She is delicate and soft, but strong and complicated. Like spider silk. She is desirable enough to catch many unassuming men in her web. Like a spider, she feasts on the annoying bugs of humanity. What she doesn't realize, was that spiders were insignificant. Flimsy. Pointless. She has no idea that someone is watching, waiting for her to come out of the shadows so that they can crush her with their shoe. It seems as though she's forgotten, she's a bug too.

It was then, when she realized it. Crouching on the ground next to the pale-skinned insomniac, her heart pounded against her ribcage as she watched his eyes, flickering in pain and a strange sense of self-satisfaction as her stared up at her, as if he knew. He knew the thoughts running through her mind. He always did. Once a genius, always a genius. Even on his deathbed.

And as she clenched her hand around his, a harsh and regretful slap of reality hit her. Was this… Justice? Is this what she had worked so hard for? It was as if someone was grasping her heart in their hand, squeezing and suffocating her. It… hurt?

Something streaked down her cheeks, and it took a moment to realize what they were as they dropped off of her chin and onto his nose. Tears. When was the last time she cried? It had to have been years. Had she lost touch of her emotions that much? Since when had she became so stone-cold?

Somewhere, somehow, during this – this monstrosity, she had become exactly what she was hunting. An unfeeling criminal. A murderer. She had been too caught in her own web of selfishness and lies that she had lost sight of what was important – justice. She was no better than the criminals she was killing. Redemption couldn't save her now. This was far too tangled, too twisted, for her to run away from.

If you searched for a photograph of pure hypocrisy, she had no doubt the results would be a picture of her writing names in an insignificant-looking black notebook.

"Light," He breathed, his voice ragged and breathless, unlike his usually cool and smooth tone. His hand gripped hers tightly, as if she was an anchor keeping him from floating away. "…I…I knew…It..." A tremor wracked through his body, like he was an earthquake. "Y-You… regret..."

"Y-Yeah," She smiled with trembling lips. "I guess you did beat me at something after all, L." He'd known. He'd known she wasn't herself. He'd worked it out before her.

"..I…did.." His eyes drooped, his body slowly going limp. She placed her lips on his cheek, seeing the life beginning to leave him. Teardrops fell from her eyes and hit his skin, running down the side of his face and hiding in his midnight hair. She held him until he went as cold as ice.

Then, slowly and shakily, she stood. Turning to the task force standing behind her, she sealed her fate.

"I'm Kira."

And thus, her spider web was destroyed.

Short and straight to the point, just like I like it.

The poem (if you can call it that) at the top is mine, so please, don't steal it. I've dealt with that enough on here.

I hope you liked it, there's a bit of L/Fem!Light in here as you can see.