AN: Hello! I'm new to the Shandy ship, and just barely finished my first watch through of Major Crimes. Such a good show. I haven't written anything for any fandom for well over six months, but Shandy had made me want to write again. Hopefully this isn't too out of character, and if it is, just know that I'm constantly working to get better. Thanks for reading. :)

This is set sometime in season 3.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Major Crimes.

Provenza and Flynn stood in a large, empty field with matching grimaces on their faces a few feet from the disfigured bodies of a man and a woman. These murders had been brutal, and Andy in particular didn't have the stomach for it today.

He turned to Provenza and gestured at the couple on the ground who were wrapped in towels from a place called Happy Campers. "Should we call the Captain?" He averted his eyes from the bloody mess and tried not to think about how he shouldn't have eaten anything before he came. It didn't matter how many times he saw a body, it never seemed to get any easier.

"No, not yet." Provenza turned to Tao and Buzz, who were talking to Kendall. "Tao, find out where and what this "Happy Campers" place is, and Buzz, are you done yet?"

Mike nodded and took his phone out while Buzz rolled his eyes discreetly and confirmed that he was done. Provenza turned back to Kendall and gestured at the bodies again. "Well, how did these poor souls die?"

The Coroner sighed heavily. "I'd say they were beaten to death, probably been here for at least a few days, and they definitely weren't killed here. There's no sign of a struggle, just drag marks." He gestured towards the four sets of drag marks in the tall weeds. "Morales will be able to tell you more."

Provenza looked at Andy. "I'd say now is a good time to call the Captain, then I want you to follow the bodies to the morgue. This one isn't sitting right with me."

Andy nodded and stepped away to make the call as the crime scene was investigated and wrapped up behind him.


Sharon yawned widely as she stepped off the elevator to meet her team in the murder room. She was exhausted, and no amount of coffee seemed to help much these days. Cases seemed to be lasting longer, and downtime had been almost nonexistent for months; she was ready for a break.

She walked in to find Sykes, with a cast on her leg, and Julio setting up the white board, and Tao and Buzz sitting by the computers working on identifying the victims. Provenza and Andy were nowhere to be seen, but she figured they were on their way.

Without preamble, she said, "What do we have?"

Tao stood up and walked over to the board to pin pictures of the victims up. "We have identities. Allison Cooley, age 45 and Jacob Cooley, age 50. Married 10 years, no kids." He turned to look at her and continued, "Happy Campers" is a camp for troubled marriages. I called and asked the director about this particular couple, but he wouldn't give me anything without a warrant."

Raydor nodded, "Thank you, Mike." She opened her mouth to ask Julio a question when Provenza and Andy walked in mid-argument.

"I don't care, Provenza. You never let m-" He stopped talking when he saw that the entire room was watching him. Instead of finishing his sentence, he flashed a small smile at the Captain, then headed towards his desk without another word; turning and rolling his eyes at Provenza's back before setting case files down next to his computer.

He listened to Raydor greet Provenza, then ask Julio something as he took his suit coat off and draped it over the back of his chair. His attention wandered as the team updated the Captain with everything they knew at the moment. He only started listening when he heard his name.

"Flynn can go with you, ma'am, but I still don't like it."

He stood up and joined the rest of the team. "Wait, what? What am I being volunteered for this time?" He folded his arms and looked at everyone expectantly.

Before anyone could answer him, Provenza chimed in, "Well if you'd quit daydreaming and actually pay attention, then maybe you wouldn't be volunteered for so many things." He smirked as Andy opened his mouth to argue.

Raydor interrupted them before it could become a full-fledged argument and turned to Andy, who was standing a few feet away from her. "We think the best way to investigate the murders is to go undercover so not to raise any suspicion. We need to know if they were murdered by a fellow camper, or if the camp is unrelated. This is the quickest way to do that."

Andy looked at her incredulously, just how long had he not been paying attention that they had time to plan all this out?

"Captain, why not let Sykes and Cooper do this? They have the train-"

Raydor cut him off before he could get a full head of steam, "Lieutenant, Cooper is already on another case, and you know as well as I do that Amy is injured and out of any undercover action for a while."

Of course he knew that, but just the thought of going undercover with the Captain and having to tamp down his already growing attraction for her while pretending to be married to her was going to be a special kind of hell. But it didn't sound like he had much choice in the matter, and he definitely didn't want her going with Julio or Mike.

He nervously tugged on his black suspenders and sighed without looking at the Captain. "Tell me again why getting a warrant wouldn't be easier?"

Raydor answered with a small smile before anyone else could. "Because, Andy, sometimes people are more honest and willing to talk when they don't know that it's the police who are asking."

She had a point...unfortunately.

"Alright, alright, when do we leave then?"

He couldn't help but glare as he watched Provenza smile knowingly at him behind the Captain's back.


Andy pulled the rental car into one of the three available parking spaces in front of a small building and closed his eyes momentarily. They'd only had a few hours to go over details before having to go, they still didn't have the autopsy results, and he was having some serious doubts about the operation. They weren't even sure how long they would have to stay.

He opened his eyes and looked over at the Captain when her hand squeezed his forearm softly. "Andy, everything is going to be fine. Since we're supposed to have a troubled marriage, things shouldn't get too awkward."

He tried to smile, he really did. "Cap-..Sharon, it's not you, it's me. I'm a terrible actor and-"

He was cut off by a sharp knock on his window, and he tried not to show how much it had startled him as he rolled the window down to reveal an older man in his 60s with teeth so white they glowed.

"Hellllooooo, you must be the Blakes! I'm Tom, the director of "Happy Campers". He reached in the car to shake their hands, almost punching Andy in the face, then pulled back and grinned widely again.

Andy already didn't like the guy. He was way too happy.

"Why don't you two get your luggage and meet me in the office. We just have a few rules to go over, then we can get to fixin' your marriage!"

Andy looked over at the Captain as he rolled the window back up and about rolled his eyes out of their sockets. He was already annoyed and they'd only been there for five minutes.

She laughed and turned to open her door. "Come on, Andy, you only have to tolerate him for a little while...I hope", she added on.

"Yeah...the "I hope" is what I'm worried about." She didn't answer as she closed her door, and he took a deep breath and rolled up his shirtsleeves before stepping out himself.

He could do this.

He could.


Thank you so much for reading, and I'd love to get some feedback about anything and everything. Tune in for undercover marriage fun next chapter. ;)