An alternate version for the first meet-up with Nick and how he eventually gets Judy's heart, in one way or another.

I do not own Zootopia.

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Judy came out of the restaurant only to find a very furious pig, who seemed to be the manager of the place beside where she had just come from.
Her instant first decision was to talk to him and find out about what happened as soon as possible… only the pig did not even seem ready to calm down for the necessity of information for the current case.

"Sir, I am a cop and I'll be willing to help." She tried to present a daunting figure for herself as she flashed the small bade behind her meter maid outfit. "We just need a bit of information where and we can call for back-up if need-"
"Can't you see he's running away already?!"
Judy could not believe how his exasperation was starting to feel contagious. Of course, she had initially given a swift look around but she had not been even present in the scene of the crime and she had no idea about the culprit's figure.
"So is the guy perhaps an elephant or something similar in size?"

Both preys turned around to face a rather amused fox, who was absently twirling a finished Pawpsicle stick.
The pig, however, quickly became aggravated and yelled all the more, "What are you talking about?! Elephants can't just barge in and steal like that! The weasel's getting away!"
Nick Wilde slightly pointed the stick to the floral shop manager and smiled. "Yep. That's what we needed. Thank you for the help."
Judy frowned, having little idea on just what the heck the fox seemed to be planning, who casually moved her away from the pig's wrath.

"I can have you arrested for impeding on a case of your own accord."
The fox raised his hands to free her back of his gentle touch and shook his head as if he was the one offended. "Fluff, I'm trying to help you. Unless you want to waste your time chasing Weaselton off the whole city."
"How-" Judy tried to grasp the direction he was going. "You know the culprit? Wait, you're an accomplice! Or you brought me to that restaurant conveniently beside a crime sce-"
"Now hold on a sec." Nick tutted lightly for attention. "That's some terrible assumption you got there. I just happened to know everybody."
"Wait, where's your so-"
"Finnick's already home," Nick interrupted yet again. "But we got a case of our own. And right now, Weaselton's probably by the train station being confronted by Officer McHorn."
"Wha-" Judy stuttered for a while before giving up with a confused but still defiant sigh.

"That's the spirit." Nick smirked as if he actually wanted to tease on her hesitation. "The weasel broke our lunch date together and I don't appreciate it. But we wouldn't want to incite an unnecessary scurry, do we?"
"O- okay, the culprit's far from us." Judy breathed deeply, as if her thoughts had only been just trying to catch up with the state of affairs. "And what exactly do you expect me to do about it?"
"I'd rather have you do nothing about it. The way things are going, he'll likely try to get through an escape route in Little Rodentia but will soon find himself surrounded by police officers who should really be doing other more important stuff but are still called upon to act for such an insignificant case," Nick chattered as he started to casually draw Judy to a direction opposite to where the culprit had run off to.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Ticket zones, my dear Carrots. Let's get that ticket record up before your shift is over."

Judy's constant frown finally managed to build a coherent response as she confronted the fox with an unamused look. "Animal welfare is in no way an insignificant case to handle! I don't care if you don't see it that way but you're pushing things a little too far!"
The next moment presented a genuine expression of shock from the fox's face as his wrists were cuffed, which Judy took fondly with a smug look for her face. "Nicholas Wilde, you're under arrest."
The red fox shook his head as he tried to regain his composure. "For what? Hurting your feelings?"
"Harassment and eager impediment on a serious case," Judy quickly replied.
"What?" Nick gave her two narrowed eyes. "I'd say that's a stupid reason but you can't even testify for such an intention. It's my word against yours."

The bunny readily raised a carrot-shaped device, which upon her click of its button started rolling away roughly recorded voices.
"And what exactly do you expect me to do about it?"
"I'd rather have you do nothing about it. The way things are going-"

She maintained her smug expression as she playfully shook the device for Nick to lay his eyes upon.
"One more thing. You seem to be particularly knowledgeable with certain stuff. I'm sure I'd appreciate your presence for quite a long time."
At the red fox's wordless reaction, Judy tilted to her side and chuckled. "It's called a hustle, sweetheart."
Nick could only look up in detest, shortly after giving his cuffed hands a disapproving look. "So, you're going to be pulling me around with these?"