Me don't own, Rick Riordan do...

Stories nowadays are the exact same.

It is the same plot again and again. The 'monster' is a evil, cruel thing that loves killing and/or eating innocent people, so the 'hero' will kill or doom the monster to a terrible fate and everyone, except the monster lives happily ever after. The end.

Except for one thing, dosen't the 'monster' get a say in this?

Can't the 'monster' decide to not get beheaded, burned alive, or whatever evil happens to them? And why does the 'hero' always win and the 'monster' always lose? Is the 'monster' not allowed to have a happy ending?

After all, not every monster is evil. I have met some 'monsters' who wouldn't harm a fly yet they get cruel endings. I have seen the most spoiled and evil of heroes be bestowed with happiness and peace. It's just not fair!

And I know someone who is reading this will say some bullshit like 'Life isn't fair' or something like that, but I already that. My entire life isn't far, I fought a war for the gods, and as a 'gift' got send to a life of hell.

Well I don't know about you, but I want a happy ending for once.

My name is Perseus Allen Jackson, or as most demigods know me as 'Thanaro'

Pleased to meet your acquaintance.

Quote from the Last Olympian

"No," I said.

The Council was silent. The gods frowned at each other like they must have misheard.

"No?" Zeus said. "You are . . . Turning down our generous gift?" There was a dangerous edge to his voice, like a thunderstorm about to erupt.

"I'm honored and everything," I said. "Don't get me wrong. It's just . . . I've got a lot of life left to live. I'd hate to peak in my sophomore year."

The gods were glaring at me, but Annabeth had her hands over her mouth. Her eyes were shining. And that kind of made up for it. "I do want a gift, though," I said. "Do you promise to grant my wish?"

Zeus thought about this. "If it is within our power."

"It is," I said. "And it's not even difficult. But I need your promise on the River Styx."

"What?" Dionysus cried. "You don't trust us?"

"Someone once told me," I said, looking at Hades, "you should always get a solemn oath." Hades shrugged. "Guilty."

"Very well!" Zeus growled. "In the name of the Council, we swear by the River Styx to grant your reasonable request as long as it is within our power." The other gods muttered assent. Thunder boomed, shaking the throne room. The deal was made.

"From now on, I want to you properly recognize the children of the gods," I said. "All the children . . . Of all the gods." The Olympians shifted uncomfortably. "Percy," my father said, "what exactly do you mean?"

"Kronos couldn't have risen if it hadn't been for a lot of demigods who felt abandoned by their parents," I said. "They felt angry, resentful, and unloved, and they had a good reason." Zeus's royal nostrils flared. "You dare accuse-"

"No more undetermined children, " I said. "I want you to promise to claim your children-all your demigod children-by the time they turn thirteen. They won't be left out in the world on their own at the mercy of monsters. I want them claimed and brought to camp so they can be trained right, and survive. "

"Now, wait just a moment," Apollo said, but I was on a roll.

"And the minor gods," I said. "Nemesis, Hecate, Morpheus, Janus, Hebe-they all deserve a general amnesty and a place at Camp Half- Blood. Their children shouldn't be ignored. Calypso and the other peaceful Titan-kind should be pardoned too. And Hades-"

"Are you calling me a minor god?" Hades bellowed.

"No, my lord," I said quickly. "But your children should not be left out. They should have a cabin at camp. Nico has proven that.

No unclaimed demigods will be crammed into the Hermes cabin anymore, wondering who their parents are. They'll have their own cabins, for all the gods.

And no more pact of the Big Three. That didn't work anyway. You've got to stop trying to get rid of powerful demigods. We're going to train them and accept them instead. All children of the gods will be welcome and treated with respect. That is my wish. " Zeus snorted. "Is that all?"

"Percy, " Poseidon said, "you ask much. You presume much."

"I hold you to your oath," I said. "All of you." I got a lot of steely looks.

Strangely, it was Athena who spoke up: "The boy is correct. We have been unwise to ignore our children. It proved a strategic weakness in this war and almost caused our destruction.

Percy Jackson, I have had my doubts about you, but perhaps"-she glanced at Annabeth, and then spoke as if the words had a sour taste-"perhaps I was mistaken. I move that we accept the boy's plan."

"Humph," Zeus said. "Being told what to do by a mere child. But I suppose . . ."

"All in favor," Hermes said. All the gods raised their hands.

"Um, thanks," I said. I turned, but before I could leave, Poseidon called, "Honor guard!" Immediately the Cyclopes came forward and made two lines from the thrones to the door-an aisle for me to walk through. They came to attention. "All hail, Perseus Jackson," Tyson said. "Hero of Olympus . . . And my big brother!"

End quote

"How dare that miserable, spoiled brat demand us! We are his betters!" Zeus ranted at the Olympians. "He should be grateful he got an offer to become a god, not throw it away and demand us of-of something so absurd!"

"Zeus," Hestia started "Perseus Jackson hasn't done anything to wang your anger-"

'Silence!" Zeus stood up "That brat has gotten too arrogant for my liking."

Poseidon stood up to his brother, "Hey, that's my son you're talking about!"

"And your son's a jackass." Ares grumbled. Poseidon glared at the war god until Ares backed down from his famous i'll-kill-you-later glare.

Hestia tried to put in her input but was irrupted by Athena. "I agree Father. The boy has gotten so arrogant with all that power he has." The wisdom goddess stressed the word 'power'.

Hera's eyes lighted up, her eyes veered to her husband and a smirk appeared on her face. "She's right Zeus. Perseus Jackson has as much if not more power than the average minor god."

Zeus froze, "What did you say?" His voice was cold. Hera masked her smirk with an neutral expression. "Well, the boy does have a lot of power. He managed to defeat Kronos of all people."

Hermes started, "That doesn't count, L-Luke sacrificed himself." Hera glared at her step-son."The boy still has defeated countless monsters, monsters that most demigods die at before they can draw their sword."

The gods and goddess with children/ followers winced as they reminisced on the horrific ways the children had died.

"I think" Hera started off slowly "We should bring Jackson in front of the council and give him a choice :Become a God and repeal those ridiculous oath or he shall be cursed by us, for daring to go against us."

Poseidon and Hestia's eyes wided. She couldn't be serious!

"Hera, you raise a hand on my son and i'll-"


Every Olympian turned to Zeus. They couldn't believe the words coming out his mouth.

"Ares, bring Jackson here uninjured." Ares looked like his birthday came early. He smirked and disappeared on his way.

Poseidon's eyes turned a dark grayish-blue, like the sea before a storm. He grabbed Zeus by the scruff and held him against his throne. The rest of the gods and goddess were too scarce to help the self-proclaimed 'King of the Gods'.

"You try anything and all your children will be cursed by the sea. They get within five feet of water, they die. Lakes, streams, oceans, seas, anything even sinks, bathtubs, or anything like that. Even the water in their body will admit to strangle them. This I swear on the River Styx." Thunder rumbled in the air, sealing the deal.

The Council was horrified at what the sea god said, it only gave them a reminder of how Poseidon was the second powerful of the Big Three with Hades beginning the strongest.

Zeus finally managed to get enough power to throw Poseidon to the ground. "That's enough of that." He dusted himself off. "And where is Ares with the boy-" Ares appeared with a bound up Percy. He looked like he was just roughly pulled out of bed and bound in chains. With a snap of fingers, the chains vanished.

Zeus smirked, "At least the man of the hour is here. We have decided to generously give you another chance. Now Perseus Jackson, you have two choices, become a god and repeal that oath or you shall be cursed by us."

Once again, Percy surprised the gods and goddess of the Olympian Council.


Zeus face turned a bright red "HOW DARE YOU!"

Percy looked up at his uncle with sea-green eyes, "You guys never claim your children and as a result, they become resentful to the gods for never caring. And the minor gods deserve a place at Camp Half- Blood. Their children shouldn't be ignored. The peaceful titans have never done away wrong-"


"No it's not!" Percy shouted back, shocking the other Olympians with his boldness "You can't judge a species by a few-"

"SILENCE! I have had enough of this disrespect!" Zeus stormed to his throne. "Olympians choose his punishment! Either death or...becoming a monster!"

The Olympians went quiet. Until Artemis raised her hand hesitantly "Death, i'm sorry but being a monster's horrific."

Apollo raised his hand, "I agree with Artie. I don't want my kids to accidentally kill you one day.' He joked weakly.

All by one, the Council was separated. Poseidon, Hestia, Hermes, Hades, and Aphrodite said Death, while Hera, Ares, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Athena, and Demeter said Monster.

Zeus was the last person to answer and Percy already knew what he was going to say.

The ruler of the skies looked at Percy and smiled a cruel smile resembling the one Percy had once seen on Luke's face once.

"Monster" and with that Percy was flashed with the lights of seven auras. The pain slammed through his system. And he heard screams echo through the air.

As the pain eased, Percy slowly got to his knees but before he could raise his head up he heard:

"Ares, kill him." That was Zeus' voice for sure. No one could replicate that thundering sound. Percy turned around, just in time to see a spear coming his way. His mind was telling him run but his gut was saying Grab it, you seaweed brain! The voice sounded a lot like Annabeth, for some reason. All that can happen is you going to Tartarus and you will still come out again!

'Well, my gut has never lead me wrong.' Percy waited until the spear was a few inches ahead from his face (and while ignoring the screams of the gods/ goddess who supported him) before grabbing it out of mid-air.

Shocked at what he had done, he almost dropped it before quickly assembling himself again. He looked Ares right in the eye and did probably the dumbest yet most unbelievable thing to ever do.

Percy placed the spear between his teeth, with both his hands on the sides, and bit right in the middle.

The strangest thing was that when he bite it...the spear broke in two pieces. The middle part was still in Percy's mouth and when he spit it out on Ares' feet, the spear was half disintegrated on it's side and you could see the ends had bite marks.

Ares paled, "Y-You...HOW DARE YOU!" Ares was about to run towards the wild haired boy and pierce him with a sword he conjured up until water entered his system and ran furiously through his system until the war god choked on the water and he collapsed. Water started coming out his mouth and nose, even his eyes and ears had water mixed with ichor coming out him.

The other gods stood terrified as Poseidon did the same to Zeus, except no water came out him, only thick ichor came flowing out his body. Hera stood aghast as her husband and son were strangled by water.

"Enough with his nonsense!" Hestia said. "When Zeus and Ares gain conscious, they will be hunting Perseus down and set to kill him over and over again. We need to help him."

Athena snorted, "He is a monster, shouldn't we be destroying hi-" Water gathered at her sides. Poseidon growled. "Touch my son and you'll need up worse than them." He gestured to Ares and Zeus still forms. And just to make sure, every god/goddess that Poseidon thought didn't like Percy had water strapping them to their sides.

Hestia walked slowly to Percy, who was still looking shocked at what just happened.

"Perseus Allen Jackson, would you like the honor of receiving a blessing from an Olympian?"

Percy looked shell shocked at the Lady of the hearth. "Excuse me, my lady?" Hestia's orange eyes turned a dark golden. "Even monsters need powers to survive. Haven't you noticed that every monster has a power that makes it easier to capture demigods? All you have right now is your original powers and your fighting skills. You need a more powerful force."

"Hold up, wouldn't you want me to be a weak monster? After all, less demigods would die." Hestia shook her head, "The fates decide how the world is and they wanted every monster needs something to even the score.

Always remember, Light can never overcome darkness, just like how Darkness can never overcome the light, we all need light and darkness in our lives to survive. So Perseus, do you accept my gift?"

Percy slowly bowed "I would be honored my lady-"

"HOLD UP!" Eyes turned to settle on the love goddess. Aphrodite had raised up and walked -more like skipped- to where Percy stood. "I want to give a blessing too!" She pouted when Hestia rolled her eyes. "Please!"

"Fine, but I bless him first."

The hearth goddess gently grabbed Percy's face and he couldn't help but think about how warm her hands felt. It reminded him of how his mother used to rub her hands over his slightly bruised face whenever Gabe would get angry enough to slap or punch him and how Sally would kiss his forehead and tell him that no matter what, he was her precious little boy and that one of these days there would be enough money in the jar to go back to Montauk beach.

Percy could feel the tears coming out his eyes. How could he see his mother again? At least, she'll be happy with that blowfish guy and someday have a much of kids. Maybe she would forget about him for years and years until one day she's showing her grandchildren or great-grandchildren her photo album and there would be a few pictures of him in it. Then they (Sally's grandchildren or great-children) would ask who that was and she would have to reply, 'I don't know.'

"-Perséfs Tzákson, O gios tou Poseidóna!" Percy looked up to notice that Hestia had already finished the ritual and he was glowing a dark golden. But before Percy could observe the effects Aphrodite had pushed Hestia out the way and kissed Percy on the lips. Percy glowed a bright pink and he looked terrified at Aphrodite.


"Cause you're hot and every god/goddess blesses someone differently than the other." With that the love goddess ran -skipped- off to her throne.

Artemis stood up, "While I can't bless due to your gender, I can give a warning. Zeus and Ares will wake in a few minutes so you need to get out of here. I can't promise to not hunt you down-" Percy winced- "But I can give a hint, a sliver light will shine on your arm when we are nearby."

Percy smiled and bowed before running out the doors. A few minutes after Percy had left, Zeus and Ares had woken. Poseidon, Hades, and Aphrodite quickly flashed out the area. The water bounds vanished with them.

Zeus got up, weakly and growled "ARTEMIS, GET YOUR HUNTERS!" Hera helped him raise to his feet, he was really regretting choosing monster, because now that brat would come back to life again and again!

"Perseus Jackson will die, by my hand or another!"

Percy ran and sat in the dark alley as he smelt a demigod coming his way. He didn't want to attack anyone but the scent was so enchanting. It smelled like hot metal mixed with iron. He now knew why monsters chased after demigods. While the scent would normally be sickly to him, it smelled delicious yet arousing to him now.

Percy glanced to where the scent was coming from and saw a small boy out the corner of his eye. The small boy had dark eyes and curly blonde hair. He wasn't ugly or attractive just plain. He had the face of someone you would forget in a second. He looked around twelve or eleven years old, the same age I was when- he shook his head to clear his thoughts.

The boy was dressed in raggedy old clothes and had dark bruises covering his face. His long hair covered a part of it but it was still a visible bruise. The boy sat down next to the son of Poseidon and Percy had to hold his breath to stop from pouncing the boy.

"Hey, i'm Calvin will you do me a favor?" Percy raised an eyebrow while he ran his eyes across Calvin's form. While he was surprised the boy had the guts to ask a random stranger, he couldn't help the feeling of arousal he felt I wonder how it'll feel to rip that small body apart.

"It depends on the favor." Calvin smiled and laid his head across the son of Poseidon's lap ignoring the way Percy flinched at the contact. This boy needed to move now, or Percy wouldn't be able to control himself.

"Kill me."

Percy was silent until he heard his gut answer It's not murder if the person tells you to. It's just assisted suicide. Listening to to his gut was getting harder but the boy looked so tasty, just laying on his lap. Calvin was calm and looking at Percy with hope in his eyes.

Hope that Percy would send him to Hades.

"Why?" He had to know, what had happened in his life that would make this boy want to offer himself to a monster? There were easier ways to kill yourself, why did Calvin have to choose one of the most painful methods?

"Mommy said she'll sell me to the highest bidder and I prayed to daddy, but he doesn't care." Calvin pushed his hair back to show the large bruise that covered the entire half of his face. "Mommy gave that to me when I kicked one of the guys in the balls.I ran away three months ago. I can't take it anymore, please kill me."

Percy looked around and when he saw no one that would be a witness, he leaned down slowly.

"You sure about this" Percy didn't want him to change his mind last minute, Calvin nodded and closed his eyes.

To be honest, Percy had no idea what had happened. One second, he was placing his teeth on the small boy's neck, the next he was chewing a huge hunk of meat in his mouth. Blood was everywhere and Calvin's eyes were losing it's light.

"Calvin, how did you know I was a monster?" The boy lifted his mouth slightly "I-I have ne-never me-met a mortal ...with t-those ey-es." And before Percy could ask what he meant, Calvin's head rolled back.

Percy stared at the dead body in his heads and was surprised when he felt no guilt.

The Joker said it best- We stopped checking for monsters under our bed when we realized they were inside us.

The Moirai watched from above in a tree. Clotho slowly pulling out the dark brown thread and handed it to Atropos, who cut it with her scissors.

Lachesis grabbed a sea-green thread out of air and twisted it. The line that was previously about nine inches long was twisted with a black thread. The two threads twisted with each other until it became a round circle.

"Their fate is entwined with each other." Lachesis spoke wearily,

"Every being needs a name, even monsters." Atropos said in the same tone as her sister.

Clotho looked at the bracelet Lachesis had in hand and spoke, "Thanaro, the perfect combination."

Author's note-

Thana-ro: (Feminine version of death mixed with the ending of (νερό) nero which means water in greek)

Perséfs Tzákson, O gios tou Poseidóna (Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon -according to Google Translation.