Author's notes

im not that good at grammar so please try to work with me.

The Flash

I was looking at the title that was currently on my tv screen, I know that I've seen all the episodes, but I could never get enough of the show. So while I login to my amazon account to rewatch the episodes I bought on Amazon video, a sudden thunderstorm hit my town.

"Jesus, I really hate the rain."

Because, me and my friends decided to call it quits before the storm got worse. So I decided to watch The Flash to pass the time, my younger sisters were in the room with me too since they had nothing to do. I decided to let them watch too, while they were watching I thought of a great idea to try and make three oc speedster, one for me the other two based on description from the girls.

As the show started up we watched Barry as a kid running from bullies. Though he doesn't get away.

"That's really got to hurt." My sister Chloe says.

"Well no dip Sherlock." Her twin Caitlynn says.

"Come on you two no fighting so be quiet." I say to my sisters.

The scene changes to Barry getting taken care of by his mother, Nora Allen.

"Those guys were picking on kids, just cause they thought they weren't cool, it wasn't right." Barry says to his mom.

"I know" says Nora "I guess I wasn't fast enough." Says Barry sounding SAD "no, you have such a good heart Barry, and its better to have a great heart than fast legs."

"HELLO, I'm home." Barry's dad says coming into the house. "Barry got into a fight, and he won." Nora says to Henry as he walks into the living area of the house. "Way to go slugger" Henry says while chuckling. "Oh and uh no more fighting" Henry says quickly after a look from his wife. He leans in to plant a kiss on his wife's lips.

Night time comes we saw a blur go by the front window and Barry's mother is surrounded in red and yellow lightning.

I feel a breeze coming from the screen and it kept getting stronger, I look to my sisters and I could tell they feel it to next second the breeze does a complete 180° and pulls us into my tv just as it showed the present Barry running through the crowd. But before anything could really happen everything goes dark.