A girl smiled as she walked down the street. Her golden hair was tied back into two buns on top of her head, and her blue eyes seemed to sparkle with happiness.

"I can't wait to see Mamo-chan today." She smiled as she pressed a crosswalk sign button.

She had just left the library, because she had helped her friend Ami read books to children. A nametag across her chest had the name 'Usagi' emblazoned across it. Usagi was going over to her boyfriend's house to see him. He said that he had a surprise for her today, and Usagi couldn't wait.

"Maybe it's cake!" She thought happily to herself as she walked across the street.

Suddenly she heard a horn of a car, and she turned and looked and saw a car quickly approaching her.

Usagi screamed as the car hit her and then everything went black.

"Oh my god!" The man driving the car quickly jumped out, he couldn't believe he had hit someone!

"Ma'am, are you okay?" He ran over to the blonde girl who was lying on the ground.

"Is she okay?" The passenger of the car jumped out and ran over to help with the girl.

"She's unconscious," The driver picked the blonde girl up in his arms. "We need to get her to the hospital, right away." The driver stood up, holding the girl in his arms as he turned to his passenger, who had long silver hair that was tied back into a ponytail.

"I'll get the door!" The silver haired boy opened the back door of the car and the driver put the girl into the car, still holding her.

"Yaten, can you drive? I'll stay back here with the girl, okay?" The black haired driver of the car called his silver haired companion.

"Sure, Seiya." Yaten shut the passenger door and got into the driver's seat and quickly sped off.

"Please, don't die . . ." Seiya pleaded as he held the golden haired angel on his lap. ***