Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Avatar

Chapter 4- A New teacher. Part 1

In Konoha-

It had been six months since Zuko started at the academy. Despite training his heart out every waking moment of everyday. He was making little progress. He was at the bottom of the class.

Zuko was a loner, because of his status as an outsider plus the fact that he sucked at every aspect of being a shinobi. He spent his time in class sitting in the back where no one was. During the lunch breaks he sat by himself.

Today was the last day of school before the summer break. During lunch Zuko was eating by himself per usual. There was a test today reviewing the henge no jutsu. Zuko was spending the remaining time during lunch thinking how he was going to tackle this test. In the six months he has been at the academy he hasn't performed a single jutsu correctly.

"Alright brats break time is over. Move your buts back to class we will commence the review test immediately" called Ikumi sensei

"This time I will get it right. Definitely this time." Zuko whispered to himself.

As Zuko was heading back to the class room he saw Kushina. The red haired beauty was surrounded by his other classmates. She was laughing and joking, truly at the centre of attention. As she stopped laughing, she saw Zuko staring at her.

Zuko was stunned for a moment when he saw Kushina looking at him. He then composed himself and smiled at her. Kushina was not fazed she simply gave Zuko a heated glare before heading off inside the classroom.

Zuko stood outside for a moment, shocked for a moment from her reaction. He then remembered his first interaction with Kushina and how she expressed her dislike for him.

Inside the classroom Zuko was waiting as per usual for his name to be called up for testing. Like all tests it was done in alphabetical order. So he would be tested last.

After an hour of waiting it was finally his turn to get up and perform the jutsu. He objective was to successively transform into Ikumi sensei.

Zuko stood at the front of the class and faced his sensei. He closed his eyes and took a few calming breaths.

Zuko began to mould his chakra and he moulded a lot of it just to be safe. Then did the appropriate hand seals.

"Henge no jutsu!" He screamed out. Becoming surrounded in a puff of smoke. Zuko closed his eyes and prayed that he had performed the jutsu successfully.

As the smoke disappeared Zuko's form came into to sight. He opened his eyes and too his dismay. He had not taken the form of his sensei Ikumi. But instead he looked like some fucked up ghoulish like creature.

Zuko released the jutsu, reverting back to his original form. He paused for a moment, then bowing his head in shame. He couldn't look anyone in the eye he was so embarrassed.

Like a daily routine the whole class began to erupt in laughter. An in your face tormenting laugh. Zuko raised his head slightly to look at his classmates.

"Typical dead last screwing up the most basic level of Ninjutsu." One student howled out

"He has been here for six months and he can't even do a proper transformation." Screamed a girl

All sorts of student were yelling out either how funny it was that Zuko couldn't even perform a single transformation or that it was simple disgraceful.

"That's enough!"Yelled Ikumi sensei. The whole class fell instantly silent

"Zuko I want to speak to you after class." She whispered to Zuko.

Zuko simply nodded in acknowledgement of his sensei's request and returned to his seat. As he was about to sit down he looked up and saw Kushina looking at him her eyes burning with fury and pure hatred. Zuko simply bowed his head in shame.

"I'll see you all after the break. Make sure to keep up with your training. But please most of all enjoy your summer." Ikumi sensei stated to conclude class and the end of the term.

After class finished, Zuko waited for everyone to leave before he walk over to the front of the class and approached his sensei.

"Zuko, do you know why I asked you to stay behind after class today?" Ikumi sensei asked Zuko.

"Yes Sensei I do" Zuko responded. "It's because I screwed up todays test and you are disappointed." Zuko continued.

Ikumi had a quick look at Zuko before she responded. "Yes I did call you because you failed that test, but I am not disappointed at all."

Zuko looked up in shock. He didn't expect this kind of response from his sensei.

"Zuko the main reason why I asked you to stay back was to tell you a story about a man named Naruto Uzumaki. During his days at the academy Naruto was just like you he was dead last he couldn't perform Ninjutsu, Genjutsu or Taijutsu. But as Naruto began to grow older he began to blossom. Becoming one of the greatest ninjas to record and becoming the greatest Hokage that has ever lived."

Zuko listened to his sensei's tale with great interest. He couldn't believe that a boy just like him could become such a powerful ninja.

Ikumi placed a hand on Zuko's shoulder and spoke in a caring manner. "Don't lose hope just because you are failing. As long as you believe then you will succeed."

After talking with Ikumi sensei and her tale of Naruto. Zuko decided to head towards training ground seven. So that he may improve on his skills.

Once he arrive at the training ground he decided that he would practice the Bunshin no jutsu. He began to mould chakra and formed the seal.

"Bunshin no jutsu."

Instead of clones of himself being formed, he saw deformed figures lying on the floor.

"Damn!" he cursed

He kept trying to perform the jutsu, but it kept on resulting in failure after failure. After an hour of practise he decided to take a break and regain his strength.

"You are putting too much chakra into the jutsu." An old husky voice called out.

Zuko whipped his head around and saw what looked like an old man sitting under a tree. Zuko couldn't see this man's face because it was covered by a hat he was wearing.

"Who are you? And how do you know if I'm putting too much chakra into the jutsu?" Zuko squeaked out.

The old man simply laughed. Annoying Zuko very much.

"I used to be a Ninja once and I was considered to be quite good. I can help you if you are nice to me." The old man stated.

Zuko was stunned to learn that this old used to be a ninja and the fact that he was willing to help him meant a lot.

"Please I need all the help I can get." Zuko practically begged the old man.

The old man stepped forward from under the tree and into the light. He had blue eyes and a round face. He also had whiskers that looked exactly like Himawari.

"Firstly you shouldn't mould all the chakra you have into one jutsu. If you do that it will overpower that jutsu and disrupt the balance. Instead picture a thin wire and you are funnelling your chakra through this funnel. So you are still supplying power to the jutsu but it is more controlled. Try it."

Zuko took what the old man and straightaway put it into practice. He focused his mind and pictured a funnel and began mould the appropriate amount of chakra through the funnel. He then performed the seals.

"Bunshin no jutsu!"

Zuko looked up to his surprise and saw too perfectly created clones standing next to him.

"How did you know that would work?" Zuko asked in amazement.

"You have the same problem I used to have. You have poor chakra control." The old man stated bluntly.

Zuko couldn't believe it. If it wasn't for this old man he would never have figured out the problem for his failures.

"All right kid it's great that you have learned the Bunshin no jutsu. But that's about as useful as a poopy flavoured lollypop. Instead how about I teach you the Kage Bunshin no jutsu."

"That would be great old man, but who are you?" Zuko inquired

The old man simply chuckled. "The name's Naruto Uzumaki. And I'm offering to be your teacher for the summer break. By the time I'm done with you. You won't be dead last when the academy commences again."


It's been long time since I have updated. Sorry been busy with uni and work. I used a quote from dodgeball thought it would be funny. Because no self-respecting ninja uses the Bunshin no jutsu. Hopefully this time I don't take as long to update. Please leave a review.