01- Oh, We Forgot to be Smart

By Fahiru

Lawyer Jang Hye-Sung flopped face-down onto the couch promptly after stumbling through the door. Park Soo-Ha, though similarly exhausted, refrained from expressing it so dramatically and contented himself with pitching the keys onto the kitchen table with a satisfying thunk.

"I am never going to a large public gathering again, not until I die." Lawyer Jang muttered into the couch cushions as Soo-Ha picked up the shoes that had been discarded and shuffled over in the entryway.

"You're the one who insisted we had to go in the first place."

Lawyer Jang struggled to roll onto her side without using her arms and gave Soo-Ha a disgruntled glare.

"They're your old classmates. You have a responsibility to support your friends."

"Then let's be glad we don't have any more friends to be happy for. From here on, let's only befriend people that have already gotten married so we don't have to attend their weddings."

Lawyer Jang re-buried her face into the pillows and grunted in agreement. She was barely 27 and already felt much too old to be staying out this late. She turned her head again to watch Soo-Ha as he put away the dishes that they had left out to dry on the counter.

She wasn't really sorry they had gone to the wedding. It had been quite beautiful, actually.

Kim Choong-Ki had liked Sung-Bin for years. Lawyer Jang had seen him tirelessly work to clean himself up, improving his mind and appearance while simultaneously earning recognition as one of the most reliable people in his police unit—almost as good as Soo-Ha.

Sung-Bin hadn't noticed right away, of course, but he forced her to eventually. He had to ask her out five times before she accepted, but prided himself that it only took one proposal to secure her for good.

Soo-Ha poked Lawyer Jang in the ribs, pulling her away from her thoughts.

"Do you need me to carry you to the room, or was that homecoming just for show?"

Lawyer Jang reached up to squish Soo-Ha's face as she refocused her eyes.

"No. I'll get fat if you don't let me walk back."

"It's three meters, it won't make a difference."


She made a great show of effort as she raised herself up from the couch and began to shuffle back to the bedroom. Soo-Ha snorted and went ahead of her.

Lawyer Jang watched from the doorway as Soo-Ha turned down the bedding and again thought of the wedding. It was incredible what it took for some people to end up together.

Soo-Ha glanced back at her over his shoulder.

"Are you coming?"

She nodded and hobbled over to him.

Of course, Lawyer Jang had known enough of borrowed time and regrets to marry Soo-Ha shortly after he had entered the police academy. After all they'd been through, putting it off would have just been stupid.

(A/N: After all they'd been through together, I was disappointed in the characters for leaving their relationship so unresolved at the end of the show. It was like, "yeah, I'd die for you, but I have no confidence in my ability to love you forever despite you being the only human being who understands me."

[Twelve Shots of Summer: Trinity Limit] Week 1, alternate prompt: Unfinished Business. Check out more at the Twelve Shots of Summer forum.)