In all seriousness, thank you to everyone who read and supported Old Friends, New Emotions! It really means so much to me that people liked this story. Thank you very much!

Thanks for reading; I hope you enjoy it! I'm always open to feedback if you have any.

Yamcha's leg wouldn't stop bouncing. "So Bulma, I've got news."

Bulma raised an eyebrow at him. "You're finally returning to your baseball career?"

"What? No, I'm too old for that now; they'd never take me back."

"Are you kidding? You had a perfect at-bat record! They'd be stupid not to!"

He held up his hands. "Okay, but that's not why I'm here." Yamcha propped his chin in his left hand, tapping his fingers against his face in what he hoped was a noticeable but not obvious way. "I was hoping I could rent some of Capsule Corp's grounds event."

She looked at him blankly. "An event? What kind of event?"

"Oh, you know." The tapping increased. "A big one."

"Well, I mean, my birthday is next weekend, but I think that's the only big thing we've got planned right now." Bulma leaned back in her chair, frowning. "What kind of event, though? And I mean, seriously, I'm always glad to see you, but I am supposed to be working right now. You couldn't have just called the receptionist and...scheduled...a..." She trailed off when her eyes caught his left hand. "What's that?"

"What, this?" Yamcha smugly held his hand out for inspection. "Just a little token of affection from someone we both know."

"You're getting married?!" she shrieked, snatching his hand up to stare at the ring. "Holy shit, Yams, are you for real right now?!"

Yamcha could tell the grin on his face was huge and goofy, but he didn't care. "Yeah, I am! I'm getting married!"

Bulma practically launched herself across her desk to hug him. "Oh my God! Yamcha, that's amazing! When did this happen?! I want details!"

Yamcha couldn't answer. He was too busy laughing.

When they'd both finally gathered themselves enough to hold a conversation again, Bulma immediately socked him in the arm. "You jerk, why didn't you tell me?"

He held his hands up in defense. "I just did. Besides, it only happened a couple days ago - "

"A couple days ago?!" she shrieked. "Yamcha, you're supposed to go around bragging to everyone right away that you got the best fiance! That's how engagement works!"

"No, that's how your engagement worked," Yamcha retorted, folding his arms. "Tien and I like to do things a little quieter, keep things a little closer to home longer. That's why we were wondering if we could rent the Capsule Corp grounds, or at least part of them, you know, for the reception."

"Oh, geez, Yamcha, you don't even have to ask! Just give me a date and the property's yours, free of charge!" She held up a hand when he started to protest. "I'm not going to charge one of my best friends rent for his wedding reception. Come on, Yamcha, I'm a good person."

"But - "

"Nope! No buts! You're having your reception here at Capsule Corp, and I'm not charging you a cent for it." Bulma folded her arms, her nose in the air, a smug smirk planted on her face.

"Well...thank you." A smile broke out over Yamcha's face. "It means a lot."

"Hey, like I said." Bulma leaned forward, resting her arms on her desk, giving him a sincere smile. "You're really important to me, you know? So of course I want to see your big day go well." Her eyes brightened. "Oh, man, you have to let me help you plan it. Neither of you knows anything about weddings; you have to let me help you."

Yamcha leaned back in his seat, gazing at her. A year ago, he'd sat in the same chair, in the same office, with the same woman, and he'd believed himself to still be in love with her. Now, he was back again, and his ex-on-again-off-again-girlfriend wanted to help plan his wedding to the man he'd been best friends with for twenty years.

He cleared his throat. "Actually, I had something else to ask you." Looking away, he tapped his fingers together. "Would you...would you be my best woman?"

There was silence for a moment, and Yamcha was afraid he'd accidentally offended. But when he looked back at Bulma, her hands were over her face and there were tears in her eyes.

"Oh, Kami," she said hoarsely, "of course."

Tien rested his forehead on his arms. "This is the worst."

Yamcha nudged him in the shoulder. "Come on. You've literally died; how is this possibly any worse?"

"Because," Tien said, blearily looking up at his fiance (and that was still weird - weird but good), "at least on King Kai's planet it was just gravity crushing me, not expectations."

"Don't be such a baby."

"I still don't see why we can't just go to the courthouse and have a nice, quiet wedding." Tien sat up and stretched, giving a pleased hum when his spine popped. He'd been sitting for way too long - he needed to move. "Bring a couple people as witnesses, you know. Keep it simple."

Yamcha shook his head. "It's just important to me that we have a real wedding, alright?" He tapped his pen against the guest list. "You know how long I've wanted to get married. I want it to be great. I want our friends to be there. I want to see you all dolled up and fancy, I want to cry as we say our vows, I want to dance until we're exhausted at the reception and then come home and crash." Yamcha picked up Tien's hand and kissed it, looking up at him from under his eyelashes. "I want our wedding to be as perfect as you are."

Tien swallowed. "Well. I guess. If you put it that way."

Yamcha's smile lit up the whole room. "Okay, help me with this guest list. And no, we can't not invite Vegeta."

"Why not?"

"Absolutely not."

Yamcha scowled. "Alright, what's wrong with this one?"

Krillin's hands rested on his hips, and if he'd had a nose, it would have been turned up in disgust. "It has tails."

"I like the tails. The tails are classy."

"Tailcoats haven't been a thing in decades. And it's not even black or white. Everyone knows that if you're wearing a suit in a wedding party it has to be black or white."

"What's wrong with grey?!"

"Black and white go with everything," Bulma explained, emerging from the back of the store with an armload of dress shirts and bow ties. "I don't know, Krillin, I'm with Yamcha. The tails are classy."

"They're not classy, they're dated."

She scowled at him as she lay down her load. "Who's the fashion guru here? Yamcha, if you can find the tails in black or white, you should get them."

"Not white," Yamcha said, heading towards the racks. "Tien said white is for funerals, so there's no white in the wedding party."

"Have you picked your colours yet?" Bulma asked, dropping into a chair and watching the men run around looking for something they could agree on. "I've got to go shopping for my suit too, and it's gotta match your colours."

"I'd be more worried about it matching Chiaotzu's. He's Tien's best man." Yamcha looked at Bulma over his shoulder. "You know you don't have to wear a suit, right? You can wear a dress if you want."

She waved him off. "If I wear a suit I don't have to wear uncomfortable shoes, and I don't have to shave my legs. I wore a dress to my own wedding; I'll wear a suit to yours." She snapped demandingly a couple times. "Anyway! Colours. Picked them yet?"

"Okay." Tien looked at the checklist on the table in front of him. "We've got catering and reception booked, the Ox King is apparently allowed to officiate weddings so there's that, we've got chairs and an archway for the ceremony, the ceremony's going to be here at the farm so we don't have to worry about booking that, we have the wedding party all picked out and clothed, except for the ring bearer, who refuses to wear any - "

"I said I'd wear a bow tie!" Puar interrupted, fur on end. "You're lucky you get that much!"

"Fine, except for the ring bearer, who refuses to wear anything besides a bow tie." Tien looked blankly at Puar. "Happy?"

She sniffed derisively and went back to washing her face.

Tien rolled his eyes and went back to the checklist. "We've got a photographer, we've got our speech written, we've got other people who are doing speeches, and almost everyone on the guest list has RSVP'd." He looked up at Yamcha. "I think we have everything."

Beaming, Yamcha threw his arms around Tien's neck. "We do! We're ready! All we have to do now is wait for the actual day and - " He sniffled. "And we'll be married!"

Tien wrapped his arms around Yamcha and rubbed his back. It was hard to believe, but - he was so incredibly happy. What had he ever done to deserve something - someone - so good? After all this time, all these years, he was finally getting to spend the rest of his life with the man he loved more than anything. And he got to help Yamcha fill his lifelong dream, as well. Nothing could stop their happiness now, absolutely nothing.

Tien's hands were warm in Yamcha's, his eyes just as warm on his face. He looked gorgeous, more than usual, in his red and black changshan, a smile firmly planted on his face and he probably didn't even know it was there. Yamcha only dimly registered their surroundings: the audience, the Ox King's opening speech, Bulma just behind him, Chiaotzu just behind Tien and already crying. All he could concentrate on, all he had eyes for, was Tien.

He'd waited for this for so long. For years, decades, Yamcha had dreamed of getting married, finding someone he could love who would love him the same way, someone he could spend his life and afterlife with. When they first met, Yamcha and Tien hated each other. Then they grew up, and animosity grew into mutual respect and friendly rivalry, then genuine caring and friendship, and now...

Now they stood in front of each other, vowing to spend eternity together.

Yamcha swallowed, willing himself not to cry. If he thought about it too hard, all he wanted to do was burst into tears and pull Tien into his arms. He ran his thumbs across the backs of Tien's fingers, smiling when he felt his engagement ring. He'd begged Puar to help him look for it, but as soon as he saw the small green stone he knew it was the right one. Sure, he'd gotten the sizing wrong and they had to go exchange it later, but it was the main event that counted in this case, not the details.

He glanced behind him and caught Bulma's eye. She grinned and gave him a thumbs up behind her bouquet. Yamcha's eyes crinkled when he smiled back. This, he thought, was the best way their relationship could ever have come about: married to different people, and closer friends than ever because of it. Some part of him still loved her, wasn't the same as before, when he couldn't get over her. It was different now - Bulma was still his ex, she'd always be his ex, but she was more than that now, she was his dear friend. Sometimes he wondered if he ever would've gotten together with Tien in the first place without her not-so-gentle prodding. Maybe - but it would have taken a lot longer.

Yamcha looked back at Tien just in time for him to start speaking. "Yamcha," he said, and Yamcha swallowed as his heart stuttered, "I take you as my husband, with your faults and your strengths, as I offer myself to you with my faults and my strengths." His voice never once wavered, his smile looking absolutely perfect on his face, like it was meant to be that way. "I will help you when you need help, and turn to you when I need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life." One hand squeezed Yamcha's as the other took one of the rings Puar was holding, sliding it onto Yamcha's finger. "With this ring, I thee wed."

Things were starting to get blurry, and Yamcha hurriedly wiped his eyes with his free hand. "Yamcha?" said the Ox King. "Are you prepared to say your vows?"

He nodded hurriedly, swallowed, took a breath. "Tien Shinhan," he started. His throat closed up when he saw Tien's third eye starting to tear up. Oh, Tien couldn't start too, then they'd just stand there and cry and they'd never finish the ceremony part. He cleared his throat and soldiered ahead. "I take you as my husband, with your faults and your strengths, as I offer myself to you with my faults and my strengths." Puar was at his elbow, and he could hear her squeaking as she tried to cry quietly. Yamcha took a breath. "I will help you when you need help," his voice cracked, "and turn to you when I need help. I choose you as the p-person with whom I will - " He stopped, swallowed, started again. "I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life." He fumbled for the other ring Puar held, slipping it onto Tien's finger to join his engagement ring. Their hands looked right together - gold bands shining on their fingers, binding them together forever. In a few moments, things would be official, and they'd be surrounded by their friends, laughing and hugging and crying and congratulating them, and they wouldn't have a moment's peace until the tables were cleared and they were home in their bed, and it would be perfect.

But first...

"With this ring, I thee wed."

Tien utterly beamed at him, and it was enough to light up the entire farm. He wanted Tien to look at him like that always.

And he always would.

"Well!" The Ox King closed his little book and grinned down at the two of them. "I now pronounce you husbands. You may kiss the groom."

Yamcha reached out and wrapped his arms around Tien's neck, pulling him down just enough to touch their lips together. Dimly, he heard their friends cheering, and he held Tien a little tighter, just a second longer. Then he pulled back, smiling so hard he felt like his face would split in two. They were about to be swarmed by their friends, and there was still the legal documentation to sign, and they hadn't a moment's peace in weeks and they wouldn't for another few days.

But none of that mattered. Not now.

They were together, and they would be forever.