Hey, there guys! I'm back and the second chapter of "Sins of the Spriggan" is here. Thank you for your support and reviews and that I appreciate them a lot. After doing some brainstorming with SpectrumRay16, Daemon of Wrath and Isane Dominator on the PM, I decided that some of the canon Spriggan 12 remain in the group roster due to their long-lived nature as members not of the same race like Irene being a 400 year old Mage-turned-Dragon in human guise for example while others would be OCs, either as ancestors of some canon Spriggan Shields or predecessor members as the Alvarez Empire existed a century ago in the events of Fairy Tail Zero.
Besides Ajeel, Invel, Neinhart, Jacob Lessio, God Serena, Brandish and Dimaria are not even born yet here in this story's timeline after all, similarly like Laxus who is the descendant of Yury Dreyar, one of Fairy Tail's founders.
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Fairy Tail and Nanatsu no Taizai including all of their casts of characters as they respectively belong to Hiro Mashima and Nakaba Suzuki, the authors behind great mangas of all time.
Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D
Chapter 2
At the skies above northern Britannia
Hovering far above the skies in Britannia, a fleet of 200 full sized airships of the Alvarez Empire are approaching their destination and thanks to August's Magic Camouflage cloaking their presences, they remain undetected from those on the island continent capable of perceiving any source of magic whether in objects or people and not ruin the element of surprise per orders of Zeref, their Emperor.
While the Alvarez soldiers and crew members are continuing with their duties in maintaining their ships or enjoy sightseeing the clear skies or the view of Earth Land below them, Zeref is in a middle of discussion with Viktor Yura over the holographic map of the island continent of Britannia within the command ship's bridge.
The eighth Sin is currently wearing a more militaristic version of his old outfit befitting an emperor.
"To refresh our memory and review on our latest strategy, currently we already have 300 airships are here with us in the north, Viktor. Brosnan and Kajeel will lead the first wave of the attack with 100 ships stationed from the west once I give the order and the remaining 200 ships here will follow suit to launch another wave within 30 minutes.", he pointed out.
Viktor said with his glasses shining contemplatively, "Yes, a sound plan Your Majesty. On the other hand, Wahl and Chester will be tasked on freeing King Bartra and members of his royal family imprisoned within the royal palace of Liones, and bring them to us for medical treatment by our doctors on board in case they suffer complications of their health and wellbeing. While Prince August will be mass teleporting all the civilians and castle staff away from the capital to our relief force so they will not be caught in the crossfire of the siege that would soon reduce the city to rubble."
Pointing his fingers on the east and south of the Britannia with symbols of Alvarez shown there, the Black Wizard continued on, "Indeed, Viktor. Meanwhile Stella will lead her 50 ships on the seas from the east as a naval blockade and land her troops there to aid the capture of the Liones capital city. Cruzer and Larcade will be attacking with his ground forces in the south after they are dropped off on land by the Sea Bride herself."
"With such large number of forces of the Alvarez military and some of the Spriggan 12 on all four sides, the Liones Kingdom's capital is fully cut off with no chance of escape for the Holy Knights if they intend to flee and hide from our sight in Britannia, Your Majesty.", the snow-haired Winter General commented before he raised a question. "Although I question Prince August's decision when he requested your permission that he will go capture a castle once belonged to Merlin, one of your old companions. What value does it hold there?"
"Aye, the Holy Knights of Liones would be forced to surrender before the overwhelming might of Alvarez surrounding them from all sides or die trying to oppose us and end up humiliated. Either way, they have no choice on the matter. And as for the value behind August capturing that castle Merlin used to own there, it is overflowing with rare Magical artifacts.", the Emperor of Alvarez explained.
"I see. It does make sense for Prince August to obtain such prizes in his possession, Your Majesty.", the Winter General sweatdropped since he recalled there were so many books of Magical knowledge and artifacts the Magic King owns in his chambers.
The black-haired man said with a smile, "Well, I'm sure Merlin would be grateful that her possessions and the castle are safe. It would be a hassle for her to start from scratch if something happened to them. Knowing my son's tendency to study Magics just like his mother Mavis, August wants to meet Britannia's greatest sorceress and asks her to be her apprentice and learn her ways of Magic. The Magical artifacts would be his token of good will to get in her good graces."
Understanding Zeref's reason, Viktor can only nod and let the Magic King do what he please so long it does not jeopardize Zeref's plans for a full-scale assault in his liberation campaign of Liones, before he busies himself with coordinating with the assigned forces and his fellow Spriggan Shields through the communications network.
Meanwhile, Zeref left the command ship's bridge for a moment and decided to get some fresh air on the deck's rails as he smiled and waved with the men and women of Alvarez bowed to him respectfully before their monarch before getting back to work, reminiscing his thoughts of the meeting with the Spriggan 12 back in Vistarion...
Earlier at the meeting room within Zeref's Palace, Vistarion
When the gathering of the Spriggan 12 is complete despite some obvious absence of its members at the round table with tall chairs shaped like swords or shields they occupied, Zeref musingly commented from his seat, "7 people are here huh? Sounds very coincidental and also familiar for some reason. Anyways, I'm pleased that you all made it here within short notice."
The only Spriggan Shields that did not show up today would be Stella the Sea Bride, Bloodman the Grim Reaper, Jessica Yesta the Lunari Priestess, Irene Belserion the Scarlet Angel, and Nyra Magmus the Wandering Guardian. Oh well, I'll summon them later when I need them on an urgent matter., the Black Wizard mentally noted.
"Well, actually I believe Sir Brosnan is also heading his way within the palace and would be late upon arriving here within a minute, Your Majesty.", politely commented a middle-aged butler with a proper black uniform with a tie that he dressed gracefully along with a fancy looking top hat he wears on his bald head at all times as he stood next to Zeref's seat.
He is Chester Hart, the head butler of the Imperial Palace in Vistarion and personal attendant to Emperor Spriggan, ensuring everything is handled smoothly in the palace and nothing gets past by him for he is the top member of Alvarez' secret service, and a powerful Mage in his own right and skilled in the arts of assassination, with some jokingly claim him to be the secret 13th member of the Spriggan 12 similar with the Celestial Spirit's Zodiac and Ophiuchus.
"It is fine.", Zeref simply waved it off with a smile.
Viktor on the other hand retorts with a serious look on his face, "I disrespectfully disagree, Your Majesty. Not arriving on time for the meeting of the Twelve is an unacceptable excuse of not following Your Majesty's orders."
He is Viktor Yura, ancestor of Invel Yura in an almost spitting image along with the title of the Winter General and his family from the northern regions of Alakitasia have been faithfully serving the throne of Alvarez for generations and they take great pride in their duty of serving Emperor Spriggan with being one of the Spriggan 12 is the highest honor.
"Do not be such a stick in the mud, Friend Viktor. Let's start the discussion with everyone here while we wait for Friend Brosnan to arrive. The Emperor did say he did not require all of the Twelve to be here after all.", calmly tells an older man with brown skin, dreadlocks and beard and dressed in a ceremonial desert armor with a cape.
He is Kajeel Ramal, ancestor of Ajeel Ramal whose family's male members' names always starts with "-jeel" for some reason in their royal lineage and is known the Desert Prince despite he used to be a vassal lord of Alakitasia' desert regions prior to his recruitment into the Twelve that he sees as a great honor to serve the man that united Alvarez.
And speak of the Devil and he shall appear. The meeting room's doors have opened and it is revealed to be a person clad in a massive suit of golden armor with a symbol of Alvarez in the breastplate and a knight's helmet that has a long brown plume top and glowing golden eyes behind the visor. "I am here everyone. I apologize for my tardiness once again, Your Majesty.", the armored being spoke in a powerful imposing voice and made his way to his vacant seat with his fellow Shields of Spriggan.
The walking suit of armor is Golden Eyes Brosnan and said to be the product of Alvarez' special military project that has been made top secret and confidential only to the Emperor of Alvarez and certain others among the Twelve involved in it. Rumor is that no one has seen past the armor of Brosnan and lived to talk about it, and some actually believed Brosnan is a Machias due to his stoic nature and his capability to fire powerful golden beams from his eyes.
Now that I think about it. Brosnan reminds me of Gowther in his Enchanted Armor. Still I never get to know what he looked like underneath it back then. I wonder what lies inside the armor of Golden Eyes if someone managed to break it. It would be an interesting revelation..., Zeref mused in his thoughts as he observed Viktor briefly arguing with the armored giant while other members of the Spriggan 12 apparently watched with amusement or rolling their eyes at the sitcom moment.
"Could you please stop with your habit of being late and not be an embarrassment of the Twelve?", the Winter General pleaded that showed even he is apparently not as stoic as others outside the Twelve believe him to be.
"No.", Brosnan simply said with a straight face as his blunt answer.
Annoyed of the giant suit's nonchalant response, Viktor sighed in defeat, "But can you at least be more punctual on time for once?"
"Yes.", Golden Eyes replied once again with a certain tone that no one can tell if he is serious or trolling behind the helmet.
Either way, this caused some of the Spriggan Shields to snicker at the comedic routine between Golden Eyes and the Winter General while others remained impassive or rolled their eyes.
"What a beautiful friendship between winter and golden eyes.", musingly said a well-built young man with upward spiky blond hair and a large white cross symbol on his forehead who wears a golden kasaya that covers half of his body and wears a humongous cross hoisted on his back which he feels no complications despite sitting on a chair of his seat as one of the Twelve.
He is Larcade Dragneel, a 400 year old Demon of Zeref who was created by Zeref in one of his attempts to revive Natsu from the dead and is the strongest out of the failed creations, bequeathed with the name of Dragneel as his new adopted child and the White Sage for being an Etherious wielding the White Arts and his martial pacifistic nature.
"You stay out of this!", Viktor and Brosnan shouted at Larcade in unison.
"That I would agree, my son. They are like a Dynamic Duo despite their differences. They may argue and will fight but that's how they make the light as they come to understand each other in their own way. Truly an odd friendship between them.", Zeref chimed in with a wink and he smiled warmly at the White Sage returned the favor, relieved and happy that his father has finally got to acknowledge him as his child ever since the Black Wizard returned from Britannia that changed him positively.
"Before we begin with the meeting now that Brosnan has joined us, August. Drop the old man act right now, would you please? I know you like to roleplay your favorite wizard type from the books as your habit but you're too young to act far beyond your age.", the Emperor of Alvarez requested towards the old man.
"I-I beg your pardon, Your Majesty?", the strongest man in the Spriggan 12 stammered in confusion.
Narrowing his eyes with a look of a stern parent, Zeref called out, "Prince August Vermillion."
The allegedly elderly Mage sweatdropped at the Emperor's strict gaze towards him through his very soul and sighed with a youthful voice, "Yes, Father."
A puff of smoke engulfed the Magic King's old frame and from the smoke dispersed, it is revealed to be a well-built young man with long wavy pastel yellow blonde hair instead of an old wise man with a wizard beard. He is August Vermillion, the son of Zeref and Mavis Vermillion and surrogate brother of Larcade Dragneel after the Black Wizard was smart enough to figure out the little boy's origins just by realizing the strong resemblance with his mother and took August in as his another son in the royal family with Larcade being like an older surrogate brother to him.
"The young prince has finally unveiled the mask.", Kajeel mused while Viktor adjusted his glasses, Chester simply coughed and Brosnan just stared impassively.
"Oh, brother.", Larcade can only shake his head with a snicker.
"Ahyahyahyahyahyahyahya! Man, this is too much! Ahyahyahyahyahya! Are you that desperate to grow a beard, August? Like Your Majesty said, you're way too young for this shit! Ahyahyahyahyahyahyahya!", cackled a thin, youthful-looking man with medium-length, wavy, messy black hair with his devilishly smirking and pointy teeth who wears orange coveralls with a harness buckled around his chest in the form of a tunic that exposes his metallic shoulders; the collar is black, and around his waist he wears a black belt, and rubber boots.
He is Wahl Icht, a 106 year old Machias alchemist hailing from the sentient mechanical race aligned with the Alvarez Empire that became the bulwark of its advanced weapons and equipment, life-saving technologies and food, water and housing facilities that improves the lifestyle of the citizens of Alvarez across Alakitasia, and is known as The Adjudicator for his role as an enforcer of the law and order despite his odd eccentricities.
Normally, Wahl would have sent his Machias Doll Puppet whom he dubbed as Gru to represent him in almost every meeting between Emperor Spriggan and the Twelve but this time around, he decided to come in person as himself. And he is laughing his ass off at August since they are sitting next with each other on the round table.
"Shut up, will you? Beards are cool and makes me feel so wise and powerful, you know!", August can only pout with an embarrassing blush which only made the Machias laugh even harder while Zeref can definitely see that his biological son is really more like Mavis when she pouted in a cute manner at things not going her way as intended.
"Enough of your obnoxious laugh this instant, Wahl. Because if you don't keep yourself alert all times, you will never know when a bomb is gonna blow your legs up. This is why you're not cut for warfare with that attitude.", sternly reprimanded a lean and muscular man in his late 20s with short yellow hair hidden by a red bandana with the laces hanging long and loose, and wore only a coat cape over his upper naked body with dog tags hanging from his neck along with black gloves fit for combat and gray baggy pants and black boots.
He is Cruzer, a stern, no-nonsense high-ranking soldier with a patriotic sense of duty and love for his country that all rank and file members of the Alvarez military sees him as an exemplary example to follow, and is known the Venomous War Dog for his powerful poison-type Magic he wields and being known for his ruthlessness and always the first to be the Emperor's vanguard.
"Ahyahyahyahyahya! Who the hell do you think you're talking to, mutt? I am the elite Machias, Wahl! Never underestimate me, Cruzer!", the Adjudicator devilishly smirked, almost as if he is daring the Venomous War Dog for a fight.
Cruzer growled in irritation like his epithet with a throbbing vein on his forehead at Wahl who enjoyed egging his fellow Spriggan Shield on and sees him more stuck up than even Viktor.
Clapping his hands a few times, Zeref got the attention of the Spriggan Shields towards him. "Now, now everyone, settle down please and thank you. As I'm sure you've likely surmised, I've convened this meeting to discuss preparations for our liberation of Liones in Britannia."
Interested of the Alvarez monarch's intentions, the Adjudicator remarked in a serious manner while maintaining some of his eccentric mischievousness, "From what I understand, we will be bringing judgement upon the Holy Knights and their transgressions upon the citizenry of the kingdom of Liones to repay the debt you owed them 10 years ago while you get to reunite with your old comrades, Your Majesty. Judging from your description about them in your little adventure in Britannia, they must be a very sinful bunch."
The Black Wizard chuckled, "Why yes indeed, Wahl. They may be widely known as the cruelest order of Holy Knights feared and respected in Liones but once you get to know them, they are as I quote Ban, 'a bunch of fun loving goons who beat the crap out of anyone they don't like'. So of course I am looking forward to meeting them again after 10 years of separation on the fateful day where the Sins were unjustly framed of Great Holy Knight Zaratras' murder by the Holy Knights. Additionally on this campaign, I want the capital of Liones captured and the Holy Knights deposed in order to put King Batra back on the throne after rescuing him from his captivity."
He added with the finishing touch, "With the added bonus of opening trade and diplomatic relations between both countries that will benefit Alvarez as part of the catch in this endeavor."
"Yes, that is very beneficial catch in your little liberation campaign, Your Majesty. I approve of your decision.", Brosnan agreed while Chester simply nodded.
"We are at your command, Father.", the Magic King and the White Sage said together, willing to do their task.
"That's a very interesting way of putting it.", Wahl commented with a small smirk.
Viktor nodded in agreement as he readied his pen and papers, "On that note, let's plan our strategy."
"Could you leave it to me then? I am always ready to do my duty as a soldier would do.", the Venomous War Dog asked with his hardened eyes narrowed and his arms crossed, always ready to heed and obey.
"No... You won't be doing this alone, Cruzer. We're going on an all-out attack.", Zeref declared firmly with some of the Spriggan Shields nodding in agreement and others contemplating of his decision at the same time.
The Desert Prince noted as he rubs his bearded chin at the Emperor's prospects in the liberation campaign, "An all-out attack huh? To be honest, I feel this overwhelming show of force is a tad bit excessive for such a liberation campaign. Sounds like overkill if you ask me. But then again, it is a job of the Spriggan 12 to carry out our duties."
"Yes, Kajeel, it will be seen as overkill but I rather put an end to the Holy Knights' grip on the country as quickly as possible. Anyway, it will send a very strong message to the Holy Knights that we are not fooling around and they are in an overwhelming disadvantage before Alvarez' greater number and far more powerful Mages they never seen before in Britannia. There is not a shred of ambiguity at all.", Zeref explained.
With that, the Spriggan Shields in the meeting are fully behind the Emperor of Alvarez and began formulating their plans for the liberation of Liones along with issuing orders of mobilizing their personal squadrons and the Alvarez military.
Back in the present day
Sensing three familiar Magic signatures that brought Zeref off from his thoughts back in the Imperial Palace with his meeting with the Spriggan Shields, the eighth member of the Seven Deadly Sins felt nostalgic for it has been a long time since he felt the familiar aura of the blonde boy who kicked his ass, had the potential to kill him for real with black flames and kidnapped him to become one of the Seven Deadly Sins as their stand in for Lion's Sin of Pride, Escanor.
Looks like our reunion has come sooner than I thought, Captain. I don't know of your purpose heading straight to Liones but it seems our goals have aligned unexpectedly. Oh well, I bet the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins would be in one heck of a surprise to see me with a great force behind me which the likes of Britannia has never seen before., Zeref thought in amusement.
A dark armored Alvarez soldier armed with a Larcrima tipped spear approached the black-haired monarch of Alvarez in a respectable manner and diligently reported, "Your Majesty, we've detected three great amounts of Magic power approaching rapidly northwest of Liones and their speed is abnormal."
The Winter General raised his eyebrow with curious wonder as he joined Zeref's side and might have sensed too as well, "Who are they?"
"We cannot confirm their identities, Sir Viktor. But these great powers must belong to...", the soldier explained.
"The Seven Deadly Sins. I see Meliodas is already making his move towards the capital of Liones with his two other teammates accompanying him for the ride. Unexpected but perfect timing. Well I guess it is time to start the liberation of Liones and proceed as planned.", the Emperor of Alvarez remarked with an amused smile on his face before adding, "Before I forget, make sure Brosnan announces my name and title as one of the Seven Deadly Sins for all to hear down there. I'd rather not have my old teammates antagonize our forces out of a misunderstanding."
Viktor nodded, "Understood, Your Majesty. Follow me, soldier."
"Sir, yes sir!", the Alvarez soldier saluted and left the bridge with his superior officer.
"The time has come, children of Alvarez! Today the Liberation of Liones is at hand! Commence the first wave of the attack!", Zeref announced with a dramatic wave of his hand as Brosnan, Kajeel and the force of 100 airships from the west started their descent from the heavens ready to bring judgement upon the Holy Knights and aid the Seven Deadly Sins.
At the North Gate of the Liones Kingdom's capital
When the three members of the Seven Deadly Sins: Fox's Sin of Greed, Ban; Goat's Sin of Lust, Gowther and finally their captain, Dragon's Sin of Wrath, Meliodas arrived on the north gate of the capital city of Liones thanks to the long distance Olympic spear throw by Serpent's Sin of Envy, Diane with the intention to rescue Princess Elizabeth Liones after she was kidnapped by Vivian all of a sudden, the entire order of Holy Knights and military of Liones were mobilized to defend the capital and intercept the Sins from entering the North Gate.
Great Holy Knight Dreyfus made sure of that through the Communications Incantation Orb for all Holy Knights in the capital to hear, while Great Holy Knight Hendrickson gave his orders to mobilize the New Generation in order to add in the defense of Liones too as well.
"Landing confirmed!", the Holy Knight with a spear and shield exclaimed.
"Prepare for a counterattack!", the other Holy Knight said upon unsheathing his sword.
Emerging from the smoke from their violent crash landing unharmed and unscathed, the three Sins immedaitely charged towards the Holy Knights at full speed and with no signs of stopping their momentum. "First and foremost, our goal is to rescue Elizabeth! Keep the fighting to a minimum!", Meliodas ordered.
"Roger that.", Gowther emotionlessly complied.
Ban smirked in a singing tone however, "But within that minimum, you'll go all out right Cap'nnn?"
"Like, I'm going in for the kill!", Meliodas with hardened eyes declared when he heads straight towards the Holy Knights already making their first move against the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins and they unleashed the full power of their respective Magical abilities, not realizing the biggest mistake they have made and won't probably live to regret if they're not lucky.
"Aura Burst!", a dual wielding Holy Knight in blue armor unleashed a powerful Magical energy wave slash.
"Inferno Incantation!", a staff wielding Holy Knight in red armor fired a strong flamethrower-type attack.
"Plant Whip!", a green armored Holy Knight with a chained spike ball and shield summoned a large plant whip with multiple lashes from the ground he rides on.
"Bullet Squall!", a Holy Knight in copper armor launched a torrential rain of bullets from the skies with a push of his hands.
"Wind Shooter!", a silver armored Holy Knight rapidly spins around with his dual swords that sends a succession of sharp winds.
"Death Breath!", a scythe-wielding Holy Knight in purple armor summons forth carnivorous ghosts ready to chomp on flesh and consume.
"Flick Stone!", a brown armored Holy Knight slams his mace on the ground and sends forth a massive avalanche of rocks upon raising his weapon up.
In retaliation, the Dragon's Sin of Wrath quickly unsheathed the short sword that was a gift from the deceased Liz of Danafor and reflected all of the Holy Knights' attacks right back at them with immense abhorrence, sending their bloodied forms flying from their own spells. "Full Counter!"
After clearing the path, another Holy Knight whose gauntlets are shaped like blunt weapons instead of hands appeared before the Sins. "So you are the Seven Deadly Sins! Worthy opponent indee-EABYANGH!", the poor guy did not even get to finish his sentence when Meliodas just punched him in the face of his helmet whose visor's shape had a grinning face with big teeth and is now spinning in mid-air.
"Stop the Seven Deadly Sins! Stop th-EMARUGH!", the unfortunate Holy Knight was immediately blitzed through with his helmet dented through deeply by the advancing Sins with Meliodas reflecting another attack right back at his opponent, Ban singing himself a tune while casually sending more Holy Knights flying just by passing through them and Gowther kept running.
"They're not even slowing down!", the terrified Holy Knight panicked.
"We can't stop them!", his companion despaired.
"Elizabeth! Wait for me! I'm coming for you!", Meliodas shouted as he kept cutting through the Holy Knights' ranks with Ban and Gowther following his lead.
Suddenly, the Dragon's Sin of Wrath stopped his tracks for some reason which his comrades followed suit in confusion. "Cap'n? Why are you stopping all of a...", Ban was about to ask but he, Meliodas and Gowther sensed a huge amount of Magical power they never felt before.
Even the Holy Knights paused their actions when they felt it too as well and find themselves bewildered.
"What?... What is this crazy large amount of power that I sense?", Ban wondered out aloud.
What the hell was that?! It has been 3,000 years since I felt this level of power to be that pretty big as a Commandment like Galan when he went Critical Over! ... Meliodas noted in his mind with great hint of apprehension while he spoke out loud, "No, the numbers of powers is far more than several thousand of them and there are two more Magic powers incomparably far more greater than the rest, even us... Where are they coming from?"
Gowther explained as he pointed up in the sky above him, "To be more precise, the source behind such powers far greater than anything we've felt before is located above us, Captain."
The Sins of Wrath and Greed looked up only to gasp in utter shock and surprise when they see a fleet of 100 flying advanced warships, each of them are equipped with many high-powered Magic guns and artillery and capable of carrying numerous troops from hundreds to thousands for ground assaults, flying over the capital city of Liones and that they sense two greater powers leading the fleet.
The airships fly the colors of the Alvarez Empire.
The three members of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Holy Knights of Liones have found themselves caught off guard that there is a third party making themselves known to all in the kingdom of Liones, and they are armed to the teeth with weapons the Britannians have never seen before and possessed powers far above their own that made them realize the outside world is a vast place for the first time.
On the command ship of the aerial assault fleet, Golden Eyes Brosnan brandished the Communications Lacrima and announced for all across Liones capital to hear through it on his armored hand per orders by Zeref while Kajeel remained quiet and composed, observing the stunned Britannians on the ground from the perch of the sails. "People of Liones! We are the Alvarez Empire from beyond the seas and we have come to liberate you from ten long years of tyranny and oppression by your so-called noble guardians of Britannia! Our Emperor, The Raven's Sin of Despair, Zeref has returned and your reckoning has come, Holy Knights!", the massive armored knight announced in a booming voice.
It certainly gave the biggest Wham Bomb on everyone in Liones who heard it all loud and clear including even the Sins. "WHAAAAAAT?!"
Meanwhile, a certain duo comprised of a young king clad in a set of full-body gold-colored steel armor with a unique helmet accentuated by three horns, two triple integrals, and a cape and a youthful sorceress clad in her heavy cloak at the South Gate of Liones were observing the scene of Alvarez' sudden appearance over the Liones capital that caught all parties by surprise.
"Well... I think we won't need that illusion army anymore, Lady Merlin. Those ships in the sky look cool though.", the king of Camelot said with a weak laugh and removed his helmet, revealing his messy orange hair and purple eyes, to take a better look at the aerial fleet of Alvarez.
"I-I guess so, Arthur...", the Boar's Sin of Gluttony sweatdropped as she removed her cloak's hood to reveal her beautiful face and remarked in her thoughts after hearing Brosnan's announcement. Dammit Zeref. I never took you for a man full of surprises ever since Captain recruited you into the Seven Deadly Sins as our reserve member 10 years ago and had to work in getting you out of your phase after I suppressed that troublesome curse of yours temporarily. *sighs* Well there goes my original plan and I will just have to make a new one as Arthur and I proceed entering the city and rescue the king... Still, I never imagined the Raven's Sin of Despair to be an emperor of a faraway nation outside Britannia and came back with an actual army on his side.
Then Merlin and Arthur saw the airships of Alvarez began to open fire their barrage of powerful Magical blasts towards the capital of Liones which a special Magic barrier, which she guessed that it was the work of her former apprentice Vivian, around the city had been activated to protect Liones from being reduced to rubble, but it's only a short moment of time until the barrier gives in to the bombardment soon.
Either way, the Holy Knights are completely and utterly screwed now, especially Dreyfus and Hendrickson., she finished, feeling herself to be in the outside-context problem for the first time of her long-lived life for 3,000 years.
Author's Note: Phew, at last! The second chapter of "Sins of the Spriggan" is done and I hope you enjoy it. Since I made a mistake of making August being an old man despite the canon reveals that Zeref met him as a child and commented he looks like Mavis yet did not recognize him as his son, I have to improvise with August Vermillion having a habit of using the wise old man guise thanks to Transformation Magic due to liking classic wizards with staffs. Respect the wizard beard! XD
I find it odd that Zeref did not figure out August was his son despite recognizing traits of Mavis in their meeting long ago, unless of course he already knew but did not want to take another life after knowing what happened to the First Master of Fairy Tail in their moment of love. Thanks to Merlin's efforts on temporarily suppressing the Ankhseram Black Magic on Zeref, August can now be loved by his father and takes the name of his mother.
Same with Larcade, he is a cool character that I liked when he made his first debut and deserved some love after what happened in the climax of the final arc of Fairy Tail. Of course his Magic will not be what I described as Mashima's excuse to make barely-subtle fanservice/softcore hentai and it will be White Arts instead. The irony and aneurysm from the Goddesses and Demons would be hilarious due to Larcade being a Demon wielding a holy light element abilities.
After thinking through the titles for Zeref as the eighth member of the Seven Deadly Sins and stand-in for Escanor whenever he is not available, I choose Raven's Sin of Despair. I still thank you for your ideas in the reviews and I appreciate them. :D
Credits goes to Isane Dominator, Daemon of Wrath and SpectrumRay16 for helping me with the ideas and OCs for this story.
Anyways enjoy and don't forget to review. :)