Author's note : Aloha! This is my first fic so please feel free to voice your thoughts and I will happily read through them in the comments section and try to address them at the end of the following chapter.

Story notes : Firstly, this is somewhat of an AU setting and I have a single OC, the main character. It may not appeal to those who are really into fics that stick to canon because some characters though they may have the name, may act a little different from the anime/light novel (OOC). I do try to keep them as close to their original character as possible and it may include some of my minor ships (Im sorry its not kamikoto though I really like it =D)

It is also a light hearted fic, kinda romancy like a lot of animes out there (yes I am a bit of an otaku. Some of my friends call me a weabo too) and I tried my best to put in some comedy though it may be a little clichéd and there are not gonna be any major antagonists of the sort. (edit there is some.. fighting and stuff. TANKS!)

And my OC is a guy [Kano Haimura. I got the name 'Kano' from a random name generator and 'Haimura' from the illustrator of the light novel (To Aru Majutsu no Index) and the main female one is female Accelerator! (Suzushina Yuriko 3)] I hope you like him because I couldn't really find a canon character that I like to ship with female accel. (I love male accel but I fell in love with some of the fanart of Yuriko. Look up her name on zerochan and you can see why.)

If you have endured reading through my A.N., thank you very much and I hope you enjoy the fic! =D

(there are elements from other animes especially Girls und Panzer but they wont be taking centre stage... most of the time.)

Chapter 1

Today started as normal as it could be. For me at least.

Walk to school, sleep through morning assembly hidden in a cupboard and emerge like a ghost to return to my seat before lessons began. However...

"Today we have a new student. She has come from Nagatenjouki Academy and will be staying with us for till the end of year exams" Sensei announced "You may come in and introduce yourself now!"

The was a chorus of 'huh?'s and 'what?"s. It seemed everyone was confused as to why there was a transfer student coming in the middle of the year.

In walked a thin white girl with a crutch.

Yes. White.

In addition to the school uniform which was a white shirt and a dark blue skirt for girls, her hair and skin were all white. But the most interesting thing was the color of her eyes - blood red.

"My name is Suzushina Yuriko..." She said deadpan as she looked at sensei hoping that her introduction was complete.

"Could you tell the class more about yourself? I'm sure they are very interested." Sensei desperately said as she tried to salvage her new student's horrible introduction.

"I'm not looking for any friends" she said once again in deadpan, destroying any of sensei's hopes of her opening up to the class.

"Ah well... Thank you for the introduction Yuri-" "Call me Suzushina please" The white girl interrupted sensei as she stared at a point in the wall at the back of the class. "Ahaha... Sorry, Thank you for the introduction Suzushina-san, now for your seat you can seat beside... Err... Ah yes, there at the back with Kano-san."

As she hobbled towards my seat, she stared at me with her red eyes, I admit I was rather intimidated by her brutally shutting down our friendly sensei's attempts at conversation but I held my gaze, staring right back at her.

The class watched our silent exchange in curiousity. Even sensei was intrigued by this development...

Until some idiot behind me decided to shout "Hey! Love at first sight?! What's this? Some kind of drama?!"

"KAMIJOU TOUMA!" A girl screamed as she lugged a dictionary which hit him square in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Her name was Fukiyose Seiri. The Iron Wall Girl. The one whose breasts are as large as melons.

As Yuriko nodded at her in thanks, I noticed her eyes slightly widen in shock as she saw Fukiyose's massive rack. Sitting down on her seat, it seemed like Yuriko glanced down at her relatively flat chest. Though I may have been mistaken.

This is going to be an exciting day after all... I thought to myself.

Just when I thought I could be a silent spectator enjoying himself with an interesting show about a new student and a prying class while sitting beside the said student who was actually quite pretty...

"And now that we are done with introductions, we need a volunteer who is willing to help Suzushina-san around the school and act as a guide to help integrate her into the community. Any volunteers?" Sensei said as her voice got more and more quiet as she spoke seeing that everyone was avoiding eye contact with her.

"Hey Kano-san, raise your hand! It's something about helping out with Band!" Tsuchimikado shouted across the class, knowing that I would believe him as I was not paying attention to sensei's request.

I raised my hand.

The class started laughing hysterically.

I blinked. I blinked again. And at that moment when I saw Yuriko's slight smirk, I knew for sure. I screwed up.

And that is how I ended up being a guide for the new girl.

"Ugh... Why do I have to do this..."

"You were the idiot who raised your hand. Some friends you have"

I shot a quick glare at the person who released that snarky comment.

"Heh... Don't glare at me. Glare at them who were laughing their asses off."

I shot a long glare at the two jokers that I had for friends.

Luckily for me, they knew that as a sign that I was at my limit and they ran off quickly.

"Since I have the job I mind as well do it well... What do you want to do first Yuri- Suzushina-san? Wanna get something to eat or?" I asked half-heartedly as I started walking towards the canteen, not giving her time to choose.

"I'm fine with that but I'm not really hungry..."

"Then a drink?"



And thus, we drank 14 cups of coffee. In 30 minutes. No big deal.

We walked back to class in silence. Yuriko in a seemingly good mood as she seemed more open while I trudged back suffering from over intake of coffee.

"How... Do you drink so much in one go..."

"You just drank 4 cups. I had 10. Stop whining. Go take a piss if you need to."

I glared at her and leant back on my chair to stretch, forgetting that Yuriko was sitting beside me.

"Where the hell do you think you are putting you hand?" I heard an extremely annoyed voice mutter.

I turned around and realised that my hand that I was stretching was crossing over Yuriko's chest. Almost touching her if not for the fact that she essentially had the body shape of a skinny young boy.

"Oh shit! Sorry sorry. I haven't had anyone sit beside me for a few years so I kinda forgot that you were there"

She looked at me with disappointed eyes. "And less than 3 minutes ago you were complaining to me about drinking too much coffee? Isn't that a bit hypocri-"

"Ooooh just a 30 minute recess break and you two are bickering like lov-" Tsuchimikado could not finish the sentence as he was sent flying across a nearby table by a crutch.

"Annoying…" Yuriko muttered. She must have incredible arm strength.


I looked at him rubbing his cheek. A thick red line was starting to show.

"You kinda deserved it you know?"

He laughed and reached over to grab his sunglasses which had been dislodged by Yuriko's attack.

"Okay class. End of break. Seat down at your places. Lessons start now."

"God... This is torture... Ugh..." She slammed her head on the table again.

"Deal with it... Welcome to A Certain high school. Only Tsukuyomi sensei can teach well. The rest are mostly like this..."

"All of them? This horrible?"

"Yeah… Maybe except for that one P.E. teacher. She is rather eccentric."

She glanced at me and raised an eyebrow.

Then I got an idea to get closer to this new student. As I said before, she IS rather attractive.

"... Wanna go somewhere to hide? I know a place."

"Sure" she said as she smiled for the first time… Cute.

"Okay. Follow my lead… Sensei! Yuriko here needs to go to the toilet."

"Oh the new student. Hi there, do you know where the toilets are?"


"... That was rather blunt... Okay Kano-san I heard from Tsukuyomi sensei that your her guide for the week so guide her to the toilets will you?"


As we walked out of class I noticed four things.

Tsuchimikado snikered.

Kamijou Touma started laughing.

Fukiyose Seiri knew what we were planning and facepalmed... Well pretty much the entire class knew.

Sensei was as dense as a rock. As usual.

I grinned and gave them a thumbs up from behind sensei's back.

And that's how we escaped physics class.

"We're here!"

"This is your secret hiding place?"


Yuriko looked around

"Doesn't look so secret to me"

We were in an area behind the school gym. It was an open area but was concealed from sight from most areas.

"But it works! I've been escaping lessons and have been coming here for two years and have never been caught!"

"Well this is gonna be your first time if you continue shouting." She taunted, smirking.

Then, I did the most retarded thing possible just to get back at her.

"Well, you do look kinda attractive when you smile though"


"And you're blushing?! AHAHHA! I DIDNT THINK THAT YOU COULD!"

I was promptly smacked on the head with a cane.