Kairi: You should have called me! I would have come right over!
(I rub my head from where Kairi hit me)
Me: Sorry… I won't begin without you again I promise. (mutters) Now, I see what Sora and Riku go though.
Silvia: Hey, wait! Kairi you're playable in KH Remind! How was it!
Kairi: I loved it! I'm no longer on the sidelines! So lone being the damsel in distress! My prayers have been answered!
Silvia: Well, in the KH2 manga you weren't a damsel. You kicked butt!
Me: Agreed, which is why I favor the mangas over the game, sadly. Then, again I always enjoy mangas over anime anyway. (shrugs) Even filler for me is enjoyable even if it takes away from the main plot for a bit.
Silvia: Shouldn't we do the disclaimer.
Me: Oh, yeah…. Go ahead.
Kairi: Disclaimer! All properties of Disney and Square Enix are owned by them, not us! We only own our plot and characters! See you in a bit! Enjoy the chapter!
Chapter 46 - The Warrior
Entry 229
(November 12)
An invasion on Starlight has just begun and I'm in the middle of it. The Mad Doctor has made improvements to the Unkindness, so now their darkness feels more toxic. It burns my senses. They feel so unnatural now and they only continue to get stronger, even more, intelligent now as they're beginning to speak.
I've never seen anything like this in any world, but then again Starlight is the only world I've seen with a barrier to keep Heartless out. For years, this world has lived without darkness, and not many who are worldless have seen Heartless or Nobodies before. They've lived in bliss their whole life and now with two swings, they were awakening to the real danger coming their way.
I could feel the dread in the air, how it lingers still and brings my mood down as well. I want to help everyone cheer up, but that's not an easy task nor an achievable one at that. People were too terrified and they had the right to be.
But, I hate feeling endless dread like this. This is the one thing I hate about being empathic.
Entry 230
Today, Branden and I joined Merry on her way to work. Merry was lost and thought a lot as we got on the bus. So lost in thought, she ran into a pole instead of stepping onto the bus. It might have been meant to laugh at her, yet with how dreadful things have been lately, I had to find something to amuse me. Once we were on the bus, Branden gave me 12000 munny in case I wanted food or something, but after that, we didn't speak anymore. The bus held very few passengers, talking about yesterday's attack downtown and how pirates had taken them down. I wish I could have seen that! It sounded cool!
Finally, once Branden, Merry, and I made it to the clinic, we found the place packed to the brim. Everyone was either wounded or injured and their emotions hit me much faster than I wanted.
Within seconds, sorrow and fear made my antennas move and then my heartbeat slowed. I nearly choked under all the dread. Even Branden felt uneasy because of it, yet kept a cool demeanor. Merry, on the other hand, was emotionless and began her job none of this bothered her. She was so caring yesterday at the beach, yet the moment she drew her sword at me, I felt no fear or remorse for her statement. Like she'd become a demon.
Is it as I thought? Could she be half-demon? I don't have solid evidence, so I can't deny or claim that it's true. But, the spike in darkness lately has me curious about what she really is.
Before leaving the clinic, I ran into Max, Chole, and Joyce. Chole's mother/a waitress at the Benbow Inn. They're just gotten checked out from their injuries. Chole's right leg was broken and Max's right arm was strained. Their injuries will heal in no time thanks to the Hi-potion, however, until then they're staying out of the fray.
Finally, Max finished telling me about the other timeline. It turns out her, Chole, Azula, Phoenix, and I were the only survivors of the events that would have transpired. And, I was nowhere to be found at first. The battle lasted a good while, and when everything died down all that was left was Max and Chloe coming face to face with the Keeper of Knowledge at the harbor with Phoenix and me at her side, knocked out.
The keeper didn't say much of why she was protecting us or what she was doing here, but the one thing she told Max to tell me was this - "Beware of the lucent butterfly."
Entry 231
While the whole town cries, I've decided to spend some time out and about, to try and space myself from others. Branden didn't stop me from going and I felt happy that he didn't, because I needed away from him as well. His emotions were drowning the most as of right now and I needed time to sort out my own mind.
I found myself at the stadium, where no one could find me. There were no games today, so it was the perfect place to hide and think. The warning from the keeper didn't make much sense to me, so I focused on other things. I tried to figure out what these three attacks had in common, but one was at City Hall and two others on different sides of the beach. Only two of them were an organized attack and the other was just the Mad Doc testing out the Unkindness.
Nothing added up or helped pinpoint the next attack. They were all so different.
Maybe this is the Mad Doctor's plan, to keep us on our toes and ready? And, it was working no doubt along with the city of stars becoming afraid.
As I was trying to figure things out, I might have let down my guard a little too much. I didn't hear nor smell anyone coming until it was too late and I was face to face with a fist. I was paralyzed, before finding myself looking up to a beautiful woman with long, jet black hair. She wore a white crop top and a black shirt with a brown strap connecting it together. She had on red fingerless gloves and matching shoes. She looked like a goddess is what I would think, however, with the threatening look in her eyes she felt more like the devil.
The woman demanded to know how I'd gotten in here and that I just told her I'd climbed up here. I mean that's all I could tell her. The truth was I had used one of my new powers to fade through the cracks of the door, a new trick I learned while fighting the raven. It was a horrible lie and she saw right through it, telling me I was trespassing, but I told her she was trespassing as well. To that, she told me she wasn't, because she was a fighter here coming in for training with her friends. To that, I perked up asking her if I could join! She denied it, yet out of the blue Phoenix showed up and said, "Sure."
He introduced me to the most fearless female fighter, Tifa Lockhart - someone everyone knew the name of because of the Battle Star Tournaments! Once Phoenix said her name, I felt stupid for not recognizing her and ashamed for lying (even though I had to).
Entry 232
Chloe wasn't wrong about Phoenix being a fighter. The way he fought with Tifa today, dodging punches and kicks made me feel like I was watching an anime. Both of them were in sync, every move perfect and not a foot out of place almost like they were dancing. Through this dance, Tifa was a lot more coordinated and won.
Phoenix didn't stand a chance but had fun fighting which I didn't expect. I always thought he just liked watching anime and napping around, yet never did I think he'd be this passionate about fighting. The moment we entered the room, he tied up his curls and readied his knuckles, as if he was waiting for this moment his whole life.
Taking a break, Phoenix sat next to me and told me a little more about his friends. Tifa is from Hollow Bastion as well, but after the fall came here with Meredith and him. Then there's the white-haired princess/waitress from Benbow Inn, Kida. She's from the Lost Empire, that's all she ever told anyone and nothing more. Nothing about her family, past friends, or anything. She's more mysterious than Joker, at least with him I understood what he's fighting for, however, with Kida… I can't really tell why she is even trying to fight (or working). I mean she's a princess. A soon to be queen right? Why would she be fighting?
As I watched her fight Tifa, she was flexible and quick, yet left herself too open allowing her to be hit. However, she was determined to take down Tifa and didn't stop until she did. Kida might have been a princess, but she wasn't a damsel in distress. I wish all the Princesses of Heart were like that, that way Riku wouldn't have kidnapped them so easily.
Soon after everyone was tired, except Tifa. I don't know how, but fighting one after another didn't faze her. So, while Phoenix and Kida rested, I took her own or at least tried to. I'd been watching her movements, how she always swung with her right then left every time the fight began. So, I dodged her punches, yet ended up getting knocked down when she slid her foot under me.
Tifa: Pretty good dodges, but you need to always be ready for an unexpected attack in the heat of battles.
Today's sparring was fun to watch and do, however, training is tomorrow. And, Merry isn't like Tifa. But, I think I'm ready for whatever comes my way. Just breathe and focus as Roku used to tell me.
I'm ready for anything!
Entry 233
(November 13)
Roku woke me up early in the morning, okay I'm fine with that.
Branden threw water on to get up, okay… still mad about that one, but fine.
Merry decided to kidnap me from the house and take me to a strange woodland vacant of any other lifeform. Yeah, no I'm seriously pissed about this one! How in the world did she manage that without me waking up! Was I in a coma again? Did she drug me?
While I was trying to figure that out, Merry, on the other hand, told me to suit up in a black suit that would protect me from attacks. Once I was clothed, Merry told me we were going to be practicing how well I could shield myself and dodge. Kinda like yesterday, but with annoying balls.
This was the first time Merry had summoned forth darkness with me around. And with that darkness, she created floating balls that were sent to attack me. Merry instructed me to try using my barrier to block them. So I did, yet they broke the barrier like it was nothing and was blasted. Merry told me to focus when summoning forth a barrier. She showed me how it should be done properly and hers was unbreakable turning from a barrier to a smaller half one, using the darkness like it was nothing.
After that, Merry let me try again. But, I could only hold the barrier from small attacks still. Anything like the boulder the other day can still break it! How could Ashley or Mare hold up their barriers for so long? Maybe, because they were using magic and I was using darkness. Though both created the same barrier, it seemed my darkness needed to be concentrated in order to block any attack. But, something I learned that was kinda cool was that if I shattered the barrier in time, I could bounce an attack back at someone.
But, when doing so, I accidentally hit Merry. It knocked her back and she stumbled a little, yet she recovered five minutes later. When she began to approach me, I prayed for dear life hoping this wouldn't be another Roku situation. I still remembered all the scolds and hits he'd given me and I hoped Merry wouldn't do the same. And, sure enough, she didn't. Instead of fury, I was met with praise for using the barrier's weakness as an attack. She told me to be careful with doing that anymore so I didn't hurt bystanders.
With that, my first training session was over.
Instead of falling back asleep to leave, Merry summoned a door out of nowhere to our front door. It turns out the woodlands are a pocket dimension, one that was made by the great sorceress, Dos Estrellas! The very same Dos I knew from Mushroom 13! It turns out she was well known in Starlight, yet when she left… and never came back. But, her son and his family do run her shop, The Great Fable.
Maybe, I should visit.
Entry 234
After training and breakfast, I kinda want to relax before I do anything else. Unlike Meredith who just left for work, I'm not as energetic as I used to be. But, while I'm resting…. I guess I could tell you about what I've theorized on the Keeper's warning.
She wanted me to beware of the lucent butterfly. But, I didn't know who it was until now. I think she was warning me about Cross. She is the only one I know who uses butterflies, yet why should I be wary of her? She helped me escape Jade Mafia. She was my first friend. She can't be -
No, the keeper is wrong. Cross isn't someone I should worry about. She's trying to help our kind become free. Right?
Ugh? Just thinking about this makes my head and heart pound. Maybe writing wasn't a good idea after training.
Entry 235
Instead of surprise attacks, Unkindness were now forming out of the blue and taking the streets like normal Heartless. So, Phoenix and I had to be on our guard all the way to Shapiro Outlook, a type of traveling sector. There we were joined by Jim, who was going to show us a thing called Solar Surfing.
We rented a Gummi Ship and drove out of the world. It was the first time in a while being upon a ship, but as well as everything felt familiar. I kept trying to remember three people I used to travel with, but it was fuzzy. Was it Roxas, Xion, and Axel - No, they use corridors. Was it Riku and Kairi, but then who was that boy with them?
Ugh…. My head's hurting again.
The nostalgia feelings lingered but soon faded as Jim pulled out three masks and two boards. A silver board for himself and a red board for Phoenix. Once our masks were on, Phoenix and Jim opened the door and both took off flying through space, doing loops and speeding through the air. While Pheonix kept having fun, Jim offered his hand to me and pulled me aboard his board. I had only a few moments to hang on to the railing before Jim took off once more. It was a rush - the worlds around us blurred into nothing as we sped ahead. Then, the sail fell and I held onto Jim, as we began to fall into the wormhole being forced back the way we can, as Jim kicked the sail back up and blasted us out of the opening!
The ride was amazing and when we reentered Starlight it was already past dinnertime. And, Branden was furious.
Entry 236
(November 15)
I missed a day of writing since Branden put Phoenix and me to work in cleaning the lab and attic. However, I was the only one doing any work. Phoenix ditched work and went off somewhere else. So, I was left to clean all day bg myself, which pissed me off. But, Phoenix will soon get what's coming to him.
Meanwhile, as of this morning, Merry has made Branden come help with my training. We went over my barrier once more, and while I was focusing more, I felt my body getting heavier each time I used darkness. Soon I was out of breath enough that I nearly fainted. Thankfully, Branden was there with a potion, which refilled my stamina and healed any previous attacks.
Resting up, Merry shifted her attention to teaching me about my "special abilities" aka the Heartless attacks left within me. She told me that I could practice my Anti-form there, but not in public. I could practice any of my old powers, but I only had Fade - my new power - and my claws. It wasn't as cool as fire or flying, but it was better than nothing.
I began to learn how to use Fade, which made dodging an attack easier. My claws helped slice the orbs in half, yet took forty hits before breaking it. Guess I'm not a great fist-fighter like Tifa or Phoenix. Even Branden did better than me! In a demonstration, he summoned forth a flame tornado attack and not just one, but all seven popped leaving me, amazed.
For someone who refuses to fight, Branden is still very skilled in the art of fire. I wonder who taught him fire magic?
Entry 237
A simple errand turned into a tea party at Starbucks when I bumped into Azula.
I was on my way to pick up a package from the post office for Branden when I crossed paths with Azula who was in a black trench coat and a long, blue dress. I hadn't seen her in a few days and while I wanted to talk to her the other day, I didn't know what to do. I mean I had run off and refused to just save myself. I wanted to thank and apologize for that day, so I did and she began to scold me.
Though after that, Azula invited me to Starbucks. The place looked big from the outside, but inside it was a small, colorful paradise with tables and chairs on every wall. And, many lively employees and ours being as handsome as last time I saw him. It turns out Dustin works there! He's a waiter, one who kinda was happy instead of annoyed to see us or mainly Azula. I guess Azula gave the staff a hard time in the past because no one except Dustin even dared to come near us. Soon I learned why…. Azula kinda was very strict on how she wanted her blackberry tea, muffins, and scones. Even by Dustin's aura, I could tell he was annoyed, yet hid it with a forced grin. However, when he turned to me his aura changed to joy.
It changed so fast, I had no time to react and began to giggle a bit. Azula was perplexed, yet Dustin thought none of it (at least I hope not). I told him my order, yet half the time I felt overly happy. I hadn't felt happiness in days, so the feeling made me a tad too excitable mixed with slight worry that Dustin thought I was strange.
Once we were served our tea, Azula and I talked about a few things regarding what was going on in the city. It turns out Oswald has been pushing for everyone to carry some kind of weapon or shield to protect themselves as more Unkindness begin to invade more often. It was issued last night and as well the declaration of a rule change - The right to carry weapons freely. (However, the rule for property damage remained sadly. And, we still owe munny.)
So, now Azula was allowed to wear her bow and arrow into shops and cafes. She called her weapon, Trickshot, and with it, she could blast concentrated energy into arrows to make sure they hit their target. Ever since she was little, Azula's father taught her how to be an archer, and now she was finally using her abilities to help others.
Entry 238
Before I left Azula, I asked her if she could help me find "The Great Fable". Once we got there, Azula went home and I stared at the shop in awe. Opening the door, I stepped in only to be transported to a pocket dimension itself. Instead of the cluttered shelves of colorful glasses and thick books on tables from the windows, I was greeted with a full-on armory displaying guns, swords, knives, you name it. There were books, but only like twenty compared to the dozens I saw outside. And, at the very front of the armory sat a closed down and a counter that was empty.
The more I looked around, the more I found myself seeing that Dos was not just a sorceress. She was someone that sold weapons as well! So many that I couldn't help, but feel a bit giddy wanting to have one! There were swords - a rapier, a clay sword, even a cutlass. Then, there was one that I fell in love with. It was a silver cavalry with a purple hilt. Without thinking I picked it, but ended up and dropped it! It was so heavy! When they heard the commotion, two men, a small girl, and a boy (maybe around my age) came rushing from through the door, soon finding out that someone - me - was in their shop.
From first impressions, everyone was more worried about the sword than me! Almost everyone. The man with wavy hair and a thin beard, dressed in a black apron covering his green shirt and jeans, was the only one who genuinely cared if I was alright. Turns out he was Dos' son, Lorenzo Estrellas. I didn't know that at first, of course until he introduced himself, which kinda made me jump and shout, "Your Dos' son!"
He was shocked to hear that, asking if I knew his mother. At that moment, I felt overwhelmed with his emotions, that I had to calm myself. My empathic had spiked so much this whole week. Thought, as well my senses of darkness. And, part of me felt the urge to take their hearts. They smelled delicious…. I had to bite my tongue to keep myself steady. I hadn't eaten a heart in a month yet in that instant. I wanted one. (I still do.)
But, I kept my mind focused on the topic -
Me: Y-Yeah, I know her. I met her a few months ago before coming here. She helped me out in the past.
Lorenzo: That's my mother for you. Happy to help. Where is she?
Me: I wouldn't know. One day I saw her and the next day she left.
I felt horrible for lying to him, yet I'm sure Dos didn't want her son to know she was a Heartless. It would have broken his heart, but not knowing where she was made him sad as well.
Lorenzo: I see.
?: Cheer up, Bae. We'll find her one day.
Me: Bae?
Lorenzo: Right? This is my husband, Zelus. My son, Tai and his little sister, Soña. I know my mother wouldn't have told you I married a man. She's kinda touchy when it comes to my relationships.
His husband only scoffed at that, which kinda told me Zelus and Dos must have not gotten along quite well. As for their kids, Soña stayed behind her brother, while Tai handled the sword without a problem.
Me: She didn't, but I'm glad to meet all of you. All she told me is that her shop was here, so I wanted to visit. I'm Nico by the way.
Tai: So, you're the runt Meredith is training to be a swordsman. Is that why you wanted this?
He merely laughed at that. Out of feeling emotions, I felt embarrassed. I mean a shadow learning how to fight was kinda laughable. I'm supposed to be the weakest of my kind. And, I was. But, now I want something more.
Tai: You're way over your head. Picking up a cavalry without an idea of this weapon was risky. Next time, leave choosing out a weapon to the experts.
Zelus: He's right. The weapon you choose wasn't made for beginners. It's an ultimate weapon. Only the best of the best can wield weapons like it. But, maybe one day you'll reach that level.
Me: Then, what can I wield as a beginner? I don't want a weak weapon. I want something like Meredith's.
Lorenzo: I can't make a weapon such as hers or her sister's. Their mother, Maria, created their weapons in a special way.
Me: Her mother was a blacksmith?
Lorenzo: One of the best ever known. It's why when Camille walked in I was surprised to see Maria's kin. She's the one who made my mother's magic staff after all. She was a kind soul. One who inspired me to become a blacksmith myself.
The more I learned about Merry, I saw how big her family name is. But, with all this fame, why doesn't she act high and mighty? Instead, she's obsessed with her research. I kinda wished she told me more about herself? But, I know she won't? That's one thing Ash and Merry have in common - secrets.
Before I left The Great Fable, Lorenzo told me that I'd find a weapon one day, but not yet. He told me that when bearing a sword, a shield, or wand - I had to be skilled and brave. If I wanted to make a great warrior.
Entry 239
I haven't yearned for a heart in months. My last one was on the day Ashley passed. And, I've been eating human food ever since. But, today Lorenzo's heart of guilt brought out my Heartless side. I didn't know why, but I craved it. His heart. Their hearts. A hunger that ignited and burned my throat with an endless appetite.
Branden told me, it was because I was a Pureblood. It was my insistence kicking in and that I had to fight it. But, Pal I don't think I can. This hunger is growing and it's making me feel empty inside no matter how much I eat. But, I can do this! I have to or else… I'll end up mindless again. I…. I can't become a monster again! I REFUSE TO BECOME A KILLER AGAIN!
Entry 240
(November 16)
Before training, Merry brought me into the lab and tested me again. My darkness levels were fine, yet my heart itself… Well, that was a little harder to define. At first, it was small, yet now my heart was growing since I was creating memories and learning. But, there was something making it lose control. Merry says my chain of memories were tangling together, which resulted in why my heart was trying to fade. Slowly, I would revert back into a Heartless if I hadn't caught it in time. Luckily I did before it was too late.
So, now I have to drink a potion to suppress my Heartless side every day or I'll become heartless once more. It's nothing to worry about. Even Branden's been through this. It's just another flaw in the project, one that means my memories are slowly coming back to me.
Entry 241
Today was my first time wielding a sword in my hands and it felt wrong. But, as well right. My Heartless side screamed as if betrayed, while my human side held the sword with certainty as if it was natural. With the hilt in my grip, I've never felt so conflicted in all my life! But, the moment Merry raised her katana, I lost all conflict and determination to protect myself.
All we did today was work on where my feet should be positioned, then we practiced sword blocking. It was simple training today, yet it felt all too familiar. Had I wielded a sword before? In a dream or something? Maybe, but this felt more natural than anything like a calling of some kind.
Were these feelings my memories of the past I can't recall?
= Chapter End =
Me: Memories of the past begin to come back, however, what's found will bring the truth into the light.
Silvia: As many may be wondering, why is Tifa in Starlight? Why isn't she out looking for Cloud? To answer that, Tifa has been on Starlight for a long time without any word from Aerith, Leon, etc. Only Camille and Meredith. She hasn't run into Cloud, but will sooner or later.
Me: Another thing to note is Tifa is dressed the same way from FF7, instead of her Advent Children clothes. A little bit of a tribute since FF7 Remake is coming out in April.
Kairi: On another note, another familiar face is a fellow princess of mine, Kida. She is from Atlantis: The Lost Empire, however, just like others she came to Starlight for a new start. No one knows why she came to Starlight, except one person. But, that's all I'm allowed to say.
Me: The last thing we need to explain is why Nico along with Mare and Joker do not recognize the title: Keeper of Knowledge. 1) No one outside of Mushroom 13 and a few other Heartless groups even know of her. Tanuki is not feared or in charge of lesser Heartless, but as well she goes around in her human form, which makes many assume she's a demon. And, 2) The Guardians of Darkness are not known by anyone, but those who have crossed paths with them either by choice or forced. So, if anyone knows of the guardians it's not a good thing for one.
Kairi: That is all we have for you today, however, we will be back soon!
Silvia: Thank you for reading!
Me: Have a great day or night! We'll catch you shadows later!