A/N: Hi! I'm back! Yaaaaay! Big thank you to Dumbledore19 for the sweet reviews! They made me smile and got me motivated to work on this chapter. :D

WARNING: Logan has a pretty graphic nightmare about Rorke molesting him is this chapter, and it is very VERY angsty and sad, so beware.

Logan P.O.V

I could feel them. Hands, roaming over my body. I couldn't move. There was no way to escape them as they snaked up my torso, dancing over my ribs and moving to wrap around my neck. Then a pair of familiar, yet unwelcome lips pressed against mine. My stomach lurched sickeningly and I tried desperately to move, to shove him off of me. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move. I was helpless. There was nothing I could do to stop Rorke from touching me. There was never anything I could do. In everything he did, he went out of his way to drive home the point that I was absolutely helpless.

I hated it.

I had always been a control freak. A perfectionist. I wanted everything under my control and organized and flawless at all times. And nothing terrified me more than having that control- my own perfect little world- ripped away from me. Rorke knew that, and he used it against me. Every. Damn. Day.

"Logan, baby, wake up. It's just a dr-" A voice in the distance said.

A muffled whine escaped my lips when his hand slid down my bare thigh. I wanted to scream. I wanted to kick and scream and thrash until he either gave up or knocked me out. At least then I'd know I did everything I could to prevent this. But all I could do was silently watch as Rorke did whatever he pleased.

Tears flowed down my face in a steady stream as he began to remove his clothes. My lungs refused to work. I couldn't breathe. Panic filled my mind to the brim and made it impossible to think clearly.

"You're okay, it's just a dream. Don't cry..."

Rorke smirked at the terrified look on my face as he climbed back onto the bed. I tried to scream, but I didn't have a voice. Even if I did, there was no oxygen in my lungs to be used. His grin widened as he straddled my hips and leaned down to kiss me again.

Then everything went black, and I woke up with a scream.

My eyes snapped open and I sat bolt upright, nearly head-butting the person looking down at me. The room was pitch black. I couldn't see who it was, so I automatically assumed that it was Rorke. Somehow, he had found me. He had come to take me back. I had known it was only a matter of time... Memories of what I went through when he captured me played through my mind like one long, horrifying movie. I could feel the pain I had felt then, even though I was all healed up now. I couldn't go through that again. I wouldn't.

"...Logan? Hey-"

He reached for my face and I acted instinctively, grabbing his arm and yanking him forward to get him off balance. Then I used my legs to throw him over myself, sending him straight to the hard tile floor. I didn't stick around to watch. I leapt from the bed and bolted for the door as fast as my legs could carry me.

"No, Logan! Come back!" He yelled, and I heard him scramble to his feet.

Just when I had reached the door, it opened and I nearly ran right into it.

Luke walked in and frowned at me, saying, "Logan? You don't look so good. What's-"

I heard the footsteps behind me growing closer by the second.

"Luke! Grab him!"

I panicked and shoved past the older man, then sprinted down the hallway. I didn't notice where I was going, and I didn't care, as long as it was away from Rorke. At first I could hear them chasing me, calling for me to come back. I tuned them out and after a while, I couldn't hear them anymore. I was frantically trying to find a place to hide. I was exhausted and scared and so incredibly stressed that I couldn't think straight. Eventually I just leaned against a wall and slid down it, sitting on the cold floor with my knees against my chest.

My eyes jumped around the halls, my ears straining to hear the first hint of footsteps. I scarcely dared to breathe. I had no idea what I was going to do if someone walked around the corner. I didn't have any weapons on me, and I could only run for so long. I felt so vulnerable that I didn't even want to move.

I have no idea how long I sat there before I heard something. My eyes scanned the surrounding hallways even more vigilantly than before.

"Logan? Oh, thank god, it's you. Everyone's been looking for you. I was so worried... Are you alright?" Keegan asked, slowly approaching me.

I looked around, trying to make sense of things. Where was Rorke?

"I... Where is he?" I croaked, my voice still hoarse.

Keegan's expression softened as he looked at me with concern in his eyes. He cautiously sat down beside me, and I watched every movement he made like a hawk.

"...Who? Logan... what did you see?"

"Rorke, he... he was here and..." I choked out, frantically looking around.

All I could think about was him popping around one of those corners, killing Keegan, and dragging me away. The thought terrified me to the very core.

"Logan..." He said quietly, "what did you see?"

I shuddered, feeling absolutely disgusting, as I thought of it. I really didn't want to talk about it...

"Where is he?" I asked again, trying to change the direction this conversation was heading in.

He was silent for a couple moments, then he said, "Logan... he's dead. He's been dead for a while now, remember? He can't hurt you anymore."

I remembered that he was dead, yes. But that only confused me more, because I had seen him. Something that vivid... that real couldn't have only been a nightmare.

"B-but I... he was..." I stuttered, looking around the dark, eerie halls.

"He's dead. You're safe. Everything's okay, I promise." He said, pulling me into a hug.

But that was the problem. It wasn't just a dream, it was a memory. A memory that would haunt me right up until the moment my heart stopped beating. But for the time being, it was still hammering in my chest. I was still shaking. I was still terrified that Rorke was going to show up and take me away again. ...But I felt better than I had when I was sitting here all alone.

"Logan? You okay?" He asked, lifting my chin so he could see my face.

"...I'm sorry..." I said quietly, avoiding his eyes.

"What- for this? You don't need to be sorry, Logan, it's okay."

"No, it's not. The whole base is up looking for me just because I couldn't deal with a fucking nightmare. Keegan, I can't do anything on my own anymore!"

"Look at me." He said sternly.

After a few moments, I reluctantly met his eyes.

"Needing help isn't a bad thing, especially after everything you went through."

"But I'm a burden to everyone here!" I cried, struggling out of his arms and standing up.

I started to pace. Keegan stood as well and leaned against the wall, giving me my space. I appreciated it.

"You're not a burden to anyone, Logan. You've come so far in the past few months. When you first got here, there couldn't be more than 2 people in the room with you or you'd have a panic attack. You didn't trust any of us a single bit, even though we've been your teammates for years. You wouldn't eat for the first week you were here, because you thought we had poisoned your food. You've come a long way since then, because we've helped you. It's not a bad thing, and no one here thinks you're a burden. To be frank, we're all still overjoyed that you're alive and we were able to get you back. We were so worried while you were gone... You're part of the team, Logan, and we love you. So don't ever think you're a burden, because you're not."

Tears gathered in my eyes and I stood there just looking at him, unable to say anything in reply. I couldn't think of anything good enough for me to say.

Keegan gasped and said, "Oh no, don't cry! I'm sorry! Shit, I was trying to make you feel better, not wor-"

He stopped mid-sentence as I shuffled forward and hugged him.

"...You did make me feel better..." I sniffled.

"...Why are you crying then?" He asked, clearly confused.

I looked up at him with a small smile.

"Because I'm happy."

He frowned.

"But... that doesn't make sense..."

I laughed and said, "Just accept the fact that you made me happy and don't question my method of showing it."

After a few minutes, we went back to our room- telling everyone I was fine as we went- and laid down. It was around 4:00 in the morning, but neither of us cared at that point. We were both exhausted.

"I love you." I mumbled, rolling over and kissing him on the lips.

He smiled and said, "I love you, too. Now go to bed. You need sleep."

I rolled my eyes and said, "I am in bed."

"Well go to sleep, then, smartass."

"You know you love me." I laughed, poking his nose.

He caught my hand and kissed it.

"More than anything."

My face turned so red that I couldn't believe it didn't light up the room like a traffic light. Even with it as dark as it was, Keegan knew me so well that he didn't need light to know I was blushing.

"Awww, you're blushing!" He laughed, ruffling my hair. "That's adorable."

"...Shut up..." I grumbled, rolling over and hiding my face in the blankets.

The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was his laugh. I decided it was my favorite sound.