Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto. But Severine is mine.
Warnings : Language and Hidan. Oh, and Severine too.
Ad Infinitum
Chapter 1 : The Rendezvous
1st POV : Severine
I blinked. And blinked. And blinked again.
Oh shit my head hurts. Ugh.
And why was everything so blurred? I remembered that my eyesight was just fine.
I closed my eyes and inhaled deep. At least I was surrounded by a lot of fresh air.
Inhaled. Exhaled. Inhaled. Exhaled. Repeat.
Okay, better.
I glanced around and found that I was surrounded by greens. Huge ass trees. In the deep forest.
What the hell?!
I'm positively sure that last night I went to the bar with my dorm mates and I assured you that I wasn't drunk at all. Really, I wasn't...or was I? Tee-hee.
I cringed, replaying all the last night's memories and events. I really didn't remember that we went into the forest. And as long as I could recall, that in our town there was no forest at all. Maybe parks, yes, but not forests.
"Oh crap, where am I."
I struggled to move my body, all of my joints felt like burning. God it hurts like hell. I had drunk for countless times but none of them were as tormenting as this. I groaned and tried to roll my body.
"Merde," I cursed in French, my second language, and now I felt sick. I felt the grasses tickled directly to my body- omg wait...
I fought the burning and sick feeling all over my body and bolted upright, panting heavily.
I looked down to my body and I'm not thrilled at all to found that my clothes were long gone. My black ripped pants and stripes-tee were gone. Don't ask for my underwears.
Oh fuck I'm not happy with this.
"COME OUT YOU DIPSHITS OR I SWEAR THAT I WILL BURN YOUR ROOMS DOWN WHEN I GET BACK FROM HERE," I screamed because I was sure that they were still lingering around here. No way in hell that they left me alone, right?
I muttered, "What kind of sick joke is this."
Oh but wait.
I raised my hands, and noticed that they were smaller than usual, but muttered in content to see that my tattoo was still on my left forearm. I glanced to my feet and they were also smaller. I pulled my bang up in front of my eyes and found that it was still my usual platinum blonde. I sighed, "Thank God they didn't dye my hair."
But why my hands and feet's size were reduced? I knew that I'm a petite girl but I'm not this small. I gasped and looked down into my chest and cursed. "Oh shit not my boobs too for Jashin's sake!"
I finally realized that something really wrong was going on here. Was this not those morons' joke?
I stared into the deep forest and shivered. While it was still around noon here (I saw the sun still hanging) but it was pretty chilly. I found that there was nothing but trees here, not even a sign of living. Well you could call me an adventureous one but this condition didn't make me excited at all. I tried to stand up but my legs wobbled and just didn't coorporate well with me. I cursed, and fell to my knees.
Praise the Lords, I'm doomed.
And I'm fucked when I sensed two figures approached.
Wait, how could I sense them?
3rd POV: Pein & Konan
Two figures in the black cloaks with red clouds pattern jumped through the trees. Being the S-class nukenin surely took a lot of effort and energy. Just like what they doing right now, patroling around the base for the security. Konan didn't understand why she and Pein should doing this. Pein could easily ordered the other members to took his –and her– shift.
For being the respectable leader, he said. Oh fuck his view of leadership.
And when she sensed a spike of chakra, she and the leader halted on a wide branch.
"Intruder?" asked Konan to the man beside her.
Pein shook his head, "No. The person doesn't have any killing intent. Just...a spike of chakra. But still, I found it quite strange."
The bluenette raised her eyebrows, "How so?"
"Better to check than speculating. Let's go."
Konan followed her leader with a sigh. Even he's a little bit over-commanding sometimes, but she adores him anyway.
They continued to jumped through the trees for some minutes and found the chakra's source. Konan narrowed her eyes to had the better look for the source and-
Oh damn.
She stopped and grabbed Pein's cloak to make him stop. The woman quickly placed her hand in front of the leader's eyes to prevent him for seeing.
"Konan what the-"
"I know that you already catched a glimpse of her and I forbid you to see her further. Do I make myself clear, Pein?" she demanded him with the most authoritive voice.
"Crystal," Pein answered with a clear hint of annoyance.
"And don't you try to use your rinnegan tricks now, boy. I'll know."
Pein chuckled at her tone, "Alright Konan don't be an over jealous woman right now. I bet she's just twelve or-"
"Oh so you had seen her clearly, don't you, leader-sama?"
The orange haired man huffed in defeat, "Just a glimpse, I assure you."
Konan glanced to the said man and muttered, "Boys will always be boys. Come on, let's go near her."
They chose to walked because Konan had to hold her grip on Pein, and the man was just chuckling in amusement. They hide their chakra and approached the girl slowly from behind. All that Konan could see was a mass of platinum blonde hair, pale skinned girl, from the body's stature she could say that the girl was around twelve or thirteen.
Finally Konan catched the girl attention by asking, "Who are you and how did you got here?"
She answered and there was some moments of silence before the girl's eyes widen and she muttered some foreign phrases that Konan didn't understand at all, and glomped her –and Pein– cheerily.
Alright this is so awkward. Glomped by a naked teenager. In the middle of the forest.
What the hell...
1st POV : Severine
Omg omg omg omg right now I was kind of freaked out because –really, I could literally sensed two figures approaching me. No this was not like some feelings or instincts like the usual but this was far more real kind of sensing.
I covered my chest just in case they were some lusty rapists in the middle of the forest, and plotted hundreds way to fight and then ran away from them. But if they were a couple of dandy and fine-ass boys...oh I would be more than willing to dropped my hands.
Just kidding.
It would still be creepy though.
So I breathed in deeply to calm myself and put myself on the edge. At least I had to use my survival lesson from my summer camp last time. And next, I heard a flat, woman's voice.
"Who are you and how did you got here?" It was coming for behind me so I couldn't see who she was, but I was sure that she was the one who I sensed before, and also the person beside her.
I noticed that she talked in Japanese and I frowned. Now I was positive that I didn't have any good feeling about this shit. I silently thanked my father because he's Japanese and he forced me to learned the language since I was little, and now I'm multilingual and could speak Japanese fluently. Thanks, Dad.
I raised both of my hands to showed her that I meant no harm and no malice intentions, "Hello, Miss. Excuse me but I happened to found myself woke up here and I assure you that I have no clue."
After I explained my condition shortly the the said woman, I decided to turned around because it was rude for showing your back to the one you talked to.
Yes, I still have some manners, of course.
I froze for a moment and continued to stare at them, scanned through their bodies to found any flaws that I usually found on the cosplayers in the anime or manga festival but I found none. Even the woman's hand had turned into piles of papers, like, real papers.
Oh for the love of the seven Gods.
I realized that this was the most unbelievable and epic thing that ever happened to me. Konan and Pein from Naruto were standing right in front of me. Right there. Just right there. Two steps from where I sat right now. Konan with her breathtakingly beautiful yellow eyes and Pein in his striking orange spiky hair. Um...but I can't see his kickass rinnegan because somehow Konan had her hand on Pein's eyes.
And of course I did what the fangirls would do when they met their idols. I glomped them...hard and babbled in French –Excusez-moi, it's a habit when I'm ecstatic–.
I adored and maybe even worshipped them and all of the Akatsuki members. They were the most badasses ninja in all of the elemental nations. I had all the merchandises of them and all of their collectible items. Hell, even I had an Itachi blanket! And all of my Sasori plushies, omg-omg-omg I couldn't, they were just too cute. Oh my danna...
Now I was totally one hundred percent sure that God loved me this much to dropped me in the Narutoverse. I could find myself crying in happiness right now...
And in a blink of an eye I was being wrapped in Konan's papers, hung in the air. She glanced me warily before asked, "Who are you and why in the hell you're naked in the middle of the forest?"
I blew some strands of my hair out of my face, and grinning, "My name's Severine but you can call me Sev, and pleasure to meet you, Konan and Pein-sama." Oh my God she was talking to me! Woohoo!
Pein –that already got rid of Konan's hand– stared at me before decided to approaching me. Ugh his piercings are so cool and adorable. I wished he would let me touch them.
"How do you know our names?" Pein asked.
"Um...I think that's easy because you guys like the most famous yet badass S-class criminals? Right?"
"Yet you seem so calm for already knowing that we are the S-class criminals. Why is that?" Konan decided to asked me too.
Pein glanced at Konan and muttered, "I kind of like her though. She called me Pein-sama."
I found it really comical when Konan gave Pein a kind of deathglare for his slight narcissism. I hold a chuckle.
"And what an unusual name for an unusual girl. What's with your eyes?" Pein asked me while he stared deeply into my eyes with his oh-so-kickass rinnegan.
Sorry, the perks of being a fangirl.
"It's not a kekkei genkai if you wonder, it's just heterochromia iridium. A kind of genetic mutation that made them had different colors." I explained about my mismatched eyes that made him curious. I thought my silver and forest green eyes are normal if being compared to his or maybe sharingan and byakugan.
Konan raised her eyebrows, I bet that she never heard this term. Oh joy for having more knowledge than my favorite ninjas. Yay.
"How did you got here?"
"If you asked me how, Pein-sama, actually I don't know. When I woke up, I already found myself in this forest. I'm not lying because I won't lie to you, you know."
"And why is that?" Pein asked me in mild curiosity.
"Because I'm a big fan of you. And I ship you guys so much. My favorite couple!" I gave them the biggest grin and winked. I squaled. Finally, I could directly support my favorite pairing!
I saw Konan blushed and Pein just stared at me in a light amusement.
"So...what we should do to her, Pein?" Konan stared at her partner after some moments of silence between us.
Oh please said bring me back to your base because I wanna meet all of your minions leader-sama, I beg you please. Please-please-please I wanna meet Sasori before I die-
"I think we should bring her first to the base. Let's decide the rest with all of the members."
Konan nodded and motioned her papers –I didn't know how she did it– to let me down.
Actually I prefer hanging, it felt good.
"Pein, remove your cloak and give it to...Severine."
"You can just call me Sev if you find it hard to spell my name, Konan-nee," I chuckled when she put troubled expression.
She gave me a thin smile, "Okay then, Sev. Pein, your cloak."
Pein glared to the woman beside him, "Why my cloak? Just give her yours, Konan."
"Because I only use tank-top and my super short pants. Unless you want me to showing them off then fine."
The Akatsuki leader rolled his eyes and cursed coolly (I'm sorry but he's really cool), and started to unzipped his cloak. He gave it to me and glared, "Keep it clean, girl."
I practically hugged the cloak and squealed. Omfg yes I hold and gonna use the coolest outfit on the Narutoverse. I'm the luckiest bitch on earth!
"Yessir," I replied and put the cloak around me. Konan already dispatched her papers off my body, and I zipped the cloak.
"Whoa this cloak is really comfortable, I thought that it will stuffed the user but not at all. I bet Kakuzu used the high quality item yet affordable price for this," I said while adoring the cloak that wrapped my body. Oh I bet I looked dashing in this cloak. I desperately need mirror, like, now.
Konan stared at me in confusion, I knew she got really confused with my words and knowledge about her comrades. I smiled sweetly to her in reply.
"Let's go. And you girl, don't you dare to run away."
I smirked, "Of course I won't."
When I saw them jumped and landed on the huge tree's branch, I muttered a curse and finally had my doubt. I didn't want them to know that I couldn't do basic shinobi things because basically I was just a civilian. Maybe later, but not now. I felt a slight panic because how in the hell I could jump that high?
"Come on or should I drag you along the way?" Pein looked down on me and I noticed a hint of annoyance in his voice.
I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes, trying to do what I had watched from the anime. If I could sense Pein and Konan coming it means that I had chakra, right? I fought the sinking feeling on my tummy, feeling nauseous all of sudden. Oh this won't be good...
But because I had no choice, I concentrated and tried to feel my chakra. And after a moment that felt like eternity, I sensed it. On my head, I projected a hand to grabbed it and finally I felt a warm and humming feeling all over my body. I tried to channeled my chakra to my both feet and took off.
This better be working.
I opened my eyes and I felt my body was in the air. I yelped and steered my feet to land on the same branch as Pein and Konan. I huffed and sighing out loud, "Oh damn."
Yeah it was kind of cool. My first shinobi's act. But it was quite nerve wrecking though, counting how high from the land I was now. I gulped.
Konan pulled my cloak slightly, "Come, follow us."
I groaned and hoping that I still had my athletic's agility and reflex.
Finally we landed in an empty area, surrounded by a lot of trees and I could see a river flowing. It's a quite nice clearing.
My first experience for traveling in the ninja way was not bad. Eventhough I lost my balance for a few times and having leader-sama to catched me (praise the lords for this), I did well. At least I didn't sprain my ankles or break some bones.
I glanced around and didn't see any building, house or cave that resembled the Akatsuki base.
"So, Konan-nee, where is actually the great Akatsuki base?" I chose to asked Konan because Pein already walked some steps ahead.
She peeked from her blue bangs, "You'll see."
I raised my eyebrows in confusion but my attention averted to the nice clearing that now projected a deep humming sound. Pein stood in front of it while holding a seal in his hand. And the next thing I found is a huge house that I was sure it could provide more than ten people. From a quick catch of my eyes, I could tell that the house was made mostly from woods. Yay I love wooden house!
I sighed dreamily, "Wow, lovely."
Konan smiled at me, giving a silent gratitude, and I gave her my grin. Such a lovely woman.
"Follow me, girl," said Pein.
"Hello leader-sama, I have a name. It's Sev," I reminded him, because no matter how cool he was, I didn't appreciate him calling me 'girl'.
We walked into the house but suddenly my legs lost its strength. Oh crap is this what they called chakra exertion? I was on my knees and panting slightly, my head fuzzed and I blinked to get rid of the black spots in front of my eyes. Nonononono please Sev hold yourself and don't get fainted yet you haven't meet Sasori. Hold yourself!
I groaned and trying to got on my feet but I felt a slight pat on my shoulder, I bet it was Konan.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
I shook my head slowly, "Nah...I saw many black spots and I think I couldn't move my body for a while."
"Alright then. Pein, carry her inside."
I snorted in amusement when I heard a groan erupted from Pein. Oh God they are so cute.
"Konan, I believe that today you had ordered me around for like...five or six times?" Pein stared at her blue haired partner in annoyance.
Konan flatly nodded, "Yes you're right. And faster we get her inside the base, it's better." She stood up and started to walk into the house, left both of us in our own devices.
Pein sighed and muttered 'that woman' before he approached me and took me into his arms. I latched my arms around his neck and snuggled into his chest.
Thank God... I never be your faithful worshipper but You gave me THIS. A moment on this dashing piercings dictator's arms. I could die as a happy woman right now. Oh holy...
I grinned and sniffed him, "You smell good, Pein-sama."
He looked down, his mouth itched and his eyes narrowed, "Having Konan around the base obliged us to take care of our hygiene. But thank you, anyway."
I chuckled, "I support her rules, Pein-sama."
He rolled his eyes and we finally entered the base. I looked around the main room and my mouth forming an 'o' shape.
Is the Akatsuki a filthy rich S-class organization?!
I whistled, "Wow this base is really huge, leader-sama. I'm impressed."
He dropped me on a comfy leather couch in front of a television. I saw a kitchen on the right side and also a medium dining table. The walls were ivory and less decorated. I expected this because this is a fucking assasination organization, not a café or something. I saw plenty of windows and nodded in content, it means that they had a good ventilation. I couldn't wait to explore-
"What the fuck Konan! Why you have to interrupt my ritual! You annoying bitch."
"Shut up, moron. I'm really tired of your filthy mouth."
"It's leader-sama's order, Hidan."
"Better be important enough. I had to stop my training for this."
"Shut up, boys."
I gasped and closed my gaping mouth with both of my hands. Holy moly glory I knew that voices. I'm positively KNEW who's talking what. I sat up straight and braced myself to see them, I was glaring to the open door with all my might and prayed silently. Oh Lord give me strength-gimmestrength-gimmestrength-gimmestrength-
Of course I realized that leader-sama eyed me curiously from his mighty couch.
And all hell broke loose when they come to my sight.
There stood Hidan with his slicked back I-am-not-sure-what-color-his-hair-is hair. Half zipped Akatsuki's cloak that revealed pretty good amount of his chest (oh yum..) and his pretty scythe. He stared at me with a feral grin on his face before whistled, "Who's this chick, Konan?"
But I ignored him because now I found myself staring at the blue skinned muscular man that was Kisame. I felt my mouth slightly gaping at him because oh wow. Wow. WOW HE WAS HUGE AND LIKE –SO MANLY! Whenever I saw him on the show, I was always looked at him in the strange way because his blue skin was kind of scaring the hell out of me. Buttt now as I saw him directly, his skin was so pretty. A pretty shade of blue. Oh, my heart...I wanna hug this pretty shark-man so bad.
And then my eyes darted to Kakuzu who stared at me indifferently with his blazing green eyes. Even I knew that he was a total miser before I got a chance to speak with him. His aura told me so. He grumbled about how his money will be reduced by my existence here, and I swore to the all Gods in this universe that I will be gladly to make him broke when I allowed to staying here. Just so you wait, Mr. Treasurer.
Slowly I directed my eyes to the my-only-one-cool-onyx-eyes-of Itachi Uchiha. He stood there calmly with all his glorious and beautiful hair. Really, his hair was just...wow. He stared at me with a cold gaze but had this little spark of curiosity. Oh my awesome human being...my dandy-dashing-sparkling-fucking-awesome human being...
I stifled a sob and decided that my heart couldn't contain it anymore.
I bolted upright from my sitting position on the couch, ran with all my might and energy, and hugged my one and only, the awesome human being, Itachi Uchiha.
I heard some snorts and gasps but I didn't care. I just really want to hug and held him because he was the most amazing human being in the universe –after my Sasori no Danna, of course–. I knew that I was being a little overdramatic now but guys...please this was Itachi we were talking about! And I wanted to had a real hug from him, not from my stupid blanket.
I tightened my hold around his shoulders and whispered, "You're an awesome man, Itachi. All the things that you did, even if it hurts you so bad, they were all for the greater good. You have such a big heart. I hope Sasuke is doing well."
Then I ended my hug and pulled myself to found him staring oddly at me, coating his shocked expression. I pat his cheek gently, "I'll always be here with you, awesome," not forgetting to wink my mismatched eyes.
I stepped back and found all of the members staring widely at me, I shrugged at them, "What?"
"Is this bitch crazy, leader-sama?" Hidan asked Pein who was sitting calmly in his chair and keep staring at me.
"You guess."
I glared at the Jashinist and finally noticed something really important.
"Hey, where is my lovely danna?"
"Oi girly what do you mean with your danna, yeah?"
For the second time today, I braced myself again because I knew that voice. It was my blondie-soon-to-be-bff, Deidara. And if there was Deidara, my lovely-
"Who is this brat?"
I sighed dreamily to a smooth velvety husky voice from a young man that I knew too well because of my glorious fangirling time. I thanked God once again because He gave me this life. Started from today, I declared myself to be a faithful worshipper.
I turned my head and saw a young handsome man with a fluffy mass of crimson hair, half-lidded hazel eyes, and his young smooth skin, stood right behind me, eyeing me with his indifferent eyes.
I stared, "And now I finally understand, that beauty is indeed eternal, danna..."
He raised an eyebrow on my words, "Oh?"
I squaled.
And I glomped him with all of my life.
I swore that I definitely would live my new life with joy and excitement. Yay!
Author's Note:
Well hello fellas! Welcome, welcome, and welcome to my newest story about an OC (SI) that joined the Narutoverse, and landed perfectly in the arms of the Akatsuki. I promise you that Severine won't be a Mary-Sue, she has many flaws, after all. But I can say that she will be strong, because I don't want her to be under estimated, right? Right.
I will update as soon as possible, and for the next chapter maybe we can see more about Sev's traits, personalities, powers and all the things that maybe you wanna know about her :p And also our beloved Akatsuki.
Oh and I will be gladly to accept feedbacks or maybe suggestions about my writing because, english is not my first language, so I made this with my pure bravery and excitement and I chose to not using translator app because it'll be...strange. And if any of you guys willing to beta my story, I will be very pleased. Please just PM me.
Weeeelllll, may i have some reviews and feedbacks? :)