She heard the screams and the crying from afar. Beru ran to little Luke on the floor.

"It's not bad, he just tripped." said Owen.

"Here, honey" Beru gave Luke a cup of milk. "Are you okay?"

The little one was sobbing and didn't answer. Beru was worried but he didn't seemed to be hurt, just scared.

"Don't spoil him, he can get up on his own."

Luke drank the milk and got a little better.

"I'm sorry, uncle Owen."

"Sorry for what?", Beru asked.

"I shouldn't have cried. That's not how a man should act."

"It's ok, Luke. Just don't do it again.", Owen said trying to calm the little boy. Beru got angry.

"There's nothing wrong with crying. Everyone does it. Male or female. Human or alien.", she said.

"But that's a weakness", argued Luke. Beru looked at Owen. She knew it was him who have said all that to the boy.

"You know, your father cried all the time.". This time Owen got angry, he didn't like it when they discussed Anakin.

"Really?", Luke asked surprised.

"Yes. And he was the greatest Jedi I have ever met.". Owen wanted to end that conversation.

"Your aunt is joking. C'mon, get up. You have work to do."

Luke stood up and gave the cup back to Beru.

"Thank you, aunt Beru."

"You're welcome, sweatheart.", she huged Luke like she never did before. "If you never cry, there's no way we can know that you need help.", she whispered.


He followed Owen and Beru watched them go, wishing that her little boy never changed. And that she could always be there to help him when he falls.