She was smiling her normal smile, her bright hair in a pony-tail, lipstick smothered on her lips, a frilly dress (That was reviling) covering her pink undies. Her underwear wasn't at all trying to be hidden, her shoulders uncovered (Unless you count a pink spaghetti strap) until you saw the main part of cloth covering her stomach and chest, the back was open in the middle of the back. She was undeniably beautiful, and that's what pissed Karma off the most.

It wasn't because she was beautiful, it was because she used that beauty for evil. He, of course, was skilled in fighting and ever so often wished someone dead, but he didn't appreciate his 'mothers' beauty.

"I am so sorry for sending you to bed without dinner, so I made you a large breakfast!" She smiled, her lips departing showing her gorgeous teeth (That were straight even though she claims she wore braces because her teeth were shifting) She looked so evil even if you were to not notice it through her beauty. Okajima would die if he was facing her.

Karma bowed. He always loved his red hair, but it was to similar to his mothers. She would brush his hair when he was younger, and he loved it. Until she cut it. He didn't have short hair forever, he used to have hair like Isogai's. That was of course when he was about ten or twelve.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Nekaku asked. Her voice was sweet.

"No thank you mother, I will be late for school." Said Karma.

"I thought I told you, I am sorry, accept my gift!" She urged.

"I would love to accept it! But if I show up late again I will get a write up! (Which was untrue, he can skip class whenever wherever) I am not used to waking up to break-"


A fist collided with Karma's jaw, which obviously appealed Nekaku. "You are disrespecting your hard working mother, again." She snarled, but then her monster like face turned into a face of worry. "This will not do, I can see a bruise starting to form.." Her hand brushed Karma's face as she examined the wound.

"It's okay mother, no one will notice." Karma said emotionlessly. He wasn't in the mood for this anymore. "I better be going, don't want to be late." Karma made a fake smile. Soon exiting.

"Keep close! We will be taking this bus to a local (Not at all local for the drive would take an hour) water park!" Koro-sensei said. His tentacles signalling towards the large bus.

The bus was beyond what Karasuma had asked for. The bus itself was large and looked like a tour bus for some famous band, the seats were soft and fluffy and also on a leveled platform off the ground (Also adjustable). It was also air conditioned.

"Amazing!" Kayano stated, her eyes shining once gazing upon the beautiful bus.

"I cannot believe we could afford it!" Okajima laughed.

"Me either.." Karma mumbled. He was arguing with himself about either or not there will be a debt they will need to pay to pay back the owner of the bus.

"And the best part about it all is that the bus was free! Kukuku.." Koro-sensei smile widened even more.

That solves that dispute.

"What are we waiting for?" Irina-sensei piped in. "Let's get in!"

Karma stared at her as she entered the bus, he applied pressure to his temple.


Shaking his head he entered the bus as well.

It was gorgeous. Water slides a food court, showers and bathrooms (Of course) there was even a lazy river! The place could be a theme park.

"It's.. so.. cool!" Isogai smiled.

"It is cool, and the water will feel cool!" Terasaka laughed, patting the black-head on the back.

Karma sighed. It was going to be cool, but sadly, Karma doubts any chlorine on his cuts will make them worse.

Nagisa stood behind Karma, the bluenette being bare chested and ready to dive into the lazy river. He slowly waited for Karma to remove his shirt, so that they could dive in together, but he didn't.

"Is everything okay Karma-kun?" Nagisa asked, still standing behind the red head.

Shaking his head, Karma lifted his arm up, grabbing onto his shirt. "No, everything is fine."

His back held fresh scars, cuts that may re-open if he moved around a lot. Nagisa was shell-shocked, yet said nothing. The bluenette jumped in after Karma.

"Karma-ku-" Kanzaki shouted before noticing the cuts on his back. "Karma-kun.. what happened?" Her voice lowered to nothing but a whisper.

"Yeah, what's with those cuts?" Chiba asked, coming in from the other side of Kamzaki. "Were you attacked by a dog or something?"

"Don't be silly, of course he wasn't attacked by a dog! They would cower at the sight of him!" Terasaka chirped at the other end of the pool.

"No, nothing like that.. It's nothing really." Karma replied once again making a fake smile.

"You sure? We can tell Kor-" Nagisa was cut off.

"No! No.. you don't need too.. really.. I am fine.."

"See, look how beautiful this day is!" Nekaku said.

A beautiful day to kick your ass.

"Of course mother." Karma said, his voice slightly muffled.

"Now, isn't that new outfit I bought for you just amazing?"

Amazing for giving me anxiety.

Nekaku turned around quickly. She wore designer jeans, that were neatly stitched to become shorts. She wore a sleeveless T-shirt, and a designer purse as well. Her eyes were covered in sunglasses.

There stood Karma, directly behind her. His mouth was covered in a scarf, under that was a sweater covered in a sweatshirt. The sweatshirt was designed to look like a jacket. He wore long jeans that went down to his ankles, his feet in sneakers. His face was red from the heat and it looked as if he was blushing. Basically the meaning of over heating.

"You look so handsome!" She smiled. "I have multiple restaurants I want to visit, I have a large sum of people working for me in some of them! They need taste testers so your lack of breakfast will be nothing to worry about anymore!~" Her grin turned evil.

"Karma!" Suguro waved from the other side of the street. He was wearing shorts, sandals and a T shirt. Karma sighed and ignored him.
