Just like I said, soon. Let there be a last chapter!
Chapter 16: Decisions
A week passed since the girls around Sonic fell for him. It created much more problems than a normal crush would, but then again, what is normal on this crew? For an example, the city is STILL being repaired after the girl's showdown. As for said girls, well, they are still expecting the answer of their lives. While on it, they are enjoying the most they can.
As for Sonic, his life is still a mess, but less dangerous. Eggman finally gave up on his career as an evil scientist? Nope, even better: the girls stopped fighting, at least literally. Every day is a war, and it goes with the saying 'all is fair in war and love'. Right now Sonic could not get up and do his running on the morning because he was under a group of girls, all hugging him like a teddy bear. How did he end like this?
(Right after the battle ended)
"Wait?! WHAT?!"
"You know, I'm beat but I'm sure you can hear me"
"Rouge, this is a serious matter!"
"I know Sally! Just look at this huge mess"
"And yer tryin' to get more fighting?"
"No! On the opposite!"
"I'm really not following, and it's not because of the concussions"
"Let me explain, kitty- I mean- Blaze. Actually is pretty simple. The way to have dear sweet precious Sonic and not start a fight is sharing him"
"Oh, you say like its common sense"
"And why not, Mina?"
"Uh! Do I even NEED to say why not?"
"Easy, Amy" Amy looked at Sonic with disbelief in her eyes.
"Are you agreeing with this?!"
"NO! I meant to you to take it easy. Your body just passed by a huge stress"
"Oh, Sonic, always so caring" she said as she daydreamed.
"Actually, we were kind of planning this from the beginning" everyone eyed Cream with surprised looks. "What? Just because I'm a child I cannot think about a reasonable solution?"
"Yeah, on first thought, Cream and I would make Sonic have his way with both of us"
"Please don't make it sound like I approve it…"
"But Sonic, think about it. Now Marine and I are on full grown bodies. It could be a lot of fun, right?" The girls stared at him with menacing looks.
"I'm not thinking about nothing!" 'Pure thoughts, Sonic, pure and clean thoughts'
"Since I suggested I'll say. It's not what I wanted but I'm willing to play it cool, if I get to spend some time with him"
"What are you talking abou-"
"Ahhh, it's not what I wanted too… but… okay, I'm in"
"Don't get all flustered, Mina. I should be the angry one around here and-"
"Oh, ya know what? Fohget the rules, I'm in too!"
"Bunnie! Don't sabotage me now!"
"What do you think, princess? It's beneath us, but I think I can survive that" Blaze looked to Sonic, who flinched. "Heh… I'll have to learn how to share…"
Amy was almost having a heart attack. Did she hit them in the head too hard?
"As a princess I should not agree in this"
"Finally, someone with the head in the right place. Now, Sonic, how will it be, me or Sal-"
"But this princess shit can self-explode by me! I'm damn in too!"
Amy was speechless. Sonic was right at her side and she was holding his arm, but she never felt that he was so distant. The reason for all this running, for all the fighting… was to decide who was going to get Sonic. And now they wanted to share? SHARE him like you share a doll to your friend so she won't get afraid during the night. Okay, childish example, but then again, this way they could all be with him. There is Sonic the Hedgehog for everyone.
Amy closed her eyes as she held his arm with more strength. All the girls were staring at her with expectation. "*sigh* Alright… I'm in…" They all cheered and high fived each other, but cringed because of the bruises and many sore spots. Their party got cut, though.
"Wait, wait, WAIT. How can NOT have a saying in this?!"
"Well, Sonic. It so happens that we kind of know what you will say" the girls nodded in agreement. "Plus, we are all frustrated, in a lot of ways" Amy said that spinning her index finger in circles on his chest. "Can't you pen up for us?"
Sonic would run if he could, but all of them surrounded him. Trapped, he had no other choice. "Look! I'll choose someone after the Love Drive's effect wear off!" They all looked at him with gleaming eyes, but would not let him go. "I-I-I… promise…" Now they let him go, and started to squeal like little girls. Sonic sighed. Now he HAD to decide.
Back at his room, he had a blank face as his bed was full of girls in night clothes. They agreed to wait his answer, but they decided to keep the 'main plan' while Tails finished the antidote. This resulted in more five days having his house full of girls vying for his attention nonstop. He would have to go on dates with them, and since every single girl liked something different, he had a lot of work to do in order to please everyone.
From walks in the park to long shopping trips, sparring sessions, Twinkle Park, movies, dinners, or simply being together on the couch watching some cartoons… his life had never been so busy. But at the bottom of it, he was enjoying a little. The girls were sincere and very nice to him and this made Sonic feel that maybe it could be the time to let things develop a little. With that in mind, he passed by the entire week trying to enjoy the most of the extra company.
Tails (finally) finished the antidote and everyone was gathered on Club Rouge, where it all started. The girls had the vials on their hands, but looked hesitant.
Bunnie sighed and walked to Sonic. "Look, potion or not… Ah really hold ya dear to mah lil heart, do ya know it…?"
"Yeah, I know…"
"Ah really enjoyed this last week… thanks foh being there foh me"
"Don't mention it. I'll always be". After that she gave a gentle kiss on his lips. Amy felt a shiver go up her spine but let that go. Just a little kiss would not kill… Then again, there could be more where this one came from. Mina was the next to come and gave him a hug.
"I'm really sorry I made you pass by all this…"
"It's okay. You weren't yourself. Don't sweat it" With this she gave a quick peck on his lips. Sonic was already red. Just as Mina left Marine jumped on him.
"I… don't know what to say…"
"Me neither…"
"It was embarrassing…"
"Yeah, a little…"
"But it was also fun… I think I'll try to fall in love again when I'm get older"
"The guys won't stand a chance"
"Do you think?"
"Sure. Just look at you… you are going to be a great and beautiful captain one day" Marine got all red and just kissed him quickly.
"… just for you know… this was my first one…"
Sonic scratched his head and felt a poke on his elbow. The turned around and saw Cream.
"Am I going to be a great and beautiful woman when I grow up?"
"Of course. You don't even need me to say it to you"
"I think it's special… if you say it… Can I…?" she leaned on and gave him a quick kiss, then said "It's my first one too" and covered her face with her ears as she walked off giggling (Just for the note, Amy is getting impatient).
Rouge just placed her hands on his face and planted a painfully long kiss on his lips. "You drive me crazy, Blue…" 'At least she is direct…' Amy thought.
Sally faced him, but she could not think of a single word to say to him. So instead she just hugged him. "…sorry" she heard from him. "I'm sorry too…" This was a good start. She leaned and quickly kissed him. She could see Amy staring.
Blaze approached him and she was already red and letting the air around her hot. She hugged him and said on his ear "I never felt like this… ever… I also never had friends before… before I met you. For this, and for last week, well… thanks" She also made a scene and kissed him for an awfully long minute. Before she walked off, she said another thing on his era "… I'm like, with Cream and Marine…"
"You mean-"
"Yeah… just… don't get too convinced… okay?" he nodded and she walked away.
Sonic looked at Amy. He actually expected some reaction from her, but she remained silent all the time. "What…? It's not like something will change for me after this is over…"
"Who knows…"
The girls took the vials and drank the antidote at the same time. Slowly, the warm feeling on their chests started to fade. The memories of the hedgehog now seemed more distant, not like something you forget, but as if they stopped to be the center of their thoughts. They looked at him and… nothing. Not a single urge to jump on him or any kind of physical contact. Rouge approached him again and shook her head slowly. "That's no good. You are still pretty darn handsome, Blue" The worries of everyone vanished when she gave him a wink.
"I already was awesome before this potion"
"The modesty in flesh and bones as usual" Blaze said in her usual sarcastically manner. Yep, she was back to normal.
"WOOHUUU! I'M FREE! No more lovey-dovey thoughts on my brain! Marine is back on the town blokes! Prepare for sailing!"
"Noisy as usual… yeah, she is back"
"You bet, Blaze! Cream, how do you feel?"
"I… don't feel at all. I like mister Sonic, but I don't feel like I need to put him on a leash and hug him for eternity" Everyone looked at Cream with a preoccupied face. "I'm kidding! Geez"
"Are you okay Mina?"
"Yes, Sally… Just a little… guilty. You know…"
"I'm sure he will understand…"
"I hope so"
"If you need help, I'll personally go there to knock some sense into his hard head"
"There's no need Sonic, really!" Soon everyone was laughing. It seemed the perfect end. But something was yet to be done.
"Ummm, Sonic…" he sighed, knowing what Sally had in mind. Everyone turned around and looked at him. Marine and Cream were not interested in winning, but just knowing who would he choose. Same thing for Mina. Which left Sonic to decide between Blaze, Bunnie, Amy, Rouge and Sally.
"Alright… I thought a lot about it and… like I said before, I'll say who do I choose. Before I say it, I just want you all to know that I really care about every single one of you and that you are really special for me. This may be a big step for me, and I think I could never do it if it wasn't for all of you…"
"Okay, okay… you are going to make me cry, Blue…"
Sonic took a deep breath. Sally looked to the floor and crossed her fingers. Amy closed her eyes and readied herself. Bunnie's ears were twitching. Blaze was having a hard time controlling her tail due to impatience. Rouge felt like she would blow up.
(A/N: who do you think Sonic will choose. Leave your guess and Soon I'll reveal the soon to be miss Hedgehog)
Ok, so, pretty much a clif hanger. I don't know if I know how to make them (Oh well, once again I ask your opinion) Am I too evil for doing such a thing? I really tought it would be cool but... I'm not sure. Anyway, in the space of a week (tops) I'll oficially end this story. I relly hope you all enjoyed so far as I did while writing. See ya later!
The cerulean hedgehog slowly walked through the floor. He stopped and poked a pink head, which made Amy open her eyes and look up, just to find Sonic's eyes staring at hers. She became speechless; her mind too occupied processing what was happening. The other girls ended dropping some tears, but they were happy with the outcome. If there was someone between them that really wanted it, it was Amy.
Sonic took her hands on his and kept staring at her. "So… surprised?"
"I… I… You… you chose…"
"You, Amy. I choose you"
The pink hedgehog became lightheaded and her breath was short. "Oh my gosh… All this time running and- I actually started to doubt that- and now that I'm here- I-I- I can't believe this! It's happening but it's not a dream! What should I do…?" She was completely euphoric. Amy was fanning herself with her hand and jumping on the place like a teenager in front of her idol.
"Well, how about this?" Just like that Sonic kissed her. It was long and caught her off guard, but soon she started to kiss him back. Amy hugged him with all her strength, which made him lost his breath and gasp for air.
"Oh, sorry Sonic"
"It's okay… we just need… to control your strength…"
The new couple and the other girls laughed lightly. Now Sonic was with Amy, and there was nothing that could change it.
"All right guys, it was really funny, but right now I need to get club back on the rails. And Sonic, if you ever change your mind, don't hesitate on calling me" Rouge said on her playful and seductive way.
"Haha, very funny Rouge"
"I'm with Ames. I'm not going anywhere" the hedgehog said goodbye to the others and got out of Club Rouge holding each other's hands. The girls looked at the scene and could just fell a little bit of envy. After all this mad run, they could not help but feel that somewhere inside them, there was still a little affection for the blue hedgehog.
Oh well, they were capable of ignoring this. Amy deserved to be at his side as much as he deserved to be with her. From the beginning she was sincere with her feelings and she endured a lot of things. As for him, many where the times where he ended hurt, and if someone could help him deal with his numerous problems, this person was Amy. That said, the girls dismissed from each other and went to their own ways.
As for the love birds, Sonic took Amy to Green Hills. They sat on the grass and stared at the sun setting on the horizon. "This is beautiful"
"Yeah… you know, I could get used to this"
"To watch the sun set?"
"To be at your side"
A gentle smile formed on her lips. "You don't need to stick around all the time. I know you like to run and go on adventures, so-"
"I know you know me. And you are right; I really love to run around. But I love you more than any adventure the world can throw at me, which is more than enough to make me slow down a bit. As I said, I'm not going anywhere without you"
"Oh, Sonic… I dreamed with this moment practically all my life…"
"And I'm sorry I took so long to do it…"
"Never mind that. It was completely worth the waiting, and it's much better than I could ever imagine. I love you Sonic"
"I love you too, Amy"
They embraced each other and kept staring at the scene in front of them. This was a new chapter on their lives, and they could only think about what could be waiting for them. It actually didn't matter, because they would face it together. That was for sure. After the storm comes lull, and damn, that was a heck of a storm. A crazy scientist with a crazy plan involving crazy girls could only lead to complete madness. Cupid madness.
End of chapter 16
AAAAAAAAAND I DID IT! WHEEW! Wow, It took me much more time than I expected. But was worth all the time I spent. I really hope you liked to read my story as much as I liked to write it. That said, I really want to thank all of you guys that followed me on my first attempt of writing anything. And who knows, maybe I can come back with another one later. I have some ideas. What do you think? Should I keep on doing this? Anyway thanks for waiting and reading, and for all the support. Spark's out, see ya another time!