Sorry guys, but this one is a short one. Basically just a transition chapter. Hopefully this story will reach its end in just a couple more of chapters. Thank to all of you for the support! As always, all editing credits go to XYZ Artemis, my amazing beta. Hope you enjoy and on to the story!
Naruto smiled, happy and pleased, as he dried his hair with one of Sasuke's towels, whistling a quiet, little melody.
The air felt thick and heavy with steam, the smell of shampoo and hot water still lingering, and he sighed contently to himself. That was probably one of the best baths he ever had.
He threw on the same clothes he had arrived at the bathroom with (in the midst of rushing into the bathroom before Sasuke, he had forgotten to bring clean ones with him, but he could always change after eating something) and walked towards the door with a tiny skip on his steps. He kicked it open and shouted, "Alright Sasuke, bathroom's yours! Though you might want to take out another towel!"
Feeling his hair was dry enough, he threw the towel over his shoulder carelessly. "I kinda end up using yours! Hope you don't mind!"
Naked feet padded across the wooden floor, leaving a trace of wet footsteps in their awake. Naruto stretched his arms over his head, trying to shake off the drowsiness threatening to enter his being.
"Man, that sure was a nice bath!" he exclaimed, closing his eyes. "And what goes better with a nice bath than a nice breakfast! So, what's in today's menu, bastard?"
Naruto opened his eyes, smile ever present. Itt faltered, however, after he saw his teammate.
"Hey," he called, walking around the couch to stand by Sasuke's side, "everything cool?"
Once he reached him, he looked at what had captured the raven's attention. Naruto stared confusedly at the calendar hanging from the wall and made a quick recount of days on his head.
Nope. There was nothing planned for today. Nothing particularly important, at least.
He turned to face Sasuke, trying to catch his gaze, but his eyes were shadowed by the raven bangs falling over his face. Brows furrowing, Naruto waved a hand frantically in front of Sasuke, obstructing his view of the calendar.
"Hey!" he yelled. "Earth to Sasuke! I asked you if everything's cool!"
A loud thud echoed in the room as the blankets were dropped onto the floor with great force, and Naruto retreated his hand out of shock.
"Sasuke?" he called again.
He watched as Sasuke's hands clenched into fists so tight that his arms started trembling, the slight tremor reaching his shoulders and he bowed his head.
"Get out," he said through gritted teeth. His voice was so low and forced that it could have been easily missed.
Naruto blinked, confused.
"What?" he looked at the calendar then back to his teammate. "Did you forget to do something?"
Before he knew it, he was being dragged to the front door by a tight grip on his arm. He bit his lip to hold back a small whimper at the bruise starting to form there, but he didn't have time to think that much about it. In seconds, he was on his butt right outside Sasuke's apartment.
Naruto blinked his eyes repeatedly, his mind trying to comprehend what the hell just happened.
Soon he was on his feet, banging at the door relentlessly with both fists.
"Hey, you bastard! Open the door! What the hell?! If you're gonna kick me out like that at least give me time to gather my clothes! I'm still wearing my pajamas, damn it!"
It took him seven minutes of constant shouting and one bruised toe after kicking the door to realize that Sasuke wasn't, in fact, going to open.
Grumbling a string of obscenities he had once heard Iruka-sensei mumbling, he walked down the hall to the building's stairs with large stomps. What the hell was the bastard's problem? He kicked him out for no reason! He had honestly thought that today would be a great day since they were no longer bound, but no, the asshole had to go all bitchy all of a sudden and ruin everyone's happy plans. Not to mention he would probably burn his clothes in a fit of anger if his mood worsened.
Once he was outside the apartment building, he jumped onto roofs, and started making his way back to his own place. He would take the streets like a normal person, but he wasn't in the mood to ignore all of the glares and weird-out looks he would get for wearing his pajamas in public. He was way too pissed for being tolerant.
His arm stung. Unconsciously, he lifted his hand to rub at the place where Sasuke's fingers had imprinted themselves on his skin.
He scowled.
Seriously, what the hell had happened?
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