"normal" human speech
"italics" Pokemon speech
It started out like any other day out here in the country Murkrow going off at 6 am sharp.
"Gods I hate those birds." Yep that's me Ashton Knight Ketchum a 6ft 3in 18 year old Red Neck with a Toxic reputation and personality to boot (no pun intended).
"Ashton get up." That would be my mother Delila Rose Ketchum, greatest cook I know. She's 6ft and 40 years old. "Knight… Knight… (Sigh) I guess your bother will have to (gust of wind flies past) eat… it."
'Yeah the day he eats my food is the day I die.' I thought.
"Wow new record." A voice call's from the counter. That voice would belong to my yellow fur ball of a brother Pikachu we've been together for over 8 years now.
I finish my meal, grab Pi, and were out the door in under 2min time for work.
While Pi and I were out counting the Tauros I decided to ask him a question.
"Hey Pi can I ask you something?" I'm a bit nervous.
"Sure Ash ask away." he answers with a smile.
I take a deep breath, "Do you think that we should go back?"
He looks at me thoughtfully. "I don't know but… wait, bro have you been thinking about that again?"
I nod my head.
"It's been over 3 years now." he states and there's the look.
"It's just I miss my old friends but I don't know what they would think or react to me."I run my hand through my hair. " I mean everyone thinks were dead."
He gives me a little jolt to get my attention. " Listen Ash 3 things, first stop acting like a new born calf, second I miss them too, and third if we went back and they even accepted that were alive their parents would have the Swinub on are ass before we'd know it." He exclaims.
I just shrug and sigh.
We continue with are work feeding the Mareep, collecting the Torchic eggs, and training the Ponyta and Rapidash. After we finished we headed back to the house, but before we enter mom comes out in a hurry.
"Ash…Ash!" She stops in front of us hunched over panting.
"Um… mom you OK?" Pi asks her.
"I'm fine Pikachu just haven't ran that much lately." She stands up strait, "A red, white, and blue Pigeot just flew in with this letter in its beak."
As she hands it to me I ask "Have you looked at it yet?"
She smile's "Nope it's addressed to you."
I look at Pi and open the letter.
Dear Ashton Ketchum
You are invited to attend the World Pokemon Championship in Rust Burrow Kentucky where you will battle your way to the top for the title of Pokemon Champion, a cash prize of 100,000,000 Poke, and to be entered into each hall of legends in every reign. If you accept this challenge please sign the card in the envelope and give it to U.S.A. the Pigeot that delivered this.
Ketchum or should I say Rebel Raven, you are harder to track down then you should be. I need your help, ever since you 'died' the leagues have just sucked. I haven't seen a decent explosion since your Kalos final's. Please the leagues funds and ratings are lower than my height. I know with your skills we can bring the leagues to there former glory. In return I'm willing to accept anything you need of my status.
Mr. Goodshow
Hey there Ash I'd like to let you know that your old friends are all attending as are some of their parents maybe this will give you a reason to return to the living.
I look up from the letter and see mom and Pi smiling and only one thing came to mind, "Well what are we waiting for let's get the gang and start packing." I cheer.
And with smiles from ear to ear we begin our new adventure.