few years before retirement." Kanan was a little disgruntled by his own ignorance, "I can't believe I didn't think about the library sooner."

"Why?" Zeb asked, "I'll be honest, the only time I ever come here is to park for lunch.

Kanan explained, "After my life …changed, I spent quite a bit of time on the streets. I learned pretty quickly the library was the best hangout place for the homeless. Warm, open decent hours, plus a lot of club or group meetings happen there and they tend to leave snacks there."

Zeb looked a little uncomfortable. Kanan knew it wasn't just because he knew Kanan was in that situation, but Kanan knew Zeb must have gone through similar difficulties when Lasan was massacred. The men remained silent for before Zeb pipped in.

"Still got to go to the school anyways to pick up Sabine's project. Wouldn't hurt to see if anyone knows about him."

Kanan nodded at the logic as the two got out of the car.

As the cops went up the building, Kanan paused. There it was again. Kanan knew it was the kid. The boy's signature was becoming familiar to him, and it was no wonder he could sense it so quickly; it reminded Kanan of himself, young yet cautious, and to Kanan's dismay panicked. Kanan then sensed the signature leave just as soon as it came. Kanan tried to see if he could sense it out again, but alas could not.

"Kanan?" asked Zeb on the stairs.

Kanan snapped from his concentration and continued up the stairs when he saw Zeb's confused look.

Kanan knew this was not the place to discuss 'certain' matters, "I'll tell you in the car."
Zeb and Kanan soon entered the library. Despite it being the center point of the city (literally where the up-town and down-town became divided) the library actually looked pretty decent. The library was at least two stories, with the bottom seeming to focus more computer and study areas, while the top floor seemed more focused on books.

While there were a couple of people inside, Kanan saw an elderly man arrive. The man had white hair to show his growing age but showed no signs of appearing to be slow as he carried two dozen books to the main desk. This indicated to Kanan that this was the librarian they should be talking to.

Kanan approached the desk as Zeb looked at the bulletin board,

"Excuse me," Kanan spoke up, "Are you the librarian here?" Kanan asked as he showed the man his badge.

The man face became bitter as he set down the pile of books.

"I am, and my name is Morad Sumar."

Kanan kept a calm face; he didn't need his senses to know this man was on the defense, "Mr. Sumar, we are here to ask some questions about a possible student in your library's home-schooling program. I assume you are in charge of that?"

Sumar now had his arms crossed, "I am, but frankly I do not see why my students are of any imperil officer's business."

Kanan was becoming a little frustrated, "Look, I know what you're thinking, but I'm no like the others."

Sumar though stood his ground firmly, "I have nothing to say to you. Now please I have work to do."

Kanan was about to speak up again when he heard Zeb come up behind him.

"Morad?" Zeb tone showed genuine happiness.

Sumar's stern face faded as a genuine smile appeared, "Garazeb, is that you?"

Sumar got out from the desk area and approached the man, both shaking hands with the other.

"Garazeb, it is so good to see you."

Zeb smiled at the man, "It's good to see you too Sumar. It has been a while.

Sumar chuckled, "Sorry about that. The library and the Misses have been keeping me busy these days."

"How is Marida?" Zeb asked

Sumar frowned a bit as he admitted, "She has not been a little ill I'm afraid, but she has her good days more than her bad."

Kanan was beyond confused, "Did I miss something?"

"Oh, right. Mr. Sumar, this is Kanan; my new partner, but he's cool. Kanan is one of us, he's been helping us with Tarkintown deliveries."

"Ah," Sumar acknowledged, "Than my apologies for my behavior Mr. Kanan. I am so used to officers and troopers coming in, demanding information and looking to arrest the homeless people here."

"Yeah, I'm starting to think I need Zeb to get people to just talk to me."

Zeb nodded, "Yeah, sorry about that, I was noticing this flier for what we were going to ask about."

Sumar took the flier from Zeb and Kanan read along.

"K-12 online Schooling."

Follows international grade projectiles and offers online schooling and in person tutoring with educator Mr. Sumar"

Sumar nodded, "Yeah, I run it. Mostly it's Tarkintown kids in it. Heaven knows they can

To public school."

Zeb shrugged his shoulders, "They aren't allowed in the public schools?"

Sumar chuckled darkly, "Kids can be harsh, and kids who can't get access to showers and where the same clothes every day tend to get picked one more often."

Zeb was silent at such a sad idea when Kanan spoke up, "So is that what this program was in mind for?"

Sumar took some books and began to stock the shelves as Kanan and Zeb followed.

"Not quite. The intent really is for children and their families who prefer homeschooling but can't teach the class themselves. It also allows flexibility, great for kids who travel with their parent for work; and as I mentioned those who cannot go to public school due to certain situations."

"So, is there one student you think might be in trouble?" Kanan questioned

Sumar though remained silent as he stocked the shelves.

Zeb piped in, "Morad, we are not going to arrest him. We just want to find out who he is. Get to know him so we can help him."

Sumar sighed as he walked away, "Follow me."

Zeb and Kanan followed Sumar down into the basement area. There, they followed Sumar into the office as Sumar was careful to make sure no one followed them and locked the door behind them.

Sumar went behind his desk.

"I know who you guys are asking about, and the only thing I can confirm with you is that he is, in fact, a student in the program," Sumar mentioned as he looked at his computer screen.

Zeb and Kanan waited for more info but Sumar remained silent as he kept at the screen.

"Can you give us his name, when he was last here?"
Sumar shook his head and looked at them, "The kid does not come very often, but when does he catch up on his work."

Kanan was a little perplexed, "Doesn't the program need the students to attend frequently?"

Sumar shrugged his shoulder, "Nah… they have a long-time limit. Like at the beginning of the month a list of assignments is placed and certain lesson video's and slide shows need to be watched, but nothing is due till the end of the semester. As long as they are done by the end of the semester than they are okay."

Zeb then asked, "So when was the kid last here?"

Sumar looked at the screen in silence, wondering if he should answer.

Zeb was surprised, "You have to know something, you are the teacher?"

Sumar admitted, "In my past life I taught fifth and sixth grade, Now I am a mere librarian who tutors those in need. I keep the program going and am here for the students who need my help.

Kanan knew, that Sumar was hiding something by the man's demeanor, but he couldn't leave with nothing.

"Mr. Sumar, I know you care about the kids, you want to keep these kids coming to school, and if word gets out you told us something, that might hinder a student's progress. We just need to know if he was here recently."

Zeb was a little confused as the what his partner wished to accomplish but was relieved when Sumar sighed and gave them an answer.

All student's in this branch's program have been here within the last twenty-four hours. But that might not be the case for a while."

Kanan smiled, it was something, "Thank you, Mr. Sumar."

With that, Mr. Sumar saw the two officers out of the library and wished them good luck.

In the car, Zeb could see the that Kanan had some things on his mind.


"He's covering for someone" Kanan state plainly.

Zeb knew what he meant when he started the car, "I could tell, how could you? Jedi senses?

Kanan shook his head, "No when you work the jobs I have over the years you pick on how to tell who the liars are."

Kanan then listed what Sumar did, "Would avoid eye contact when asked certain questions, he wiggled a bit as he sat, a clear sign he was nervous, plus adding the little truths to cover up the lies. Also, did you notice that when he told us that all the students had attended he did not even need to look at the computer screen."

The two men were heading to the station as the conversation became putting the pieces together.

"So, the kid goes there, just need to figure out how often."

"Remember what Sumar said," Kanan questioned the older man before he answers his own question, "It might be a while before we have all the students come in."

Zeb then understood, "It was a hint."

"Exactly. The kid is not going to be there for a while, and I think we just missed him."

"Because he had to of been there within twenty-four hours?" Zeb guessed.

"No, that's the second thing I need to tell you." Kanan admitted, "I sensed the kid for a brief moment just outside the library."

"Seriously!?" Zeb groaned in annoyance, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because as soon as I sensed him, he was gone." Kanan pointed out.

"Like he ran off?" Zeb questioned.

"No," Kanan stated as he began to speculate. "Like I've told you that I can sense him when he's been around, but…"

"But...?" Zeb asked.

"I think he can block me out," Kanan admitted.

"Is that possible?" Zeb wondered.

"I can," Kanan revealed before he continued, "That's why I've been able to evade the empire from figuring out who I am for so long. That though took years of practice, being trained to do that. I think the kid might have picked this skill up on his own."

Zeb could tell this troubled Kanan, "Is that a good thing or bad thing?"

"To learn a skill on one's own would be good; if the times didn't make it so dangerous."

Zeb nodded that he got it just as they entered the imperial stations parking lot.

The men were about to go in to compare their notes when they read a sign



"Okay," Zeb speculated as he headed back towards his trucks when he noticed Kanan still standing there.

Kanan could sense something rather dark, something that sends a shiver up his spine. A dark presence that seems familiar.

"Kanan!" Zeb hollered at his friend. Kanan then was snapped out of his thoughts.

"You okay?" Zeb asked as he noticed Kanan looked like he saw a ghost (and not the plane).

"Whatever is going on in there, it isn't good."

Zeb knew not to pry on this; aftercall he had not seen Kanan this shaken up before. So, Zeb being the good friend he comes up with a distraction.

"Let's go have lunch. By the time we are done, we can get Sabine's stuff and the meeting will be done.

"Umm, sure."

With that Kanan and Zeb headed to the get some burgers. This seemed to take Kanan off of the dark presence that was inside the station

After scaling the city roofs for what Ezra prayed would be the last time for a while, he finally managed to get to Sabine's school.

It had actually been a while Since Ezra came to the place to search for food and bottles. It almost seemed like the giant red bricked building had gotten bigger, more ominous. Ezra though chalked this up to the idea that his ticket out of this imperial plagued town was about to come, and that staying in the shadows of this building's dumpster was his final hurdle.

Ezra knew that he picked a good time to get to the school. It was just after lunch and everyone was more focused on getting past the finale hour left of school to pay attention to some homeless kid. So, with quick feet, Ezra raced to the dumpsters to the back of the school and hide behind them until 3 pm hit.

Technically the school let out at around two-thirty. Fortunately to get out of school for the weekend caused a lot of kids to race out of the school rather quickly.

When Zeb came to help Sabine with her painting's, Ezra could easily sneak in the back of the truck without being seen.

Ezra decided to not waste any time and decided to see what he could find in the trash.

Ezra actually some wires he could bring to be recycled, and some wrapped up premade PP&J sandwich's; those would definitely last him a while.

When done, Ezra heard the kid's leave the school. It was so odd to him, seeing so many kids in one place left as fast as possible in a mishmash of colored apparel. Ezra then realized that such the thought he had was kind of sad. If things were different then he could be one of them; eager to leave school for the fun weekend with friend's, and maybe even some family time. Ezra remembered doing such thing's, but that felt like a life time ago. Ezra's heart ached that he could never experience such a simple and average part of normal people's lives.

Luckily the last of the kid's left and Ezra was able to focus on who came in went. Ezra was lucky that a certain multicolored girl came his way. He ducked down, prepared to do something devious.

As Sabine casually leaned against the side of the building next to the dumpster, Ezra was about to grab her ankle before she spoke up.

"Don't even think about it," Sabine replied rather darkly before she smiled and knelt down next to Ezra.

"How did you-," but before Ezra could ask how she knew he was about to scare her, she hushed him.

"Zeb just messaged me, he and Kanan will be here any minute. When we are in, get in the back of the truck."

"who's Kanan?" Ezra wondered, not remembering him being in the escape equation.

"I'll tell you later, I got to meet up with them and Ezra," the boy looked up and saw Sabine smile joyfully down at him, "It's good to see you."

Ezra smiled back as Sabine ran off. From the dumpster, he saw Sabine wave to the old truck that Ezra recognized as Zeb's. Sabine and Zeb greeted with a hug, some talking occurred, but the child's stomach dropped when he saw the man who got out of the truck.

"Seriously?!" Ezra exclaimed under his voice as he realized that now he knew what the cowboy cops name was.

"Thanks again for helping me get some of my projects out of the school." Sabine thank the two men as they made their way into the school

"It's no problem kid," Zeb stated before he asked, "But I thought this school had no art program."

"It doesn't" Sabine pointed out bitterly, "But I was able to convince my History teacher to give me extra credit if I painted some historical scenes. I know it's school work technically, but it's my art, and I can't just throw them out. I worked hard on them.
"I get it, Sabine," Zeb stated as they made their way to the classrooms.

Once they got the paintings gathered, Kanan looked at the bright colors in one portrait of a meeting between some politicians.

"I like the color tone on this. Very bright, more interesting than the pastel one.

Sabine giggled in flattery, "thanks, Kanan. My goal was to make it more fun to look at."

"I think you succeeded."

Sabine giggled, while she wondered if Kanan was just saying this to get a better footing with the daughter of Hera, but Sabine gave him credit; at least he knew what she was talking about.

The three were heading out with Sabine at the front of the pack. As she got to the bed of the truck, she saw the giant lump under the tarp in the bed of the vehicle that was her friend. As Zeb and Kanan caught up to her, she took charge.

"I've got these guy's, I want them stacked a certain way." Sabine quickly stated before they could load the paintings out back.

Zeb just made a joke out of it, "Come one, our hands are not that rough,"

Sabine chuckled as she laid the canvases over the tarp.

"Tell that my city skyline," Sabine said rather bitterly. As she said this though she made sure her friend the lump (Ezra) was covered by the canvases.

"What happened?" Kanan wondered. However just as Sabine was about to tell him the story and load into the truck. Kanan got that sensation again. Just like earlier that morning at the library.

"Hold up," Kanan said as he looked around like he thought the kid might be by the building.

"What are you looking for?" Sabine asked, with worry in her tone like she thought Kanan saw a burglar.

Kanan knew he didn't want to tell Sabine quite yet about his, skill. So, he was like, "I thought I…heard something. Guess it was just my imagination from a long day."

Sabine saw Kanan look towards the school like he was ready to pounce on the next thing to move. She began to worry that he would get suspicious. Thankfully Kanan shook his head.

"Sorry Sabine, you were saying."

Sabine smiled before she began to tell Kanan about her canvas being wrecked by Zeb (who groaned at the memory).

Kanan though looked out the window as Sabine sat in the middle and Zeb drove. Twice today he sensed the kid and lost him. Kanan though knew his behavior was erratic, scared; that was why he had to find this kid, talk to him.

As Zeb drove, Kanan tried to think of what the two men had figured out throughout the week. That yes, the kid steals, but also has a heart. That he seems to not trust people. None of what they discovered though told him what he wanted to know; who the heck was this kid, what did he know about his own skill, and why was he so weary of people.

"I can't believe this is happening." Ezra thought to himself. "I am this close to getting out of the city and away from that guy wop started all this. And now he is two freaking feet away! Dammit!"

Ezra's emotions went from cautious to panic as he felt his heart try to beat out of his chest to get away. This guy made Ezra's mind turn in confusion. The guy was an imperial cop, yes; so then why did he save him. Ezra figured it was because of the ladder fiasco from weeks ago, but that didn't add up. All throughout the week this guy and Zeb popped up to all his usual spots; so then why were there no swarm of trooper's around those spots.

However, what really freaked Ezra out was what this guy said; this guy he now knew as Kanan, somehow sensed him. When Ezra tried to feel out if he knew where he was it was like this guy picked up on it before Ezra stopped. Was this cowboy able to sense him? How? Ezra could sense other's but that was because he was a freak.

"Maybe…NO!" Ezra immediate shook from his mind, "He is just some punk who gets lucky. No imperial can ever be like me. After all, I'm just a freak."
Ezra became a little depressed after the thought for a while. But like always, he had to stay focused. They would be outside the city, he could get back to his tower, and everything was going to be okay; he could lay over until this whole search is over with. It was going to be okay, he could do this.

Then the truck stopped.

The ride To Hera's house was delightful at first. Kanan found out that one night when Zeb came over for dinner, Zeb tripped, and accidentally clawed Sabine's skyline painting of what Lothal used to be. Needless to say, Zeb had to make it up with a lot of paint.

Kanan was laughing as the story concluded. The man had forgotten about his stressful week for a while; until the traffic came to a halt.

"Damn," Zeb cussed as he got out his ID card.

Sabine and Kanan followed suit as they got their ID cards out as well. The long line of cars to the City's seemed to only move an inch a minute.

"I don't think I've seen this line so backed up," Sabine asked as she tried to sit up to look ahead to see what could be happening, but to no avail.

"Probably a lot of people eager to get out of the city for a while." Kanan guessed though Kanan couldn't shake this feeling that there was trouble up ahead.

As they got closer to the line they saw a different view of the border stop from the morning. Coming into the city all week was two trooper who stopped the vehicles, one trooper stopping vehicles who come in and one who comes out, checked the ID of the people in the car and let them be on their way. Now, however, it looked like they had sick on a whole army. This particular border point out of the city was on the edge of the city, where some old abandoned apartments next to some rock pillars that stretched for miles were left abandoned. Kanan and Zeb thought that this one would have the least traffic and would be used less because of how out of the way it was to the suburban part of Lothal. They were wrong.

As the truck got closer, they saw a dozen troopers at the check point. Six of them were inspecting one car top to bottom like they thought they were smuggling. Which did turn out to be a questionable case for one man when the troopers asked where he got a carton of fruit from. They troopers took the man out of the vehicle and began throwing all the fruit to the side.

Kanan knew this wasn't right, "I'll be right back."

Before Zeb and Sabine could ask what, he was doing, Kanan got out of the vehicle and showed the trooper's his badge.

"Officer Jarrus here, what is going on?" Kanan demanded

The trooper's stood to attention, "Sir, this man is smuggling fruit crates that could be harboring a fugitive."

Kanan rolled his eyes as he looked at the crate was full fruit. He then turned to the middle-aged man who looked nervous,

"Men, this crate is full of fruit, the kid you are looking for would not probably jump out by now if you guys were tossing them over."

The troopers then rubbed his helmet, "Okay, I guess that makes Sense."

Kanan nodded his head in content as he helped the truck driver get the crate up, "Have a good one."

The man smiled with immense gratitude towards Kanan before he hopped into his truck and head off.

"What was that!" Came a shrill angry voice of a woman he did not know, and when Kanan turned to see her, he wished he had gone his whole life without seeing her. A woman around Hera's age but with much paler skin and the hazel eyes of an evil cat was dressed in a completely black imperial uniform; complete with black helmet and a weapon that Kanan recognized all too well; a lightsaber. Kanan felt himself feel rather nauseous for he knew there was only one type of person now a day's that carries such a weapon; an Inquisitor.

"Well!?" barked the woman again to snap Kanan out of his shocked state.

Kanan, keeping a blocked-up mind spoke up, "I am an officer who is trying to get this process going, who are you?"

The women let out such a sinister smile as the next vehicle approached the troopers, "Jarrus, correct?"

Kanan nodded as he wondered where this was going until she showed him her imperial badge.

"I am Inquisitor 7-S. I have been sent here from the capital to assist in the control of the city and apprehension of a young hooligan."

Kanan rolled his eyes, "I am guessing you and some others are the ones who met with Kallus and Fulcrum today?"

S-7 nodded, "My superior Inquisitor is in a meeting with them as we speak. The Grand Inquisitor has sent me and my brother to oversee the city blockade and found some flaws in these traffic halts in and out of the city. They are not thorough enough, as you see anyone can sneak items into and out of the city.

"Yes, because someone can easily breathe underneath a pile of fruit."

Just then Zeb's truck came up, and the man put it in park as he stepped out.

"What's going on?" Zeb wondered as he saw Kanan and imperial woman giving each other the death glare. The woman then turned to Zeb and her gaze sent an uncomfortable shiver up his spine.

The woman then walked up to him and seemed to eye him like she was asking a million question.

"Orellios," the young woman finally spoke, "Jarrus's partner I presume."

Zeb nodded as she went on, "I was explaining to your partner here the importance of a thorough overview of the vehicles leaving and entering the city."

"No offense..." Zeb realized he did not know the imperials' name

"Inquisitor 7-S," She stated rather proudly.

"Right, but look at the traffic," Zeb pointed to over a dozen cars, several of which were honking quite loudly, "it's only going to get longer at this pace with it being the day before the weekend."

Seventh Sister looked at the man like she thought she could take him in a fight. This though did not last long as another dark man approached the group, "What is going on?"

This man was dressed similarly to 7-S, however, he was much taller than even Zeb, and the man's gray hair was almost silver. This man too had paler skin, but his eyes were almost black like they were coal. Though what made one-second look at the man was the scars all over his face.

"Sister," spoke the man in a northern European accent, "What is this?"

"We seem to have some officers who think they know better than us," 7-S spoke.

Kanan had to keep his calm as now two inquisitors were just a few feet from him.

Fortunately, Zeb stepped in, "Look, I get you guys have a job but-,"

"Then let us do our job!" This giant man roared at Zeb, "We shall show you how an inspection goes."

Zeb then waved his hands in the air, "Fine be my guest. There is nothing in my truck."

The man known as the brother then turned to the truck where Sabine as sitting.

"Young Lady, we will need you out now!" The Brother seemed very angry.

Sabine was already shaky as she unbuckled, but before she could even step out on her own, the brother opened the door, grabbed her by the shoulder and shoved her out.

"WOAH!" Sabine said as she almost hit the ground, luckily Zeb and Kanan helped catch her.

"HEY!" Kanan hollered as these two turned to the truck, only for them to turn back at Kanan's loud voice.

Kanan didn't care who these were, "You don't touch her, got it!"

The gray-haired man approached Kanan, but Kanan stood his ground.

Just as the tension thickened, they heard a noise. Something ruffling, from the back of Zeb's truck.

"What the…?" Zeb was wondering when the two 'siblings' grabbed out their guns. Kanan and Zeb followed suit; maybe there was something to inspecting the vehicles.

"Imperial Inquisitor's come out with your hands up!" screeched 7-S.

The older Inquisitor approached the back of the truck, "You have until the count of three!" the man slowly approached to the pile of canvas in the back of the truck, "One…. two…"

Just as the man was right above the blue tarp, the tarp appeared to come to life as it came straight to the brother's face, knocking the man to the ground. The tarp unveiled the very boy the entire city had been looking for. With the Sister aiding in getting the tarp off her partner, the kid ran right past Sabine and headed towards the old apartment complexes.

Kanan and Zeb were in shock, how had the kid snuck into the back of the truck!? Kanan didn't have time to register that thought; he had to get to this kid before those Inquisitor's could. Kanan ran after the kid into the maze of apartments; unsure of how he was going to help this kid but would figure it out later.

The Brother with a now bloody nose had fury in his eyes as he eyed the boy bolting away from the scene. The Inquisitor looked ready to fire when Zeb threw the man's arm up high, so the shot went into the sky.

"Are you crazy! My partner is chasing the kid, and the boy is preferred to be brought in alive"

"Our orders are to take the kid in down, dead or alive; by any means necessary," 7-S stated rather coldly.

Zeb was shocked, these people were ruthless.

The Brother got out his phone, "This is Inquisitor 5-B, requesting back up. The boy has been spotted at traffic stop thirteen. Officer in pursuit.

Zeb looked on as he saw Kanan disappear as he chased the kid beyond the apartment complex. He knew he had to follow if for no other reason, to get Kanan out of the tough jam he is bound to get into.

"Sabine," Zeb spoke to the bugged eye girl, "Stay by the truck! Call Hera to pick you up!"

Sabine nodded as Zeb followed after his partner, only to have the Inquisitor follow after him.

As Sabine saw the officer's go after Ezra, Sabine began to dial her phone, cursing under her breath.

"Please be okay Ezra, because if not I will so kill you!"

As Sabine's phone rang, she prayed her friends could get away.

Ezra's heart was now beating against his chest as hard as it had before as he heard footsteps running towards him. Luckily Ezra has the upper hand.

The countless times Ezra went through these old buildings for scrap metal and canned goods. Ezra has practically memorized with how many times he ventured inside for the past several years. Unfortunately, the cowboy was right behind him. Just when he thought he made the right turn or went down the right alley, he could still sense this man behind him, hear him getting closer and closer. It was like the man could read his mind.

Ezra knew he had to think outside of the box to get away from him. That was why he took something from the back of the truck before kicking that imperial piece of crap in his ugly face. Not like he didn't deserve it! Ezra saw what he did to Sabine; you do not touch Sabine like that!

"Kid! Stop!" he heard the man's voice behind him.

As he turned down an alley, he saw what he hopped would be his ace in the hole; the fire escape. As fast as he could he raced up the escape, skipping steps at a time to get to the roof.

Once on the roof, he bolted for the next one, and the next; jumping from one to the next until he saw the rock formation that would lead him to freedom from the city. As Ezra landed on the last roof before the rock maze ahead of him, he realized he could not sense the man behind him. Ezra was initially relieved, until he realized he could not sense the man behind him, but next to him.

The guy was just standing there on the edge of the building. Despite the man looked a little winded as he leaned over a little to catch his breath, he looked like he had been there for a little while before Ezra.

This 'Kanan' guy stood up straight as he spoke, "If I was in your shoes I would head here as well."

Ezra held the spray can he had gotten from the truck. Ready to use it if necessary, Ezra was about to turn and was about to bolt when the man hollered.

"Kid wait, okay?!"

Ezra let out a forced laugh as the man's order, "Why so you can catch me. I didn't stay hidden all week just to get arrested by the likes of you! So just go away!"

The man shrugged his shoulders, "What does that mean?"

Ezra the let off his fruited annoyance at this man, "The other troopers have just been looking around with no aim or idea. Zeb and you on the other hand actually have actually gone to places I know about. You have gotten close, I will give you that, but you haven't caught me yet, and I'm not about to."

Kanan shook his head, "I wasn't going to those places to catch you. I went to those places because I wanted to understand you."

This really threw Ezra off, "Why, so you can set up a trap, an ambush?" he asked with a serious cautious tone.

Kanan took carful steps towards him as he told Ezra, "Because everyone knows and talks about you and what you do. This whole country seems to know about you. What no one talks about though who you are, and that is kind of sad."

Ezra heard empathy in the man's voice, but he knew that could be an act. So, Ezra looked at the man, hoping his senses would show the man's inner demon but was stunned that with this guy, he sensed honest sincerity. This guy actually wanted to know him. All the other troopers would ask where the 'specter' was, but not about who he was. But Ezra could also sense that this man wanted to know something else, "I doubt that you wanted to just to get to know me." The kid spoke in a defensive tone.

Ezra was a little shocked with what Kanan said next, "You're right, there is another reason."

Ezra was taken aback. What was this cop up to, why was he saying all this stuff? Why was he acting calm with Ezra and not agitated? Why did Ezra want to listen to this guy? Even though ever part of him told him to run, something else was telling him to listen to this officer.

Kanan continued, "Look, kid, I did save you from Grint right? Let you get away? If I was really out to get you, wouldn't I have done it back then without question? Doesn't that earn me a chance to talk to you at least?

Ezra was silent, and it frustrated him to admit it, but the guy did save him Maybe know he can know why.

Kanan continued, "A lot of people mention that there is something…unique, with you."

Ezra shook his head at the notion, "I'm surprised the Empire didn't tell you that I am the town freak. I don't think that counts as unique" Ezra shuttered. Despite knowing this about himself, it still made him feel bad how everyone saw him that way.

"You are not a freak. People like you are rare, special."

Ezra couldn't help but laugh, "Sorry Mister, but there is nothing special about me. I'm just weird."

Kanan shook his head, "Let me take a guess as to why you think you're weird; you can sense things. People or danger coming your way. That's how you are able to avoid too much trouble despite causing quite a bit of it. Also, why you are not scared of me right now, you sense that I don't want to hurt you.

"You are stronger and quicker than most kids your age. How you are able to avoid the police. When you look at someone you immediately know rather or not they are good or not. I know that when I am nearby though, you have to keep your guard up and that when you sense me you sense something different, almost similar. You get this headache because I am not so easy to sense because I block off other's like you do. But I let my own guard down, so you would listen to me."
This was really starting to freak Ezra out. How could this imperial officer know all this, of what he could do? Did this guy really let his own guard down just to talk to him?

Kanan got closer to him, during this time Ezra kept a firm grip on the can in his hand.

"Look," Kanan spoke rather gently, "I don't know much about you. But I do know that you do what you can to help others despite needing help yourself. You have a heart, otherwise, you would have let that ladder crush me."

Ezra had to admit, it had been a while since someone gave him such a compliment, it made his heart swell with flattery. This man though was still imperial.

"You're right, you don't know me," Ezra stated as he backed up.

"I know that you are not some runaway, no ordinary homeless kid." Kanan stated as he went on, "Something happened to you, didn't it?"

Ezra was now getting rather uncomfortable. How did this guy know so much about him? Did he know more about Ezra than he was letting on?

"Maybe someone can help you for once." The man let out his hand for Ezra to take it.

Ezra eyes Kanan and asked, "How can you help someone like me?"

Kanan smiled at the statement, "I don't entirely know to be honest, but we will figure it out."

Ezra looked at this man and couldn't help but think that this guy might be telling him the truth. Ezra could sense that this guy was sincere. Maybe Sabine was right that he could be open to trusting others.

Just as this thought came to him though, just as he considered taking that man's hand, he heard a voice on the man's walkie-talkie.

Kanan, they are coming right towards you! They will be there any second" Warned the voice of Zeb. Kanan rushed to turn it off.

Ezra then understood, and his blood boiled in anger, "This was a trap!" Ezra accused.

"No, it-,"

"You keep me talking so they can find me!" Ezra realized in anger at the man putting on a show.

Kanan began waving his hands in the air, "No kid I genuinely want to help you. Please trust me!"

Ezra had never felt so angry at himself, how could be so stupid, Ezra felt his heart sink as he stated the cold fact, "The first rule on the street, trust no one!"

Before Kanan could do anything, Ezra ripped off the top of the spray paint can and threw it at Kanan's feet, so it would create a make shift paint smoke bomb. As the paint storm swarmed the man (who was coughing up half a lung), Ezra bolted for the boulder maze, down one pillar after another, making his way to solid earth so he could run through his crazy maze.

Once Ezra knew he was far enough, his heart rate went down, but Ezra couldn't help but cry as he ran. Ezra could not explain it but knowing that this guy was just setting him up, really got to him. For a brief moment, Ezra actually thought that someone else understood him.

How could he let his guard down like that; how could he let this guy get inside his head?! No one has ever wanted to know him before, so why should someone now? The realization that there really was no one who could ever understand him as the man said he 'wanted to', made Ezra feel more alone than ever before. As long as the Empire ran the world and wanted Ezra's head, no one could ever care about him. With that, the kid disappeared from the city where no trooper could find him. More importantly, as Ezra got lost to the Maze back to his tower, he and prayed that he would never see Kanan again.

A/N: yeah boys and girls. I got this done. Damn Kanan was so close…! What's next, can Kanan get a second chance, will Ezra ever let him help him and figure out what his abilities are? Stay tuned (also thank you for your patience, please review!)