"Use Magical Leaf Gardevoir!" A girl shouted. Purple coated leaves appeared around the green and white pokemon before swiftly shooting towards her opponent.

"Dodge and use Gyro Ball!" A male trainer exclaimed to his Hitmontop. Itachi watched from the sidelines as two trainers went head to head in a surprisingly close battle. Several others also crowded around the arena to watch the spectacle as well. The Uchiha has found these pokemon battles to be interesting, to say the least. It pushed both the trainer and pokemon alike to their absolute limit, and the victor was the stronger of the two teams. Either through sheer strength, or careful planning, the victor would always prove themselves at the end of each battle.

Over the last few days, when Itachi wasn't training with Hannah, the Greninja has been watching random pokemon battles that would pop up every now and again throughout the city. It gave him a perspective on how battling worked, and what the trainers were trying to achieve by throwing themselves at each other. It wasn't to harm one another, but for them, along with their pokemon, to become stronger than their opponent. A tournament was held at the end of each season called the Pokemon League, and the only way to enter said tournament was to defeat eight gym leaders in their respective regions. After defeating the gym leaders, they are awarded badges and are admitted into the region's most luxurious tournament.

'What day was it?' Itachi thought to himself as he watched the pokemon battle ensue. 'Friday? This festival isn't going to last for much longer.' Hitmontop looked to be pushed back somewhat, but his trainer, simply based on the look in his eyes, had a few more tricks up his sleeve. 'Sunday is the day for the Contest, and Saturday is the night of the fireworks.' Something then pulled on Itachi's sleeve, making him look over to see a brown haired girl with a green shirt and white skirt. "…?" The illusion covered Greninja knew who it was, but was still confused as to how he was found. "Did you need something, Latias?" She shook her head and smiled before sending her gaze to the intense battle before them.

Gardevoir ended up winning the battle, but for a pokemon with a severe type disadvantage Hitmontop performed very well. Everyone that was watching the battle began clapping, much to the two trainer's surprise, even Latias began clapping. They must not have noticed the crowd that had formed around them. "Is there something you needed?" Itachi asked as the two moved away from the group of people and into one of Altomare's many quiet streets.

"No, I just wanted to see what you were doing." Latias said as the two moved slowly down the street.

"Found some time away from your protective duties?"

The legendary sighed at his words before looking up into the air. "A little, yeah. I never thought that becoming the sole Guardian of Altomare would be so hard. Before I had my brother, but now…" Latias shook her head at the thought that came to her mind.

"…" Itachi has always been good at reading people, and apparently pokemon as well, but he didn't need any of his deductive skills to see that her brother was a touchy subject.

"At least I have my Uncle and two nieces. Without them I would have been completely lost. They came to Altomare right when they heard what happened."

"I'm happy you have such a caring family."

"Yeah, I'm pretty lucky to have them. I can't even begin to understand how people make it without a family." Latias stated with a massive smile, but Itachi was internally frowning. Should he tell her that he killed off his entire clan? That he had no more family outside of his brother who wanted to kill him for what he did? "What about your family? Do you know where they are?"

More than you can possibly believe… "No." Itachi lied, making the legendary frown at his words.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but you'll find them eventually. I'm sure they're looking for you right now!" Latias said with an upbeat attitude. Itachi's eyes grew colder with each passing word.

"Is that right…?" Itachi lazily remarked, making the concealed Latias look at him in curiosity.

"In any case I wanted to ask if you had any plans tomorrow night?" Latias asked, changing the direction of the conversation to something a little more lighthearted.

"Not that I know of." Itachi replied as they turned onto a rather busy street. The two stopped and backed up into the smaller street.

"Well, if you don't have any plans would you like to come see the fireworks with us?!" Latias asked in excitement. "We were planning to meet a couple of hours before the fireworks to enjoy the festival one last time." Itachi stared at the legendary for a while, making her squirm somewhat under his intense gaze. "I-If you don't want t-to then-."

"Sure." Latias stared at the stoic greninja for a moment.


"Sure, I'll go see the fireworks."

"Oh… that's what I thought you said." Latias said as the two stopped on top of a small bridge going over a small canal.

"Did you expect me to say no?"

"Well… I mean… kind of?" Latias looked towards Itachi, whose eyes demanded an explanation. "It's just I haven't really had that much time lately to spend with you. Even after I asked you to stay here with me."

"Your family has been keeping me pretty busy though."

"I know that, but with my brother not around I've found that guarding the city while also training another to do so is hard. Before, I never noticed just how much work it was to keep this place from falling apart."

"It must be hard." Itachi commented as the concealed Latias leaned against the railing of the bridge.

"Yeah, well what can you do? No more time to play anymore. We've all got to grow up sometime, right?" Itachi saw the far off look she was giving as a gondola slowly passed beneath them.

"I guess you're right..." Itachi replied softly. The far off voices of laughter, coupled with the lapping water against the stone canals made for a very serine atmosphere, but Latias looked tired. Being the protector of many is a massive burden, and only those with strong enough shoulders can bare it. Latias sighed and shook her head, as if to shake away the feeling that had overtaken her.

"In any case I've got to get back to my duties. I need to check on something on the south side of the city." Latias commented as she lifted herself from the railing. "Thanks for taking the time to talk. It's hard sometimes to talk about lost family members."

'You have no idea…' Itachi nodded his head as Latias walked down the steps on one side of the small bridge. "What time tomorrow?"

"Lets aim for seven in the afternoon. That should give us plenty of time before the fireworks begin." Latias commented as she walked away. "See you tomorrow."

"Bye." Itachi said quietly as Latias transformed into her pokemon form and subsequently disappeared using her invisibility. A soft wind swept through the small canal, pressing against his being like an angel from above was flying pass. Taking in the every moment that he could, Itachi breathed in heavily before looking over his shoulder. "It's not nice to eavesdrop." A boom of laughter erupted from the alleyway behind him. A massive man wearing clothes similar to the people that attacked the Uchiha in Cherrygrove walked out from the cover of the shade. He must have been at least two meters tall with broad shoulders and a scar running across the right side of his mouth.

"Of course it isn't, but I've found it interesting to watch you interact with other pokemon. Especially one as powerful as a Latias." The man commented as he tipped back his fedora to reveal vibrant green eyes and dark tan skin. He must have heard the cooing coming from Latias as we talked to one another. "Although I admit I couldn't understand a word you two were saying."

"Who are you? Are you with the people that attacked me before?"

"The name's Jamison, but people call me Jay for short." Jay said as he fiddled with something inside the folding of his trench coat. Presumably a pokeball. "As for the second question the answer is yes." Itachi began to slip into a defensive stance, but the man raised his hands defensively. "Hold on there HY01, no need to get all twitchy on me. I'm not here to fight, just to deliver a message."

"And that would be?"

"The boss man doesn't really appreciate the fact that you killed one of our boys."

"Then he shouldn't have had them attack me." It was an accident. Itachi never meant for someone to die during that engagement, but things spiraled out of control.

"Very true, but it is what it is." Jay stated as he looked up to see a flock of Wingull flying overhead. The massive man sighed and looked back down towards the concealed pokemon. "He's giving you this ultimatum. Leave here and come with us, or we will return this floating city to which it came." Nodding his head at the boy's shocked expression, Jay turned to leave. "You have until 1900 hours tomorrow to reply. I'll be waiting at the North Guardian Fountain. I hope you choose wisely." With those final words the man disappeared around the corner of a building.

Itachi looked to the ground in thought. What should he do?


"So what did Itachi say?!" Emila asked as she shot over to Latias. It was nine in the evening and the guardian has had a long day. Apparently a Seaking got stuck in one of the wooden supports underneath the city and needed help. It took her nearly all day to free the pokemon from the stranglehold, and once she finally freed him she had to take the pokemon to a healing facility. Needless to say, Latias was exhausted. Luckily she had Otto overseeing some of the more rudimentary tasks that she didn't have time for today.

"Oh, hello Emilia, Hannah." Latias said, but Hannah only groaned. "Hard day of training?"

"Yeah, I went a little overboard today." Hannah commented. 'What got Itachi so worked up today?'

"Quit dodging the question!" Emilia exclaimed.

"Right, right. Itachi said he'd join us. Calm yourself down." Latias said, but could only smile as Emilia twirled around in the air in glee. She would have done the same if she wasn't so exhausted.

"Okay everyone lets get to bed. We'll meet up with Itachi tomorrow." Otto said as he helped Hannah up. "The sooner you get to bed, the faster tomorrow will come."

"Yes father…" Emilia said with a sad expression as she floated towards their bed in the back of the garden. After the two younglings were in bed, Otto came back to see Latias staring up at the ceiling of the garden.

"Something wrong?" Otto asked.

"It's… I don't know. Something feels wrong." Latias responded.

"Wrong? What do you mean?" Otto was old enough to know that when a pokemon, especially a legendary, felt something was off there was generally a good reason for it.

"It's like…" Latias sighed and shook her head. "I don't know. Maybe I'm tired."

"Right you are. Lets go bed and think about it when we're both rested." Otto said, gaining a smile from the Latias.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Lets get to bed."


Itachi quietly entered the house that Bianca and Lorenzo were so kind as to let him stay in. The house was dark and quiet besides sound of water softly pressing the side of the house. Itachi dropped his cover and took another step into the house when someone called out to him.

"Busy day?" It was Lorenzo. He was sitting at the wooden table drinking a hot cup of tea like he normally did. It was about eleven in the evening, and normally he was fast asleep by this time. Over the course of his stay here, one of the best moments he had was cooking with Bianca. She was so interested in all the meals that he cooked that she began taking notes. He had finally found someone that was as interested in cooking as himself.

"You could say that." Itachi said as Lorenzo poured the Greninja a cup of hot tea as well. Itachi sat down and cradled the hot cup in his web like hands, waiting for it to cool down before taking a sip. The older man lit a small oil lamp at the center of the table to give them some light.

"Want to talk about it?" Lorenzo asked. Normally the answer is no, or he would remain quiet after being asked, but now…

"I wanted to thank you." Lorenzo furrowed a brow at this.

"What for?"

"For the kindness that you've shown. For taking me in while I stayed here. For treating me like… family." Itachi choked out that last word. It was hard for him to accept being a part of a family after what he did to his last one. He shouldn't have been allowed this, but here he was.

It was clear to Lorenzo that the concept of family was hard for the pokemon to accept, but why was that? "Of course my boy. You will always be part of this family, no matter what." The elder man took a sip of his tea, but eyed the pokemon after he was done. "But that's not the only thing that's troubling you. Is it?"

"No, it's not." Lorenzo didn't speak, simply waiting for Itachi to continue if he so desired it. "You know I'm not a normal pokemon, right?"

"That much I could find out on my own. I've seen what a normal Greninja is when they appear on television competing for the Kalos League, and you're nothing like those." Lorenzo said.

"I was created in a lab by scientists." Itachi said. Lorenzo looked shocked when the words left his mouth. "When I woke up everything had been destroyed. I don't know what happened before I came to, but there was evidence of a fierce battle."

"You must have been so confused." Lorenzo said.

"You could say that…" Itachi said before taking a sip from his mug. "Since then I've been traveling around, trying to explore this new world and discover my purpose in it."

"It's the best thing you could be doing. We all have to travel that very same road that you're taking."

"Unfortunately, while I was traveling I found the people that created me."

"Oh? What did they want?"

"They wanted to kill me."


"If they were to kill me then all information regarding my creation would be completely gone."

"How did they find you? You can change into anyone and any pokemon!"

"A tracker was embedded into my body. Anywhere I went, they would eventually find me."

"So what did you do?"

"I confronted them in Cherrygrove. After fighting them, I finally was able to remove the tracker from my hip and board a ship leading here."

"So that wound in your hip…?"

"Was from when I gouged out the tracker, yes."

"And the person and pokemon that was killed in Cherrygrove…?" Itachi sighed and leaned back into his chair.

"It was a result of the battle." Lorenzo remained quiet for a moment, as if to consume all that was given to him.

"Why did you have to kill them?"

"It was an accident."

"How could blowing someone up be an accident? You killed a man and his pokemon! Even if they were sent to kill you…"

"The tracker that was placed inside me coupled as a bomb. When I removed it I left it next to them when I knocked them unconscious. The only reason I was actually able to remove it was because one of the two men wanted to catch me rather than kill me."

"And you didn't know it was a bomb?"

"Not until after it was detonated, no."

Lorenzo thought over the words another moment before sighing and leaning back into his chair as well. "That's one fine mess that you're in." Itachi simply nodded his head before taking another sip of his tea. "Are these people still after you?"

"Yes, and it's only a matter of time before they learn where I've been hiding."

"Are we in danger?"

"Not after tonight, no."

"What do you mean?"

"I was approached by one of the people that attacked me." Lorenzo pushed his hands into his face while a groan escaped his lips.

"What did they say?"

"They said either give myself up, or they'll destroy the city."

"Destroy the- how in the world are they going to do that?!"

"I'm not sure, but they're certainly threatening it. Even if it's an empty threat I need to take it seriously. " Itachi said. An uneasy quiet washed over the two as they thought of any possible way Itachi could get himself out of this situation. "In any case I just wanted to come by and say thank you… for everything."

"If that's what you think is best. If you need anything, and I mean anything, don't hesitate to come and ask." Lorenzo said.

"Thank you. Would you tell-."

"I'll handle Bianca. You just focus on the task at hand." Itachi nodded his head in thanks as he stood up. Staying any longer would only put this wonderful family in danger, and the Uchiha didn't want that. He would handle this situation by himself, just like he always has. As Itachi reached for the door Lorenzo stopped him with one last word of advice. "Just remember, even if there's two roads open to you a third can always be opened if you look hard enough."

"I'll remember that and don't worry. Nothing will become of this city. I promise."

"I'll hold you to that. See you on the other side." Itachi grinned and closed the door, but once it was closed Itachi frowned. He knew what he had to do, but the Uchiha knew that the others weren't going to like it…

XxXxX-The Following Evening

"We're going to see the fireworks! We're going to see the fireworks! We're going to-!" Emilia continued chanting until a claw knocked her over the head. "Hey! What was that for?!"

"Shut up. My head still hurts from yesterday." Hannah said.

"Well whose fault is that?!"

"Please, just be quiet."

"And who's going to make me?!"

"I'll make you if you don't-!"

"Quiet you two. We're about to change into our human forms. So be ready." Otto said.

"Please be careful. I don't want anyone of you to be captured because you were too excited." Latias said. Emilia immediately clammed up, much to their surprise. After a few moments of flying while invisible the four transformed into their human forms in a desolate alleyway.

"We've still got a couple minutes before we meet Bianca, Itachi, and Lorenzo at the courtyard in front of the museum. So we can take our-." Otto said, but Emilia ran out in front of the group.

"I'm going to get there first!" Emilia exclaimed, making the others sweat drop.

"Wait up for us!" Latias shouted after her as she ran after the excited twin. The other two begrudgingly ran after them, never seeing the quiet black hooded boy watching them from in between the gaps of the crowd. Without a word the boy watched them run down the street, like any happy family would, before he turned and walked north.

Slowly the crowds began to thin out until there wasn't a soul to be seen. All the action, it would seem, was concentrated at the center and southern parts of the city. Everywhere else was nearly dead. Finally the boy made it to his final destination. A small courtyard that he was very familiar with.

"Glad to see that you've made it! I was worried that you got lost on the way." Jay said with a sly grin. Itachi didn't respond as he walked into the courtyard and over to one of the benches that surrounded the fountain. "Have you made a decision?"

"Did you know that I almost died here?" Itachi asked, dodging the question entirely. Jay remained quiet as the now uncloaked pokemon ran his webbed hand across the back of one of the benches. "It was right here, in the heavy rain, that I should have died. After gouging out the bomb from my body, I had lost so much blood that I couldn't go on. It was because of the kindness that Latias showed me that I'm still breathing." Itachi finished walking behind the bench and looked up at the man, who was still watching quietly as the pokemon explained what happened. "I know what you're after, and I won't let you take it."

"Oh? So you're going to resist? That's a bad call because we already have men converging on the 'Secret Garden' now. We've been doing research into this place, and even hacked a 'certain' organizations database to figure out where it is. Without the Soul Dew this place will be washed away in a massive tidal wave, and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Is that right? Well, that's one thing you've got wrong."

"And why's that? How are you going to get there before us?"

"Because, I was never really here to begin with." Itachi stated before disappearing into smoke. Jay balled up his hands and ripped a radio out of his trench coat. He should have suspected that HY01 would have retreated when he was telling his story.

"All units this is Prophet. Ghost is moving towards Tear. I repeat, Ghost is moving towards Tear. Do not let him get there first. Over." Jay said before lowering his radio and looking east. "We will capture you HY01. No matter how long it takes. Your power will be ours."


"He's still not here yet." Hannah commented while taking another look around. The four legendary pokemon had finally found Lorenzo and Bianca, but Itachi was nowhere to be found. The two had said that they thought he was with them, but after hearing that he wasn't Bianca began to worry that he wasn't going to come.

"I know, but he told me that he'd be here." Latias said as she too was looking around in worry. There was something wrong going on, and it wasn't just that Itachi may have decided not to come. It was at this moment that an alarm triggered in her mind. "Otto." The legendary looked to Latias and nodded. He felt it too. Someone had entered the Secret Garden with malicious intent.

"What's wrong?" Bianca asked. The serious look Latias was giving off was beginning to worry them.

"Otto and I need to head back to the Garden. Someone entered it and may tamper with the Soul Dew. Hannah, Emilia, watch Bianca and Lorenzo for us. Make sure nothing happens to them. Lets go Otto." Latias said, gaining a nod from her elder. The two ran off leaving a worried foursome behind.


"We've entered the Secret Garden. Moving towards the Tear now." A woman said into a radio as a group of seven similarly garbed people entered the Secret Garden. They moved slowly and with caution. They had no idea if the Guardian was here, or if HY01 was waiting in the shadows.

"Do you think that HY01 made it here by now?" One of the cloaked men asked.

"How about you shut your mouth and listen. HY01 isn't the only one we've got to worry about." The woman said. The man cursed under his breath before listening for anything that could be out of place. Slowly they made it to the pedestal, but when they finally made it to the where the Soul Dew should be they were met with an empty pedestal.

"Shouldn't the Soul Dew be here?" The man from earlier asked aloud.

"Shit, HY01 must have got here before us." The woman said.

"Looking for this?" A voice said from the tree above. Looking up a black Greninja stood in a tree holding a glowing rock in his hand.

"It's HY01!" One of the cloaked figures shouted. Just as he said this seven pokemon were released in front of their respective trainers.

"You give us that rock right now." The woman demanded, her Raichu sparking with electricity as she said this.

"Then come take it." Itachi replied. Ten greninjas appeared around him, all holding a separate Soul Dew as well. "That is, if you figure out which one is the real Soul Dew." With that the ten Itachi's dashed towards the exit.

"Use Thunderbolt!" The woman shouted to her Raichu. The pokemon obliged and fired off his attack. It narrowly missed the illusions as they all disappeared through the exit. The woman growled as she turned to her subordinates in anger. "Everyone! Chase after him! Take out each one until you find the real one!" Everyone saluted before running out the door with their respective pokemon. "This is Team Mary, Ghost has obtained the Tear. I repeat Ghost has obtain the Tear. Team Mary is giving chase now. Over."

"Roger that Team Mary. We're sending reinforcements now. Over." A burly voice said over the radio.

"Roger. Tell them that Ghost has made illusions of himself and are scattering across the northern and eastern parts of the city. Over."

"Will do. Corner him and don't let Ghost escape. Remember what the real objective is here. Over."

"We won't let him escape again Leader. Over."


Silently shooting through the darkening evening sky, Otto and Latias made their way towards the northern part of the city where the home of the Soul Dew rested. As they sped through the air something caught Latias's eye. "Wait!" Latias came to an abrupt stop with Otto nearly smacking into her back.

"Why did we stop?" Otto asked.

"Look. Is that?" Latias questioned when they saw a Pidgeot with a man riding on top swiftly chasing a black pokemon across the roof tops. "It's Itachi!"

"But what about the Soul Dew?" Otto questioned. It was clear to them that he was being chased by the pair, but why? And for what purpose?

Latias thought about it for a moment, but nodded her head in conclusion. "You go to the garden. I'll go after Itachi. After I'm done I'll meet back up with you." Otto nodded his head as well and disappeared once again to go to the garden. Turning back towards the chase, Latias shot towards the retreating pair. It amazed her when she saw the moves that Itachi was preforming to dodge and trick the obviously faster bird pokemon, but once she got closer to them, the invisible legendary could hear what the human was shouting.

"Give us that stupid rock! You can't run forever!" The man shouted as the two pursuers shot down towards Itachi, only for him to narrowly dodge once again by using a row of white sheets to disorient the larger bird. "Stop moving you little-!" He was never able to finish his statement as a purple fire smashed into the side of his massive bird. The man fell from his companion and tumbled across the roof of the building. "Pidgeot! Are you okay?!" The bird pokemon was busy nursing his wing before it could answer with a loud caw. "Good. Now who in the-." His eyes finally landed what was had attacked them. He remained perfectly still as he looked at the floating red and white eon dragon. "A-A Latias…" He remained awestruck before finally growling and running towards his Pidgeot, who had just finished nursing his wing. "Lets move Pidgeot! This one is probably a fake anyway!" With that he hoped onto his bird and flew away.

Latias watched as they retreated from the roof before turning to Itachi who watched on in silence. "What is going on here Itachi? Why were they chasing you and what did he mean that you could be fake?" The Greninja remained quiet as he simply stared back at the legendary. Something was obviously wrong with him, but what? "Itachi?" The Greninja then revealed what was he was clutching within his grasp. "The Soul Dew?! What are you doing with it?! Do you have any idea what you've done?!" Latias quickly went to grab the rock, but when her claw touched the Soul Dew it passed right through. "Wait. An illusion?" Itachi nodded his head as the Soul Dew disappeared from his hand.

Latias couldn't even fathom what was going on. He was fake, that much she could figure out, but why was he holding the Soul Dew? Did that mean that the actual Soul Dew was with the real Itachi? If so then why did he take it in the first place, and why were these people chasing him? Did he take it because he was trying to keep it away from them? Or was there something else going on behind the scenes?

"Itachi, what is going on?" The black greninja never responded before he dissipated into a mist of black. Clenching her claws in a mixture of confusion and frustration, Latias took to the skies once again. She needed to find the real Itachi because if he did indeed have the Soul Dew then it needed to be returned before it was too late.


Itachi moved through the streets of Altomare as stealthily as possible, the last remaining light aiding him in his attempts to stay hidden from his pursuers. The lights that came from the various windows along the street felt like spotlights on the roads as Itachi weaved around them like they would burn him if he was touched by their light. Looking down at the glowing rock in his hand, the pokemon did his best to cover up its glowing aura so nobody could see. Sliding into a rather dark alleyway, Itachi saw a Fearow fly overhead, scanning the street he was once on for any form of movement. Once in the clear, Itachi resumed his stealthy march towards the northern part of the city. There wasn't a single soul in this part of the town as the fireworks, and most of the festival for that matter, was based in the southern end.

Finally reaching his destination, Itachi looked over the large pokemon arena in satisfaction. On three ends were two to three story buildings while on the final side was the open ocean. The Uchiha could hear the waves softly pressing against the stone that made up the edge of the city. This was one of his favorite arenas in the city because it had such a beautiful view of the ocean.

"Looks like you don't feel like hiding then, HY01." A voice behind him said. A Fearow sat perched on the edge of one of the roofs of the buildings with its trainer standing to it. Jay walked out of the shadows of the street and into the light. The sun had already set behind the horizon and the only light came from the full moon that sent its rays down onto the battlefield. "Those illusions of yours are rather powerful, aren't they? You must have spent some time setting it up for them to go so far away from you." The large man chuckled at Itachi's stoic visage. "So you really plan to fight then?"

"I don't think you two will be able to defeat me." Itachi commented as he turned fully towards Jay, who shrugged his shoulders at the comment.

"That's very true. Defeating you by ourselves would be dumb since your power level is on that of a legendary, but that's why there are many of us." Jay said as more people walked out of the shadows of the surrounding streets. Itachi counted twenty four other trainers all wearing the same trench coat and hat as Jay. Various pokemon stood next to their trainers, all ready to attack at a moment's notice. "We've got you surrounded HY01. Now drop the Soul Dew and come with us. There's no escaping this time. No ship to retreat to and nobody to help you. You're alone." Itachi glanced around at all the pokemon before closing his eyes in consecration. Jay growled at how long Itachi was taking before reaching into his coat and releasing his own pokemon, a Blastoise from what Itachi could hear.

"I think I'll have to refuse that offer." Itachi said, making Jay growl even louder.

"Fine, your funeral. Blastoise! Use Hydro Pump!" The turtle pokemon complied and fired two massive blasts of water at the much smaller frog. Itachi, just as the water was about to touch him, slid out of the way of the attack with ease. "How did he dodge without even opening his eyes?"

"If you truly want to take me with you then you'll have to force me." Itachi commented before opening his eyes to reveal two glowing crimson eyes staring back at him. Three black markings were etched around his eyes as he stared back at Jay, who hesitated at the sight.

"W-Whatever! We've still got the numbers advantage! Everyone, attack him!" Jay shouted. The others complied, ordering their pokemon to attack the lone Greninja. Even if they didn't know what was happening with the Uchiha's eyes, they still held power in numbers and many of the pokemon, along with their trainers, here were actually pretty powerful.

Itachi's eyes went into overdrive as he scanned each and every pokemon as their trainers ordered them to use separate moves. A purple ball, along with a torrent of fire, was shot towards him from two different angles. The Sharingan read each attack and told Itachi to move into a position that would send both flying passed him without hurting him at all. After said attacks went flying by three more were then coming towards him from the now crowded pokemon arena. Slipping past these attacks as well, Itachi began to cover himself, along with the area at his feet, in a black mist. This made any more attacks sent towards him harder to land while also allowing Itachi to counterattack.

Once the mist was in place Itachi dropped the Soul Dew to the ground and began firing off water kunai at the nearest pokemon. Prioritizing the pokemon that were closest and ones that were preparing powerful looking attacks, Itachi's Sharingan continued to scan each and every pokemon in the area. From the outside looking in, one could only see a swirling black mist with glowing red piercing eyes spinning around rapidly. Water kunai were being shot out of the mist towards any pokemon that attacked at a very rapid pace, forcing them to either dodge or be hit by the attack. Ranged attacks seemed to work best, but they couldn't tell if their attacks were landing or not. If one could see inside the dark cloud then you would see an elaborate dance as swift and beautiful as the ocean waves. Dodging two or three attacks while shooting two water kunai in opposite directions.

A Pidgeot shot towards the mist in an attempt to land a Wing Attack. Dodging the three water kunai that was sent towards him in response to this attack, the bird swept through the mist, but never hit anything. "Use Ice Beam Mamoswine!" One of the trainers shouted to his large brown pokemon. As the Mamoswine began charging up his attack, five kunai shot out of the mist towards the large burly pokemon, but just as the attack was about to land a Kadabra jumped in front of his comrade.

"Protect!" Another trainer shouted as a shield appeared before the yellow spoon wielding pokemon, deflecting the water weapons away. Once the attack had been defended, the Mamoswine fired its Ice Beam towards the smoke. Just as the attack landed, Itachi could be seen jumping backwards out of the smoke and sliding to a stop several meters away with the Soul Dew in his hand. A wall of ice then split the mist in half, confirming that Itachi could no longer use that illusion any longer. The attacks stopped for a moment, allowing everyone to recollect themselves from the battle that had taken place and prepare their next move. Most were licking their wounds, while the others positioned themselves in defensive positions in order to protect their wounded friends.

"I'm surprised HY01! To be able to move and attack twenty four pokemon all at the same time. The boss was right about you." Jay commended. The greninja never responded as he continued to scan each of the pokemon that now surrounded him. "You truly do have the power of a legendary pokemon. If that's the case then we're going to have to add even more numbers behind us if we're to win. Everyone! Release your final pokemon!" Itachi watched as twenty four more beams of light appeared around him. This just got much more difficult…

"Itachi!" A resounding 'coo' interrupted Jay's next command to attack. Everyone looked up to see a red and white eon dragon hovering above the large arena.

"I-Is that the Guardian of Altomare?" One of the soldiers asked aloud, but nobody answered his open ended question. Was she here because of the battle that was taking place, or because HY01 held the Soul Dew?

"Itachi, what is going on?" Latias asked as she floated towards the surrounded greninja. Itachi stared back at the female dragon with that always emotionless expression adorning his face. In his hand, though, was the very thing that could cause the destruction of her beloved city. "These people… what are they here for?"

"They're here because of me." Itachi said as he looked towards Jay, then the surrounding trainers as well. "Latias I want to tell you something. Something very important about me." Itachi's grip on the Soul Dew tightened as he turned and looked directly into her eyes with the Sharingan blazing. The legendary was shocked by the Uchiha's change in eye color, but pushed it to the side for now. "I was created in a lab. Scientifically made by humans to be their silent killing machine. To assassinate those that would stand against whoever these people are." The Latias's eyes widened when she heard this, but Itachi was sure she suspected something was amiss about him. The way other wild pokemon approached him meant that something was hardwired into their instincts to pick out abnormal pokemon from the rest of their species.

"But… you're not a weapon for these people to control. You're Itachi. Not… HY01." Latias said softly, but nearly jumped back when she felt something was placed into her claws. A glowing blue rock sat inside her claws, forcing the eon dragon to look up at black pokemon. His eyes were back to their normal onyx black color and his face held a softer expression than normal.

"Take that back to the pedestal where it belongs. Make sure this city can still see the morning light." Itachi stated as he backed away from the dragon. Latias went to respond, but stopped herself. This very rock in her claws was her brother. Without being on the pedestal she knew that he was slowly losing the life force needed to sustain this city with calm water. Gripping onto the rock Latias looked to Itachi and hugged the greninja tightly.

"Don't you dare lose until I get back. Hold out until then… please." Latias whispered before shooting up into the air. With one last look back at Itachi, Latias disappeared from view. Said Uchiha softly smiled from underneath the veil of his scarf once the eon dragon disappeared from view. None of the enemy gave chase because their real objective was already surrounded.

"How touching! I had no idea that the Guardian of Altomare cared so much for you. We could have used her if we knew that!" Jay said as the now Charizard and Blastoise stood next to their trainer. Itachi's expression fell back into its emotionless visage as he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He was now against forty eight pokemon. Some of them are wounded from their earlier skirmish, but nonetheless daunting. Exhaling his breath, Itachi opened his eyes once again to reveal the crimson red Sharingan blazing in his eyes. Two water kunai formed in his hands as he stared directly at Jay, who took a step back at those glowing red eyes.

A soft wind passed over the arena, making Itachi's scarf flow in the wind behind him. The tension was thick as the two parties waited for a moment for the other to make a move. Finally the first move was made when Itachi dissolved into mist. "Wha- where is he?!" A trainer shouted, but his answer came when the black greninja appeared above Jay's Charizard, the Sharingan spinning wildly in his eyes.


Latias was desperately making her way towards the Secret Garden. She needed to place the Soul Dew back onto the pedestal before the water completely stopped flowing throughout the city. It has been at least ten minutes since she left Itachi to the horde of pokemon that wished to do him harm. "Latias!" Said Latias stopped and looked around until finally spotting the source of the voice.

"Otto!" Latias replied, but never stopped her brisk movement. The Latios turned and fell into the same speed as his niece. "Was there anyone in the Secret Garden?"

"No, and… is that the Soul Dew?" Otto questioned, making Latias look at him in confusion.

"Of course it is. Itachi just gave it to me."

"Because the Soul Dew was still in the pedestal when I arrived. Nothing looked out of place besides a burn mark near the door." The Latias stopped her flight and looked down at the glowing rock in her claws. It did feel lighter than she would have expected. Lifting the rock up to her face, it was only then that she realized that it had no weight at all. Was this…?

Just this thought passed through her mind the rock burst into smoke. "An illusion? What's going on?"

"Itachi must have tricked the people that made it inside the garden that he took the Soul Dew." Otto thought aloud.

"So he never actually removed the Soul Dew from the pedestal? It's still in the pool?" Latias asked.

"It was when I went there, yes. Everything was as it should be." Otto said. "I knew Itachi had an affinity towards illusions, but to use them so fluently, and as a Greninja no less…"

"That doesn't matter! If everything is fine then I need to get back and help Itachi!" Latias exclaimed before turning towards where she had just came from.

"Wait! What's going on?" Otto asked, stopping the Latias before she could shoot off again.

"Itachi's in trouble. People are here to capture him and use him as a weapon. I don't know, it's kind of hard to explain, but we need to help!" Latias exclaimed.

"But what about the Soul Dew? What if someone tries to go for it again?" Otto asked. "It's our job to protect the city from danger, and as much as I would love to go out and fight for Itachi's safety, protecting the city comes first. Isn't that what you told me?" Latias curled up her claws into fists as she looked out to where the massive battle was taking place. She knew her elder was right, that the Soul Dew for this city was the key to protecting it as a whole, but her friend was in danger. Her first friend in a long time was about to be abducted by dangerous men for purposes that scared her deeply, but her duty as the Guardian of Altomare kept her from doing so. What if more people were sent to take the Soul Dew and force Itachi to bend to their will? While Itachi was stoic, he had a large heart and would probably give himself freely to protect this city.

"I know it's just…" Latias shook her head and looked to Otto in determination. A look he hasn't seen since he last saw his sister-in-law. "I'm going to help my friend. You head back to the garden and make sure the Soul Dew stays protected." With that Latias turned and shot off towards the north side of the city. Otto watched as she left with a small smile creeping up onto his face.

'She's just like your wife, brother. Unrelenting when it comes to things she wants to protect. Good luck Latias. Keep him safe.'


"I can't hit him! He's too fast!" One of the trainers shouted as a black ball smashed into his Steelix, making the massive pokemon fall to the ground. The steel worm was knocked unconscious from the Shadow Ball, making the man rip his pokeball from his belt and return his pokemon.

Itachi jumped backwards as a ball of electricity smashed into the ground where he once was. Swiping the sweat from his brow, the Uchiha looked around him at each of his opponents. 'Twenty three down, twenty five more to go.' Itachi straightened his back as he prepared for another onslaught of attacks. Creating another wall of illusions, the Uchiha dashed towards the nearest pokemon, which happened to be the Mamoswine from earlier. His primary defense has been a mixture of illusions and chaos by surrounding himself in an illusion that looked like he was lagging behind by a second. A simple illusion, but when went unnoticed it can be extremely effective and consume much less energy because it made ranged attacks extremely hard to hit preciously. Itachi would even send out a few illusions of himself attacking different areas of the small army that has gathered to further confuse the enemy. The chaos that came with the number of enemies was becoming a benefit to Itachi's fighting style. Pokemon were too afraid to fire off their extremely powerful attacks because of possible friendly fire while also being unsure of which illusion was the real one.

"Use Ice Beam on that one Mamoswine!" His trainer exclaimed as the large pokemon fired off a quick beam of bright blue light towards the swift Greninja, but Itachi weaved his way around the bright beam of ice with a water kunai in one of his hands. Finally making it to his intended target, Itachi jumped up into the air and brought the water kunai down upon the large pokemon. Not allowing the pokemon time to recover, the Uchiha fired a Shadow Ball directly into the Mamoswine's chest. "Mamoswine!" His trainer exclaimed in worry, but the pokemon was on the ground unconscious from the attack.

Turning as fast as he could, Itachi just managed to deflect a water shuriken sent from amidst the chaos that his illusions were creating. Another Greninja looked back at him in anger as another water shuriken formed in his hand. A silent challenge was sent towards Itachi as said Uchiha formed his own water kunai in his hand. The two dashed towards each other at break neck speeds, both sending out their weapons at one another. The water weapons smashed into one another, the kunai flying up into the air while the shuriken dissolved when it hit the ground. Sending a fist towards the blue Greninja's head, said pokemon ducked under the attack and formed two blades above each of his hands. The opposing Greninja looked up at Itachi with a smirk adoring his face, but he was met by a Hydro Pump coming out of the black Greninja's lips. Not able to dodge the point blank attack, while also not able to attack Itachi in time to stop the oncoming water barrage, the opposing Greninja brought up his arms to soften the blow.

Flying backwards from the attack, Itachi chased after the enemy greninja, but was forced to stop when a bright white beam smashed into his side. Not prepared for the attack, Itachi slid across the ground until finally coming to a stop near the water's edge. A Raticate looked at Itachi with a smoking mouth from where he used his Hyper Beam. Once the attack landed the illusions around the battlefield began to disappear as well, meaning he was the sole attention of the remaining twenty four pokemon. Jay walked out from the group of pokemon and people heavily sweating. "Finally managed to land an attack on you. See everyone! He's not invincible!" The others, however, all looked extremely tired. Both pokemon and human alike looked like they were about to drop to the ground. Only the strongest of the pokemon looked able to continue on, but the rest would if their trainer willed it. Even the Raticate, who landed the blow looked tired.

Itachi was no exception as well. This battle was becoming harder and harder with each passing moment. If the second volley of pokemon hadn't been made then he would have won by now, but forty eight on one? Breathing in heavily, Itachi thought over the options at hand. The longer this fight continued the more dangerous it became. Only half of the original remained, but there was no guarantee that more people would arrive with fresh pokemon. His left arm had been injured from that last Hyper Beam as well. Balling up his hands into fists as Itachi closed his eyes. 'Looks like there's no other option.'

"Lets finish this! Atta-!" Jay began to say, but stopped then the air around the arena became heavy. "What's… going on…?" Itachi slowly stood up from his kneeling position with his eyes still closed, his right arm hanging onto the injured left arm.

Once Itachi was completely ready, he opened his right eye to reveal a glowing red pinwheel. Blood flowed from his eye and stress could clearly be seen around the Uchiha's only open eye. It started at the far right side, where the first pokemon burst into black flames. Before anyone could react to the sudden outburst of black flames, both pokemon and human alike were covered in the black flames. They screamed and rolled over in an attempt to put out the fire. Some of them even jumped into the water, but this did not work as well. "Make it stop!" A woman shouted in the water. How could water not put out fire?

Nevertheless Itachi waited until his enemy was nearly done in before extinguishing the flames that covered his enemies. The arena was silent, smoke rose from those that were caught up in his Amaterasu. People and pokemon alike barely slid themselves up onto the shore of the city before falling unconscious like the rest. The drawback, however, came quickly as what felt like a hot metal pole was slid into his right eye. Closing said eye, Itachi opened his left to reveal a similar pinwheel design only not stressed and bleeding like his other. Although it didn't last long. His glowing crimson eyes disappeared and what replaced them was his normal onyx black eyes. His body felt drained, and his muscles sore. Even with all the training he underwent during his time here, Itachi could tell that this body was not created with the Mangekyou Sharingan in mind. He would need more training if he wanted to reduce the drawback that came along with these eyes.

"What do we have here?" A voice said, making the water pokemon look around in confusion. "Are you the one that has been tugging at the corner of my mind for the last month?" Itachi remained quiet as time seemed to freeze around him and the world became dim. A pair of bright red eyes appeared in front of him, staring the water pokemon down from the edge of the darkness. It looked to be a floating pair of red eyes that had a body of black smoke. "Yes… you're perfect… your body, your personality, everything…" The eyes danced around him, looking at everything it could feast its eyes on. "You will be my harbinger."

"Who are you?" Itachi asked.

"In due time my friend. Until we will meet again." The pair of eyes responded after finally stopping in front of him and disappearing. The dim scene around him disappeared with the red eyes, and time seemed to return to normal. Whoever that was seemed extremely interested in him…

But it would appear that Itachi didn't have time to contemplate his momentary victory. The water behind the black Greninja began to bow upwards until finally water exploded outwards, raining the liquid onto everyone that was in the arena. Was that a submarine? The metal object was nearly touching the edge of the city. A noise came from the top of the tall metal object that jutted out of the water that sounded like an elevator. After a few moments of waiting, a short burly man stood atop the tall metal spire with a massive grin on his face.

"So we finally meet HY01! It took us a while to get into position, but I've finally arrived." The man said. He had a massive blue beard and red ship captain garments. He held a wooden stick in his left hand, but it looked like he didn't really need it.

"And you are?" Itachi asked.

"Phantom, and I'm your owner. The one who poured the money and time into your creation. Grant it I thought you were killed off when those Rockets attacked the base." Phantom said. "So I reconsolidated my efforts… again, elsewhere. But what do you know! The thing that I created actually lived!"

"You're the one that tried to have me killed." Itachi said. Phantom crossed his arms and sighed.

"Unfortunately, yes. I ordered two of my best agents to finish scuttling the project on the bases that I thought you were a failure, but look at you! You're anything but a failure! Now I'm happy that my two agents failed in killing you!" Phantom exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face. "With you I can finally realize my dreams!"

"And that would be?" Itachi asked, but Phantom only laughed before jumping down to the cobbled stone arena. His impact cracked the stone beneath him as he straightened himself out.

"Now I can't go and reveal that now can I? Maybe when you submit to me then I'll tell you of my plans, but for now…" Phantom released three pokemon from their pokeballs, revealing an Alakazam, a Parasect, and a Claydol. These pokemon looked powerful, at least more powerful than the others. Phantom looked around at the arena and whistled at what he saw. "You really did a number on these poor folks. I'm surprised you beat them all!" Of course he was curious about how there was smoke coming off of them, but Itachi had enhanced illusions so anything was possible… "Lets begin, shall we? Alakazam, use Telekinesis on HY01! Parasect, Poison Powder! Claydol use Psybeam!"

Itachi suddenly felt his body stiffen and rise from the ground. Before Itachi could create an illusion a purple powder washed over him. The Uchiha squinted his eyes as said powder flowed over him, making his lungs and body burn from the inside. A multicolor beam smashed into his stomach, sending the black Greninja flying backwards until he came to a sliding halt.

"Perfect! Follow it up with Giga Drain!" The bug began charging up its attack, but was interrupted when a purple ball smashed into his side. Parasect slid backwards before looking at the offender. "Well, well, well! I was wondering when you'd show up!"

"So you're the one that's after Itachi." Latias said as she lowered herself down next to Itachi.

"The Guardian of Altomare. Now why would you come to the aid of a test tube pokemon such as this? Shouldn't you be protecting that dumb rock or whatever?" Phantom questioned.

"Are you okay?" Latias asked, but then she saw the dried blood that came from his left eye. "Your eye!"

"I'll be fine. You should be protecting the Soul Dew." Itachi responded.

"Otto is watching over the Soul Dew."

"And the others?"

"Hannah and Emilia are protecting Bianca and Lorenzo. Everyone is safe… except for you." Latias watched as Itachi was having trouble breathing, but knew it was more than just the poison powder that was affecting him. The battle against the horde of enemies took a great toll on the black greninja, but even now he was still fighting.

"I can't ask you to help me. This is my burden."

"Then let me share some of it." Latias said as a pulse of green and pink washed over the Greninja. While the poisons effect still lingered inside his body, it felt like at least some of his energy returned. "Isn't that what friends are for?"

Itachi chuckled as he was briefly reminded of Naruto in his past life. "I suppose you're right." Itachi said as he straightened his back and activated his Sharingan.

"Finally done talking? Good, because you're coming with me HY01!" Phantom exclaimed, not even phased by the arrival of the new legendary that entered the battle. Itachi glanced towards Latias and the two nodded simultaneously before rushing towards Phantom. "Psybeam Alakazam and Claydol!" Both pokemon fired off a beam of multicolor light towards the two advancing pokemon. Latias dodged by going up into the air while Itachi disappeared into smoke just as the beam hit him. Phantom growled at the now invisible Greninja. "Parasect use Stun Spore!" The mushroom pokemon followed its orders and shot a yellow powder out across battlefield. When nothing turned up, the Phantom looked confused. "What in the-?" His answer came when the black Greninja appeared jumping off the back of the flying Latias. A water kunai formed in his hand, but a black energy was covering the blade. It was an enhanced Night Slash mixture with a Water Kunai.

"Quickly, Reflect!" Phantom ordered to his two pokemon that could. Latias recognized this and fired off a purple wave from her mouth. The Dragon Pulse smashed into the three pokemon, but Alakazam powered through the damage and raised the Reflect just as Itachi was upon them. The Night Slash crashed into the wall of light, and it felt like the wall wasn't giving way any time soon. Claydol was the furthest away from the group, and never one to give up an opportunity, Itachi used the momentum from the attack to push himself over the wall and towards the still dazed Claydol. Said pokemon was beginning to levitate when it felt a piercing pain run through its midsection. Before it even got the chance to recover the Claydol collapsed to the ground.

'That's one down.' Itachi thought as a sudden pain ran though his body, forcing him to fall to one knee. The poison, along with his own fatigue, was catching up to him.

"Use X-Scissor on HY01!" Phantom shouted. "Keep that Latias at bay with Psychic!" The Parasect shot towards Itachi with glowing white claws. Itachi slung his Water Kunai at the bug, but it was easily deflected by the white claws. Not able to dodge the attack, the Uchiha lifted a newly formed kunai in his non-injured hand to block as much as he could, but this did very little as the Parasect plowed straight through the kunai. The attack landed on the Greninja's chest, making the water pokemon stumbled away from the bug. It felt like he had just been cut by two swords across his chest, and that never feels very good. The Parasect looked tired as well. The initial Mist Ball, and subsequent Dragon Pulse, must have done a lot more damage than Itachi originally thought.

Before Phantom could give the bug pokemon another order Itachi released a pitch black shock wave towards the Parasect. Not able to dodge the attack, the Parasect took the Night Daze head on. The damage from the attack was too much to bare, and the mushroom pokemon feinted. Looking over towards the other battle between Latias and Alakazam, it looked like the eon dragon had won, but by barely. Alakazam was on the ground breathing heavily, but not completely unconscious while Latias was breathing heavily. Latias looked to Itachi and smiled, who grinned and nodded back. They had won.

"HY01…" Phantom said in a low voice, making the two pokemon look towards the bearded man. "You're strong… very strong, but because of that strength I'm going to have to use it." Raising the sleeve of his jacket until a bracelet with many buttons was revealed, the burly man pressed the only large red button on the bracelet. "I wanted to beat you to prove to myself that I could take down the very thing that I created, but…" Two metal doors at the center of the metal submarine opened to reveal a massive cannon, which pushed itself out of the hole. "It looks like I'm going to have to rely on technology to save the day! Lets subdue that Latias first!" Phantom pressed a few buttons before the cannon turned towards the legendary at a blazing fast speed. "Fire!" Latias's eyes widened in shock as a red beam smashed into her being.

Itachi's eyes widened in shock as he watched his friend become engulfed in bright red light. Once it was done, however, he could see that Latias was detained to a small clear sphere which was coated in a red aura. She tried to push against the sphere only to be shocked back into place.

"Wow! That was much louder than I originally thought it would be, but at least it works." Phantom pressed a few buttons on his bracelet and the cannon turned towards Itachi, who remained on one knee. The poison was still having a field day on his body, and after fighting so hard earlier… "And now there's you HY01. I hope you've enjoyed your little vacation because there's a lot of work to complete."

"You're so lost… clueless to what you've created."

"What did you say?!" Phantom asked, his fists tightening when he heard Itachi speak.

"When your scientists made me, you tried to play god. To make a pokemon that you felt would best help you in taking down these 'Rockets' you speak of." Itachi spoke as he closed his eyes from his kneeling position. "But making something more powerful then themselves has been the downfall of many… like yourself."

"What are you talking about?! It's you that-!" Phantom shouted.

Itachi opened his eyes to reveal crimson orbs with three pronged pinwheels in each. An orange aura began to surround the water pokemon until a skeleton took shape within said aura.

"W-What i-is t-that?" Phantom said as he took a step back. This power… felt so unnatural. Like it didn't belong in this world because it felt so… dark. A mixture of anger, sadness, darkness, and most of all… power. "A-Are you a m-monster?!"

"This is what you created, Phantom. Are you happy?" Itachi asked.

"F-Fire!" Phantom exclaimed. The cannon began to charge, but Itachi simply looked back at the weapon with vague interest. The red beam shot towards him and connected with the chest of the Susanoo, but there was no damage done. "W-Why isn't it working?!" The Greninja began slowly walking towards Phantom with those piercing red eyes. Lifting one of his arms, Itachi punched the cannon making it explode in a fiery display. Latias's confines began to very slowly fall away after it was destroyed.

"You tried to have me killed… even after creating me…" Itachi said as Phantom took another step backwards, but tripped onto his backside.

"But I don't now! I only want to work with you!" Phantom shouted in desperation.

"Work with me? You wish to control me. Use me to your own ends until throwing me away once I'm of no more use to you. No… I know your kind, and what you'll do." Itachi responded.

"Please! Forgive me! I didn't know what I was getting myself into! I promise I'll repent for my ways!" Phantom shouted as he scrambled backwards, but he was running out of ground until he reached the edge of the water.

"And what will repenting do for me? You brought me into this world as a monster, and for that you'll have to pay." Itachi said before stopping in front of him after stepping over the unconscious Claydol.

"I-Itachi…?" Latias stuttered out on the other side of the arena. In truth, the Uchiha nearly forgot that she was there at all, but Itachi simply stared back at her, time seemingly standing still between the two. "What is that?" She must be shocked to see something so evil in this world, and that it was attached to him in some way.

Itachi looked over at Phantom, who was trembling beneath his gaze. "An unnatural creation that doesn't belong in this world."

"When you killed my agent… you meant to do it, didn't you?" Phantom asked, but Itachi didn't move. "If I would have known that I would have created something so evil then I never would have-."

"It's far too late for regrets, Phantom. Your lust for power has been your undoing." Itachi said, his skeletal arm raising up into the air as he spoke.

"Itachi wait!" Latias shouted from within the confines of her dimming sphere. Itachi glanced over at her from the corner of his crimson eyes. Eyes that unnerved the legendary pokemon greatly. "If you kill him then you'll be everything he says you are!"

The Greninja stared at Latias for a good thirty seconds, as if thinking over her words, but then his gaze returned to Phantom who shrunk even more. "Then so be it." Itachi said softly as he raised his arm further up into the air.

"Itachi! No!" Latias exclaimed, but just as he was beginning to bring down his fist upon his 'creator' the unconscious Claydol disappeared and was replaced by the Alakazam that was originally by Latias. The yellow pokemon wrapped his arms around Itachi and held on as tight as he could. Looking down, the Greninja saw the Alakazam pooling as much psychic power as he could muster into his next move.

"I won't let you hurt my trainer you filth!" Alakazam shouted before the two began to glow a similar bright pink color. Itachi's eyes remained widened as the two simply vanished from the arena along with the orange skeleton.


AN: So here it is. The next chapter! What do you all think of the battle? I tried to make Itachi powerful, but not in a way that screamed raw power. Like in the show he uses his wits and tactical prowess to overpower his enemies, but even still he has an immense amount of power.

Also, an update on what's been going on in my life. I finally went back to school to obtain my Master's Degree! So, if there's a lag between chapters it's because I'm juggling school and work.

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed it!