This idea just popped up and took on a life of its own through the writing. I have some really interesting ideas for this if you all would like to see it continue. Looking forward to feedback :)

"Ah, crap!" you moaned as you drug yourself into a sitting position leaning against the cold concrete wall. The slow movement caused the long scratches down your side to ooze blood more profusely, soaking the top of you jeans and sticking to your thighs. Stomach rolling and mouth dry, you tried to mentally assess what all was bleeding but your thoughts came fuzzy and the dots on the edge of your vision told you that unconsciousness was coming quick and fast.

Suddenly a bright flash of light sparked far off to the left and muffled footsteps approached. In another time, this would have put you on edge and a blade would be in your palm. However this was not the first time a flash of light had appeared just when you needed back up. Sure enough, moments later, long warm fingers pressed into your forehead and you felt the slits up your side and the rib that was apparently broken mend.

The glitter and shades around your eyes faded and then you could see him standing before you. Short dark hair topping a simple, stern face that was pierced with two crystal-blue eyes. Eyes that were filed with concern as they waited for you to rouse. He was crouching down, his tan trench coat pooling near his sensible shoes. Tie pulled in a loose knot and shirt ridiculously clean, Castiel looked the exact same as the last several times you'd seen him.

Running a dry tongue across parched lips your croaked his name in thanks.

"Sh, sh, sh," he whispered as he swooped under you, lifting you effortlessly like a rag doll. As much as you appreciated him saving your bacon, being treated like a damsel in distress was frustrating. Weakly, you pushed with both hands against his deceptively solid chest. Rolling his eyes, he brought his fingers up to your forehead again and you blacked out.

When you came to, you were laying in the dingy motel bed you had rented four nights ago. Shifting under the blanket tucked around you, you could tell that your bloody clothes had been striped off and replaced with clean cotton shorts and a t-shirt. Curious fingers ran up the side of your stomach and you felt the odd tingle of knowing there should be a scar from the werewolf scratch but there wasn't. Sucking in a deep breath, you could tell your ribs were fine and the weakness was finally gone.

Pushing on the stiff pillow, you sat up and your eyes immediately found the knees and clasped hands sitting in the chair in the far corner of the motel room. Now it was your turn to rolling your eyes.

"Castiel," was all you said and he leaned forward, the moonlight catching the angles of his face. You felt that same bubble appear in your stomach again. Even time he appeared, you felt a little pull. Despite the fact that he was stoic and just a little condescending. "Thanks," you finally added.

"You're welcome," he ground in that familiar, gravelly voice as he made to stand.

And just like that the bubble popped because you knew he was heading for the door.

"Wait," came out before you could stop it and he froze, not looking at you. Shifting awkwardly, you fished in your brain for something else to say. Something you besides the "why" you'd asked a hundred times before. "Can't you stay?" again it was unbidden and you felt your cheeks flush as a result.

"I could but I was under the impression that my presence was irritating," he stated matter-of-factly, turning to look at you innocently.

"No, I… Would like it if you stayed," forcing a smile and keeping eye contact. He returned the smile. Not waiting for something to change, you scurried from the cocoon of blankets. Hurrying about you made coffee with the crappy little percolator in the corner of the room. Setting the foam cups on the fake laminate table, you settled into one of the 70's style orange chairs, pulling your feet up beside you.

A look of confusion waved across his face and you wondered again just what he was. He walked and talked like a man, mostly. But he could appear and disappear far too quickly, he was unaccustomed to most social situations, and then there were the magical healing powers. But you had decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth until it bit you.

"Please," you gestured to the steaming black cup across from you,"sit down and have some coffee. We can talk," you explained trying to be as clear and polite as possible. His face cleared and he shuffled over, settling gracefully into the chair. Slowly, he lifted the cup and sipped the steaming liquid. His face was blank as he set it down and looked up at you. You couldn't help but smile.

"So, right time, right place again huh?"

You woke up, a thread bare motel blanket wrapped around your shoulders, sleeping crunched into that little chair. You remembered drinking coffee and talking with Castiel most of the night. At some point you must have drifted off and he covered you up to keep you warm. Looking around you saw the paper cups in the trash and the motel key in the bowl by the door. But no sign of Castiel.

Rising and stretching, you set about the familiar routine of packing up after a job. Thirty minutes later you threw everything into the trunk of your camaro, slid behind the tan leather wheel and twisted the engine to life. Slowly you pulled onto the empty highway and rolled out of town.

A few hours later, you parked outside a mom-and-pop dinner on the state border. Fishing out a few quarters, you bought a paper and then scooted into an empty booth. An hour later, you were breakfasted and had found some really fishy headlines about disappearing kids two states over. Leaving a few bills on the table, you headed out falling seamlessly back into everyday life.