
He doesn't feel the pain anymore as every part of his body shuts down. Bruises blossoming all over his body like the flowers he was fond of. Cuts everywhere along his arms and torso, eyes finally going dull. He huffed and smiled. 'I hope that this will not alarm my brothers' he thought sadly, unconsciously aware that no matter the case or condition he was in, they would not care. But he always reassured himself. How could they not? They were brothers after all! They had to care somewhat. 'Maybe a little concern would be nice..' He thought again, smile wavering as he stood in front of the home that housed all of them. Since they were kids, since they were close. He sighed again, pulling his sleeves down to try and hide some of the damages that he had gotten earlier. He felt a little dizzy as he stepped forward but preceded on.

"I am home my brothers!" He called out, mustering his voice to be steady as he walked to the main room. None looked up.

"Do not fret my dear brothers for I have returned from my trek of this gorgeous and shimmering day! Fear no more for I am now safely residing in our most loving and splendid h-"

"Can you shut up already? I'm trying to read,"

Snapped Choromatsu. He looked more irritated but still didn't look up from his magazine.

"Oh. O-of course my dear brother. I am sorry to disrupt your reading!" He cursed at himself slightly for wavering.

He walked out before he could do anymore and headed to the bathroom upstairs to try and fix whatever he could


He stopped mid way and looked for who called.

It was his mother

"Mommy! How are you sweetest mother of mine?"

"I am fine but it seem that you've hurt yourself again child..." She said with a sigh.

"Let me help you patch up."

"No need mother! Do not bother yourself with my problems, for I am fine! Nothing I can't take care of!" He smiled at her as best he could trying to not look at her directly. She looked at him with an unimpressed look and huffed.

"Nonsense. Come." She walked towards the bathroom, Karamatsu following behind reluctantly.

After Karamatsu was bandaged by the mother Matsuno, he smiled softly,

"Thank you mother..."

"No need. Now go rest. I'll call all you NEETS down when dinner is done." She smiled at him, her eyes tired but still having fire in them from her youth.

He nodded and went to rest on the couch as he listened to his brother make a ruckus and he sighed. Looking up at the ceiling, he tried to forget what happened earlier that day, well, yesterday, and drifted into a restless sleep.