I own nothing. This is a sequel to New Carthage

In all honesty I should have noticed something was up the moment Bethóc and I walked into the young man's home armless except for my newly obtained soliferrum and Bethóc's bow, however the old man, Himilco I think his name was, had persuaded us that excessive show of force was not the way to make allies. I was however glad that that meant no bulky armor that had to be carried around, both Bethóc and I agreed about that.

We started our search by taking a bus ride to the art museum, you know the one with the art, anyway after paying for tickets with our tickets, self reminder, I need to see if these work everywhere, we wondered around looking for anyone who seemed bored with looking at art that was millions of years old. Naturally that was a lot of people, including me.

"If we're looking for people who can see through the mist shouldn't we have started with a museum that's the least likely to make them fall asleep." I asked Bethóc who was looking at some sort of painting with a monkey on a leash.

"Where do you suggest looking for anyone then"? She asked turning around from the painting.

"Any place that can hold someone's attention longer than a painting." I said.

Bethóc nodded "ah yes the ADHD of demigods."

I suddenly had an interest in the floor, "I, um, am actually the only one of the three of us who has it. It does help demigods survive in battle but most of us aren't even demigods, were just blessed by them.

"Interesting." Bethóc said as she led us away from the monkey exhibit. "You're not demigods but still manage to survive in a world full of monsters."

"Unlike Greek and Roman demigods the majority of us are trained from birth to be able to live in this world." We continued to walk coming to a staircase.

"Like Sparta." I heard Bethóc mumble under her breath.

"And citizen soldiers of ancient Carthage." I said stopping on the last step. "However I do suppose you're right, ever since the first Punic war many of us have held Sparta in high regards thanks to the mercenary General Xanthippus."

At the top of the stairs there was an arms and armor exhibit filled with pole arms, daggers, swords, maces, axes, chain mail, metal Cuirass, helms and more.

"Will this do"? Bethóc asked.

"Sure," I responded "let's get to work."

In other words just standing around looking at the exhibits until something unexpected happened. After waiting around for a while I was getting discouraged, and was about to suggest leaving when Bethóc tapped my shoulder and whispered, "Five thirty."


"I meant look behind you to your right."

"I knew that." I said turning my head around to see what she was talking about.

What I saw was a pike, probably from a German Landsknecht, alongside one of their sidearms, a decorated short sword. There was also a boy looking at it. I assume she was talking about him instead of the exhibit.

"He's been standing there almost as long as we've been in here."

"What are we supposed to do now"? I asked.

"I don't know? Approach him I guess."

"I can hear you know."

"How," I asked narrowing my eyes, were had both been whispering.

I assume if you've come looking for me you also part of the thirty seventh node. Strange though I don't know your voices.

"Same as the Frenchman." I heard Bethóc mutter.

The magician turned revealing a blonde pale, and skinny teenager wearing a museum t shirt and jeans, "You're certainly not new recruits. If you would follow me though, we have much to discuss." he said guiding us out of the museum.

"I know just the place for a friendly little meal, a nice cozy little Italian place this way." he said not pausing to look back even to bother making sure we were following. I turned around to Bethóc and shrugged. Might as well, it was getting close to lunch.

When we finally made it to the restaurant we were greeted by middle aged waiter who looked far too comfortable stuck in the small restaurant he worked in and the menu, I found the latter to be more interesting.

We were seated at a table that was already occupied by a black haired man who seemed to be about thirty in a trench coat.

I was positive he was about to stand up mutter something about teenagers and leave without paying, but he just turned to the teenager and gave him a small leather pouch.

"You are dismissed." the man said in voice that reminded me of a serpent's.

We sat waiting for him to say anything or tell us what we were doing here but we were interrupted by a waitress.

"Hello, what can I get for you today"?

"The grilled chicken mozzarella wrap." the man said without looking up.

"Anything to drink"? She asked.

"Water will suffice."

The waiter then asked us, I ordered fried chicken tenders and lemonade and Bethóc ordered a New England lobster roll.

I cringed; I was now hoping she had money of her own to spend.

A few minutes later the waitress brought out our food and we ate in silence. I was about to interrupt it, the silence that is, when the man straightened up, and looked me in the eyes.

"What are you kids up to? My associate tells me that you're recruiting," he said diving into his poker and laid a phone on the table. "I'd like to hear it from you personally." he said raising his glass.

"Who's asking"? I said.

"None of your business child, answer the question." the man said putting the glass down and leaned towards us. "You can tell me what I want to know hear and now, or I could bring you two to our station."

"Wait you're with the police"? Bethóc asked.

"No," he said leaning back in his chair "I do not, nor have I ever worked for them."

"Well then, we're not talking." I responded crossing my arms.

"Yes you are." he said pulling what looked like a letter opener out of his sleeve. "Waitress, the check please he said smiling."

I was about to reach for my spear but Bethóc nudged me "Not now, we would appear to be the aggressors here." she whispered.

"Quite right, so don't go reaching for you weapons in fact, weapons aren't permitted where we are going so if you would please." he said extending his right hand forward. I was tempted to cut it off but I didn't think that that would fly well so I grudgingly handed him my spear and Bethóc followed suite with her knife.

"Now, if you would follow me, oh and Victoria, you too." the man said turning towards the waitress.

"I suppose I can take a break." the waitress who served us said reaching into her apron and pulled out a letter opener that morphed into a gladius.

The man led us through the neighborhood and to an apartment complex.

"Third floor." he said stepping aside ushering us up the stairs next to the sword wielding waitress.

The room they stared us to was surprisingly comfortable looking; one couch in front of large screen television, a swivel chair rested in front of a desk with a pc and topped off with pictures the world, such as Tangier, Rome and Berlin.

There was however one thing that made me worry, even more than the fact that we had been forcibly brought here. And that was the racks of weapons.

Attached to his wall overhanging the computer was a collection of swords surrounding a buckle, it made it look like one very deadly sun.

To The right of the desk was a rack of firearms ranging from 18th century muskets and cavalry pistols to your modern infantry rifle.

And right next to a door there was placed a rack of pull arms, including pikes, halberds, and Javelins.

It was basically a smaller room with more weapons than the art museums arms and armor room.

"Sit down." our kidnapper told us after he closed the door. "Now," he said not even waiting for us to sit on his sofa. "Victoria go and bring Cadmus here while I question these two."

"All right." Victoria said leaving through a door next to the pull arm rack.

"I suppose you're wondering what you're doing here." the man said turning back to us. "Well I'll tell you, the senate refuses to believe me when I say that there are Greeks out there. They all tell me that one boy doesn't count as an entire people. So after more arguing with the senate they write me off as a crazy man and banished me. However now I'll be able to return with you three and show the senate I was right all along."

"Sir," the woman's voice came from behind the door "you should take a look at this."

"Right, you guard the others then." he said leaving letting the women in.

As soon as the door closed she turned around and locked the door that she had just come through.

Umm, what are you doing"? Bethóc asked.

"Why isn't it Obvious"? She asked turning around. "Preparing lunch." she said as she grabbed a javelin from the rack.