Undertale: Darkness

By: Shindouga1

A/N: This takes place after the True Pacifist Route. I thought hard and realized that even though Chara was defeated in the end, her (yes, I said her) may be truly too strong to be destroyed. Plus, there was the fact that humans may have had the ability to SAVE, which made me think…'Hey, what if Chara saved a version of herself if she died?'. Yeah, getting off track. Anwyay, enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Undertale. It belongs to a wonderful man named Toby Fox. Please don't sue! I only own my OOCs!

Paring: SansxFrisk



(Toriel and Asgore yet to be determined…)

Chapter 1

"You know I get bone-tired in the lab."


"I heard a suppressed laugh in your voice."

"Fine…but you're jokes still suck."

"It doesn't matter if you laugh."


"Do you feel any better?"

"A little. I just…I don't know why I keep getting this scary feeling in my…bones…"


"I couldn't find a better idiom. It's 3am."

"Is it?"

"You're underground so you guys don't have the same semblance of time that we do on the surface."

"Well, we know what it means to work ourselves to the bone."

"Come on, I've got a million of them."

"Well anway, hearing your voice makes me feel better."
"Are you sure you don't want to talk to Toriel about this?"

"…she's busy."

"I know, with that integrated school. She must have a lot of time on her hands."

"She protected me by not giving away the fact that I was the one who broke the barrier."

"Not so loud! Toriel said you could get killed up there!"

"Relax, the only person who knows is Jackie and she's know for a while."


"Sans, I'm fine….I mean, I'm fine now. I should get to back to sleep though, I'm opening the store."

"Ok, get some sleep."

Sans clicked the phone to hang up and he sighed. Despite the fact that she sounded confident, he knew that she probably wasn't getting any sleep. A few nights a week she was getting nightmares about Chara. Resetting the timeline didn't do anything to absolve her of her guilt in the long run. Toriel helped the best she could, helping her cope with Chara taking over her body. Still, to have Chara come back, it would take a very powerful SOUL to interrupt the timeline. Speaking of change, Sans hated being taller, and Papyrus loved the fact that they could be mistaken for twins. He made sure to get a large blue hoodie thanks to Frisk buying one on the surface. Every day, he looked different, and it bothered him. Today, he grew white hair, but at least it was short that he could cover with a skullcap. A skeleton with white blonde hair stuck out way too much, even around monsters. Papyrus was going to whine about not having hair, and then try to decorate it.

Teleporting to Hotland, he wondered if Alphys had any updates. They both agreed that Gaster had something to do with the changes to his bony body. He and Papyrus showed up one day, and Alphys said he looked like a child version of Gaster., so when he looked through the salvageable notes, he put two and tow together. Alphys still had the same nervous look from 8 years ago. She left the lab, usually to visit Undyne, but she was still shy around other monsters, and humans terrified her, even though they were nice. Using social media was better for humans to contact her, though she could stand Frisk. Her work helped out with humans health-wise, except for one, the same disease that was afflicting monsters; an illness that deteriorated the internal organs of all creatures. Humans that trusted her were healthier than ones that didn't. Right now though, she was playing Final Fantasy 10. If Undyne were here, she would turn it off because Undyne destroyed 4 monitors over Tidus. The yellow monster nearly jumped in her chair as she saw Sans. "I-I th-th-though you were Undyne."

"Do I look like a terrifying water monster with a Scottish accent?"

"P-p-please d-don't let her hear you talk about her like that…"
"I could scale it back a bit…"
"Please stop…"

"I came back to see if you got any results from the tests you did."
"Just tell me. I know growing hair must be a side effect of whatever Gaster was doing."
"Hold on a sec."

Sans got an empty feeling in his stomach. He knew his hypothesis could be correct, but there were times like this he hated being right. He looked around and realized that the lab was quieter than usual. "Where's that stupid robot of yours?"
"He's on tour with some human named Gaga…strange name."
"I know who that is. Frisk went with her roommate to one of her concerts. She's good."

"Well Sans, you were half-correct."

"The part about having Gaster's DNA is correct, but your not Gaster. You're a half Gaster, a monster and…"
"And what?"

Sans squinted his eyes and Alphys looked away nervously. "What?"

"You were created with Gaster and half of a human female's DNA."

"Gaster's my father?"
"Not exactly. Skeleton monsters have a hard time and low percentage of reproducing on their own. There's a reason why there's very few of you, and why you tow are the most prevalent ones around. Skeletons also have a very slim chance of reproducing with other monsters, combine with a human, you have slim to none. Certain times of monsters, such as yourself, would have to be gestated in a lab."
Sans gave a small smile, as much as his mouth would let him. He ingested everything like he always did, diverting back to making a joke as a defense mechanism. "You're actually a medical miracle."
"How? How exactly Papyrus and I medical miracles?"

"I guess Toriel and the King didn't tell you…"
"No. Toriel has a tendency to stay out of politics."
"Oh…well Gastor was working on a project…one that would save monster-kind."

Alphys sighed as tears welled in her eyes…

Frisk hated her job sometimes. Being around girls her age made her nervous. Maybe, it had something to do with being a sophomore, or maybe it had something to do with a certain childhood classmate coming by to annoy her at the party store. Jessica was a witch, or she thought she was. Frisk always scoffed at her boasting, considering growing older around monsters, manipulating different SOULS for self-defense, she knew a lot more than she did. Jessica dressed as a gothic Lolita, keeping her blonde hair dyed jet black, but still had piercing blue eyes. Her platform heels clacked as she walked as she dumped a pile of black candles on the counter. "Seriously?" asked Frisk, "You couldn't use a basket?"

"Can't, I'm kinda in a hurry."
"Oh yeah? What's it this time? Love charm ritual at the coven?"
"If you must mock me, at least get your facts straight. We're going to raise the dead."

"I've been conversing with a very active spirit with a large aura. She said she'll teach me to use my magic better."
"Um…you're not going to kill any animals are you? Because, that's the first signs of being a sociopath."
Jesscia squinted her eyes and then pulled out a flyer. "I knew you were a skeptic. You and your roommate should come by tonight for the ritual. I invited a few others too."
Frisk gave Jessica her change and she walked out the party store. Looking down at the flyer, she sighed, wondering if she should go to make sure she didn't do something stupid. There were times she could count on her fingers how she had to stop Jessica from doing something monumentally dangerous, and Toriel had tried to warn her parents in school what type of danger she was going to get herself in one day, but her parents were skeptical of magic, just like many other humans.

Sans watched as humans passed by the hot dog stand. Hotland had become somewhat of a tourist spot, but military and the Royal Guard protected the castle where human dignitaries stayed. Hotland expanded the hotel into a resort, making hot springs, which made families happy. The Nice Cream had a better smile since children bought his product. Sans chuckled as the same two members of the Royal Guard came to buy up all his nice cream. Of course, the vendor had to tell them no, or there wouldn't be any for anybody else. Business was slow, and Sans was trying to figure out why he was sweating when he had no skin. "Hey!"

He looked down to find the same monster child that had been bothering him for the past three days about hamburgers. The monster child had a large bow between her scales, and she had a mischievous look on her face. He had to guess, he was going to have to find a way to get rid of her before his supervisor found out. "You got any burgers?"

Sans nearly face palmed at that question. It was very tempting at that moment to use his powers to get rid of her. "Kid, listen, we-"

A rumbling from above made everyone quiet. Black smoke filled the air as Sans watched as creatures, humans and monsters clutching their chest. Sans felt the air being sucked out of him and he heard a demonic, childish laughter. He breathed heard and looked up, seeing everyone's SOULs. It looked like it was shattering when a bright light shined from below. The smoked disappeared and he could breath again. But, there was something disturbing he saw, a piece of every monster's SOUL was gone, and the humans…the adults, had no SOUL, while the children looked like their SOUL was shattering. 'Sans!'

He looked around, but nobody was there. Getting an uneasy feeling, he teleported away. In the back, there was very interested skeleton.

Her ears were ringing. Blurry vision made her look around. A very familiar voice made her blink a few times before she was face-to-face with Jackie. She had a gash on the side of her head and a few of her braids looked singed. "Can you hear me?"

Frisk blinked a few times and nodded. "We gotta get out of here." Said Jackie, "Can you walk."
When the brunette got up, she winced and rubbed her ankle. Jackie exaimined her ankle after rolling up the pant leg. A piece of glass was jammed above it. "Shit…I can't pull it out until we get to a hospital. Just lean on me a bit so we can get out of here…"
"What happened?"

"I don't know. Jessica and her coven friends were paying witchcraft downstairs while we were heading to Mark's for a cold one when…some explosion happened. Come on, we gotta get help."

Frisk winced as the two of them reached the stairs. The fire alarm was out and all they could smell was smoke. The ceiling lights were popped, fires were buringing, and someone was standing under the one working light. "Is that…Jessie?" asked Jackie

The air felt heavy as they tried to navigate around broken glasses. "Jessica?" called out Jackie

The lights flickered above Jessica as she turned to them. Her curly hair looked matted, the front of her dressed, and something as pouring out of her mouth. "Oh my God…" said Jackie, "Jess, don't move, I'm coming!'
Frisk got an uneasy feeling. Jackie noticed a flickering cell phone. "Can you stand for a second? I'm gonna see if we can get help."


Jessica made sure Frisk could lean on her good leg before reaching down. Jackie felt something sticky as she realized that she was picking up a cell phone from a corpse. Bloody handprint gave an eerie red color as she tried to illuminate around the room. Shaking a bit, she went back to Frisk, both looking around in horror. Looking down at the sticky phone, she turned on the flashlight. Around them, there were corpses of students they knew, and a magical circle. Blood was spraying everywhere and Frisk felt like throwing up. "J-jessica…" she stammered, "W-wh-what did you d-do?"

"Still not enough…" muttered Jessica

She gave what sounded like a death rattle and noticed something in her hand. She gurgled with her mouth and black smoke and tar began to fill the room. Both girls began to choke and clutched their chests. Jackie felt a sharp pain in her side and realized that she was stabbed. There was no cry of pain, no whimper, just Jackie calling Jessica's name.

"I need more SOULS."

In a flash, Frisk used red determination to push Jessica out and create a green shield. "Frisk?" asked Jackie

Jessica's eyes turned red and her lips upturned in a snarl. "You!"

"You're not Jessica." Said Frisk

"You didn't recognize me, dear? Guess you wouldn't in this body. Though, I'm sure your remember al the fun we had down in the ruins."

Frisk's shield began to crack as memories of being genocidal came flooding back. Breathing heavily, Jessica smirked as she began trying to break Fisk's shield with a ceremonial sword. Jackie winced from pain, but looked in fear at Jessica. She felt determination as she used yellow SOUL to push her back. Looking down at her hand, she had no idea what she did. The black smoke made it hard to see where Jessica was. "What was that?" she muttered

She looked at Frisk, who was in shock. Recognizing that this was a panic attack, Jackie ignored her pain and began shaking her. "Frisk! Come on, snap out of it!"

Tears streamed down her brown eyes as she tried to breath. "You're not in the ruins! Think of the buttercup flowers you talk about! You're not in the darkness, you're in a beautiful flower meadow where you met Toriel."

Jessica groaned s she stood up. Something felt burning and she drew up her hand to find blood. Looking at it, she began cackling maniaclly. She dragged the sword with her other arm, stepping over bodies. Her body swayed from being unbalanced. She chuckled as her arm burned even worse. She could feel Frisk's fear, and she could see a pair of SOULs. Running faster, she began charging at them with dark blue SOUL.

Frisk shoved Jackie out the way and used light blue soul to make her trip. Jessica chuckles as felt a sharp pain her ankle. "I've forgotten what it feels to be in pain…I guess you remember, considering how many times you've died and reset the timeline. I know w you've felt it every time Asgore and Sans killed you."

Fruisked used a blackish version of her determination to attack Jessica, but nothing happened. "So you do feel hate…"
Jessica wobbled as she stood. Her eyes glowed a brighter red and her cheeks turned pin, "I wonder fi you would reset. I wonder if anybody would remember you this time around.

"Shut up!"

Jessica looked over annoyed at Jackie, who was clutching her side while holding something sharp. She wobbled over to Frisk's roommate. "I guess you just volunteered to have your SOUL taken first."

Frisked watched in horror as the black smoke surrounded Jessica's body. Before she could strike, however, Jessica stabbed something in Jessica's abdomen. Pausing from overwhelming pain, she pulled out the jutted piece of glass and growled. Jackie tried to tackle Jessica, but she moved and then slashed at her back. Crying out in pain, Jackie tried to find something, but could only find the phone "You weak human. You should know your place."
She grinned and looked at Frisk. "I'll take your SOUL next…and maybe your body.

"CHARA! Please, someone help us!"

A bright light blocked Chara from attacking and she stopped back. The air became lighter. As the light formed into a person, Chara used her shadows to disappear. Frisk's eyes adjusted as the bright light got brighter and then dimmed down. She saw herself looking at a flower. "What are feel hate…"
Jessica wobbled as she stood. Her eyes glowed a brighter red and her cheeks turned pin, "I wonder fi you would reset. I wonder if anybody would remember you this time around.

"Shut up!"

Jessica looked over annoyed at Jackie, who was clutching her side while holding something sharp. She wobbled over to Frisk's roommate. "I guess you just volunteered to have your SOUL taken first."

Frisked watched in horror as the black smoke surrounded Jessica's body. Before she could strike, however, Jessica stabbed something in Jessica's abdomen. Pausing from overwhelming pain, she pulled out the jutted piece of glass and growled. Jackie tried to tackle Jessica, but she moved and then slashed at her back. Crying out in pain, Jackie tried to find something, but could only find the phone "You weak human. You should know your place."
She grinned and looked at Frisk. "I'll take your SOUL next…and maybe your body.

"CHARA! Please, someone help us!"

A bright light blocked Chara from attacking and she stopped back. The air became lighter. As the light formed into a person, Chara used her shadows to disappear. Frisk's eyes adjusted as the bright light got brighter and then dimmed down. She saw herself looking at a flower. "What are you doing here?"
"You're welcome, and by the way, you might want to flower me a bit more."

"No…Asriel…I thought-"

"Listen, we can talk about later. Right now, there's a fire that's spreading. Come on, I found a way out."
Jackie got up, flabbergasted that she was saved from death by a flower that was currently talking to her. Scoffing, she realized with all the pain, she must be getting delusional.