Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY, nor do I profit financially from this work of fanfiction.

WARNINGS: Rated M for language, violence, mature themes, sexual themes, and shoujo-ai/yuri.

AN: Started about 5min after my previous chapter was posted. Finished most of it after Season 5 was finished and I watched it. Then was distracted for a couple months… hell of a thing, being an adult with responsibilities, right? I'll just let us get to the chapter now...

Credits (aka. Betareaders/Proofreaders/Editors/etc): N/A

RWBY: Cat's Out of the Bag

Chapter 7

"I'm sorry!"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry! For, you know, all of the, uh… attempts at wooing you."

Blake watched the exchange from a bit further down the hallway, her ears easily able to pick up on the discussion between Jaune and Weiss, the former looking quite apologetic. Seems the weekend's revelation about the Heiress' preferences had gotten him thinking about his previous behavior. Blake had found his persistence annoying, but ultimately more misguided and inconsiderate than willfully ignoring her and being forceful. Maybe now he'd learn from his mistakes, and for Pyrrha's sake maybe he'd find himself interested in redheaded warriors.

"You should be; I told you multiple times that I was not interested in any way. You were absolutely inconsiderate and your persistence was not in any way attractive," seems Weiss shared Blake's thoughts, but was far more vocal about them. "When I told you no the first time, that should have been your clue to leave me alone."

"I know, I-I know! I really am really, really sorry for being such an idiot!" Blake may not have been the best at reading people, but someone like Jaune was easy to read, and he did seem genuinely sorry for his past behavior. "Even if you weren't, you know, I was still being an idiot… is there some way I can make it up to you?"

"No," Wow, that was a little blunt, but then again Blake had to remember whom it was that said it. "But if you feel you need to do something anyway: spend more time training with Pyrrha, and work hard to learn from her; the best thing you can do right now is focus on your ability as a huntsman. We need to be able to rely on you, and right now we can't. Do you understand?"

"Y… Yes. Yes I do," the boy looked defeated and downtrodden, really did Weiss have to go so far?

"Lift your head up," Weiss' tone had calmed, but Jaune responded snappily all the same. "Perhaps… that came out wrong. Look, you came to this school for a reason, and that reason is to become a huntsman. We all have that shared goal, and we all have to rely on each other as friends and work towards that goal as a team. The best thing you can do for yourself, and for your friends, is to be the best huntsman you can be. Someone made me realize that not that long ago myself."

Blake had heard about Weiss' little chat with Port, and it did bring a small smile to her face to see she was indeed taking it to heart. She was trying too, guess they all were…

"Besides, working with Pyrrha, you might luck out and find a girl who is into you for your dedication without having to… 'woo' them," Weiss visibly shivered at the word, and Blake found herself impressed at the way Weiss set up the playing field for the red-headed warrioress.

"Maybe, I guess. But you're right. And again, I really am sorry for everything," and that seemed to be it for the conversation, Blake watching as Weiss sighed once Jaune made his way around a corner down another hallway.

"I can only imagine what Yang would say if she had been here to witness this."

"Let's not find out, ever," Weiss shook her head, then grumbled under her breath. "Being 'nicer' is hard…"

"That's what practice is for; it's the best thing you can do for yourself and your team," Blake was smirking as Weiss shot her a look, mixture of surprise and annoyance as she'd clearly forgotten that her hearing was quite better than she was used to. "We should probably head to class."

"Let's," and off they went, opposite of Jaune's class, just the two of them since the others had different class this time slot.

Blake noticed that with some consistency that most of the classes every team had were as a team, but some of the smaller classes were set up in such a way that they only attended it with one other member of their team. Blake had one with Weiss, Ruby, and Yang individually as a result, and of course she was heading to the one with Weiss as it stood. Something with one of the less memorable professors, as Beacon had quite a number of them to accommodate all of the students. Blake had noticed the other teams had that class arrangement as well, so it looked as if it was the plan across the board.

"You know…" Weiss spoke up as they walked, catching Blake's attention. "...you've been… quiet and withdrawn recently."

Blake raised an eyebrow without a word.

"I mean more than usual," the Heiress huffed, but lowered her voice far softer next. "Did something happen with Goodwitch?"

Right, Weiss knew about the arrangement she had with her. Blake sometimes forgot about that; she wasn't used to so many people being aware of her going-ons.

"It's… complicated, let's put it that way," Blake answered, trying to be very mindful of her wording as she made her way to class. "Short answer is yes. Longer answer is… not something I want to discuss at this time."

"Okay," they took a few steps in silence. "You know you can… talk to me, if you need someone to talk to. Or us; Yang is… surprisingly good at taking care of people. Ruby would certainly be supportive as well."

"I know. I know," Blake wasn't sure if she was saying so to reassure Weiss, or to convince herself it was an option. "It really is complicated, very complicated. It involves… it involves a… a guy I used to… know."

"Oh," a hint of disappointment was noted… oh, wait a second.

"It has nothing to do with you being gay," Blake - thankfully quietly - hurried out, speaking without thinking and drawing a strange expression of temporary panic from the Heiress (considering they were in a public area). "I mean, that's not why I'm not talking to you about, uh, him. It really is really complicated and I'm just… I should shut up before I say something else stupid."

Mentally kicking herself, she was a little surprised when a soft laugh presented itself from the Schnee, and a glance to the side saw a smile on her pale features. It wasn't often that Weiss smiled like that, and much like when she wore her hair down, she seemed far more relaxed and approachable…

The smile was apparently contagious too; Blake couldn't keep her lips from upturning at the edges.

"You sounded like Ruby just then," Blake groaned and rolled her eyes as they turned into their mutual classroom for whatever lesson was to come today.

"Blake? Weiss?"

The two girls turned around to find a familiar rabbit-eared girl not far from them, having exited their class together and been on their way to their room for a brief break. Considering not-so-recent events, she was hard to forget.


Said faunus smiled in response and waived at them, quietly making her way closer. Blake glanced out of the corner of her eye and found Weiss was not nearly as put-off as she was the first time they'd met Velvet after her meeting with Ozpin. That was a good sign.

"Did you just get out of class here? I don't recall seeing you two before on this day of the week."

"We usually leave later," Blake nodded her head towards Weiss. "Weiss usually has to index and reindex her notes before we can leave."

"I simply like to be as organized as possible!" Weiss insisted, crossing her arms defiantly in front of her before relaxing. "Are you here with one of your teammates?"

"Oh, yes, he's speaking to the professor, so I'm waiting for him," Velvet was all smiles. "He'll probably want to thank you for helping me out with Team CRDL; he can be a little protective of me."

"It is simply my nature," Blake looked over to see a… living wall of a man walking towards them… did they make Beacon uniforms that large normally? "And that mess with CRDL only reinforces my nature."

Blake observed as the tall boy glanced between them, lingering a moment longer on Weiss (whom the faunus noted had her neck craned back to look up at him from her short statured position) before bowing slightly.

"You do have my thanks for assisting Velvet while we were not present," he stood back to full height then, nodding slightly as he spoke next. "I am Yatsuhashi Daichi. Velvet's partner."

"It is wonderful to meet you," Weiss responded to the slight bow with one of her own, and the formality of her action came as fluently as one would expect of someone of her social strata and standing. "I'm Weiss Schnee."

"Blake Belladonna," Blake cut in, her ears flicking slightly as she spoke. "And it's really Yang you should thank; she's the one who picked the fight in the first place."

"I intend to thank the rest of your team as well. It is respectable that you would come to the defense of someone not your own," Yatsuhashi focused on Weiss next. "Especially the Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company."

"Yatsu!" Velvet's ears had drooped as she put a hand on the man's bicep to get his attention.

"Why must everyone say that?!" Weiss spoke up, and stepped right up to Yatsuhashi, their height difference being a laughable sight objectively, but that didn't stop the Heiress from looking him right in the eyes with the hardest glare she could muster. "I'm only going to say this once: I am not my father. I am not my father's company, yet. Do not presume you know me because you have heard the stories about my family and my company, got it?!"

Something about the firm determination in Weiss' tone was truly impressive, and the fact that she held her ground against the sizable man was more impressive as a result. Something about it was familiar to Blake… she watched as Yatsuhashi's face broke into a grin, and then as he nodded. She also saw that Velvet let out a held breath, having been rather worried. Blake might have been, but the Heiress tended to have a better handle on this sort of thing than Blake did herself.

"Your actions thus far match your words, clearly. I respectfully apologize for my statement before," he glanced to his scroll - it was funny how he had a normal sized scroll, despite his hands being quite larger than it - and then glanced to his partner. "Coco wants to meet with us soon. We should head out now."

"Oh, she does?" Velvet gave the monochromatic pair an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Coco's our leader and she needs us for something. If you'd like, your team can join ours for lunch tomorrow?"

Blake looked to Weiss, whom took a moment to glance to her from Velvet, and gave her a nonchalant shrug that was easily understood as Blake's own acceptance of the invitation.

"Oh, that would be great," Weiss responded a beat to late in her formal tone. "We'll be looking forward to meeting the rest of your team tomorrow."

They parted ways not long after that, and this time it was Blake's turn to ask a curious question:

"You hesitated," okay, so less a question and more a statement, but the question to follow was implicit.

"I did no such thing."

"You were not subtle about it."

"What?! Gah, fine!" Weiss huffed, yet couldn't find her way to meeting Blake's eyes. "...I was… well, let me ask you this: is it considered rude to ask to touch a faunus' more… 'unique' features?"

Blake found herself blinking in response.

"Um… what?"

"Like when you let me touch your ears a few days ago," Weiss clarified, motioning to her own head, mimicking petting ears she did not have. "Is it rude to ask to do that?"

Blake's gears finally began turning in her head once more. She really hadn't been expecting this particular question.

"...you want to pet Velvet's ears?"

"The thought crossed my mind."

"That's a very 'Ruby' thing to want," Blake repressed a smile as the Heiress rolled her eyes.

"Uh, I hope that saying doesn't stay a thing…"

"On that, we agree," Blake's tone turned more serious as she continued. "It's not exactly 'rude' per se, but it largely varies from faunus to faunus. In general letting someone touch your faunus features is an intimate gesture, something that requires trust at the very least, if not more. Ears and tails in particular can be extremely sensitive, so some view touching them as having sexual connotation."

"O-oh," it was impressive how red Weiss' features could get at times. "That was not my intention."

"I didn't think so," Blake replied with a grin. "I doubt she's your 'type'."

"My- why does everyone have a sudden interest in who I'm attracted to?!" she hissed back at her in a complete 180 from before. "It's not normal!"

"Of course it isn't…" Blake replied sarcastically…

...then she noticed Weiss' expression was not one expecting a sarcastic response.

"Wait, were you not just joking?"

"Of course I wasn't, Belladonna!" Wow, last name now, the Schnee was serious.

"Alright, relax on the surname, Schnee, and let's head… somewhere not the middle of the hallway if you want to continue this," Blake grumbled back, nodding her head down the hallway and assuming Weiss would follow. "Lunch would be a good idea, Yang should be there to help with this…"

"Wow you're sheltered."

"Yang Xiao-Long…"

"Wow, that reminds me of Dad!"

Blake was getting a headache again; how was it possible for her teammates and friends to be as frustrating as they were amazing? Ruby seemed to be more focused on her food and… was that a spent shell casing… and a book on Dust? Anyway Ruby was not participating very much in what was more of an awkward conversation for the Heiress:

"You seriously never talked with other girls about crushes and boys and stuff?" Yang asked, somewhat incredulous with a half-grin across her features, her face propped up on her arms against the table.

"No. Or rather, not like that," Weiss huffed, leaning back, then glancing over at JNPR nearby, focusing on Pyrrha. "I didn't really have friends in the first place, so the girls I talked with were all from Atlas' high society. It was more about gossip and which boys - always boys - would be good to marry in order to secure wealth or power, or further some agenda. Suffice to say I rather despised all of it."

"Sheesh! Way to make being rich sound unappealing!" Yang joked, then leaned a little further forward to the Heiress. "So yeah, as the resident expert on all things involving friends and normal social interaction-"

Blake opened her mouth to protest that, but then took a moment to think: Weiss was a blue-blooded rich girl from a cold and distant high society where she had no real friends and even less free time and freedom, Ruby was a weapons-obsessed socially-awkward nerdy girl two years her junior, and then Blake was… well, the amount of time she spent with her nose buried in her books and her history with a known terrorist organization spoke for itself.

So okay, Yang wasn't far off with that declaration, and thus the black-haired Faunus quietly shut her mouth.

"-I'd say it's pretty normal for girls to talk about the guys and girls that they like, and sometimes they can go into a lot of detail as to why. A LOT of detail," Yang waggled her eyebrows suggestively, and while Blake knew this to be true, did the brawler have to try and make Weiss more awkward here? "I could probably describe the anatomies of half the boys at Signal, if you know-"

"Yes Yang, we 'know what you mean'," Blake interrupted, pinching the bridge of her nose in the process. "To make a point: it doesn't have to be so explicit; some of the girls I grew up with it was about how they smiled, how strong they were, how dominant they were, how good of leaders they were..."

"Oh! Here's an idea: Weiss, what's your thoughts on Pyrrha?" Yang pointed in the direction of the red-haired warrior, as Weiss managed to try and match her hair and lash out to keep Yang from pointing at her.

"Keep your voice down and quit pointing you buffoon! I get what you're trying to do but why her?!"

"You have been staring at her a bit, kind of like you were staring at Velvet earlier." Blake grit her teeth after the words left her mouth, immediately regretting bringing up Velvet.

"Ohohooo! Is Weiss Schnee interested in two lovely ladies?"

"I am not!" Weiss bit back, but the blush on her face didn't help her situation. "I just had something on my mind about both of them, nothing more!"

Blake knew about Velvet, now she was curious what the Heiress had been thinking about regarding Pyrrha…

"Well, what do you think of them then?" Yang acted as if to wave off the look she was getting from Weiss. "Come on, you can talk to me! I'm into girls too-"

Ah, well that answers a question Blake had had previously about Yang and the comment she made about 'redheads interested in blonds'...

"-so I'll share who I'm into too, alright?"

Weiss didn't say anything immediately, but after several seconds of contemplation, it appeared Yang had won this particular test of wills.

"Fine, but if word gets back to either of them-"

"Secret's safe with me! I'll be quieter than Blake about it!" Blake caught her with a (mostly) soft jab to the arm, and received a soft chuckle from the blond in return.

"...okay… so… Pyrrha…" Weiss seemed to struggle to find words, shifting back and forth slightly. "...she is… very attractive-"

"Hell yeah she is!" Blake rolled her eyes at the flirtatious growl accompanying Yang's comment.

"-she's nice… too nice… she needs to stand up for herself more, not just others," Weiss mused with a slight frown. "It's amazing how much more aggressive and dominant she is in a fight…"

"Yeah… plus pretty sure she's straight," Yang said with a grin. "She really just needs to go right up to Jaune and give him a big ol' kiss right on the lips! Guys like him need a more direct approach."

"Speaking from experience?" Blake mused aloud, only somewhat sarcastic.

"You know it!" Yang added a knowing wink to her response to Blake. "I like my guys more physically built, but guys like Jaune are cute in their own way.

"But we're talking about ladies right now, so how how does our maiden with the snowy hair feel about our rabbit-y friend? Does she make you hoppy?"

"That pun hurt…" Weiss groaned, and Blake agreed. "...Velvet is… also very attractive… but more… cute? Yes, cute."

"Yeah… I can see it. So quiet, and those ears make her more adorable," Yang sighed melodramatically for effect - it HAD to be just for effect. "Something tells me she's too quiet for you."

"Not too quiet, but she needs to stand up for herself more too," Weiss' brow furrowed in some frustration. "Pyrrha as a new student could probably wipe the floor with CRDL, and Velvet is a full year ahead of us in training; she shouldn't be letting people like Cardin push her around."

Blake agreed on that note, but it was a little surprising to hear Weiss argue that a Faunus shouldn't be letting bigoted humans push her around. Had this been even three months prior, Blake would think she'd hallucinated the whole statement from the Heiress.

"Sooo… you like girls with some backbone huh? Whaaat about Nora!" Yang pointed towards the red-headed hammer-wielder, whom was currently in the middle of what HAD to be a very spirited retelling of some dream or something. "She's plenty spunky!"

"Even Ruby could see she's into Ren," Weiss stated, which provoked an 'eep' sort of sound from the younger girl next to her.

"Sorry! I wasn't listening, what are we talking about?" Ruby inquired sheepishly, quietly shutting her book and tucking the spent cartridge into her pocket.

"Talking about pretty girls, sis!"

"...nope," Ruby kept her sheepish smile on her face as she stood up suddenly, picking up her book and her tray quickly. "Nopenopenopenopenope!"

And like that, four became three… and JNPR became five as Ruby surprised them with a visit.

"...um… does it bother her-"

"Nah! Ruby just hasn't grown up that way yet; she finds 'all that romance-stuff' embarrassing to talk about," Yang explained to them, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm not complaining; just means less suitors to threaten! Anyway, yeah, Nora's totally into Ren, even if they aren't 'together-together'."

"That and she's way too loud. I don't know how Ren isn't deaf from being around her so long," Weiss mused again. "I appreciate the quiet, I like the quiet, I can think in the quiet."

"So you like quiet, but you like someone who can be assertive too, eh?" Yang thought for a bit, tapping at her chin. "What about Coco?"

"...you mean Velvet's team leader?" Weiss inquired. "Wait, you know her?"

"Yeah! Seen her heading to lunch one day with some red-haired guy. Think his name was Fox or something," Yang explained. "Short brown hair, wears shades, has this whole fashionista thing going on. Pretty sure she comes from money too; she loves to shop apparently, and not the cheap stuff."

"Sounds rich to me," Blake mused aloud, focusing now on her lunch since she couldn't really add to the 'talking about pretty girls' talk… but she still kept an ear to the conversation.

"Sounds like someone who might do it for our petite Heiress, eh?" Yang put forth quite the goofy grin and a double-thumbs-up with the most expectant look at Weiss.

"I couldn't say for sure; I'd want to get to know her first," Weiss responded, then she had a look of realization cross her features. "Oh, that reminds me: I spoke with Velvet earlier, and we've been invited to join CFVY for lunch tomorrow."

"Sweet! Don't change the subject!" Yang stuck her thumb out, back at herself. "What about me?"

"You really aren't my type. At all," Blake smirked at Weiss' bluntness.

"Ouch, you wound me fair maiden!" Melodramatic as usual.

"Before you ask: I'm not into Ruby either," Weiss stated, with a wave of her hand. "Even if she weren't two years younger than me."

"Wasn't going to ask about Ruby, but good to know," Blake could feel Yang's gaze upon her, and it caused her to tense up for a moment. "What about-OW!"

Thankfully it was just a moment; Yang recoiled from the kick to her calf beneath the table, shot a glare up to Blake, then followed Blake's flick of a the eyes to Weiss. Weiss for her part - at least, it would seem so to Blake - was very tense at the question all of them knew was next, and from Yang's blinking, hesitant response, she noticed it too now.

"Uh… how about some of the other girls in Velvet's year? I've seen a couple of them wandering around that are pretty hot, let's see if I can find any in here…" Blake sighed as Yang moved past the obvious question, and right on to something else she couldn't contribute to…

...was it just her, or had Weiss' reaction been a bit too notable?

...Blake was sure that her curiosity was going to kill her one day at this rate…

...she also realized she needed to spend less time around Yang; her brain was starting to make terrible cat jokes again.

"Owww… why must Pyrrha be so evil?"

Blake sighed as she continued to help Ruby haul Yang through the halls of Beacon to their dorm, the eldest of the group (not by much mind you) hindered by her inability to put weight on her left leg. That afternoon had been combat sparring with the familiar Professor Goodwitch, and the matchup for the day had essentially been RWBY vs JNPR, as far as the two teams were concerned. Ruby - even taking things a little easy for him - had essentially demolished Jaune in only a couple of seconds. The boy could not fight well at all. Weiss had been paired with Nora, and despite nearly being one-shot by a blow to the head following accidental use of yellow dust against her (thus activating her strength-enhancing semblance), Weiss had won thanks to her glyphs. Blake had naturally been paired up with Ren, and for the large part it was a fairly even match, with the exception of endurance which is where Blake was able to pull off a victory. That just left Yang to face off against Pyrrha…

It. Was. Amazing! Blake thought the fight absolutely fascinating, for despite how evenly matched it was it played out to be so one-sided. Yang couldn't land a punch, but could parry so well… until she caught a surprise knee to the leg when they were locked in close, and then a cut-kick, and then another, and from there it was the spear or shield for the rest of the match. Even with Yang's beefy semblance she still fell too low before she could land a single hit, and when all was said and done - and the adrenaline had worn off - Yang's thigh had suffered so many impacts that she couldn't put pressure on her leg. Pyrrha of course was so very, VERY sorry about it, but Yang dismissed it since it was part of the match.

Didn't stop Yang from whining about her leg though. All the way from the class to their dorm room. So Blake was more than happy to just drop her right inside the door to their room, eliciting an 'eep' from Ruby as she too let go, though Yang decided to hop her way across the room on one leg instead of fall, until she fell into her bed face-down, unmoving. Blake sighed as Ruby apparently decided to go take a shower, and the Heiress decided to do as Yang had done… and about as gracefully.

"Weiss, turn over," Blake requested, kneeling down next to the Heiress' bed, and watching as she turned over and glanced over to her…

...huh, that explained that.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Weiss, you're not going to sleep for a while," Blake answered, and then continued before Weiss could belt out a frustrated inquiry. "You're concussed; one of your eyes is the size of a pin, and the other one looks like it might be trying to focus on me."

"Just wonderful…" the Schnee grumbled as she forced herself to sit up, her head hanging. "My head hurts and I'm tired."

"Yeah, concussions will do that. Nora sure knows how to use that hammer," Blake commented offhandedly, her ears flicking towards Yang as she started to hear a consistent, familiar sound. "Yang's out cold I think."

"Lucky her."

Silence. Weiss wasn't talkative, and frankly Blake was hardly the talkative sort any day of the week. As the only other person in the room, Blake couldn't leave lest Weiss decide to ignore her advice and all common sense and try and go to sleep anyway. So, she hopped up onto her own bed across from her, and fished a book out from under her pillow. She cracked it open… and noticed Weiss hadn't moved in a bit.


"What?" Sheesh, attitude much?

"Just making sure you're not asleep sitting up."

"I'm not; I've dealt with concussions before."


And that was that, it was time to start her book. She found herself reading the one about a man with two souls again; it spoke to her in some way that only it could.


"Hmm?" Weiss suddenly felt like talking, AND had dropped that brief attitude before? "Are things getting worse?"

"Huh? No, no. Things are a little fuzzy though, so to remind myself: impulse control and altered emotional state are symptoms of concussions, right?"

"...yes," Blake quietly shut her book and sat back up to look down at the Heiress again. "What are you feeling-"

"You're totally my 'type'," the smaller girl practically spat out, and of the things Blake expected Weiss to answer with, that was pretty low on the list. "I don't think I would have said anything if Yang asked earlier, but right now it seems like a pretty good thing to mention."

"Uuuhhh…" How was she supposed to reply to that?

"You're quiet, smart, confident, and you're gorgeous," Weiss just continued on unhindered and unabashed. "I know it might be a little racist, but all of the catlike things you do are adorable; the way you slink when you move, your love of tuna, your eyes, your ears… they were so soft and I want to pet them more."

Oookay… wait, did Blake really 'slink'? No, focus; Weiss was getting really rambly and saying things she might end up regretting.

"Weiss, you should probably-"

"No! I need to finish this!" Weiss' attitude resurfaced with a vengeance that actually caught Blake off guard. "I don't expect you to find me attractive or anything; you told me used to have a boyfriend, and me being a Schnee and you having been one of the White Fang I don't think anything could ever happen, but that doesn't stop me from finding you attractive still."

Blake waited a few seconds, until it was clear that Weiss was done with her benevolent diatribe. However, she found she really didn't know what to say.

"I… don't know what to say," Well, guess that worked to just be honest. "Thank… you? Maybe? Uh…"

Weiss shot up from her bed and belted it to the door of their room, opening and making to slam it behind her quickly… but stopped at the last moment.

"...I'm going to infirmary. I think I need some medicine." she announced to the room - to Blake - before quietly shutting the door behind her.

...well, that was a thing. Blake put her book aside as she let out a groan, throwing her hands over her eyes as her fingers gripped at her forehead; that had been one of the most awkward, strange situations that she had been in in her life, and she was pretty sure she hadn't said the right thing there at the end. Damn it all…

End Chapter 7

AN: So, after starting up my new fic RWBY: Kittens, it seems I finally got a renewed interest in finishing up this chapter! Hooray one and all! I'll try again (I swear I seem to promise this every time I have a new chapter come out…) to not let it be too long before I post, and thankfully my work schedule seems to be supporting my having a couple hours of writing time a day to work on things. Sooo… yeah, guess I'll wrap things up here for now, please leave a review (I love feedback, more than just favorites and follows), of which I do have Guest Reviews turned on, and here's til next time!