
Author: Angelic Warrior

Note: Ranma ½ doesn't belong to me.


Forgive me for the lack of reason of not updating...


"You know Sis, Ranma really came on my birthday..." Akane softly spoke to Kasumi who was lying on the bed smiling weakly.

"Lucky for you that Father didn't find out." Kasumi sighed. Akane poked at Kasumi curiously.

" admit that you are in love in Tofu..."

"That's the sad part." Kasumi choked under her bed covers. "How do I tell him about my condition? Why does this have to happen to me! It is not fair!"

"I understand Kasumi...after all I'm just the same as you." Akane looked at her hands sadly. "Ever since we were little, Dad wouldn't let our friends play with us. When friends came over to play, Dad would make sure each kid would wash their hand thoroughly. When we ask if we can play with them...they would say that we have germs."

"Father also made sure to make us pact with him that we won't fall in love with anyone or else they'll hate you because you are sick..." Kasumi sat up and wiped her eyes. "So how was your day anyway?" Akane blushed.

" happen like this..."


I "Sorry! I forgot you can't run..." Ranma sheepishly said.

Akane stared at him surprised. After so many years, he still remember about her health.

"It's okay. A little exercise won't hurt me." Akane looked to her side slightly blushing. "So...are you really that famous singer?"


"Thank you for coming today. I was afraid that you wouldn't come after I slapped you in that interview day."

"I'm sorry that I did that." Ranma turned around with his icy blue eyes gazing at her brown ones. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Ranma asked remembering the day when he overheard Akane speaking to a guy.

"W-What?" Akane awkwardly said. "Of course I don't! I do have a friend who is a guy and he's the boss of the flower shop I work at." Akane peered at Ranma who seemed at bit relaxed. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

" America. Her name is Ukyo. She helped me a lot over these years. She helped my career, and my problems..."

"Oh... I see..." Akane whispered. "How's your parents?" Ranma filched.

"They are gone. Dead."

"Ah..." Akane covered her mouth, "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay." Ranma sighed. "I guess I'll see you around..." Ranma hopped and walked off.

"Good bye?" Akane looked at him walking off looking dumbfounded. 'Why is he so cold?' Akane thought, remembering the icy blue eyes that gaze at her brown ones. /I


Kasumi looked at Akane with dotted eyes and a sweatdrop.

'Wow...that was boring? Considering they haven't seen each other in years...'Kasumi thought.

"That basically was what happened. That's why I came home so early."

"So sad little sad." Kasumi joked and started to cough.

Akane immediately rushed to her side and patted her back. Akane reached over to the table and grabbed some pills and a pour a cup of water.

"Here you go."



"Doctor did you find out what is this medicine for?" Tofu asked. The doctor handed the packet to Tofu.

"I don't know how you somehow obtain this medicine and I won't ask you but this medicine isn't found in pharmacies." Tofu looked at the doctor confused.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"This medicine in this 'degree' is only prescribed to patients who are at the advance level of a rare genetic heart disease."

"W-What..." Tofu stared at the innocent packet in his hand. His eyes widen with shock.

"Doctors only give this medicine to patients who are dying soon."

"T-Thank you for your help Doctor..." Tofu walked out the building dazedly.

" never told me...and here I was about to ask you to spend your life with me in America..." Tofu whispered and threw the packet into a garbage can.



"What is it Kasumi?!" Akane rushed over and patted Kasumi's back.

Kasumi clutched her heart and struggle to breathe. Beads of sweat are dripping down her pale face. With one hand, she covered her mouth as she started to cough. Akane ran downstairs to get more medication. When Akane was out of sight, Kasumi opened her hand and saw blood.

"Am I dying?" she whispered and winced at the heart pain and everything faded to darkness.


Fan readers:

I know that this is a short chapter but I didn't have a choice because I didn't have time to update. Also due to the lack of time because of school work, I kinda forgot the plot of this story a little. But don't worry, I still remember the main things just not the minor stuff. I am really sorry for those of you who really actually read this story. This story will also be held in a minor hold because it will take really long for me just to update. However, if I'm lucky, the hold won't be so long...I really encourage reviews because they make me happy to see that my story is not neglected also they courage me to write. Thank you all and if you like my fanfictions, I have two more but they aren't Ranma1/2. Thanks!

~ Angelic Warrior