Hiya minna! I'm back with another crappy part which I hope you would like it! I'm so glad you are liking this story I hope it ends well instead of a cliche ending! ? ゚リナ

ProudYaoiFreak Arigato! *bone crushing hug* I'm so glad you liked it I hope this one is just as good as the previous one!

WindStorm89 thank you so much! Well you're lucky since I updated it quite quick this time!

hombreng lewadh yayy! Updated for you! Enjoy with this part I spend my entire day on it!

P.S. My exams are almost finished so I may update faster! Any maybe more new fanfics would be published!

Shirou... Atsuya sighed due to the mental exhaustion as he rests his head upon his intervened fingers while he stared blankly at the white clouds that surrounded him. It may seemed fascinating to him if only his mind wasn't troubled with countless questions, all concerning one thing. His brother.

He remembered returning home with a victorious smirk since he won yet another soccer match for his team and like any normal child he couldn't wait to share it with Manami but when Atsuya opened the door and ran towards the lounge where he expected Manami to be watching a film, but instead saw an odd looking man seated opposite from her as they sipped tea. Upon his appearance, the two looked up and the old man smiled a sad smile which only increased his confusion as he motioned towards the seat next to Manami, indicating for Atsuya to sit besides her which he followed but the quizzical look wasn't gone.

Atsuya parted his lips to question his presence when neither he or Manami has ever met him before but the other stopped from any words to escape, saying he would explain everything as he poured tea for the Atsuya, handing it over for him which he took peacefully. The only sound heard from the room was the sipping of the tea as neither of them utter a single word letting the silence to fill in but soon ended which both of them were grateful of since they wanted to know why was he here in their house.

"My name is Detective Onigawara and my business here is concerning you boy," he states calmly as he stares at Atsuya who wore an astonished expression.

"Me?" he questioned while first looking at him and then at Manami who wasn't in a different state. "Why me?"

Upon hearing this, Detective Onigawara took a deep breath before relieving the ugly true that could shatter their world in a second but Atsuya has to know after all he has all the right to know and is the only source of amending the current situation.

"9 years ago you were involved in an accident here in Hokkaido near the Northern Ridge which killed your entire family leaving you the lone survivor, tell me am i correct?" he said void of any emotions whilst he stares into the teal blue eyes of his which showed mixed emotions; fear, angst, and angry.

"How did you..." Atsuya spoke astonished but was interrupted by him.

"Tell me am I correct?" he said again but this time in a harsh manner upon which he nodded and lowered his head while balling his hands into fists as the time of avalanche along with their screams replayed in his mind since the wound was still fresh and bleeding.

"You have no right of asking such things from him which does not concern you. You should mind your own business and if you came here to just bring back sore memories then i would appreciate that you should leave," Manami spoke angrily as she noticed the sudden change in his aura.

"Ma'am i have no intention of hurting your son feeling, I am simply here to tell him what he has the privilege to know," he spoke but Manami didn't let her anger fade away as she growls.

"Then say it then, we don't have time for your non-sense," she grumbled while staring intently at him who gulped down the fear.

"Atsuya, you're brother Fubuki Shirou is alive," he spoke while examining the others reaction.

Atsuya's mouth was left slightly hanging while his eyes widened as every piece of this news was being processed in his mind. Shirou! His brother was alive all this time but how could it be. He remembered clearly his brother terrified screams as the avalanche struck them which haunted him every single night afterwards. This guy must be pulling a not so good prank on him just to make him feel pitiful since it's impossible for Shirou to be alive, he cant be alive which increased the rage in him as blood boiled in his veins.

"What kind of sick joke this is!" he yelled while he slams his hands on the coffee table as tea spilt on it, with fiery eyes that could make anyone run away screaming for their dear lives.

"Do you know what the hell you're doing! First coming to my home uninvited and somehow know about my family telling me "Oh yeah Atsuya by the way you know you're brother who died at the accident is alive." Just who the hell you think you are who tells me that!" He growled as he bares his clenched teeth ready to attack the other any moment.

"What I am telling you is no lie. Your brother did fortunately survived the accident if you want me to prove it, that can be done as well," he spoke with a blank expression.

"Well then, prove it!" This time Manami yelled as she stood up with an expression that could devour anyone in a split second. Detective Onigarawa took out a light grey colored file and handed it to Atsuya who took it in his shaky hands while he stared at it, hesitation evident as fear increased inside of him.

What if his brother was alive after all? Then that means he was lied by the doctors but why would they as if they could get any benefit from separating them apart. What if Oka-san and Otou-san were alive as well? That means he felt dejected for no reason, that all those years of suffering was done on purpose. Detective Onigawara noticed the hesitation in his movements but he didn't pushed him.

Atsuya shook his head to remove all those torturous questions and with trembling hands opened the file as the first thing that came in his sight was an image of a boy who was no older than him, smiling back warmly to him. His v shaped bony face, his slender frame, his silvery white spiky hair, every single detail was oh so familiar to him as he stares into the droopy teal blue glimmering eyes.

There was no doubt that the one he's looking at was his brother and not only that in the image he looks like his age almost 14 which only means his brother was really alive. That this isn't a lame prank! He flipped onto the next pages scanning all of them which were about his details. After reading every single line he sank back into the warmth of the couch with his eyes closed as tears prickled his eyelids. Manami took the file and once again disbelievingly looked at the image with no doubt that this boy was Atsuya's brother.


'Hmm?" Detective Onigarawa questionable hummed.

"How is it even possible? I saw it with my very own eyes: no one could have survived the avalanche. I was just lucky that i got pushed out but it still left me with a comma for a year then how could he survive?" Atsuya asked with his trembling voice but he wanted answers right now.

"Likewise he was pushed out of the car but like you said the avalanche was a deadly one and severely injured him thus he was admitted into a hospital," he spoke as he tries his best to remain composed.

Upon hearing this, Atsuya smiled as he jumps onto his feet, excitement was evident in the air around him which Detective Onigawara hated to spoil but he has to since it wouldn't be fair the poor boy whose heart could be shattered with what he was going to say next.

"Oka-san, we have to get to Shirou! He must have missed me! I can't believe that he is alive after all those years!" Atsuya exclaimed but Manami kept her gaze on Detective Onigawara who shifted uncomfortably.

"There's more to it, isn't it?" She asked upon which the other nodded as Atsuya's cheers died down who stared at him as well, his enthusiasm being replaced by fear while mentally pleading not to be bad but luck was not with him today.

"Atsuya i want you to sit down first this might be disturbing for both of you," he requested which Atsuya followed without any questioning.

"Fubuki..." he spoke but stopped since he couldn't find a less hurting way to tell them the truth but he was half way through so there was no backing down. He took a deep breath as he uttered those hurtful words that could make anyone go down on his knees crying.

"Recently Fubuki had been kidnapped to be a part of a deadly project in which his DNA was mixed with a timber wolf by four insane doctors and soon he developed wolf features along with a behavior similar to one. He is currently under our hold and many attempts has been made to cure him but all of them have failed miserably but we believe Atsuya could bring out Fubuki's real personality since they are bonded together and maybe this bond could awaken Fubuki," he spoke after which he told a long deep breath and examined their reactions.

Both of them were speechless since this was incomprehensible to them as they imagined the torture a young boy filled with youth would have to face. The pain and the agony he had to suffer all alone was too harsh for a small young boy since during this stage of life a child is filled with dreams and determination along with mischief but that could be taken away with the simplest attempts.

Manami looked down at her lap as tears threatened to roll down from her eyes. Even though she may have not met Fubuki but knowing that a child had been robbed from his freedom pained her and soon it became hard to breath as if her throat has been clogged with emotions that were swirling inside of her. She looked up at Atsuya who looked pained the most.

Atsuya took heavy breaths as the world around him started to move becoming a blur while his mind raced with thoughts which he wanted to stop but to his avail they didn't. Shirou, being mutated into a wolf hearing this broke his heart into several pieces since this only means that what he was seeing during these few days were true after all. They weren't a trick on his mind but was reality but how come he saw those even though he didn't even knew the truth. He parted his lips to question about it but then found out that no words were leaving through his mouth as if he does not know how to talk at all.

He looked at Manami with his labored breathing and found her staring at him as well. He soon started to shed tears which astonished Manami since she has never seen him cry except when he woke up from his comma and was told that his family had died in the accident. Seeing her precious boy cry in front of her was unbearable as she went closer to him, pulling the crying child into her warm embrace while she caressed his hair, comforting him that everything will be okay but will it? Can this be reversed? How can Atsuya cure Fubuki when the attempts made by the professionals couldn't?

"I'm sorry Atsuya but what has happened can't be undone but what is happening can. We want you to come with me to meet you with Fubuki and see if he acts differently towards you. Please Atsuya you're his only beacon of hope so will you come with me?" Detective Onigawara spoke as he waits for an answer.

Atsuya looked up from the pair of arms he was engulfed in and pondered over what to do since he had no clue how he would bring his brother back to normal but he has to try. He has to try for his sake and his brothers sake. He can't let him live like this, live like a wolf for the rest of his life. He has to do something for him!

Atsuya looked at Manami once again to see any kind of protest and fortunately there wasn't, in fact she seemed determined to go and see for herself what Fubuki has gone through so that she could ease his pain as she gave an approval look, he nodded.

"Fine I will help but i won't assure you that i wont kick the living daylights out of those bastards who did this to Shirou!" he spoke upon which Detective Onigawara nodded as he took out the photo from the file and handed it over to Atsuya who stared at it as he pressed his lips together.

"Is he in Hokkaido?" Manami asked him who shook his head.

"No, he's in Soccer Island so we gonna have to catch a plane for ourselves," he said as rubs his temples due to the exhaustion and stress he was currently feeling.

Atsuya stared at Fubuki in the photo before mumbling something under his breath.

"Atsuya!" A voice shouted which dragged Atsuya back to reality as he blinks twice at the one who shouted his name who was no other than Manami.

Manami had yellow blonde hair that were currently tied into high ponytail which was facing towards the right, thus some strands fell over her shoulder. Most of her bangs were combed towards the right as they were tucked behind her ear while some of the locks of hair were braided across her head that may seems like a headband. Ocean blue eyes shined under the light which suited her fair complexion as well as her hair. She wore a grey tank top which showed her curves but most of them were hidden under a navy blue cardigan. Manami also wore dark blue skinny jeans followed by jet black sneakers that had some white lines along the boundaries.

"What?" he asks as he raises a brow quizzically.

Manami slighty smiled as she kisses his forehead which earned her a squeal as he pushes her back with cheeks slightly red upon which she laughed.

"Don't do that in public it's embarrassing Oka-san," Atsuya huffed but couldn't help from smiling a bit.

"I couldn't resist since you look oh so adorable when you're giving me the confused look," she chuckled upon which Atsuya crossed his arms above his chest with a tch.

"I'm not adorable, I'm hot!" Atsuya spoke in a grumpy manner which to Manami was even more adorable.

"So enjoying the plane ride? It's my very first time!" she exclaimed cheerfully which Atsuya knows was an attempt to distract him from his thoughts as he smiles a bit. He sure is lucky to have her as his mother while others would have pitied him as they passed by but Manami was the only one who remained by his side and before he knew it she claimed him her child.

"I can clearly see that. You're even worst that those toddlers," he spoke while pointing towards two siblings who were enjoying their time by disturbing their parents as they jumped and ran everywhere which was quite amusing to him. He laughed at the struggle of the parents who ran after them and tried to control the current situation but those two were just filled with energy and mischief. They must have mentally noted not to bring them to a plane till they were old enough to behave on their own. It was comedy gold to him as he could watch them all day.

"No I'm not!" she puffed her cheeks trying to make an adorable face upon which Atsuya laughed and soon no longer Manami started to burst into laughter as well.

"You know I'm not 9 that you have to act childish," he spoke but Manami just pulled him into another hug which he gladly accepted by hugging her back as they both smiled.

"To me you're still a naughty child," she spoke after the hug ended.

Atsuya looked at the photo he took out from his pocket without Manami noticing since she was talking to Detective Onigawara about random things as he rubs his thumb against Shirou's face while looking sadly at him.

"I'm coming Shirou please wait for me..."

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