AUTHORS' NOTE: Some of you may have noticed that the character I use in my Transformers fic is almost identical to the one used in my G-Gundam fic… THERE IS A REASON FOR THIS OKAY????? I might make a crossover between them, so stop pestering me about it, please! I suppose you can call this a Mary-Sue, but I'm going to go into how she meets the Transformers in a flashback. AND THIS CHARACTER HARDLY REPRESENTS ME!!!! She's more of my alter ego than a mirror image of me, and I screwed up with my pen name alright?

PS: The flashback has now become the story.

Caitlin: Alright… I've decided to update already because of a positive review or two. (Thank you, Delas and Flyby Stardancer!) Anyway, I'll try my best to make a good fic, and if any of you happen to be looking for anime fiction, check out my G-Gundam one. No one's reviewed it yet. ::sweatdrop::

Red-Alert: Ahem, the Disclaimer???

Caitlin: I know, I know, don't blow a fuse, I'm getting to it.

Hotshot: She's right. Too much stress can be bad for your circuits, you know.

Red-Alert: I never said I was stressed.

Hotshot: I know you didn't, but you just are.

::Hotshot and Red-Alert begin to bicker::

Caitlin: {{over the noise}} Optimus, you mind?

Optimus: Not at all. ::clears throat:: The author of this work dosen't own any part of Transformers. She only owns her original character and her Minicon.

Caitlin: Thank you. ^.^

Optimus: Don't mention it.

Smokescreen: Alright! Enough chitchat! Let's get on with the story!

Alexis: ::motioning to Red-Alert and Hotshot:: If those two would be so kind as to clam up….

Scavenger: ::whacks Red-Alert and Hotshot over their heads with a random Transformer-sized um, frying pan:: Shut up, you two!

Hotshot: X_X

Red-Alert: @_@

Alexis: Thank You!

Caitlin: ::sweatdrop:: Now that that's settled, we can continue…

Smokescreen: About slagging time…



It was a hot August day. School had been out for a few weeks now, so there was nothing to occupy my time except for singing gigs I would get occasionally at different places. Rumors had begun to go around the town about there being strange occurrences up in the mountains. Earthquakes, huge craters in the ground, to name a few. Some people thought it was a coincidence, but I knew better. While walking around those mountains, I came across a strange, green and blue hexagonal plate. I took it home with me, and later that night, it materialized into a human-sized robot! It scared the living bejesus out of me, but it seemed to take a liking to me right away.

"What's your name?" I asked it, curiosity getting the better of me.

In a series of beeps and noises it answered me. "Sideswipe." I was surprised I could understand it, because it wasn't really speaking in a language at all.

"You… You understand me?"

It nodded.

"Well, what are you?"

"I am a Minicon." It answered proudly. "A Transformer from the Planet Cybertron."

"Whoah, whoah, you mean to tell me you're from another planet?"

The Minicon, as it was called, nodded. "We're galaxies apart, actually."

"Are there more of you out there?"

"Yes. Hundreds, even thousands more. But we are hunted."

" 'Hunted?' By who?"

"By Transformers."

"By what?"

"Beings like us, but they are much larger and much stronger than we Minicons."

"Why are you hunted? Because you're different?"

"No," the Minicon answered sadly. "They use us as tools of war."

"How can they possibly use you as tools?"

"We can combine with the larger Transformers, increasing their power and capabilities by severalfold. There are two different groups on our planet; the Autobots, and the Decepticons, and they fight against each other, using us to power them up."

"I see. And do they oppress you?"

"The Decepticons did treat us as slaves when under their control, but the Autobots thought of us as equals. Both factions are hunting for us again, but the Autobots are only doing this so we can be free."

"Tell me… why are you called 'Transformers'?"

Sideswipe didn't give me an answer, but turned himself into a motorcross-style bike, which about damn near scared me to death.

"You… you… Transformed!!"

"Now you know why we're called Transformers," he said with a laugh in his voice.

After that, I answered Sideswipe's many questions about the planet he had crash-landed on and it's many inhabitants. The concept of a carbon-based life form was surprising to him, and was also intrigued by our technological knowhow, despite being a "primitive" race. We exchanged information on the histories of our planets to one another late into the night….


***Okay, it's really late right now, so I'm gonna come back tomorrow and pick it up from there. Hopefully I'll get to the part where she actually meets the Transformers and such. Thank you to all who reviewed it… flames and compliments alike. Although I don't like flames, I respect that critic's viewpoint and take them seriously. Many thanks to CrystalRoses16 on clearing a lot of things up…Pray hard for the Raiders tomorrow cuz I think they might need it… Until I update again, Ja!