A Single Choice Can Change Your Fate

By: Sandreline

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for the wonderful reviews! Wow, I still can't believe the feedback… this is definitely one of the most highly reviewed stories I have done. I'm so glad that everyone is enjoying it! Thank you!

A Single Choice Can Change Your Fate

Chapter 10: Whoa

Trunks had never had such a relaxing sleep in his entire life. He was just about to stretch when he realized that he couldn't move. No, he didn't want to move. Slowly, the Saiyan Prince opened his eyes and looked along his body.

The top of a silver head of hair met his vision. It was resting on his shoulder, his arm wrapping around his girlfriend's back. Her arm was draped over his chest, and her top leg was strewn over his hips to rest in between his own. The corner of his lips turned into a smirk. He had known that his girlfriend was an affectionate person, not that he minded; but Trunks had a feeling she took physical affection as seriously as Saiyans did.

He leaned over to place a kiss on the top of her head. "Sere," he spoke gently as he tried to wake her up.

No response.

"Sere." He repeated, bringing his other arm up so he could tilt her head to look up at him.

Still nothing.

"Angel?" Trunks now called, getting slightly worried. He could hear her breathing, so she was alive at least. Was something wrong? Had she gotten sick? She didn't have a fever.

"Serenity!" Trunks called out loudly this time.

A mumbled of response, before her form seemed to tighten around his own. Of course, this action brought his attention to a certain issue between his legs, and how good it felt when Serenity's leg slid along it. He felt heat rush to his cheeks; it would be very embarrassing if she were to realize how hard he was at that moment, even if it wasn't entirely his fault.

"Sere, please!" Trunks did his best not to whine. Apparently she wasn't a morning person. Then again, if she was Lunarian, wouldn't she be more prone to the night life? She did seem strangely more energetic last night that she does during the day.


"Shhhh," Came his girlfriend's whispered response.

Trunks let out small breath of relief. She was starting to wake up. "Sere, it's morning."

"Morning…" responded the mumbled words.

Suddenly the young woman shot up into a sitting position on the couch, nearly colliding the top of her head with his jaw. "Morning!" Serenity cried out in alarm. "Oh my god!" Trying to untangle herself from her boyfriend, Serenity ended up toppling over him and crashing into her carpet.

Trunks did his best to not laugh, but it was a futile effort. His shoulders shook as he at least kept them internal, and he sat up, adjusting his pants as best he could. "Good morning, Angel." He told the heap on the floor. "And now I know you're not a morning person."

Dark blue eyes sent a glare towards him as she moved to kneel, which only made Trunks laugh harder. To him, she looked absolutely adorable with her disheveled hair – one meatball was loose and handing on the side of her head – and her tired eyes, and pouting lips. Speaking of lips, Trunks leaned forward and pressed his against her own.

That seemed to help. Slightly. "Morning," She muttered to him, offering a weak smile. "What time is it anyway?" She asked.

Trunks looked at the clock on her wall. "Seven."

Serenity's eyes bugged out of her head at his answer. "Seven?!"

Trunks let out a laugh this time. "Yup."

"I'm going back to sleep…" She half growled, letting her body fall backwards so she was laying on her carpet between her couch and coffee table and closed her eyes.

Trunks floated up, moving to hover just a few inches over her form as he looked down at her. "What if I took you for breakfast?"

One dark blue orb cracked open. "Keep talking."

"At the Crown." Trunks said with a start of a sneaky smile.

She continued to look at him with one eye.

Trunks let out a chuckle. "Well, I figured the 'all you can eat' part was automatically included."

Both eyes opened. "Deal. But I need to freshen up."

Trunks watched with amusement as her face suddenly turned red. Still floating over her, he let his eyes turn serious. "Why are you embarrassed?" Trunks asked. "Do you not want me here?"

"No!" Serenity cried out in seriousness.

"Then what is it?" He asked.

Serenity but the corner of her bottom lip; the action drew his attention to the injured appendage, and had him wanting to suck on it like he did last night on her patio. "Well," She finally admitted. "You spent the night…"

Trunks understood her embarrassment, but he wanted her to understand she shouldn't be. "Sere, we didn't do anything." He told her softly.

"But still," she said. "I've never had a boy…" She trailed off. God, her father would have kittens! She could just picture him waving around his shot gun, shooting every which way before locking her up in a tall tower far away from any and all men.

Trunks kissed the tip of her nose. "Do you regret us falling asleep on the couch?"

"No." She answered honestly, the blush on her cheeks softening.

"I have never had such a good night of sleep, even with being cramped on a couch." Trunks told her. "We care greatly for each other, and we did nothing wrong. We aren't children, we're adults. And, if you let me, I would be happy to fall asleep on the couch with you watching movies as often as you like."

Serenity's face darkened again, but this time for another reason. "I'd like that." She whispered.

"Good." He told her. "Because it's getting harder and harder to be away from you." Trunks floated to his feet, offering her a hand. "Now, I'm going to take my girlfriend out for breakfast."

Serenity took it, dazed as she was effortlessly lifted to her feet. Trunks pulled her up against him, her hands resting on his muscled chest as his arms wrapped around her waist. It was times like these that she really wanted to pinch herself, but never did for fear that this really was a dream and she would wake up. Her fingers curled over the chest of his shirt, sending jolts right between his legs where is morning wood –which had started to go away – quickly sprang back. In response, he swooped in to claim her lips in a heated kiss.

The Lunarian fell into it for a moment, until he tried to slip his tongue in her mouth. With a gasp, she pulled away and covered her mouth with her hand.

"What?" Trunks asked, slightly hurt.

"I need to brush my teeth!' Her words sounded through her fingers, eyes wide in horror before she spun around to dash to her bathroom.

Trunks didn't hold back the rumble of laughter.

When Serenity came back out fifteen minutes later, she looked in surprise at her boyfriend. He had somehow changed and freshened up himself; and for the life of her, she didn't understand how. Trunks, who looked up and saw her confused face, held up a capsule from his mother's company. "I always carry one with me. Sometimes I crash at Goten's after an intense sparring session, or late night studying. His mom, Chichi, is a little crazy with the books."

Serenity, remembering the feisty ebony haired woman, gave a smile. "Well, I feel a bit more awake. I'm definitely going to need some food, though."

Trunks offered his arm. "Shall we, Angel?"


Motoki's coffee was spraying from his mouth, landing all over the counter that he had just finished cleaning. There was no way, at seven forty-five on a Sunday morning that Serenity was walking into the arcade.

Green eyes narrowed. Wait a minute… Trunks was with her. His eyes widened, and a string of older brother protectiveness swirled inside of him. Had they spent the night together?

"Morning, Toki!" Serenity greeted.

"Good morning, Motoki." Trunks stated, his arm around Serenity's as they walked in.

The arcade owner looked down at half-drank cup of coffee in his hand, then the counter, and then the couple standing before him. "Is the sky on fire?"

Trunks and Serenity exchanged a confused glance, and then looked back at the blonde man. "No?" Serenity answered.

"Then how are you here so early on a Sunday?" Motoki asked.

Trunks let out a laugh as Serenity huffed. "That's my fault," the lavender haired man explained. "I'm used to waking up early to train."

So they had spent the night together. Motoki looked from his sister-figure to her boyfriend, and back. Maybe. They hadn't said that, just that had Trunks woke her up. He could have done that by phone or a visit…

"I'm starving," Trunks added. "Where do you want to sit?"

"The usual booth. Wow, I've never seen this place so empty before." Serenity said as they walked back. "I should still be sleeping…"

"Don't worry, maybe you can nap after training today." Trunks told her as he slid in across from her.

"We have to train more?" Serenity whined. Motoki's ears were trained on their entire conversation. "But it's Sunday!"

Trunks laughed. "Sorry, Angel, but you're going to be training every day from now on. How else are you going to learn, and get stronger?"

Motoki was sure, but it sounded like they were talking about martial arts. That would make sense, given on when Trunks won that huge tournament when he was a child. But why would Sere be interested in doing it?

Serenity looked over her shoulder. "Toki, I'm going to need a double chocolate shake stat!"

Trunks gave a soft laugh, and her request seemed to pull Motoki out of his funk. "On it," he answered. He got a sinking feeling that crept down his back; he felt like he was in that Freaky Friday movie all of a sudden.

Glancing up at the clock, he winced. It was only about to get worse with the arrival of his other regular customer.

Sure enough, five minutes later his best friend walked in, looking like he had been through hell. His hair was disheveled and he had small bags under his eyes. When he came closer, Motoki took a step back. Mamoru still carried the smell of hard liquor around his form. "Dude, what happened to you?" He asked.

"Menoru." Mamoru answered, referring to their mutual friend.

"Well, that explains part of it." Motoki answered. "I don't think I can take any more surprised today." He admitted as he placed a fresh mug of hot, black coffee before the man who so desperately needed it.

"What are you talking about?" Mamoru mumbled as he practically cradled the mug as he brought it to his lips.

Motoki wisely took a step to the side before he spoke. "Well, Serenity showed up ten minutes ago. So I feel like the apocalypse is about to happen."

As predicted, Mamoru sprayed his first drink of coffee all over the counter. Fire blazed in blue eyes as he turned to look around, landing on a familiar set of buns over at the usual booth. However, the fire in his eyes spread to cover his body and he realized that she was, once again, in the company of Trunks Briefs.

Mamoru Chiba wasn't stupid; he was a doctor, after all. He could put the pieces together: dinner at an expensive, reclusive restaurant last night, still together in the morning at an hour that is unheard of in the world of Serenity...

Jealousy seethed inside him, his blood on fire in rage. They had clearly spent the night together.

"Don't do anything stupid," Motoki's warning tone sternly cut in.

Too late. Mamoru was already stomping his way over to the booth.

Trunks looked over his girlfriend's shoulder to see the clearly angry man coming towards them, and Trunks was filled with a need to protect Serenity. Trunks was very much aware that his initial assumption was correct, and that the black haired man approaching them was cruel to Serenity despite having deep serious for her.

Too bad for him; Serenity was his, and he would protect her from everything.

"What the hell is going on?" Mamoru snapped as he stood at their table, glaring at first Serenity and then Trunks.

"Mamoru, what the… oh my god, you stink!" Serenity said, leaning away from the doctor. "Are you drunk?"

"Did you spend the night with him?" Mamoru snapped.

Trunks tensed, not at all liking the man's tone towards his girlfriend. Serenity blushed. "It's none of your business what I do with my boyfriend!"

"You need to leave." Trunks stated, a warning tone lacing his words.

Mamoru didn't hear; he was seeing red. "Serenity!" He growled, reaching for her hand.

Several things happened at once.

Serenity's mouth parted slightly in awe as her vision changed. Just like it did on Kami's Lookout with Lady Pluto, a separate vision of Mamoru was placed over reality. He looked like he was wearing armor, with a flowing cape and a sword at his waist. When she blinked it was gone, but several memories filled her, giving her a headache.

As Mamoru's hand reached out to grab Serenity, Trunks stood from his seat. He used some of his speed to wrap his own, larger hand around Mamoru's wrist, firmly keeping it from going any closer to the Lunarian princess. "Don't you dare," Trunks warned as his turquoise eyes narrowed.

Mamoru, shocked at being stopped and further enraged, moved to punch Trunks in the face.

Trunks raised his other hand and easily caught the punch. Mamoru's eyes were wide in shock; Trunks was big, but it wasn't just for show. He was strong, and Mamoru wasn't exactly weak either. "I warned you when we first met, that you wouldn't be talking to her until you learned respect. Clearly, you haven't." Trunks put pressure on the first that he was holding to emphasize his warning. "Stay away from Serenity." Trunks gave a shove o the fist he was holding, sending the ebony haired man sprawling backwards.

Serenity was slack jawed as she watched. Trunks moved to stand in front of her as Mamoru slowly stood. "I suggest you leave. Now."

Mamoru went to reply, but Motoki came up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Go." Motoki ordered.

With a huff, unable to see Serenity around the muscle man, Mamoru stormed off.

"You guys alright?" Motoki asked. Trunks only nodded, watching until he could no longer see Mamoru outside the windows. Serenity seemed a little shaken, but she nodded as well. "Alright, well, I'll go get your food." Motoki stated as he walked away.

Trunks turned to the silver haired woman. "Are you alright?" He asked, worried.

Serenity nodded, looking up to his gaze. She wasn't sure she should tell him just yet about what she remembered. "This is why I don't wake up early. Nothing good ever comes from it."

Trunks cracked a smile, moving to take her hand in his and bring it to his lips. Giving a gentle kiss to her knuckles, he held her hand as he sat down next to her. "I'll try and remember that for next time."


"Are you ready to get back to training?" Trunks asked. "Piccolo is going to be there today. He thinks he can help you with your Lunarian powers."

"Really?" Serenity asked as she looked up at him. They were walking down the sidewalk, making their way towards Capsule Corp. "The green guy? I thought he was from a planet far away?"

"He is," Trunks answered. "But Piccolo is very knowledgeable. It's a long story, but at one time, he was bonded with Kami. I'm sure he can help."

"If you say so," Serenity stated, still not sure herself.

"Well, we could always let you spar with Bra again." Trunks teased. He wouldn't let that happen; his sister was still in hot water with him over that incident.

His girlfriend blew him a raspberry.

A howl filled the air, coming from the park they were passing. "What was that?" Serenity asked, right before she took off towards the sound.

"Sere!" Trunks called after her, following her into the park. Damn, she was fast!

"Hey, you!" Serenity called out, her eyes blazing as she saw a group of kids in a circle. Whatever they were surrounding was clearly in pain. "Stop that!"

The silver hair woman charged to the group of boys, who appeared to be around twelve or thirteen years old. They sneered, and one of them placed his hands on his hips. "Make us, old lady!"

"Old Lady!" Serenity growled.

Trunks came up behind her, leveling the little punks with a glare. At the sight of the intimidating man, the boys suddenly took off at a run, leaving their pray laying on the ground of the park.

"Oh, no!" Serenity cried out as she knelt down, gently scooping the small animal into her arms. "It's a little cat! Poor thing!" She brought the feline to her chest, gently cuddling the creature.

"Why does it have a band aid on its head?" Trunks asked, looking at the creature that was pressed up against his girlfriend's bosom.

Serenity shrugged, and pulled said bandage off. With a gasp, it slipped from her fingers as Serenity stared in shock at the bald spot on the cat's brow.

"That's the same one that flashed on your brow," Trunks pointed out as he moved his face closer to get a better look at the golden skin. "That's weird!"

As Trunks moved closer, maroon feline eyes slowly opened. Upon seeing an unknown face, the feline defensively let out a shrill meow, claws extended.

Trunks leapt back as Serenity held the kitty at arm's length. "Whoa, easy!" Serenity's voice soothed. "Don't worry, you're safe now." She and the kitten seemed to lock eyes, and she brought the kitty a little closer. "You know, I think I've seen this cat before. She looks really familiar to me."

"Well I should hope so," the feline spoke. "I am one of your guardians."

Serenity let out a scream and dropped the cat, who managed to land on all four legs. Trunks stared with wide eyes. He had met a lot of aliens and seen a lot of weird things in his life… a talking cat took the cake.

"You can talk?" Serenity screeched, latching onto her boyfriend's arm for protection.

"Of course I can, princess." Luna stated. "Pluto sent me to find you. I have been searching for a long time. I would have found you sooner, if those ruffians…"

Serenity was watching the cat sitting on the ground, talking as if it was an everyday thing. Suddenly, her vision blurred. Luna was still sitting on the ground; only it was no longer the grass of the park. It was a white floor, with white marble columns lining a large hall. There were other figures behind her, but they were blurred in her vision. She blinked, and the scenery was once more the green of the grass and the park trees.

"Luna," Serenity said clearly. "Luna!"

The feline's ears perked up, and if possible, her eyes glossed over with unshed tears. "That's right."

Trunks watched as his girlfriend dropped to her knees once again to scoop the cat in her arms, hugging her tenderly. The cat, Luna, seemed to let out a purr as her black tail swayed back and forth.

His father was never going to believe this one.


You can't see it, but I'm grinning like the cat who ate the canary… pardon any errors – I wrote this while my son was trying his hand at writing as well… I'll edit it, promise! But I wanted to get it out. Enjoy!
