Hi guys! So I had this idea of a crossover between House MD and Once Upon a Time in my head for a while but I decided to publish it in the Once section because I felt like more people might read it that way. Anyway, I hope if you haven't watched House this still makes sense, I tried to include the most important steps of the Cameron/Chase story so you should't have too much trouble following along. I have not written anything in advance, neither have I planned where this story will take us, so literally EVERYTHING is possible. I have changed some minor details like the age Emma had Henry, but it shouldn't matter too much.

So bear with me and I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoy writing it. Reviews mean the world to me!

Disclaimer: I do not own House MD or Once Upon a Time!.

Summary: Emma had just moved to Boston a few month before Henry found her, following her divorce. Nobody from her old life knows where she is, but that doesn't stop her ex-husband from looking for her. When he finally finds her in Storybrooke, a place where he would have never expected her to be, things start to get messy.

Chapter 1

Like almost every morning, Emma Swan was sitting at a table at Granny's, her son Henry opposite her, both of them with a steaming cup of hot chocolate with cinnamon and a plate of pancakes in front of them. Her blond hair was pulled back in a low ponytail with some loose strands framing her face.

Just a bit over a year ago, Emma would have never thought this was possible. She had never even dared thinking she would see her baby boy ever again, after giving him up shortly after he was born. At the time, Emma didn't feel ready to raise a child. She had just turned 17 and was serving time for the crimes Henry's father, Neal, committed. Now, she couldn't even imagine a life without her son anymore.

She hated herself for missing the first ten years of Henry's life, but at the time, she didn't know what else to do. But after giving birth and getting out of prison, she had turned her life around.

She had graduated from High School, moving on to attend College on a scholarship, med school and finally joined the department of diagnostic medicine of the Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in Princeton, New Jersey. Before starting her new, improved life though, she had changed her name to Allison Cameron, knowing she would not stand a chance without a family, money AND a criminal record.

In college, Allison fell in love with a dying man, and ended up marrying him just to watch him die of cancer 6 month into the marriage. After her husband's death, Allison kept her distance from relationships, figuring she was just not relationship material after Neal's betrayal and watching her husband die. She had been able to keep it up for a couple of years, until she joined Dr. House's team at Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, where she met a handsome Australian sunny boy and surgeon by the name of Robert Chase.

She didn't want to fall in love with him, it kind of just happened. She had felt a flutter in her stomach since the first moment they met, managing to keep her feelings in check for just over a year, until they had slept together while she was stoned on Crystal Meth, not one of her proud moments. Managing to keep up the façade and working with him despite their intimate encounter, she had suggested a friends with benefits relationship to him. He gladly took her offer but started falling in love with her. After their co-workers discovered their 'relationship', telling them it was affecting their professional judgement, he had suggested a real relationship but she had decided to call it off, not daring to fully commit her heart to a man again.

She tried getting over it, however Chase just kept fighting for her. She eventually gave in, after Chase had been fired from House's team and she handed in her letter of resignation, dating him for two years until he proposed. They got married a few month later and she thought she had finally gotten her life in order.

It might have worked out perfectly for them, if it hadn't been for House. They had agreed to join his team again, after his new team resigned. Shortly after, they had been assigned a new case, which was hard on both of them but Chase ended up being responsible for the death of their patient.

After that, he started changing, not coping with what he had done but failing to tell his wife of his involvement with the patient's death for months. She could see something was wrong, he started drinking and barely came home anymore, but she loved him and was determined to stand by his side. When he did tell her what he had done, she promised to stay with him and they decided to start over together in a new place. When he changed his mind, though, Allison heavy-heartedly decided she could not deal with the person he had become, so she left him behind and moved to Boston, where Henry found her and reunited her with her birth parents. He also introduced her to a whole new, magical world, she never knew existed.

It had been a shock to discover that every fairy tale she knew was actually true and that she belonged in this world, being born in the enchanted forest and being the daughter of Price Charming and Snow White. It sounded completely insane to her when Henry first tried to convince her, that this whole, magical world actually existed and that she was a part of it, but there was no doubt about that now. Together, they had restored the memories of everyone in Storybrooke, helping them remember their lives in the enchanted forest and freeing them from the curse the Evil Queen had put upon them.

Breaking the curse had reunited her with her birth parents, known as David Nolan and Mary Margarete Blanchard in this world. In the beginning, it was a bit weird for her, knowing they were her parents, as they looked about the same age as her, but she had gotten used to it by now, as had everyone in Storybrooke.

What she had not told them however, was what she had been up to in the years between Henry's birth and him finding her again. She knew being a doctor was something to be proud of but she did not want her parents or Henry to know her history with men.

Here in Storybrooke, Emma had become the Sherriff, working alongside her father David in the police department. This occupation was very different from what she was used to from her former job, but to be honest, she felt like it was a nice change.

Sometimes, it was still a bit unbelievable for her, knowing she now had a family and parents, after being completely on her own for the first 28 years of her life. She enjoyed not having to deal with things all on her own anymore, but there was still a Chase-shaped hole in her heart.

The pain felt different than the other times, with Neal, she had been angry. Angry at him for getting her pregnant, angry for sending her to jail and angry for leaving her. With her first husband, she had mostly been angry with herself. She was angry because she fell in love with him, even though she knew he was dying and she was angry, because she couldn't safe him.

This time, she didn't know who to blame as it was clear to her that Chase was not the only person responsible. Their patient had been a ruthless dictator, prepared to commit genocide and she had been thinking how easy it would be to kill him herself. Deep down, she knew she wasn't angry at Chase for killing the man, even though it sounded cruel, she was angry and hurt that he didn't seem to trust her enough to tell her what he did. At first, she was determined to make it work and to turn Chase back into the person he used to be when their met, but the final straw for her was when he chose his job over her. That was the moment she knew she had to leave.

She still missed him but now, she didn't regret leaving him, seeing as she would have never found her family if she had stayed and lived her life as Allison Cameron.

"What's up mom, what are you thinking about?" Henry asked curiously, seeing as she was staring out of the window, clearly lost in her thoughts.

"Nothing, kid, just happy to have you here with me." She smiled at him and took as sip of her hot chocolate.

"I'm glad to have you here to, mom." He smiled back and they both started digging into their stacks of pancakes.

Emma was silently reprimanding herself to stop thinking of her life with Chase and they were almost finished with their breakfast when the door opened and a man with short blond hair walked in. He looked slightly lost, obviously new in town and just stood in the doorway for a moment, carefully eyeing his surroundings.

Emma turned around, expecting a familiar face of one of the town's people. When her gaze fell onto the man who just walked in, she was blown away. She quickly turned around, hoping he didn't see her.

She knew it was silly, Storybrooke was not the place for tourists and her ex-husband was not one to take vacations in sleepy small towns, which meant he definitely had some other business here, so as town sheriff, she would run into him sooner or later anyway.

"Do you know that guy, mom?" Henry asked curiously, noticing her reaction. "He is definitely new in town."

"Nope, never seen him before." Emma lied. Well, technically it wasn't a lie she tried to convince herself. Henry's MOTHER didn't know the man, Allison Cameron however knew that man very well.

She couldn't believe he was really here, in Storybrooke of all places. It was hard to believe it was a coincidence he was here, but she knew if he was here to find her, he would have paid more attention to the people in the room. And if he did that, he would have spotted her for sure.

"Can I go say hello, mom? Welcome him to Storybrooke?" Henry asked.

"No kid, leave the man some privacy. We don't even know if he's staying yet and if he is, we should allow him some space to settle in." Emma tried to reason and she could tell Henry wasn't happy. She knew he was curious to find out what took the stranger to Storybrooke but she couldn't risk Henry talking to Chase just yet. She wasn't ready to face that kind of obstacle, yet.

Henry was about to protest when the men grabbed the coffee he must have ordered and headed out of the diner. Henry knew it was probably too strange to run after him, so he decided to leave it at that and postpone his welcome to their next encounter.

Emma was relieved when she heard him leaving the diner, what she didn't know however was, that Chase stopped dead in his tracks when a familiar face caught his sight though the window of the diner. Like he was possessed he turned around and headed back into the diner straight to the table where she was sitting with a dark haired boy. He stepped into her sight and whispered. "Allison?", not sure of what else to say.

Her eyes widened and she just stared at him for a moment. She could feel Henry's puzzled glance on her, but she just looked at Chase.

"Robert." She whispered back and they just stared at each other for what felt like an eternity.

Next chapter will be Chase's POV, so you will find out what took him to Storybrooke! Also Emma and Chase will have a conversation!

Please review!