
Disclaimer: J.K.R. Owns Harry Potter.

Summary: Hermione Granger seeks out private lessons from Severus Snape to better prepare for the Final Battle. A brief development.

Rating: K+

His Arrogance.

Every time she would face him, she couldn't help but notice the arrogance in his duelling stance. His sense of superiority made each session more difficult to understand. She tried to mimic his ways and technique but it never led to her success. How could she mirror what she did not have? Was she ever going to be ready for the war? After months of trying, Hermione learned her first lesson.

His Speed.

He was too quick. Not only in shielding and attacking, but in reading and predicting her choices. He was faster than her and she played right into his hands every time. He would not present a moment for her to analyze him, read his behaviour, recognize his pattern. And yet, her stubbornness did not allow her to give in to him. Half a year since the start of it all, Hermione eventually accepted the second lesson.

His Knowledge.

There were many spells, charms, and ways for the battle to end in his favour. While she was diligent in learning all that she could, he was too resourceful. He could present her the simplest shielding spell and it would lead to a quick blocking of her most daring attacks. She was determined to prove herself. She denied the third lesson for weeks.

His Passion.

She did not know this side of the man. He shocked her with his ruthless behaviour, his adamant demands and his incessant bullying. She would never be ready. A waste of his time. And yet she was grateful to him. He could glare, mock and belittle her when he lost hope but he managed to convey subtle hints of encouragement when she began to feel discouraged. Hermione would surpass her own expectations.

His Surprise. Her Regret.

She should have been swelling with pride over her achievement. She had managed to best him; a wizard of unfathomable experience. Instead, she recognized the regret in her gut as she stared into his surprised face. It took him a moment before he used wand-less magic to release himself from her spell and step back. Touching her lip, Hermione knew that she had been ready all along.

Her Heroism.

There was never any question as to what the witch was capable of and yet Severus had failed her. She did not survive the battle and left behind a legacy for him to acknowledge. She had been arrogant in her demands to train her. She had had the speed of her youth leading her ahead. She had soaked up knowledge with unashamed passion before his very eyes. For months, he had watched her, talked to her, and grown accustomed to her nature. He wondered if she knew how beautiful her presence was to him. When she had kissed him and found the one opening she was brave enough to recognize, it nearly killed him. But she was the hero, and he the result of her shield. If the world was fair, their positions would have been switched.

Her Dreams.

He thought of her often. Sometimes, he would allow himself to recognize the dreams she had worked to make a reality. A better world today, a full life for her best friends, an actual future to look forward to for most. As for him, he spent time at home with his cat, wondering when his time would come. When her dream for his happiness would take place. Crookshanks never left his side.


She had been his hope until his very last.