Hey everyone! First off, I want to thank you all some much for your continuous support and patience. It's been a while since I last updated this so I don't know how many people are still interested in this, but I continue this, even if it's months at a time.

Also, for those who don't know, I started another story. Yes, I know I shouldn't have but I couldn't help myself. If you wanted to check it out, it's called Hard Hits.

Thanks again, I love you all!

Guest: Thank you!

violet1429: Thank you so much for your kind words. They meant a lot. And yes, they totally have that connection. It's about time our girl got to live her life and omg, that would have been awesome! Haha, sorry. But who knows what the future holds…

Siennese: Yes and double yes! Me too, they need it. Haha, true, but that's Maya for you. We'll have to wait and see on both and no, she can't. Thanks so much!

Guest: Thank you so much and here you go!

teetee575: Here it is!


"Lucas, hi!" Riley smiles as she catches her breath and then quickly walks away from Maya who's grinning like the Cheshire cat. "I'm sorry about my friend. She can be quite nosy."

"Hi, Riley. And don't worry about it. We all have a friend like that. Your friend is just curious. She seems nice and I'm sure she's only looking out for you and your best interest," Lucas chuckles as he can envision Riley's cheeks turning pink from embarrassment.

"Yes, I guess you are right. And I'm happy you called," Riley responds in a friendly, but professional manner as she's trying to distract Maya from thinking the wrong idea. Though she's totally lying and probably too late.

"I know you are," Lucas retorts in a cocky tone, baiting her to get a reaction.

"Yes, well, I need a little more time on that paperwork. I know we wanted it finished by this weekend, but something came up. Can we extend it to the week after?" Riley explains the best way possible without sharing other information and feeling bad for having to put off Lucas another week. She misses him and was really looking forward to this time together.

"Next week? Sorry Riles, but I'm busy and will be traveling. And on top of that, I already scheduled my flight," he sighs, feeling like the world is working against them.

Silence takes over the conversation and a certain amount of awkwardness looms in the air. Riley's trying to find a balance between the two people she truly cares about and Lucas is praying that they can find some common ground and compromise.

"Well, we seem to be at a standstill. I'll try to rearrange a few things and call you back tonight. I'm sorry things got a little tangled," Riley finally utters and apologizes as it really shouldn't be this hard for them to get together.

"No apologies necessary, Riley. We both knew that life and our jobs would get in the way of our personal relationships. I just really hoped this could have worked out. I miss you," Lucas murmurs tenderly as it tugs at her heart.

"Same here," Riley quickly agrees. "We'll talk soon."

"I'll be waiting," Lucas finishes as she can hear him sigh before the line goes dead.

She lets out a long sigh as well, forgetting Maya is in her office and then screams when Maya inquires, "Are you okay, Riles?"

"What? Oh, yes, I'm fine," Riley mumbles, trying to stay calm.

"I'm sorry for answering your phone," Maya continues with a guilty smile.

"It's fine. I'm not mad," Riley waves off as that's the least of her worries right now.

"No, it's not fine. It's an invasion of privacy and I was being way too nosy. We aren't teenagers anymore and I have to respect you," Maya apologizes as she notices the distressed look on her best friend's face.

"Thank you for that, Peaches," Riley smiles and starts to feel a little better.

"Anytime, Honey," Maya grins and then finds the courage to ask what's been in her mind since the call. "Is Lucas really someone you work with? Or is he the guy you met on your trip?"

"I think you know the answer to that," Riley grumbles as her plan now is quickly falling apart.

"Possibly. I mean, his name in your phone is very um, personal. But it could be a code name or nickname. And on top of it all, were you hiding him from everyone?" Maya wonders curiously.

"He put that name in my phone, not me. But it means something to us. And I'm a way, yes. I was keeping him a secret because what we have is new and we're testing the waters. It's nothing too serious right now. We've only known each other a few months and we live in different states," Riley answer and feels a small weight lifted off her shoulders.

"Honey, I'm not one to give advice since my love life is nonexistent at the moment, but if you really like this Lucas guy, go for it. He seems nice and seems like a good fit for you. Just be careful," Maya advises as she walks over to give her friend a hug.

"I will. I think me being careful is what makes me second guess myself. But he's a good guy, My. I know it. And I've seen it," Riley retorts with a small smile.

"Okay then. I hope to meet this lucky guy when the time is right. Now, about that fake conversation...you two made plans this weekend?" Maya shifts the conversation to more important things.

"We did. He's coming to be visit me," Riley answers honestly.

"He's coming to you? Now that's a keeper right there. And why didn't you say anything to me? I wouldn't have minded if we had to reschedule. Well, I wouldn't have minded too much. But then if you told me, you'd have to tell me the whole truth, huh?" Maya presses with a smirk.

"Pretty much," Riley laughs. "I just got so confused on what to do."

"I understand, Riles. All I need is some honesty, okay?" Maya grins, happy to see her best friend thinking about her future outside the family business.

"Okay," Riley nods, feeling better about this situation.

"You want to see Lucas, right," Maya questions simply.

"Yeah, I do. But I also know you and I are in a desperate need for a girls outing," Riley points out.

"You are right about that. I need time to relax with my friend, drink our worries away and have a fun day. But I also know this is important too so I'll compromise because I am a good friend. I'll get you on Saturday during the day. We'll hit the spa, grab lunch and probably do some shopping. And then Lucas gets you that night, Sunday and whatever days you can fit him in," Maya offers without complaints.

"Really, My?" Riley gasps in shock as this is why they're best friends.

"Really, honey. Have fun with your cowboy. But not too much fun and enjoy this time together. You and I can always go out next weekend or whenever you're free. And tell that Huckleberry he better appreciate this and treat you right," Maya waves off Riley's sentiments as she knows her friend is close to crying and also warns because she deserves the best.

"Yes! You and I will definitely hang out next weekend and do whatever you want to do. You are the bestest best friend and I love you. And I'll casually mention your sacrifice since he already kind of knows of you," Riley beams as she walks over and embraces Maya in a tight hug.

"Good," Maya nods firmly but also smiles, pleased with the outcome. "If he's around long enough, he going to need to pass my test so might as well warn him now.

"If we make it that far, he's all yours. Just don't scare him too much," Riley reminds, knowing her friend could go overboard sometimes.

"No promises, Riles. But don't worry, I have some time to work it all out," Maya laughs as literally anything can happen with one of her plans.


Later that night, Riley calls Lucas to let him know the good news. He's surprised, but pleased and feels only slightly guilty that Riley had to change her plans. But after she explains everything and assures him over and over again that it was fine, his mind instantly goes to all the last minute plans he'll have to make and how happy he is to finally see her again and to have her in his arms.

This was a new feeling for the both of them, but he knew it was meant to be. It felt right and he was falling for her in ways he never imagined.


The next few days fly by and before they know it, Riley is at the airport eagerly awaiting Lucas to arrive. It feels different, the two of them meeting outside of work and finally being able to have a more personal relationship. Yes, they've had sex and connected on that personal level, but she wants to know more about him. About his life in Texas, his hobbies and any other details he's willing to share. If they are going to make this work, they will have to backtrack a little bit and start from the beginning. Which, she was okay with doing if it meant opening up to honesty.

After watching groups of people exiting with their luggage's, a glimpse of sandy blond hair catches her attention as her stomach is doing flip-flops and her heart is rapidly beating with nervousness and excitement. She sees both his hands are full with his luggage and briefcase, but then it's like he can sense her as he immediately spots her in the crowd.

She gives him a quick, awkward wave, but her smile is happy and welcoming. It's the perfect greeting in his mind and it takes him mere seconds to reach her. Not caring about his stuff, he's drops everything at his sides and swoops her up in his arms. She let out a girlish squeal, before his lips are on her and it's like a drug. Both are craving each other and have missed this. This connection and each other's taste of a fruity blend and coffee and male. They don't care that they are probably blocking traffic as their tongues battle for dominance and it's only when someone whistles and cheers that they break apart.

"Hi," she giggles and smiles down at him.

"Hi," he murmurs back, leaning his forehead against hers.

"I think we should head out now before we cause a bigger scene. We can finish this at my place," Riley suggests as she tries to free herself from Lucas' grip.

"I think that's a great idea," Lucas instantly agrees, giving Riley one last kiss before putting on her feet back on the ground and quickly picking up his luggage.

Within two minutes flat they're in Riley's car as Lucas practically drags her to it and then on the road. They make small talk, Riley asking Lucas about his flight and Lucas asking her about the city as they drive by so many things.

"So, do you ever get used to the traffic and noise?" he asks once they pull into her parking garage as all he can still hear are the blaring sounds of car horns.

"Of course we do," Riley laughs as it makes his heart beat faster. "It's like our own personal noise machine. But it also helps that I grew up surrounded by it and at some point you learn to ignore it. Is Texas always quiet?"

"No," Lucas smiles as he can hear the teasing in her voice. "Texas definitely is not quiet. We have a different type of noise as the animals can be such a riot. Add in all the yardwork and your ears will be ringing for a while."

"I bet. But see, every city has its flaws," Riley points out as they exit the car.

"Flaws indeed. But like you said, its home too. And speaking of homes, let's check out your new place and maybe have a little bit of fun," Lucas smirks, wiggling his eyebrows.

Riley bites her lower lip and lets out a sigh as she replies, "That sounds amazing, but there's something I'd actually like to talk to you about."

Lucas stops dead in his tracks, studies Riley's face and tries to focus on her expression rather than her words. "Oh, okay. Is everything all right?" he questions gently.

"Yes, everything is perfect now that you're here. And that's part of what I wanted to discuss," Riley continues, a small smile taking over her seductive allure.

"I couldn't agree more. I'm so glad we were finally able to get together. And as long as it's not bad, we can talk first and party later," Lucas grins, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"You, mister, have a one track mind," Riley laughs as they enter the building and walk to the furthest sets of elevators that lead up to the penthouse as Riley swipes her card to her level.

"When it comes to you, always," Lucas bluntly retorts as he gives her ass a quick little slap that earns a shriek.

The ride up to the penthouse is fairly short and once the doors open to Riley's spacious living room, Lucas grapples, "This is your place?"

"It is," Riley nervously answers as she watches Lucas scan the room from left to right.

"Are you rich or something?" Lucas inquires, feeling out of place.

"My family is. My parents created a company that is doing really. I've never blatantly asked for money nor was I spoiled. I've earned my own way. And this, this is what I wanted to talk to you about," Riley states calmly, taking Lucas' hand in hers and walking them over to the long sofa by the window.

"You wanted to talk about your family and money?" Lucas probes, his tone becoming dark.

"No, I wanted for us to get to know each other better. I want to share who I am with you. Granted that that does include my family, but I want us to form a deeper bond that doesn't revolve around sex," Riley snaps. "And I would appreciate it if you lost the attitude. I'm not trying to flaunt my lifestyle at you."

Lucas instantly hears the hurt in her voice, sees the quick flash of sadness in her eyes and feels like the biggest jerk on the planet. He never meant to react this way. Of course he doesn't see Riley in the way she describes, but somehow seeing New York, her huge penthouse and this life made him second guess a lot.

"I'm so sorry, Riley. I never meant it like that. It's just, this all takes me by surprise. Being from Austin, Texas and growing up on a farm is definitely different from the Big Apple. I know you earned your own way. I know your character and it's damn amazing. You're a remarkable woman and I regret my words immensely. Can you please forgive me and can we start over the right way," he apologizes, needing and wanting to correct his mistake because as scary as it is, he cares for her. More than he's cared about anyone.

"Thank you for the sweet words and believe it or not, but I do understand. My whole life people have been judging me by my family name. I have had opportunities either handed to me or I've had to work my ass off to prove to others that I'm competent in my work. And when I met you, that was me on my first solo account. I desperately wanted to prove my position in the company, but along the way I also wanted and needed to spread my wings. Find my own groove. And when I finally decided to let loose, I fell into bed with you. And I'll admit, it was one of the best decisions I've ever made," Riley confesses, opening the door for the two of them.

"I'm honored to be the lucky guy and believe me when I say I'm glad I met you that night in the bar. You're something special, Riley and I really would like to get to know you better. The real, unseen Riley. And you and I are the same. We both want to prove ourselves and be the best on our own merits. It's hard in this line of work, but totally worth it in the end. I know you're going to be incredible in whatever you do," Lucas praises as this is exactly what Riley wanted. True, honest and raw conversation.

"Thank you, Lucas, that means a lot. I appreciate the honesty and I like you. Having conversations like this feels like we can be a real couple," Riley smiles and then notices the blank expression on Lucas' face. "Sorry. Too much?"

"No. No, it's perfect," Lucas automatically announces. "I feel that way too and Riley, I like you too. I like you a lot and it's scary. My feelings for you are the strongest they've ever been for someone."

"Really?" Riley questions in shock and feels a warming sensation throughout her body.

"Really. I want to take this next step with you," Lucas admits with soft smile.

"You're amazing," Riley murmurs with glee as she moves closer to Lucas and gives him a passionate kiss that fills their bodies with desire. "Come on."

"Am I getting a special tour of your house?" Lucas jokes as Riley's pulling him along up the stairs.

"The tour will be later. Right now, you'll only be seeing one special room. My bedroom," Riley says in a flirting tone as her eyes twinkle with sexuality.

"I love the way you think," Lucas approves, his voice dropping to the low, husky tone that would make any woman's panties drop and reaches around Riley's neck, tangling his fingers in her hair to pull her close again.

The kiss is hot, needy and oh so perfect that they can't keep their hands and mouths off each other. Lucas moves his hand that on Riley's waist further down and grabs one round mound of her perfect ass while the hand that's in her hair gives one last tug before slowly moving down her spine. And Riley's hands that are gently laying on Lucas' shoulders, slowly, almost tantalizing slow, moves to the front his body as her small hands run over his pecks and stops on his delicious eight pack.

"God, Lucas, your body is so damn sexy," Riley purrs in pleasure as she starts pulling his out of his pants.

"Mine? No, your body is sexy. Your ass is amazing, my personal favorite. And I can't wait to feast on your perky breasts," Lucas groans as he quickly start to undress her.

Within seconds clothing is flying in all different directions as the couple just pauses down the hallway from her bedroom. With Lucas in his navy boxer briefs and definitely sporting an erection that's long and thick and Riley in a pale pink matching lingerie set, nothing else matters except pleasuring each other until they are both screaming with ecstasy and forgetting their own names.

Riley starts to reach for Lucas, but he's faster and suddenly drops to his knees to feast on her. Closing her eyes and letting the wonderful sensations take over, she feels his tongue tenderly licking just above the waistband of her underwear before it swiftly gets ripped from her body. Her leg is thrown over one of his shoulder and his tongue goes to work as it licks her wet, dripping slit and teases her clit. Her hands find security in his hair as she grips it tightly and pulls his even closer to her, bucking against his face and loving the way her body reacts to him. His tongue is magical as it alternates between licking her pearl and thrusting inside her, each movement taking her by surprise and her panting and moans only encourage him more and is music to his ears. He's thrilled and enthusiastic to be the only one who gets to see her lose control.

Everything about this moment is perfect and it's the best way to begin the night. So yes, their conversation and talking can definitely start later.

And there you go folks! Hope you liked.

Thanks and until next time,

Missy xx