Hey everyone!

So it seems I found a way to post my chapters, it is annoyingly long to do it but at least I can update chapters now. So thanks for your patience and thanks for sticking around till I figured it out.

This chapter is a bit of a filler chapter since (if you watch the show) Elijah is daggered and is missing for an episode or two. It is a series of dreams/memories that they are both reliving while Annabelle is asleep.

Happy reading.


Standing up she walked into his bedroom through a connecting door, another form of habit and paranoia he had was the need to be close to the precious books. Taking in the room before her Annabelle smiled, it screamed Elijah and she absolutely loved it. Walking over to his closet, she laughed when she saw that it was manly filled with nothing but suits, he had a few casual clothing but nothing much and at the far back she noticed that he had kept a few of his old tunics.

"A sentimental fool he is." She thought as she noticed the one she pulled on was one that she had hand embroidered herself. Walking over to the bed she started to feel herself relax even more due to his scent being everywhere, it was faint but it was still there. Laying down she sighed as she faced the window and saw the moon.

"Goodnight my love, where ever you are I hope that you are safe. I will find you." She closed her eyes as she nestled deeper into the bedding and let sleep claim her.

Chapter 3: Memories of us.

~Dream one~

"The men are here!" Called out one of the village women. A small dark auburn haired girl smiled up at her mother before running out of their home towards the village's entrance. Once she arrived she scanned the crowd of adults and spotted her father immediately.

"Papa!" A dark haired man with sharp facial features looked towards her and they both smiled when their golden brown eyes met. The little girl ran forward, throwing herself into his arms, the villagers around them smiled at their antics.

"Ah, my beautiful little Anna. I've missed you little one."

"I've missed you too papa." After pulling away her father caught the eyes of his new friend and his son as they walked towards them.

"Anna, I'd like you to meet a new friend of mine. He just arrived in the village not too long ago. This is Michael and his son Elijah." She smiled softly at the two new comers.

"It is very nice to meet you both." She said as she bowed, surprising both Mikaelsons.

"She saw you and your family arrive months ago." Michael's eyes widened.

"She already has the gift?" Her father nodded his head with a proudly and they started to speak quietly amongst the two. Annabelle tuned out her father and turned shyly towards Elijah; afraid he'd be afraid of her gifts.

"I'm Elijah." He said with a bright smile as he offered her his hand.

"I'm Annabelle, but everyone calls me Anna." She returned his smile with shaking his hand.

"Annabelle." He said slowly, as if he was trying to find out if he liked the name or not. His smile brightened.

"I believe that we will be the best of friends." Both children started to laugh as their fathers watched on, both noticing their child's fast attachment to the other.

"It would seem that they are fast friends." Said Annabelle's father, Michael nodded his head in agreement with a hard look on his face.

"Yes, so it would seem. It is proof that they are still young and naive."

"That is simply due to their innocence my friend. With time they'll begin to see everything differently." Michael nodded his head at his friend's words of wisdom.

"I want to thank you Philippe. You and your family have been very welcoming, it has made the change and these hard times more easier to bare."

"There is no need to thank me Michael. We'd do it again in a heartbeat. Besides it will help all of our children to have others so close in age." Philippe smiled at his daughter, catching her attention.

"So Anna, did you help your mother while I was away?" He asked as he started to lead their group towards their homes.

"Yes papa, I mucked the stalls, fed the cattle, sheep and the pigs." Michael raised his brow in surprise at the young girls eagerness to help.

"You did, did you?" She nodded her head with a proud smile on her face.

"I helped mama with all of the meals and she even taught me how to make bread. Oh and Clara birthed her calf last night, it is a big strong bull."

"Fantastic, thank you for your help little one. Now did you and your brothers finish the gifts for the Mikaelson's like I had asked?"

"Oh yes! Mama has already given lady Mikaelson and the other children their gifts, I'll be right back." Philippe couldn't help but laugh at his child's eagerness as they watch the little girl run off.

"She is very energetic isn't she father?" Asked an amused Elijah.

"Yes she is. How is it that she does men's work?" Chuckling Philippe faced his friend.

"We, like you, have five children. There is Godric and Belamai our two eldest whom you've already met. Then there is Annabelle who is twelve, followed by Blaine who is eight and Brandon who just turned six. Since Annabelle was the only girl around her age she followed her older brothers around. She wanted to be seen as equals with them, so we allowed it. To a certain extent of course, she is just a girl. But she's phenomenal with animals, has implacable aim and a great cook just like her mother." He said while smiling fondly as she came back with two large packs in her small arms.

"She's also very independent." Muttered her father as the others laughed lightly.

"Here you are lord Mikaelson and this one is for you Elijah." She said as she handed them their own pack. Both Mikaelsons untied their gifts, which consisted of worm Fur cloaks along with a few tunics and fur wrapping for their boots.

"Did you make these young one?" Asked Michael as he inspected the wonderful workmanship. Annabelle nodded her head proudly leaving him speechless. This young girl, who didn't know his family for more then a few days, had probably spent hours if not days making these for him and his family.

"Thank you little one, they are exceptionally well made. And if the weather is an indication then they will be put to good use very shortly." Annabelle smiled brightly at his praise given that Niklaus had told her he was a very stern man.

"You are very welcome." Elijah smiled at his new friend, when he and his family had arrive a week ago they had very little clothing that was appropriate for the colder weather and more then once did the all feel the cold creeping over them. These gifts would surely keep them warm at night.

"Yes thank you very much Annabelle." She bowed her head to try and hide her blush from them, cause all three men to chuckle at her embarrassment. She turned to her father glaring at him.

"Father what would you like us to do with out catches?" Asked Godric as he held his horse's reins.

"Oh no, why is Annabelle glairing like that?" Asked Belamai as he tried to hide himself slightly behind his older brother.

"No reason worth fear your sister Belamai, we're just teasing her. And bring them behind the house, since the Mikaelsons are next to us it will be easier to for both families to share. Anna will you go and help your mother start the stew? We'll have the dried meat washed and brought in shortly."

"It is already done papa, but I will go help mama now." She replied quietly, backing away slowly. Philippe whipped his head in his daughter's direction at her words. Their meet stores were a ways off into the woods, no place for a neither child nor women to venture on their own.

"Annabelle, you know better then to go to the meat store by yourself." He said harshly causing both her and Elijah to flinch. She started to tremble slightly as she lowered her head.

"It wasn't her fault Philippe." Came her mother's kind voice.

"What's wrong my love you look upset." He said as he took his wife into his arms.

"With Brandon, Rebekah and Kol sick both Annabelle and Blaine have been trying their best to help both myself and Esther. We need the meat to soak so Annabelle offered to go as long as someone went with her. Your brother went with her but when they started to hear noises that sounded like the wolves he left her by herself. She had the meat with her but had to run the rest of the way alone and afraid." Explained Clarissa, her voice cutting off at the end as she became visibly upset. Philippe's eyes widened in surprise, anger and fear. He placed a kiss on his wife's brow before turning towards Annabelle, whom was still looking at her feet with Elijah now right beside her.

Elijah was shocked into place beside his new friend. Even with their family being new to the village and he being almost thirteen and a haft, knew that they weren't aloud to go into the woods alone. He was angry that someone she was supposed to trust abandoned her, this small, kindhearted girl. He didn't know why but he just wanted to be there for her now.

"Anna?" She raised her head high with tears in her eyes as she looked to her father.

"I promise nothing will happen to you but I need to know if what your mother said is true cubby."

"I did as you said papa, I was just trying to help mama. Uncle Pyke said he'd take me there and bring me right home. I just wanted to help mama, but he left me papa, he left me there but I didn't want him too. I was going to do as you said and stay with uncle Pyke but he left. I'm sorry papa." She rambled on and looked back to her feet afraid of having disappointed her father.

"Oh Anna, it was not your fault cubby. You did as you were told and helped and took someone with you. It is your uncle who is to blame for you being alone and I will go speak with him." He said as he moved in the direction of his brother's home.

"No papa! You can't!" He father looked at her with hard determined eyes.

"He broke his word and left you alone unprotected in the woods. You could have been hurt or worst killed out there cubby." She shook her head in protest.

"He told me that he'd hurt me papa. He said if I told you that he would hurt me." She watched as fury filled his eyes.

"Elijah please escort Lady Lancaster and Annabelle to their home, them help the boys to skin the catch." Elijah needed his head as he placed a hand on a panicked Annabelle's shoulder. He too noticed fury in not only Philippe's but also in his own father's eyes.

"Come Annabelle, lets go and see if our mothers need help with the evening meals." He said while trying to pull her back towards their homes but her eyes were glued onto her father's back.

"But they could get hurt Elijah. I can't let them get hurt cause of me." He smiled softly at her kind-heartedness.

"I doubt your father would get hurt. He is a fierce warrior, besides he has my father there with him should he need any assistance." She frowned before finally letting him pull her towards their home.

~Dream 2~

"Annabelle, come here my darling!" Called the fourteen-year-old girls mother.

"Coming!" She called back from the sables, where she quickly finished feed the cattle before heading around to the front of their home. In the last two years, since the Mikaelsons had arrived, the friendship between the two families had grown stronger, especially between Elijah and Annabelle.

The young witch and soul reaper hybrid had grown more beautiful, her hair was longer, she had grown only a few inches but was started to lose the baby fat that had clung to her frame as a child and was starting to notice more feminine curves. All the while her best friend grew more masculine from his time training with their brothers and fathers. He had grown quiet tall and was starting to gain muscles. One of Annabelle's favorite things about his appearance what he long chestnut brown hair that had grown well passed his shoulders. Not hat he'd ever admit it, but he kept it long for he enjoyed letting her run her fingers through it while the enjoyed their time together in the meadow near their village.

"Yes mother?"

"I was wondering if you could go collect some berries and herbs for me?" Asked Clarissa as she moved around their cooking area, preparing their evening meal.

"I do not mind mother except non of the men have returned from the hunt yet and I do not wish to displease father." She said unsure of what to do. On one hand her father always says to help their mother whenever she asks them to do something but then her father hated the idea of her being away from the village alone.

"That is alright my love, bring your weapons and Brandon along with you. He may just be eight but it is time for him to start learning to accompany us out to the meadows."

"As you wish mother. I'll even ask if Rebekah and Henrik would like to join us." Her mother smiled at her daughter's fondness for the Mikaelson's youngest children.

"I'm sure their would love too. And it would help Esther out greatly since we are expected to work in the gardens."

"Alright then, I'll go collect my little helpers." She grabbed her sword, bow and arrows and her dagger before leaving to find her youngest brother playing sword fight with Henrik as Rebekah watched.

"Hello my little warriors. Would you all like to accompany me and Brandon to go collect berries in the meadow?" Rebekah smiled as Annabelle laughed at their brothers excited expressions.

"Really?" Asked Brandon.

"Mother thinks that it is time for you to start. But I will also be armed myself, just like I was with Blaine." She said in her motherly tone, Brandon nodded his head excitedly before dashing off into the house to get ready.

"I'll go ask mother if she's alright with it." Said Rebekah.

"Alright just meet us in the barn." Annabelle left her friends to go ready their cart in the barn with their baskets and tools when Brandon came running up to her with another basket.

"Here, mother wanted to us to pack this. It's our mid-day meal." Annabelle smiled and placed it into the cart as the two Mikaelsons joined them. After a short enough walk they made it to the meadow and the girls started the task at hand Brandon and Henrik took their responsibility to heart and were scanning the surrounding area for any sings of danger. Annabelle and Rebekah laughed as their brothers still found time to sword fight in-between picking berries.

"Do you think we'll see papa and the others? They usually come this way to get back to the village." Asked Brandon before popping another berry into his mouth.

"I don't know maybe, if we are still here. With the way you two are eating the berries we just might." Teased his sister as she placed another handful into the basket.

"Hey, we helped!" Cried out a blue-mouthed Henrik cause Annabelle to giggle.

"Yes you did. But I am sure our mothers and siblings would prefer more supplies." Said Rebekah as she tried to wipe away the berry juice from her brother's face. Annabelle stood and dusted off her skirts.

"I'll be off to collect the herbs mother wants. I'll just be slightly over this hill if you need me Brandon." She said as she grabbed an empty basket.

"Do you need me to come help you?" Asked Rebekah and Brandon at the same time causing them to laugh and Anna to smile.

"No, I'll be fine. Besides Becks, you and the berry monsters over here need to make up what they ate before we can leave. And Brandon you need to watch over Rebekah and Henrik for me, I'll have my dagger with me so I'll be fine." She ruffled her brother's hair affectionately before leaving.

She enjoyed the silence and beauty of the fields around her, the flowers of different colors and smells, some wildlife coming and going as they pleased. After a few moments she found most if not all of the herbs her mother needed, taking others that she recognized for healing and spells, pleased with her bounty she stood and stretched before slowly starting her trek back to the others. On her own she found it hard to keep Elijah from her thoughts, wondering how his first hunt was going, but her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Rebekah scream. Her eyes widened as she looked quickly to their cart, her heart started to race when she saw no one there. Jogging down the hill she looked around the field franticly, her heart lurched forward when she finally spotted her brother and friends being chased out of the field by a large grizzly bear. Annabelle dropped her basket and ran after them, hoping, praying to get to them before the bear did.

-With Elijah-

He smiled to himself proudly as he strapped a large buck to the kart, he couldn't wait to show Annabelle what he had caught. He shook his head trying to get his friend's beautiful smile out of his head.

"I am proud of you son." Said Mikael, who offered his second son a rare smile.

"Thank you father, I hope to continue making you proud." Mikael nodded his head as he clapped him on the shoulder.

"Come it is time to go home." All the men mounted their horses and started making their way back to the village. They travelled in relative silence as they were all tiered. By mid day they were near the fields adjacent to their village when they could hear screaming.

"Father that's Rebekah and Henrik." Said Klaus with wide eyes filled with panic. Before anyone else could say anything, the Mikaelsons and Lancaster's urged their horses forward towards the screams. They arrived at the river's edge to see all the three children were trapped in a small cave with a large grizzly trying to reach them.

"Father, help us!" Screamed Rebekah as the bear took another swipe at them.

"Hurry Godric, you're the best with an arrow." Urged Phillip as he kept his eyes on the bear.

"Annabelle!" Yelled Klaus as he spotted their friend a few feet away from the bear with a dagger in hand. They watched in stilled silence as she took aim and let her dagger fly. They dagger looked like it would hit dead on but the bear moved, the dagger lodged itself in its shoulder and not his neck as she had planned. Letting out a ferocious roar the grizzly turned towards its new target causing Annabelle to take a few steps back before running back towards the fields.

Elijah's heart dropped, his eyes wide with fear the turned his horse around, urging it on forward towards the fields, hoping that he would make it there in time.

Annabelle felt her lungs and legs burning as she ran, the sound of the bear not far behind her pushed her forward. She saw a break in the trees to her right and went for it only to have the bear swipe her arm sending her tumbling down the hill, hitting her head on a rock at the bottom. Her vision blurred and swirled around her for a moment, the sound of the grizzly slowly making it's way towards made her shake the blurred shapes away.

"I have to move!" she yelled to herself, crawling forward into the field. She continued to push herself forwards and haft way to the kart where the rest of her weapons were she could hear the distinct sound of hooves near by.

"ANNA!" She knew that Elijah was still too far to help; she was starting to tier and began thinking that she was done for until a flash of silver caught her eye. With one last push forward she reached for the sword and turned around to find the bear right above her. It let out a roar, mouth open, ready to claim it's prize when Annabelle jammed the sword into the beast's chest, letting it collapse beside her.

"Annabelle!" Yelled Elijah as he jumped off his horse, heart racing in fear with his sword at the ready. He le out a breath of relief when he saw the top of her auburn head moving around, trying to get out from under the bear.

"Oh thank the gods." He breathed out as he quickly reached her side, throwing his sword to the side.

"Elijah!" She said in a mix of surprise and relief, as he pulled her the rest of the way out from beneath the animal.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He asked as he started to give her a once over, he pushed the hair away and out of her face causing the young witch to wince and Elijah to frown.

"I'm fine other then my head and my arm." He gently pushed back her hair to examine the cut on her temple before looking down at the gashes on her arm.

"Oh Anna." Annabelle shook her head, and making him look at her.

"I am fine Elijah, tis nothing that will not heal in time." He pulled her into his arms, burying his face into her hair.

"I thought I was going to lose you." For a moment she was shocked by the feelings that those words had on her, the thought of not having Elijah with her scared her. She hugged him tightly, only pulling away when they heard the others arriving.

"Anna!" He father jumped from his horse, running to them and pulling his child into his arms.

"What in the world were you thinking?" He said as he looking into her eyes.

"I couldn't let it get to them papa, I just couldn't." She said in a shaky voice as she pulled her father into a tight hug.

"Oh my sweet, sweet girl." He kissed her brow and pulled away, looking over his daughter, she had grown into a fine young women.

"Are you hurt little one?" Asked Michael as he rode closer to them with a worried Rebekah.

"I'm fine lord Mikealson. Are you alright Becks?" The blonde nodded her head from her spot in front of her father.

"We all are, but your hurt." She said while pointing to her friend's arm.

"It's fine, really."

"Annabelle, let me see it." Said her father in a tight voice leaving no room for argument. She slowly placed her arm in her father's hand he grimaced at the sight.

"What were you doing out here in the first place?" He asked as he began to clean the cuts.

"Mama asked us to come and collect some berries and herbs for while she tended to the gardens. It's my fault father, I left them here to go collect the herbs, I should have brought them with me."

"It's not your fault Anna, you left us with the weapons to protect ourselves and Rebekah. The bear just came charging at us and caught us by surprise." Said Brandon from atop their brother's horse.

"Well regardless, you are all safe and that is what matters most. But I'm afraid that's all I can do for your arm until we get back to the village Cubby." She nodded and made to stand but her head started spinning causing her to fall back into Elijah's arms.

"Easy does it Anna. You hit your head remember." He said softly as he held her petite body against his. Everyone started to gather their things while their fathers added the bear to the game cart; Elijah slowly walked Annabelle, with his arm around her, towards his horse.

"Are you sure that your do not want to ride in the cart? I'm sure it would be more comfortable for you." She nodded her head slowly.

"Yes I'm sure, I just feel more secure being near others right now." Elijah nodded his head; she was still reeling from the trauma of almost being eaten after all.

"Very well, Godric, would you help me get Annabelle up and keep her steady till I'm mounted?"

"Of coarse. Come here little sister, give me your hands." He said, reaching over the back of Elijah's horse as his owe came to stand beside Elijah's stallion. With a little help from Elijah and her brother, Annabelle positioned herself sideways, like she always did while riding in a dress. Elijah swung himself up behind his friend and almost immediately he felt her lean back against his front.

"Ride on ahead Elijah, we're almost ready to head back home." Said his father as he watched the two young adults for any signs that Annabelle would be able to ride. The young witch's eyes widened in surprise.

"Are you sure lord Mikealson? We can wait and return with you all, I'm fine truly." Said Annabelle in a small voice causing the, usually, hard man's features to soften at the young women's words.

"The faster you are back home the faster you will get your wounds looked after, it will be detrimental to your health if they become infected. Go child and let your mother tend to you, Elijah will inform the other elders that we'll be arriving shortly." Elijah looked to Philippe to make sure he was all right with him taking his daughter back to the village, with an approving nod; Elijah urged his stallion onwards to their homes.

After w few minutes of hard riding he slowed his horse down, secretly enjoying the feel of having his friend in his arms.

"Are you alright Bella?" She snuggled closer to him before nodding.

"I'm fine really, tiered, scared and sore but fine all the same." Elijah nodded his head.

"And you? How are you fairing on this lovely afternoon lord Mikealson?" She asked while looking up at him.

"I'm alright I suppose. I feel very much the same as you." She tilted her head in confusion.

"How so 'Lijah?" He couldn't help but smile at his nickname.

"It has been a long three day of hunting and despite most women's belief, it does take its toll of ones body. But when I saw the bear turn and chase you, by gods I've never felt such fear in my whole life. When you took the bear down, it looked like it was the opposite way around and I thought I had lost you Bella." She swallowed her own fear that started to revisit her and brushed a stray lock of hair from his face, smiling a small smile when he looked down at her.

"I will be alright Elijah, I promise. I'm right here with you, a little worse of wear but I am here just the same." She said while cupping his cheek, Elijah sighed while leaning into her hand before placing a kiss to her brow. The rode the rest of the way in silence, just enjoying the others presence, once they arrived her mother's eyes widened at the state that she was in before rushing to their side.

"Anna, what in heaven's name happened? Where are Brand, Henrik and Rebekah?" Asked lady Lancaster as she tied the reins to a post and Esther arrived.

"We had an unwanted visitor, a bear came and attacked them while I was collecting the herbs. But they are fine I managed to get the bear before it could anyone." She said trying not to make a big deal of the situation.

"A bear!" Yelled out both mothers causing Elijah to wince at the pitch of their voices.

"Lady Lancaster, Annabelle will need both her head and arm seen by a healer right away. While lord Lancaster has cleaned the wounds on her arm as best as he could we don't want an infection to start festering." Said Elijah as he dismounted, reaching up to help Annabelle down.

"Finn! Go retrieve the healer now!" Called his mother as she kept looking into the woods for any sign of her children. Finn glared as he watched his younger sibling help the young witch, whom captivated him, down from the horse before running to Ayanna's hut.

"Do not worry mother, father and Nicklaus as well as the Lancaster's are with them now. They should not be too far behind, neither are hurt, Annabelle saw to their protection. She drew the bear's attention onto herself leading to her injuries." He explained as he stared into his friend's eyes with relief and pride, their moment was interrupted when Ayanna arrived and lady Lancaster pulled her into their family's hut.

Later that night, the village celebrated another successful hunt and blooded Elijah, a tradition done to welcome him into manhood. Annabelle grimaced while laughing at her the tradition but could not help to smile with pride at her friend's accomplishment. As the celebration continued she left the festivities in favor of the barn. Walking down the to her horse's stall she grabbed the grooming brush and opened the gate.

"Hello my big boy, are you enjoying your night?" She cooed softly only to have him bob his head sending the hay, he had in his mouth, everywhere. She laughed at her stallion's antics as she started brushing him, everyone couldn't understand how she tamed the large stallion but Annabelle claimed that it must be everyone else who just couldn't handle him.

"So this is where you ran off too." She jumped with a girlish yelp causing the horse to shy slightly and Elijah to laugh loudly.

"That was not funny Elijah." She said while placing a hand on her chest, trying to calm her beating heart.

"It is when it isn't happening to you." He said with a slight smirk causing her to chuckle.

"Congratulation's on officially becoming a man and of your first unassisted kill. I told you that you could do it." She said honestly.

"Thank you Bella." He said with a shy smile, he just spent the last hour or two receiving congratulations from every man women and child in their village and yet it meant more to him having it come from Annabelle.

"Now come here, you look ridiculous with that blood on your face." They both shared a laugh as he sat down in front of her, watching her grab a cloth and dripping it into a bucket of water, ringing it out and slowly wiping the dried blood off his face. He closed his eye, enjoying her soft touches.

"Thank you for coming to my rescue earlier." He opened his eyes to see a flash of fear and insecurity flash in her eyes as she focused at the task at hand.

"Your welcome, but there is no need to thank me Bella. You had protected our siblings and dispatched of the bear yourself by the time I arrived, I only assisted you in getting you of from under the bear." He said, trying to lighten the mood, she only turned from him to wet the cloth again causing him to frown.

"What's wrong Anna? You acted brave today, you saved the lives of our siblings."

"I wasn't brave Elijah!" She said in an irritated and sad tone.

"It may have seemed like I was brave but I was just terrified. I felt their fear as well as my own and I thought I was going to die." She said as her voice started to break, Elijah pulled his friend into a tight hug.

"It's alright Bella, it is ok for you to have felt that way, and I was scared as well. First at the thought of my siblings being hurt then for you, I watched the bear give chase to you and my heart stopped. Just because you were scared doesn't lessen the courage you mustered to save our family, I don't even want to imagine what could have happened if you weren't as brave as you are." He said while patting her hair, he pulled away slightly and tipped her chin up to look at him.

"My heart hurts at the thought, I can't imagine my life without you in it Annabelle, you are too important to me." She felt her heart skip a beat as she stared into his eye, seeing nothing but honesty in those brown orbs.

"You have become very important to me as well 'Lijah. Trying to imagine my life without you or your family into is impossible for me now." He smiled softly at her as he cupped her cheek in his hand causing her to lean into it.

"Anna!" She opened here eyes, looking towards the barn doors; she closed her eyes again knowing that their moment together was at an end.

"I should go before they started sending my brothers to find me." He nodded his head in understanding.

"Until tomorrow my Bella." She smiled sweetly at him, she went to walk away but stopped and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Until tomorrow my 'Lijah." She said with a blush on her cheeks before running out of the barn, leaving a shocked Elijah sitting in the hall with a silly grin on his face.