Disclaimer: I own nothing of CSI

Library Book

"Daddy after dinner I want to read you my new library book." Houston said excitedly.

"Alright buddy, I would love that." He told the little boy.

After they finished their roast and mashed potatoes Houston curled up in Nick's lap on the couch with his book in his hands.

Jackie smiled to herself as she listened from the kitchen.

There were a few words Houston didn't know and whenever he got to a word he didn't know Nick would tell him what the word was. The teacher in Jackie wanted to tell Nick to stop doing that unless Houston used the different ways he was taught to figure out the words, like sounding it out or looking at the picture in the book to try to figure out what the word was but Nick didn't know any better, he was only trying to help him and Jackie knew that both Nick and Houston were enjoying themselves and it was a good father son bonding moment so Jackie let it slide, she figured just this once she'd let it go, Houston's entire education wouldn't be ruined if just this once he got some help.

"That was a good book huh daddy?" Houston said proudly when he had finished it.

"Yes it was and you did such a great reading it." Nick told him with a smile.

Houston beamed proudly at him.

"Next time when I get a new book can I read it to you?" Houston asked.

"You bet you can!" Nick told him.

Houston was thrilled, he couldn't wait for his class to have library again!

The End!