"Do you remember who you are?" A voice echoed though my head as I floated in an endless sea of darkness. Where was I? How did I get here?
"Yes… I do…" I was an Uchiha, a Leaf ninja. A traitor to my home, and a spy for their enemies. I died in hopes of giving my brother what he wanted. Believing that it would solve all of his problems if he had killed me.
Apparently I was wrong.
"Hmm… Can you tell me your name?" The deep voice asked.
"I-Itachi Uchiha." That was my name. The one that my mother and father gave me at birth, and the one that everyone hated at my death. I died believing that I could stop the progress of darkness alone, but I was completely wrong in my belief.
I left everything to the very thing that I was ordered to capture. 'I can only hope that he can succeed where I've failed…'
"Good…" The voice said in a satisfied tone. "You've done well in your previous life, but your work is not yet complete."
"Did something happen to Naruto or Sasuke?"
"Not exactly. Your presence is needed elsewhere."
Elsewhere? What was this voice talking about? "Who are you?"
"I suppose you could call me a Shinigami if you wish, but my name is unimportant. If you choose to accept this duty then I may alleviate some of your brother's sins…" The voice said replied.
"…" How could I refuse? I had failed my brother in my previous life, the least I can do is alleviate some of his pain in the next. "Fine, I'll do it if you promise to help my brother."
"Exactly what I wished to hear." The voice replied in what seemed like delight. My chest began to tighten as if a strong hand had grappled itself around my heart. "Your purpose will become clear when the time arises. Until then explore and learn about the new world. Gain as much information as you can and become stronger. I'll let you keep something that may prove useful and place you in the best host I can find. You're going to need it."
The tightness around my chest was slowly increasing until it felt like my entire body was being sucked through a straw. And then the world of darkness disappeared from around me.
Pain. That was all Itachi could feel as he began regaining his consciousness after his little incursion with the Shinigami. His body was laying on what felt like wet metal grating and broken glass as he took his first breath in this new world, but this was immediately hampered. Trying to move, the Uchiha felt every muscle in his body fight back at even the slightest notion of moving his body, but he pushed past it as he's done so many times before. Blindly grabbing at what was making it impossible to breath, Itachi pulled at the tube that was shoved down the length of his throat and threw it to the ground.
Opening his eyes once he was fully standing, Itachi caught a glimpse of his arms. Outstretching said arms in front of him, he took note that they were long, black, and the hands looked like something a frog would have except larger. 'What in the world…?' The sound of a loud pop of electricity made the confused Uchiha turn his attention from the strange changes of his own body and towards his current surroundings. Dimly lit by the few lights that remained and extremely damp, the room looked like it had been struck by a hurricane. Pools of liquid sat scattered across the ground and dangling wires hung from the ceiling of the room. The walls where made of a thick metal with a massive metal door at the opposite end of the room from Itachi. Two massive test tubes, large enough to hold a human or animal, lined the walls to his left and right, but something then caught his eye. A creature, large with black and red fur, lay hanging out of the test tube to his right. Broken glass lay scattered across the ground where it had attempted to break out of the test tube, but the glass beneath it was stained red.
Another pop, and a subsequent drop of liquid landing onto his head, made Itachi take a step towards the creature, but as he limped to the edge of his own test tube, his body began vigorously protesting. Stamping out the pain that radiated up and down his body, the Uchiha jumped down onto the cold cement that was void of any broken glass. He was slowly making progress, but Itachi stopped in front of the test tube and looked at the lifeless creature before him. What was it? How did they get here? And what exactly happened to this place? To them? All of these thoughts ran through Itachi's mind as he moved to get a better angle of what had happened to the creature. Spotting what he was looking for, three massive pieces of glass was imbedded into the creature's stomach and chest. 'Poor thing…'
Backing away from the test tube, the Uchiha looked to the other side of his own test tube, only to find the third test tube void of any life, dead or alive. The glass was broken just like the other two, but nothing remained inside. Meaning if there was once something in there then it had already woken up and left.
A third pop of electricity suddenly made a computer screen come to life. Looking over at the screen, Itachi dragged his body through the cold pools of water and debris before finally stopping in front of the computer that was completely caked in dust. The screen remained full of static at first, but slowly the picture of an old man appeared on screen.
"This is our final test… the others did not ma… high hopes that this will… test subjects not enduring as much as we… edge of a pokemon revolution! This can very well change the course of history!" The screen then faded into static once more before cutting out altogether.
'Is that what these creatures are? Pokemon?' Itachi looked down at his hand and sighed. 'What we are?' A low grumble suddenly smashed Itachi in the stomach, making him fall to his knees. Hunger and lack of clean water was becoming an issue and if he doesn't find any soon then he'll likely return to the place from which he came. Standing back up, Itachi began limping towards the door. Getting out of this place was his first priority.
Using as much energy as he could spare, Itachi pushed against the door that was nearly two times his height. The thick metal door slowly gave way until Itachi stumbled out of the room and into a dark hallway. Not knowing which direction was the correct choice, Itachi chose a random direction and began walking. Dimly lit like the room he was just in, seeing was proving difficult, but he was easily able to because of the time he had spent in the various Akatsuki bases. 'This place kind of reminds me of one of the Akatsuki hideouts. I wonder how Kisame is doing…' Shrugging off these thoughts, Itachi ducked under a loose cord that hung from the ceiling. Passing various doors, they all looked to hold something different than the rest. One looked to be a high-tech training room that had fallen into disarray due to lack of care, while another had massive data towers lining the walls of the room. Of course these data towers where turned off, and the broken pipes that leaked water onto them from above only added assurance that they would never turn on again.
Continuing his seemingly endless march down the dark corridor, a massive hole in the ground appeared before him. Peering over the edge, the endless darkness only pushed him further into avoiding the depths of the hole. What could have made this? Itachi wasn't sure, but this world was new to him so anything was possible…
Another pang of hunger struck Itachi, making him wobble and lean against the wall. Looking around, another broken pipe hung nearby, dripping a liquid that Itachi could only hope was water. He was quick to limp over to the pipe and open his mouth to allow the water to drop into his mouth. It wasn't much, but at least he could ward off dehydration for a while longer.
'That should be enough. Now this hole.' Itachi limped over to the edge of the crater that obstructed his path. The jump wasn't that far, and if he was in a healthier condition then Itachi was sure he could make the jump, but now? The water helped a bit in adding a bit of much needed adrenalin to his system, and with a few test hops, he found that his body was extremely agile. Not having access to chakra was annoying, but the lightness of his body, coupled with how his legs resembled that of a frog, pushed Itachi's confidence even further.
'Better now than never. Turning around would take too long, and in my condition I may pass out from hunger. I need to take my chances.' Taking a couple steps back, Itachi quickly dashed towards the ledge, but his body was screaming at him to lay down and fall asleep. The exhaustion was enthralling, but the Uchiha knew that if he were to sleep now then it was very likely that he wasn't waking back up.
Itachi kicked off the edge of the hole, and was surprised when he went much further than expected. Easily clearing the hole in the ground, Itachi rolled and slid to a stop on the other side of the crater. 'What was that? From my calculations I was only just going to make it?' It didn't matter. More crucial and base needs needed to be fulfilled before he could contemplate the extent of this body.
The long hallway continued on, but a massive metal door, much like the one that sealed Itachi inside the lab, sat at the top of a long set of stairs. Hope began to build in his chest at the prospect of finally leaving the darkness of this place. It took the limping Uchiha a while to make it to the top of the stairs, but once he did Itachi found the door cracked open. Placing both hands onto the door he pulled with all his might. Stubbornly complying, the door creaked open, and light poured in to replace the darkness of the cavern.
Blinding the Uchiha, he raised an arm to cover his eyes from the intense light. Itachi's eyes slowly adjusted to the light and as they did the sound of nature met his ears. The chirping of birds, the soft summer breeze, and the rustling of trees brought the Uchiha back to a simpler time. Lowering his arm, Itachi saw the vastness of the forest before him. 'Reminds me of home…' Another pain rippled through the core of his body, forcing him to abandon any thoughts of the last world. Itachi had more pressing issues that needed to be taken care of.
So, he began limping through the forest, looking for any source of food that may present itself. Itachi was doubtful of this, but maybe if he was lucky… "Hey! Are you okay mister?"
The limping Uchiha stopped and looked over his shoulder towards the source of the voice. It was strange, the words came to his ears in a flurry of 'pidgey's' and various abbreviations of the word, but he could translate this new form of speech perfectly.
A bird, obviously young from the way he talked, hopped out of a bush. How could he understand a bird like this? Pushing these questions to the back of his mind, Itachi began to think of a good answer in which to give the tiny bird when a larger bird, vaguely similar to the smaller one, flew down next to him.
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" The larger bird said in a flurry of 'Pidgeotto's'.
"I'm sorry mom, but this pokemon looked like he's been hurt. I was worried…" The Pidgey said.
'This pokemon…?' Itachi thought as he continued to listen. Was he a pokemon now? It would confirm his earlier thoughts after listening to the computer and looking over his body, but it was still are hard for the Uchiha to believe. The larger bird looked over at Itachi and her eyes narrowed.
"Don't ever associate with pokemon like this one, son. He looks dangerous and could attack at any time." The Pidgetto said with a sneer, clearly not saying everything that was on her mind.
"But-!" The Pidgey began to say, but was cut off by his mother.
"Leave him be. I'm sure you were just annoying him anyways. Lets go home." The Pidgetto stated sternly before turning and taking off into the skies. The Pidgey stared at the wounded pokemon before sighing and looking up into the air.
"Sorry about my mother. She's just protective is all." The Pidgey said. "You look like you're in pain, even though you're doing a great job of masking it. Head west, there will be a professor that may be able to help you. I don't know what's wrong with you, but that's the closest place you can go. Good luck mister." With that the tiny bird took off into the skies after his mother. Itachi watched as the Pidgey disappeared past the tree line with a tiny smile on his face.
'The innocence of a child has helped me once again. Thank you.'
"Okay Professor Oak, your monthly check up is all done!" Nurse Joy said as she walked into the lab, wiping the sweat from her brow that she had accumulated from working outside in the blazing hot sun.
"Thank you Nurse Joy. It's astounding how you can complete this is just a few hours!" Oak replied as he turned to the pink haired nurse.
"You can thank Delia and Tracey for that. They help me every time I come down here, and it's always a big help." Nurse Joy commented as she took a bottle of water, which was handed to her by Professor Oak. Every month the Pokemon League requires a medical professional, in this case Nurse Joy, to come by a Professors lab in order to check up on the condition of the pokemon residing there.
"So, how are the pokemon doing?"
"They are doing fine. Every single one of them are in tip top shape, as always."
"I take it Tracey and Delia are still outside?"
"Yeah, Tracey is drawing Delia as she plays with Bayleaf." Nurse Joy said as she chuckled. Oak mirrored her laugh as he walked over to his desk.
"Always the bright one." Oak sat down at his desk and clicked on his computer. "Thanks for coming down here from Viridian City. I know it's never easy to drag all this medical equipment down here."
"Oh, it's nothing, really! You make it sound much worse than it is." Nurse Joy replied with a sheepish smile. Just as Oak was about to respond Tracey burst through the door of the lab. "Tracey? What's wrong?"
"We've got a problem."
Delia had seen many pokemon before. It comes hand in hand with having a pokemon trainer as a son, but when a pokemon she has never seen before limps out of the woods and collapses before her, she tends to panic. She was immediately by its side, looking over its body for any signs of injuries or illness. When she couldn't find any, this was when she truly began to panic. Several of her son's pokemon, this being Bayleaf, Blazeiken, and Bulbasaur, where by her side as well, trying to help in any way that they could. Bayleaf was even using the leaf atop her head as a fan to hopefully cool off the unknown wild pokemon.
"You're going to be okay, just hang on." Delia said softly, but if one listened closely they could hear the panic hidden underneath. 'Where is Nurse-?!'
"I'm here! What's the problem?" Nurse Joy asked when she, Tracey, and Professor Oak came running to the scene.
"This pokemon limped out of the forest and collapsed! I checked for injuries, but couldn't find any!"
"Let me take a look." Nurse Joy said as she kneeled down and looked over the pokemon. Said black pokemon suddenly twitched in pain, grabbing at his stomach in obvious discomfort. Nurse Joy placed her ear against his stomach, and heard a quiet grumble emitting from his abdomen. "Tracey, get me some food and water! Delia, grab me a hyper potion! Now!"
Without another word Tracey and Delia dashed into the lab to grab the things asked of them. "What are you doing here?" Oak commented.
"Huh?" Nurse Joy asked in question.
"What's a Greninja doing this far away from Kalos?" Oak questioned as he looked over the pokemon. "And why is it that strange color? Greninja are supposed to be blue and white, not black and red." Just as Oak said this Tracey and Delia returned with the items requested. The Greninja was indeed strange, black replaced the blue while crimson red replaced all the areas that were once white or cream. Another thing that confused him further was the absence of a scarf like tongue. Instead there was only a flowing dark gray scarf made out of material that went unknown to Oak in its stead. Its height was that of a fourteen year old human, but its muscles were slightly more defined than that of a normal Greninja. While Oak has seen a 'shiny', as they are often coined, Greninja once before the older professor has never seen a Greninja that looked this unique.
"Your questions can be answered later. First he needs to be treated." Nurse Joy said as she took some of the pokemon food, and began feeding it to the starving pokemon. She slowly fed the pokemon and poured water down his throat every now and again. The black Greninja ate and drank everything that came near his lips, eager to fight off the hunger that had nearly done him in. "Delia, can you spray the potion on his left rib cage? That should heal the bruises around that area."
The brown haired women did as she was told and sprayed the healing potion onto the pokemon as was specified. Sighing, the Greninja became less tense and continued eating at a leisurely pace with its eyes closed. The pokemon that surrounded them also seemed to become more relaxed as his condition began to improve. This continued on for the next few minutes until his eyes slowly opened.
"So you're awake. That's good to see." Nurse Joy said with a smile as the black pokemon's onyx eyes settled onto the pink haired nurse. A few seconds passed as he simply stared at her, but then his eyes widened and jumped to his feet. The Greninja seemed to be very athletic as he did a back flip and landed himself in a defensive posture opposite of the group of pokemon and humans alike, a water kunai forming in his hands. The three pokemon that had once gathered around him now stood in a defensive posture as well.
"Woah there Greninja, we don't want to fight." Oak said as he looked at the water blade in the pokemon's hand in curiosity.
"It's true! They helped you when you collapsed!" Bayleaf said, trying to calm down the black pokemon, but during all this he never looked angry, or shocked, just stoic. Like he was analyzing the situation and trying his best to come to a valid conclusion. His eyes glanced from person to pokemon, trying to decipher what was going on.
"Why?" The Greninja asked, his question pointed at the leaf pokemon that had talked.
"Why…? Because it's the right thing to do!" The other pokemon seemed to agree with what the Bayleaf had said, but to Itachi there's always a price.
"…" It was clear to everyone that was gathered that Itachi wasn't believing what Bayleaf said. Even the humans were beginning to understand the situation. That this strange looking Greninja before them was skeptic about everything that was going on.
"You're still not fully healed. Please, let me help." Nurse Joy said, taking a step forward, but the pokemon took a step back in hesitation. How could Itachi trust these people? He's only just met them, but the other pokemon seemed to trust them. The Uchiha knew that these people, and pokemon alike, don't know that he's not from this world. Or, at least his mind…
"Let's ease the tension then. My name is Dalia Ketchum and this is Professor Oak, Nurse Joy, and Tracey." Dalia said as she pointed to each of the people before him. Itachi's eyes settled onto the man that was called 'Professor Oak'.
Head west, there will be a professor that may be able to help you. I don't know what's wrong with you, but that's the closest place you can go. Good luck mister.
"You're Professor Oak?" Itachi asked as he looked to the aging man, but it was Bayleaf that responded.
"He is! Have you heard of him?" Bayleaf asked, trying to win the wild pokemon over.
"Bayleaf! He's a wild pokemon. How could he have heard of Professor Oak?" Blazeiken asked.
"Because Professor Oak is known around here by the local pokemon as being one of the kindest people ever!"
"But he's not 'local'."
"That doesn't mean he cannot have heard of him!" Bayleaf argued, trying her best to give Itachi the benefit of the doubt.
"I have heard of him." Itachi interrupted, making the two arguing pokemon turn to him. "From a Pidgey… I think that's what he was called." The Uchiha very quickly learned that the names of pokemon derive from how they talk. It was weird, how did he know the names of these pokemon? Was it his new pokemon instincts? Or was it hardwired into his brain by the ones that made him?
"You think?" Bulbasaur asked. Who doesn't know what a Pidgey is?
"I can't remember anything before today. Everything is a blur to me." Itachi lied.
"You have memory loss?" Blazeiken asked. After Itachi nodded his head, confirming his words, the fire pokemon nodded and lowed his defensive posture. Something that Bayleaf had forgone long before. 'So he's just afraid is all. I certainly can't blame him because I would have done the same thing as he did.'
"Blazeiken!" Bulbasaur exclaimed.
"Give the Greninja a chance Bulbasaur! He's obviously just confused and scared!" Bayleaf responded.
"But he's wild! How do we know if he's not trying to trick us?" Bulbasaur questioned. There was definitely something wrong about the pokemon in front of them, but Bulbasaur couldn't figure it out. Every instinct in his body told him that he wasn't natural, and Bulbasaur was sure the others felt it as well. Bayleaf growled at how defiant Bulbasaur was being and paced over to Itachi. "Bayleaf! What are you doing?!" The female grass pokemon ignored her friend and stopped directly in front of the stoic Uchiha.
"You wouldn't hurt me, would you?" Bayleaf whispered, earning a raised eyebrow from the black Greninja. She was certainly quick to trust… but he didn't come here to make enemies. Itachi would accept their hospitality… for now.
"No. I have no reason to." Itachi responded in an equally hushed tone. Nodding her head, she then lowered her neck so that it was completely exposed to the Greninja before her.
"Bayleaf, what are you doing?!" Bulbasaur exclaimed. Ready to dash to her defense if given a reason to.
"I'm placing my trust in him. He won't hurt me and this just proves it." Bayleaf responded with a smile. Itachi lowered his own defensive posture and looked down at the exposed neck extended before him, then back up at the group to see them all on edge. Sighing, the Uchiha placed one of his hands onto her long neck and lifted it up. The water kunai dissipating from his hand in a splash of water.
"I think that's enough. I'll go with the nurse." Itachi said. Bayleaf squealed with glee as she danced around the black pokemon, making Professor Oak, Nurse Joy, Dalia, and Tracey laugh at the gesture.
"Looks like she managed to convince him." Oak said. Bulbasaur grumbled lowly, while Blazeiken patted him on the back.
"Relax. He's only getting checked out by Nurse Joy." Blazeiken said.
"I still don't trust him." Blubasaur remarked as he watched the black Greninja walk into the lab with Nurse Joy. Bayleaf walked over to the group with a bright smile on her face. "Do you really trust him that much? We've only just met him."
"I know!" Bayleaf replied cheerfully, gaining sweat drops from Bulbasaur and Blazeiken. "But there's something about him that seems… off." Bayleaf looked towards the lab where the Greninja had just disappeared into.
"So you trust him because he seems 'off'?" Bulbasaur pushed.
"Stop bothering her Bulbasaur. I'm sure Bayleaf has her reasons for trusting him. Lets just leave things be and see how they pan out." Blazeiken said before walking away.
"If you say so." Bulbasaur said, following after the fire bird. "Coming?"
Snapping from her daze, Bayleaf nodded her head. "Sorry! Wait for me!"
Itachi now sat on the top of a cot that had been cleared of boxes and papers by a rather embarrassed Professor Oak. The pink haired nurse went about setting up a machine about the size of five gallon pail on the table next to the cot as the Uchiha munched on the food given to him. It had a small computer screen and a keyboard to match said screen. For what this thing was used for, Itachi had no idea, but he was sure it would help him so he would accept it.
It was during this time, while Nurse Joy was setting up the machine and the others sat outside the spare room given to them by the professor, that the Greninja found a moment to collect himself and think over everything that has happened. He was placed inside a pokemon's body, that much was certain, but the secrets of this body seemed to elude him. Before sitting down onto the cot, Itachi had found a mirror in which he could properly examine his body, and the sight shocked him.
Folding his legs, Itachi began to meditate. Seeing this, Nurse Joy blinked at the actions of the wild pokemon, but shrugged it off as something Greninja normally do and continued with her work.
'What secrets do you hide from me…?' Itachi thought as he delved into the depths of his mind. Bringing forth all of the memories he had experienced since coming here, but this alone would not suffice in learning what he could now do, and what he could not. Honing his chakra to form jutsu was clearly something he could not do, but the way he manipulated water with ease was something similar to that of manipulating chakra. Itachi cracked open one of his eyes and looked down at his hand. Imagining a shuriken, an exact replica appeared in his hand made out of water. 'So I can form water based weapons based on thought and will alone? I wonder how large the weapon can be?' Letting the shuriken dissolve, Itachi then thought of a sword but nothing came to be. 'Nothing too big it seems.'
"Ready?" Nurse Joy asked. Nodding his head, the pink nurse went to work connecting various wires about his body, explaining what each did as she went along. After the final wire was connected, Nurse Joy flipped a switch on the machine and pumped a fist when it turned on. "Yes! It works!" Itachi grinned beneath the veil of his scarf at the scene.
The machine began to glow and for the next few minutes the pink haired nurse watched the screen vividly until it turned itself off, seemingly completing its task. Her eyes were wide from shock as she stared at the empty screen before her. "W-What…?" Nurse Joy looked over at the confused Uchiha before a few tears escaped her eyes. She stared at the pokemon for a few seconds before wrapping her arms around the still exhausted pokemon. "You poor thing."
A knock at the door broke her from the hug. "Everything okay in there?" Professor Oak asked.
"Professor you may want to come in here." Nurse Joy said as she wiped away the tears from her eyes. After entering the room, Oak quickly realized that Nurse Joy had been crying.
"What's wrong?" Professor Oak asked. "What's going on?"
"This Greninja… I don't know how to explain it, but he has had massive internal organ damage." Nurse Joy said as she looked at Itachi, worry evident in her eyes. "But the scars that were left behind are different from what I would have expected to see from a wild pokemon."
"Different? What do you mean different?"
"His organs were damaged not by taking a severe beating, but by the blade of a… scalpel." Nurse Joy said softly.
"Meaning that…" Oak began to say, but pattered out as the thought came to mind. Nurse Joy remained quiet as she looked down to the floor.
'So I had internal damage due to experimentation. Judging on where, and how, I woke up this was an easy conclusion.' Itachi thought as his stoic visage stared back at the two humans in the room.
"He also seems to have a severe case of memory loss. How much he remembers, and where his memory starts, is unknown to me." Nurse Joy continued to say.
"Greninja, do you know where you are? What region you're in, or how you got here?" Professor Oak asked. Itachi shook his head in the negative. "I thought so…"
"What do we do? We can't just let him leave without him knowing where he's going." Nurse Joy said.
"You wouldn't mind if I ran some of my own tests. Would you?" Oak asked Itachi, who raised an eyebrow at the question. If what Nurse Joy said was true, why would he agree to be tested on again? Sensing his apprehensiveness to the prospect, Oak raised his hands defensively. "Not experiments, just some tests like Nurse Joy did. Nothing invasive, I promise."
"Why?" Itachi asked in pokespeech. While not able to understand him, Oak got the gist of what Itachi asked.
"You've been experimented on, a test subject if you will, and any number of things could have happened to you. Knowing what changes happened to your body are essential moving forward." Oak said as he opened the door to the room. "Also, relearning what you are and what you're capable of may be the difference between victory or defeat if you ever run into trouble."
'I suppose he's right. Learning about this world, and this body of mine, is one of my primary objectives.' Itachi thought as he jumped down from the cot.
"Are you sure you're all right?" Nurse Joy asked. The black Greninja nodded and exited the room after Oak. The other two people that were originally there, Dalia and Tracey if Itachi remembered correctly, had disappeared back out into the field beyond the lab with the other pokemon.
"This way." Professor Oak said as they entered the main portion of the lab. Computer and data towers lined the walls with a giant desk at the center. Papers stacked as high as the professor himself made the desk unusable to anyone who wished to use it for conventional means. The professor picked up a red hand held machine and pointed it towards Itachi. A few seconds later a voice sprang up from the red machine. "Greninja, a water pokemon most commonly found in the Kalos region-." The professor closed the PokeDex and sighed. "I figured as much. The PokeDex won't pick up any anomalies, which means we've got to move to the big guns. Please step in here."
The machine the professor was ushering towards was a massive device with a glass sliding door. The small chamber within had several lights and other things that was unknown to Itachi, but the small computer that sat next to it was vaguely similar to the one he found in the room he had originally woke up in.
"This machine is of my own invention. Its purpose is to intensely scan your body and pick up what your strengths and weaknesses are. While still in its early stages of fine tuning, hopefully this will be able to pick up any abnormalities within your body. If there are any at all. There are sometimes skin color changes that appear in pokemon from time to time, but it's extremely rare and if what Nurse Joy says is true then this didn't happen naturally." Professor Oak said as he walked over to the computer. "Now, if we type in 'Greninja' into the computer." An image of Itachi, only blue and white with a long tongue wrapping around its neck like a scarf, appeared onto the screen. "There we go, would you please enter. This won't hurt a bit, I promise you."
'Best be right. I don't know how much more my body can take now.' Itachi thought as he entered the chamber. The glass door slid closed behind him as he looked around the small tube like room. A soft hum began to emit from the machinery, until there was a flash of light that exploded from the panels that lined the walls. Dazed, the Uchiha heard the glass doors slide open and a hand clasp onto his shoulder.
"Sorry about that. I should have warned you about the light." Oak said as Itachi began to right himself. Once the Greninja had composed himself, Oak walked back over to the computer and, after tapping a few keys, the screen popped up onto a larger television overhead. An image of Itachi appeared onto the screen and the various details of what he was and what he could do appeared onto the screen along with it. What type he was, what he was weak to, and the various little things such as weight and height as well. The two images of himself and the blue Greninja sat alongside each other on the same screen as the data for Itachi began to load. "So I took the liberty of placing both a normal Greninja and yourself next to each other for comparison purposes. While all Greninja are slightly different, any major changes will be easily picked up this way."
"Looks like your height is about average, but you weigh more due to an increase in muscle mass. Not much more, mind you, but it's a noticeable difference because it allows you to use more powerful water based attacks. Your tongue doesn't seem to wrap around your neck like most Greninja, instead you have that dark gray scarf as a suitable replacement. I wonder why your tongue is such a shorter length…?" Professor Oak explained as he went down the list of abnormalities, but he stopped when he reached a darker box. "What's this? It seems your dark type has been amplified… by a lot!" Looking over the data again, Oaks eyes widened in shock. "Is this what they did to you?" Itachi watched the older scientist carefully. Oak had already gone over what a typical Greninja could do, with Itachi memorizing each and every attack he can use, but from the sounds of things he was anything but typical.
Collecting himself, the elder man looked over to Itachi for a moment before sighing and shaking his head. "Tell me, do you know what a Zoroark is?" Shaking his head in the negative, Oak pressed a few keys on the computer and an image of a black and red fox appeared onto the screen. It looks exactly like the creature that was dead in the base he awoken in earlier that day. "A Zoroark is a dark type pokemon that uses illusions and other dark type moves to trick their opponents to victory. They even have the ability to change what they look like by using their advanced illusions." Oak explained as Itachi went over the list of potential moves and picked up some other information as well.
'Telepathy via illusions… could prove useful.' Itachi thought as he read the description on how to use said ability, along with many other dark type moves. 'Seems simple enough. Is this what the Shinigami was talking about when he was searching for a suitable host?'
"The reason why I'm telling you this is because someone has managed to integrate the powers of Zoroark into your body. Giving you all of the abilities listed, but that's not all." Oak said as he scrolled down further, but a list of question marks appeared on screen. "There also seems to be a large amount of another pokemon lingering inside your body. What it is I've got no idea, but it's there and I want you to be aware." Oak turned to the stoic Greninja and looked into his abnormal onyx eyes.
"Why are you helping me?" Itachi asked telepathically. 'That easy, huh?'
"Telepathy? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. As for your question…" Oak said as he leaned against the machine Itachi had been in. "Because it's the right thing to do. Nurse Joy, Tracey, myself, even Dalia think that helping others and protecting those that cannot do so themselves comes first above all else. Even a wild pokemon such as yourself."
'They sound vaguely like Naruto…' Itachi thought as he looked to the window. 'Even here I cannot escape his presence.'
"So what will you do now?" Oak asked, a serious expression that's so unlike the normal persona adorning his features. "You have no idea where you are, or where you came from."
"I'll find my way. Just like any… pokemon."It was strange saying those words, but that's what Itachi was now, a pokemon. At least he had the benefit of telepathy unlike other pokemon.
"I can't really stop you, since you're a wild pokemon and all, but be careful. Trainers will try and capture you because of the differences you exhibit." Oak said.
"I understand, but that won't happen." Itachi replied as he walked towards the door. Just as he reached towards the handle, Nurse Joy walked into the room from another door on the opposite side of the room.
"Leaving so soon?" Nurse Joy asked as she fully entered the lab.
"I am." Itachi responded, making Nurse Joy's eyes widen.
"Telepathy?!" Nurse Joy exclaimed, turning to Oak, who shrugged his shoulders.
"Just go with it." The older professor said as he closed all the information down before the pink haired nurse had the chance to steal a glance.
'Looks like he's going to keep this all a secret… for now.' Itachi thought.
Sighing, Nurse Joy turned to the Uchiha with a motherly look on her face. "Where ever you go, or whatever you do, just know that you can come to the Viridian City Pokemon Center if you're in need of help."
'Pokemon Center? Must be a medical center for pokemon.' Itachi thought.
"I will remember that, and thank you for all of your help. I hope to meet you all again one day." Itachi said as he opened the door, allowing the light to flood into the room. He needed to travel this world and search for his purpose within it, and thanks to these kind hearted people, Itachi was given that chance.
He could only hope that his purpose within this world was a blessing and not a curse…
AN: Well… here I am. It has certainly been a while since I've posted anything, but I'm here. To anyone that was curious this was the story that I've been working on, and the main reason why I haven't posted another chapter of Lost One. It's not completed yet, and I don't plan on posting another chapter until it is (unless I feel the need to update you all on its progress or something big happens in my life).
If anything this is just an update on what I've been working on. I hope you all like it, but if I may be honest with everyone the main reason I'm writing this is because I was asked to. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be writing this if I didn't enjoy it (hence the reason why I'm writing it in the first place), but I hope everyone enjoys the first chapter. It gives a sort of baseline of what the story is going to be about. I know I'm known for writing about Naruto, but I've always loved Itachi.
I love every one of you, and I truly hope you give this story a chance.