AN: Hey guys! I am SO sorry it's taken me so long to update! I've been super busy helping with VBS this week, I have guard practice every Tuesday and Thursday morning, etc. So I'm very genuinely sorry that this story and Why Brothers Matter don't get updated as often as I'd like. Also, this will be the final chapter. So, thanks for reading, and I hope you like it! :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats.

Bree's PoV:

When I woke up this morning, I felt good. For about ten seconds. After those blissfull ten seconds, everything from the day before came flooding back into my brain. Tasha and I getting ready, Ryan never showing up, me telling my parents and my brothers that Ryan stood me up, everything. It all came back so quickly that I almost got a headache. I didn't want to get out of my capsule, I didn't want to go to school, I didn't want to do anything. I just wanted to stay home, in my capsule, and mope. "NO Bree!" I thought, "You're stronger than that! Now, get out there and put on a smile, even if it's fake. Face the world and show Ryan that he can't keep you down!" But that was easier thought than done. I waited as my capsule automatically dressed me for the day. Once I was dressed, I stepped out of my capsule.

I supersped upstairs and sat down at the island, grabbing an apple to eat for breakfast. I looked at the apple and played with it for awhile, tossing it back and forth from one hand to the other. Eventually I settled on just setting it in front of me. But I didn't eat it. I was too upset to eat.

"Hey Bree," I heard from behind. I turned to find Leo walking into the living room, ready for the day. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed some cereal from one of the cabinets and milk from the fridge. He got a bowl and a spoon, and he started to make himself breakfast, as he usually did on school mornings.

"Hey Leo," I said, trying to sound perky and happy. I actually sounded like my usual self, but somehow, Leo could see right through my act.

"Bree, stop trying to act like you're alright. I know you're not, and that's normal. What he did to you wasn't acceptable, but it's okay to be upset. You don't have to act," he told me.

"Fine," I relented, letting my shoulders droop back into the position they had been in before. "Leo?"


"I won't act for you, but please, let me do it for our family. I don't want them pitying me. So, please just let me act, and don't tell them, okay?" I asked.

Leo hesitated before saying, "Fine. I'm not happy about it, but fine. And Bree?"


"I'm here for you. Since you refuse to not act in front of your family, talk to me if you need someone to talk to. Okay?"

I smiled. "Okay."

I heard the doors of the elevator open, and I put on the act. I sat up straight, and I tried my best to look like I usually did.

"Hey guys," I heard Chase say.

I looked up to see Adam and Chase walking into the kitchen to fix themselves some breakfast too. As they poured their cereal into their bowls, Chase glanced up at me. He put down the cereal box and looked at me in a concerned way.

"How you feeling, Bree?" he asked.

"Fine," I answered.

"You sure?" Adam asked.

"Yep," I lied.

"Okay," they both murmured. They finished pouring milk into their bowls and they came to sit by me, Adam on my left and Chase on my right. We all sat in silence for a moment, the boys eating their cereal and me staring at my apple. After a minute, Chase stopped eating and looked at me, and then my apple.

"Aren't you going to eat that?" he asked curiously.

"No," I said, "I'm not really hungry this morning. I'll just wait and eat at lunch."

I made to get up, but Adam stopped me by grabbing my wrist gently. "Bree, I know that you're upset about last night, but you need to eat."

"And I will. At lunch. This has nothing to do with Ryan. I'm just not hungry, big deal. It's not the end of the world. And besides, I'm over last night completely," I said. Talk about lying through your teeth.

Adam cocked an eyebrow at me. "Oh really?" he challenged.

"Yes," I argued, pulling my wrist out of his grasp, "Really."

"Bree, you can't just expect us to believe that you're okay about what happened last night," Chase said, "You cried for two days when someone that you liked on a T.V. show got kicked off!"

"What, do you want me to be upset?" I asked.

"NO, of course not! I'm just saying that it's not healthy for you to hold in all of your emotions like this! If you want to cry, cry! But don't act like you're okay when you're not," he told me.

"Fine! You know what, yeah, I really liked Ryan, and I thought that a relationship with him could work. But obviously, it can't. You three won't get it because you're not girls, but it really hurts! Ryan could've run over me with a monster truck about five hundred times, and it would've felt better than this! And I know what you're going to say. 'Bree, don't cry over him, he's just a guy. You shouldn't let him get to you. We understand that you're hurt.' Well you know what? You don't understand! None of you ever will! I would rather have gone on the date with Ryan only to find out that he's a jerk than sit at home, thinking that he's coming when he's not. That's the worst thing anyone could ever do to another person, and yet he did it happily without thinking.

"But you know what the worst part is? I have to see him every day until the end of the school year. There's no way I can evade him because we have all of the same classes together AND we're partners in biology and chemistry, AND we sit next to each other in all of our other classes! But there is no way that I'm going to hide like a scared little girl and stay home. So basically, if I go to school, I have to face Ryan and everyone else who undoubtedly heard about this by now, OR I could stay home on Monday, then go to school on Tuesday and be made fun of because I skipped. Either way I lose, so I might as well go so Ryan doesn't have any more leverage against me than he already does. And now I feel really bad because you guys are just trying to help, and I'm yelling at you in return! God, I am the WORST sister ever. Hell, I'm the worst person ever! I just want it all to stop!" I said, crying through all of my little speech. But somehow, they understood what I was saying.

I fell down, sobbing my eyes out and feeling pathetic. How could I just cry in front of them?! I mean, I know that they're my brothers, but still! I hate feeling and/or appearing weak. And now I was doing both?! I hated myself for yelling at them when they were only trying to help. They're so amazing, and I don't deserve brothers like them. I really don't. I felt two strong arms wrap around me, and then two smaller but still strong arms, and finally two scrawny arms. My brothers engulfed me in a hug, trying to soothe me.

"Listen. Believe it or not, I know it hurts. I do. And even though it's hard to believe, you'll be fine. I know you will be," Chase said.

"Yeah," Leo agreed, "You're the strongest girl I know. You're a fighter, and the Bree that I know wouldn't give up without a fight."

"And you know what?" Adam continued, "Ryan is an idiot for standing you up. You're amazing Bree. You're funny, confident, and really, really beautiful. Ryan has no idea what he's missing out on."

"Thank you guys. You've been so great through this, and I honestly don't know what I would do if you guys weren't my brothers. Thank you," I told them, looking up at them and smiling sadly.

"You're welcome. Now, go fix your makeup, because we are taking you to the movies," Chase said.

"You guys don't have to-" I started.

"We know we don't have to, but we want to, and we are. Now go," Chase commanded, and I saw that there was no way that they would take no for an answer. I got up and sped to the bathroom. I quickly washed off my makeup and reapplied it. I came out of the bathroom to see my brothers waiting patiently for me. I walked over to them, grabbing my coat and purse off of the hooks that they had been resting on. I slipped on my jacket and stared ahead as they slipped on their jackets as well. It was early October, and it was completely beautiful outside. The leaves were falling, and the air was slightly cooled off, but not too much. Just right.

As my brothers were putting their jackets on, I heard a knock on the door. I walked up to the door and opened it, revealing none other than Ryan. Oh, crap. Here we go.

"Ryan? What are you doing here?" I asked, causing my brothers heads to snap up.

"Listen, Bree, I'm really sorry that I didn't make our date. See, I had completely forgotten that I had already promised to take my mom to her eye doctor's appointment, and so I was stuck doing that," he lied. I had to give it to him, he could probably convince anyone else that that lie was true. But not me.

I decided to play along. "OH, I see. So, quick question, why didn't you call me and tell me what happened?"

"My cellphone died on me as I was dialing your number."

"Uh huh. And why didn't you use your mom's phone?"

"She doesn't have one."

"She doesn't have one?" I quirked an eyebrow as I said this.


"Oh, okay then. Well, why was her appointment at eight o'clock at night?"

"She, likes to go when no one else is there?" he tried.

"You know Ryan, I can tell that you're lying. And quite honestly, it's pathetic. Do you do this to every girl? You ask them out, make them feel special, and then you just stand them up? Why are you here?" I questioned.

"I was wondering if we could go on a date," he told me, using a tone of voice that obviously meant that he thought that I was dumb.

"Why would I go on a date with you?! You know what, it isn't just this that's pathetic. You are too. And you need to leave. Right. Now."

"Come on baby," he said arrogantly, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me into him.

I tried to push myself away from him, but I couldn't. He was WAY bigger than me, and there was no way I could overpower him, even if I used my bionics. "No," I argued, still trying to get away. I saw Ryan's face contort in anger. Then he pulled me outside by my hair, slamming me against the outside wall of my house.

He got right up in my face as he growled at me, "You think that you can just say 'no' to me, and I'll go away? That's not how it works, princess." He spit in my face.

I suddenly felt Ryan being pulled away from me, and I saw Adam, looking angrier than ever. "You stay away from my sister," Adam growled, holding Ryan up by the collar of his shirt. Then Adam did something that I should've seen coming, but I didn't. He sucker punched Ryan in the face, and then threw him to the ground. But for some reason, he didn't advance, he just stayed right where he was.

It was then that I saw Chase, who was now turned into Spike. "Hey!" Spike shouted, picking Ryan up by the collar of his shirt, just as Adam had done. "You don't hit girls, ESPECIALLY her!" I watched as Spike beat Ryan up, not bad enough to kill him or put him in the hospital, but bad enough that Ryan would never mess with us again.

After Spike finished beating Ryan up, he dropped Ryan, who was now unconscious, to the ground. I watched as Spike disappeared and Chase came back. As Chase and Adam rushed to me, I saw Leo kicking Ryan repeatedly, and I couldn't help but crack a small smile.

"Bree!" I heard Adam shout, which was unnecessary because he and Chase were now right in front of me.

"Bree, are you alright?!" Chase asked frantically, though he (thankfully) didn't shout like Adam.

I chuckled at their concern, though I did find it sweet. "I'm fine, I'm fine," I told them, though they still insisted on checking me over. When they decided that I would just have a bruise or two and was otherwise fine, they both kissed the top of my head and gave me a hug, being gentle as if they thought I would break.

When Leo was finished kicking Ryan, he came over to us. "Are you alright?" he asked me.

"I'm fine, I've just got a bruise or two," I assured him. He hugged me as well, being gentle, just like Adam and Chase.

When we pulled apart, Leo said, "SO, how about that movie?"

"Eh, why not?" Adam replied.

"Sure," Chase told him.

"I'm all for it," I answered. But then I remembered something. "Um, should we do something about Ryan first?"

My brothers exchanged looks before simultaneously saying, "Nah."

"Well okay then."

We closed our front door and locked it, and with that, we started to walk down our driveway. It was only two blocks to the theater, and it was beautiful outside, so we figured that we might as well walk.

As we walked down our driveway, I suddenly stated, "You know, you guys are the best brothers ever."

"We try," Chase laughed, making me laugh along with him.

"Well," Leo commented, "Those two try. I don't have to try- I just do." I laughed again, rolling my eyes at Leo, who received a playfull shove from Chase and a not so gentle punch on the arm from Adam.

Yep, definitely the best brothers ever.

AN: And, that's the end! Sorry if it was too short or too long. :( I hope you guys liked this chapter, and I also hope you guys liked the story in and of itself. Thanks for reading, reviewing, following, and favoriting, if you do! Oh, also: I finally have time to work on another chapter for Why Brothers Matter, so please keep sending in any ideas or suggestions you have. Thanks in advance! Anyway, thanks again for everything! Later! :p