The Gang's Pets


Before I start, I would like to say a few things. For one, I love the Outsiders more than life itself. I would never intentionally ruin the story. (But here I am, writing a fan fiction xD) Anywho, some new characters will be added, but not a lot. Also, I don't intend to "throw shade" as the hip kids say toward any of the characters. After all, I did fall in love with every single one of the characters before I even saw the movie. ;) Oh and one more thing… Ponyboy is life :) 3

The sun was beginning to set as I walked to the DX gasoline station with my older brother, Johnny. He was wearing his denim jacket, mostly because it was freezing and it was his only jacket.

…Mostly because our parents are abusive and don't exactly want us for anything more than to use us as punching bags.

Johnny and I were on our way to visit Steve and Sodapop, our friend's of course.

When we reached the gas pump, Steve greeted us with a teasing "Hey, y'all."

Johnny replied with a "Hey, Steve." I just stood there, waiting for Steve to call me a name like he usually does.

Instead, he nodded and said, "Hey, Danielle."

I tilted my head, "Aren't ya gonna poke fun of me or somethin'?"

"No. I'm tired of doing that… 'shortstop'." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course."

Sodapop walked out from the small building and waved at Johnny and me, "Hey, Johnnycake. Dani."

I smiled as Johnny stuffed his hands in his pockets and said "Hi, Soda."

"So, what're y'all up to?" Soda grinned slightly.

I chuckled a bit, "What do you think, Pepsi-Cola?"

"Meh, you could be just stoppin' by on your way to the Dingo or somethin'."

I shrugged, "True."

Steve grabbed a pinch of chew and grossly pocketed it into his gums. Johnny cringed a bit.

I nervously hesitated to ask Soda, but finally got the guts to, "So, Soda… Where's uh, Ponyboy at? Is he at home, do you know?"

He raised his eyebrow, "Why? Were you guys planning to meet or something?"

I felt my cheeks run hot, "N-no…"

Steve laughed, showing his tobacco filled teeth. I looked at him angrily.

"W-what's so funny?"

Johnny put his hand on my shoulder, "I think you know, Dani."

"What do I know, Johnnycake?" I backed up.

Soda tipped his DX cap, "We think you might have a thing for a little someone…"

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed nervously.

Steve crossed his arms, "Oh give it up, girly. We know you like Ponyboy."

My eyes widened, "I have no idea what you're talking about, you doofs."

"Oh really?" Johnny gave me one of his rare smirks. "'Cause for someone who doesn't like him, you sure ask about him a lot."

I immediately thought back to the past week and a half. Every night I had been asking about Pony and where he was.

I looked at him in annoyment, "I do not!" I stuffed my hands into my pockets angrily. I began to walk away when I heard the sound of familiar footsteps. Boots. I immediately knew who was coming…

"Hey, kid. Where ya going?"

I stopped and rolled my eyes, "No where, Dally."

"Wow. What a coincidence. I was just headed that way myself, kiddo." He grabbed my head and pulled it to his side as he messed up my dark brown hair.

I pushed him away, "Ah, cut it out!" I stuffed my hands in my pockets again and continued walking back toward the Curtis house.

I could hear him talking to the boys from the distance, "Gee, what's her problem?"

I could then hear Steve answer, "Little Dani has a crush on PONY!" He yelled to my irritation. I turned around and flipped him the bird as they all laughed.

I flipped back around and continued walking. I guess they knew my big secret… I was in love with Ponyboy Curtis.

Ponyboy and I had known each other for almost ten years. We met when we were four years old, making us fourteen to date. We were best buddies for the longest while. We would always play around together; mostly tag, hide and seek, and sometimes we'd even watch the sun set together. One day when we were 11, we were riding our bikes to school when I felt kinda woozy. When we got to school, I went to the bathroom and got sick. When he tried to help by calling my mom, I told him not to, knowing that it would only make it worse. He did anyway. She came to pick me up and then she and my drunkard father free-for-all beat the tar out of me for "causing trouble". I know Pony only wanted to do what was best, but I never forgave him for that. After that, we just, I dunno… We just drifted apart.

When I realized that I liked Pony only a few months ago, I was devastated to hear that he was dating some girl named Gwendolyn Davis. Actually, I knew Gwendolyn. She was my friend from kindergarten to second grade. Only two years due to how she was saying mean stuff about Johnny…


When I reached the Curtis house I noticed the lights were off, which was a bit odd considering someone was always home whether it was someone from the Shepard gang or one of our gang members.

As I walked in, I noted that there were muddy footprints on the carpet. What the hell, I thought as I slowly closed the door behind me.

"D-Darry? Pony? Anybody home?" I called out as I worked my way over to the kitchen. I turned on the kitchen light.

As the kitchen light dully hit the kitchen corners, I could see the silhouette of a man standing in the doorway to Ponyboy and Soda's bedroom. I thought it was Darry so I nervously called out, "Darry? What're you—" He slowly approached the light beam. My heart dropped when I made the realization that it wasn't Darry… It was a man in his late 30's-early 40's with a scar over his cheek. I felt the pure terror branding in my eyes as he lurched at me with a sinister grin on his face. He grabbed me and covered my mouth with his hand. I felt completely and utterly helpless already. I tried to scream as he dragged me around the house, probably looking for valuables.

I guess he realized they didn't have anything worth taking, because he growled like a beast as he grabbed a roll of duct tape and dragged me to the couch. Once there, he tossed me down and pulled a strip of the tape over my mouth and wrapped some around my ankles and wrists. He cackled as he slapped me across the face a couple of times.

He then stormed out the door in silence, leaving me for dead. It felt like an eternity before I heard the sound of boots again. I was frightened it might be that asshole from before. I felt sweat drops pouring across my forehead as they inched closer to the door. I closed my eyes tightly as they stopped at the front door. The door slowly began to creak, pouring moonlight into the room. God, please help me, I thought as I heard a boot hit the floor. There was a moment of silence, which scared me to Hell and back.

That's when I heard a voice…