
Chapter Five


"Mr. Northman," The demon said casually. "I apologize for not being able to meet with the two of you, but I am presently on the run." From the sound of the wind around him I would say he was literally running.

"Is there trouble? Do you need aid?" I thought it was only right to offer. He had saved me and Sookie several times. I might not have always liked his methods, but he always had our best interests in mind.

"It is nothing I can not handle," Cataliades brushed it off, "but I am in a bit of a rush. I mean no offense but was there something you needed? Did the potion not work?"

"We have not yet used it. I have some questions. Claude wasn't clear on how we take it. Nikolai is having problems keeping down anything."

"Then it hasn't happened yet. Something has changed the time line of things," the demon said under his breath, and I was pretty sure he didn't expect me to hear him. "I did not tell Claude what the potion was, it was my fault for letting him assume, but these are things he does not need to know. I have to be careful of how much I mettle. If I mess with fate too much it will bite back." He let out a huff, "I digress, just make sure that Nikolai takes it before the ritual." The demon grumbled, "The potion will stay down. It is magical and it's not like a normal liquid. It turns into a gaseous form once ingested. It will work. Have the King take the entire vial when the time is right." When the demon said "king" he meant Nikolai. Even though I held the title, everyone knew who the true King was. It was a relief to know that even the Demon expected Nikolai to return on the throne.

"Wait what is this?" I was distracted momentarily but I didn't miss it, "Claude said that the potion was used by the Fae for copulation." I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me once again. "What the hell is going on?"

"It is true that the Fae have modified this potion's recipe to use in their forced mating, but what Claude has delivered to you is made from the original version of that potion. The Fae altered the potion to keep their population from extinction. Demons fabricated it to poison the enemy. It was created to turn someone into a mole when we needed to extract information. It removes all magic that they might have had cast on themselves and replaces it with magic that made the enemy feel uninhibited enough to spill everything they knew. It has a useful side effect of short term memory loss, much like when a vampire glamors a human, only there is no memory to replace the one lost."

"How the hell is poisoning Nikolai going to help anyone? You want him to confess and then forget he did? Explain how this helps, Demon. I was under the impression that this was going to help us with the problem of Sookie having to share her light."

"I would not allow that to happen. Sookie will not be copulating with anyone by force if I can help it. I have and will look out for her interests first. Trust me when I tell you that you will not be sharing your wife with the Russian. You have a bigger problem that has yet to reveal itself. The potion will be useful, as I said it was made from the original version, not that it was the original version. I am also pleased you and Sookie have not chosen to use the Cluviel Dor, just know this is how it is meant to happen. I wish you the best and I apologize for being unable to say more as I have said too much already. I will contact you when I am able." The demon hung up.

"Fucker! I wasn't done talking, and how the hell did he know Sookie and I spoke about using the Cluviel Dor? Why didn't he just tell me what the problem was and how this potion is supposed to help?" It reminded me of the bag of dust Cataliades gave us when we fought against my maker. He wouldn't tell us when or where to use it then either. That time he had given us a riddle which we didn't understand until after the fact anyway. It was no help even when he did give us a clue, but I hadn't forgotten that it ended up saving a lot of lives.

I paced back and forth thinking about what the problem could be that had yet to befall us. It could literally be anything but what I knew for sure that if Cataliades thought it was a big enough problem to get involved in meant big trouble. Cataliades said that Sookie would not share her light with Nikolai, but I had no idea what that meant for him. Would he live or die? I needed to warn Nikolai and Sookie.

I flew up the stairs and as I got to the top I knew something was wrong. Ethan and Evan were not at their posts outside the door and there was moaning coming from Nikolai's room. I flung open the doors, not knowing what I would find. Nikolai was laying on the bed and he was writhing in pain. Sookie was standing near the bed but Ethan and Evan would not let her get to close. She was sobbing and begging them to let her go to him.

"When did this start?" I strode into the room and Sookie looked at me like the world was coming to an end.

"Eric." I could hear the relief as well as feel it. Sookie was a mess of emotions, "It just started a few minutes ago. He was fine and we were talking when all of a sudden he jerked and cried out. It seems to be getting worse."

I pulled the vial out of my pocket and took it over to Nikolai. "Hold him down." I ordered the twins and they complied. I grabbed Nikolai's face and forced open his mouth then pulled out the cork with my teeth and dumped the liquid down his throat. I tossed the empty vile and held his mouth shut until he swallowed. I let go of Nikolai and then nodded to the twins to do the same. I snatched up Sookie and moved her away from the bed before she could protest. I had no idea if the potion would work or if Nikolai was going to worsen.

"What was that?" Sookie demanded. She was more than upset with me, but there had been no time to explain.

"It was a potion from Cataliades. I just spoke to him. I was coming to warn you and didn't expect to walk in on this." I wasn't sure what was going on with Nikolai, but we needed to find out.

"What? Mr Cataliades sent this? What did he say?" Sookie looked over at Nikolai nervously. He was still moaning but he was beginning to quiet some.

"He said you wouldn't be sharing your light with Nikolai, that it was too late and that Nikolai needed to take this potion before the ritual." I had no idea what ritual he was talking about. "He also warned that something bad was going to happen. I think this might be what he meant."

"What the fuck is going on?" Sookie looked at me with an expression there were no words for. She was feeling all kinds of emotions, but confusion, irritation, and wariness were among the strongest.

I was at a loss. Something had gone terribly wrong and I had a whole list of things that I needed to do. "I don't know, but we need to find out. I have many tasks I must do. I ask that you please go with Evan and get some rest." I knew I said the wrong thing when rage ripped through me.

"Are you kidding me? Eric, maybe we have been out of the fray for a while but that doesn't mean I've gone soft and I'm going to hide away! I can help." She crossed her arms over her chest and I knew I was going to be in for it if I didn't give her some tasks to do.

"You are right, my love. I will put you in charge of Nikolai while I get things around the compound prepared." I immediately sent her calm through the bond, "You should call for a doctor to check out Nikolai and call in some of our own guards to protect him. You have studied a lot of Fae magics, perhaps you can put a ward on the room or find some other magic that can help." I could feel Sookie's satisfaction. I turned to Evan, "Assist her in whatever she needs. I will come find you when I have done what I need to do." I didn't want to say too much in front of Sookie until I knew more myself. "Ethan, you will join me." I usually tried not to pull the two guards off my wife's security detail but I needed a hand and he was most qualified.

Ethan and I left. Nikolai's pain had subsided for the time being and he became docile. Cataliades had warned me that like the Fae version of this potion, the version he gave me for Nikolai had been modified. He just didn't go into the details of what the potion was modified to do.

We walked down the hall and I was already on the phone calling Pamela and Christian. Ethan took off to alert and gather the guards for an emergency meeting. Things had obviously been put into motion and we were too many steps behind. Pamela answered on the first ring.

"What is wrong?" I was sure Pamela could feel my urgency.

"Something has happened and we are unable to perform the cleansing. Get here as fast as you can." I didn't want to say too much, but I needed to convey how serious the situation was. Something was happening to Nikolai and we had no idea what. The potion Cataliades had given us was a band-aid but nothing more. It would only last hours and then who knew what would become of my brother.

"I am already on my way. I should be there in thirty." That was one of the things I loved about my child. Although she was a bit insolent at times, she knew when she needed to follow orders and obey. "If only my wife were like that..."

I called Christian next, but as I made my way downstairs to meet with the guards Christian approached me outside of the King's Hall. He stood stiffly and was back to dressing strangely. He was wearing his ninja gear minus the usual hood. He had something like a scarf around his neck with black and white printing, but I couldn't tell what it was. "I apologize, I know this is a bad time, but Eric, I need a favor."

"What is it?" The tension was rolling off Christian and I knew something was wrong.

"I need you to cover for me with Pam." Christian said in a hushed tone so one else could hear him.

"Why?" I whispered back.

"I got a call from the Ancient Pythoness. She said I need to get to...I need to leave. I have somewhere I need to be. Pam can't follow. You have to promise me. Tell her you sent me on a mission, tell her whatever, but don't tell her I left on my own." Christian lifted his sleeve and looked down at the black wristwatch he was wearing.

"What is going on?" I wanted to know why he would keep us in the dark on this. "What did the AP tell him to do?"

"Look, Eric, you have your own shit going on here. You are saving my maker and his kingdom, I can never repay you for that, but I must leave it in your hands because I have to take care of this. I shouldn't be more than a few days." There was a fire in his eyes, one that I had not seen in a long time. He was out for a kill. I was sure of it.

"You are going alone?" I didn't like that idea. Christian was the best assassin I had known, but still...

"Yes. It has to be this way." Christian pulled up his black scarf looking thing that was actually a mask and it covered everything from right below his eyes down. The printing had been the bottom half of a skull which made him look like he had a skull jaw.

"This isn't a good idea." I voiced my opinion. Nikolai would want me to urge him to be cautious.

"It doesn't matter. I have to do this." Christian shook his head, "Please, Eric, do me this favor. I will be in your debt, Viking"

"Fine, but if you don't check with me before dawn and at nightfall each day, we will come after you. You should at the very least tell me which state you will be in."

"I can't be sure where this will lead." Christian wasn't going to talk. "Stupid, stubborn, ass... just like your maker."

"Do what you must." I conceded. I already had too much on my plate to worry about Christian too. It was true that I could have used his help, but if the AP was sending him somewhere, she had good reason. I trusted Christian could take care of himself, and I would handle Nikolai's situation, but still something felt off. I stored that away for later and gave Christian his leave.

I entered the King's Hall and as I did all the guards dropped to one knee and lowered their heads, weres and vampires alike paid me respect. I walked over to Nikolai's throne and sat down to address them, "I have received intel that an attack on this compound is eminent." I could hear the whispers among the crowd, mostly the weres since they were the loudest. They quieted down when I continued, "At this point in time we have no idea when or from where this attack will come, but we are currently working on that. For now you will need to be alert and on point at all times. Do not immediately engage the intruders unless absolutely necessary. Sound the alarm at the first sign of trouble, then attack. Do not underestimate our adversaries. You will be under Ethan's direct command until Pamela shows up. Then you will follow her orders." I looked around the room to make sure there were no objections.

I saw one of the vampire's scowling three rows back and I decided they all should have a reminder, "One last thing before I dismiss you," I stood up and put on my coldest vampire expression, "you all made an oath when you were hired into service and the two biggest parts of that oath being to follow the King's orders without question and to risk your own lives in protection of the King when necessary. Violation of your oath in any manner will result in final death at my hands. I am sure those of you who don't know me well have heard at least rumors about how I handle things. I reward those who are loyal and I destroy the unfaithful. I assure you it is not rumors, but the truth. I will not tolerate turncoats or cowards. If you think about crossing me or mine, remember this, I will hunt you down myself and there will be no mercy." I wanted to leave the room dramatically and so I simply walked out with my head held high and muttered, "Get to work."

I went to Nikolai's study and I waited for Pamela to show up. I made a few calls and then looked over aerial photos of the compound's grounds to identify the weak points when she came crashing through the door.

"Where is Christian?" Pam looked panicked. It wasn't like her.

I didn't like lying to my child so I worded things very carefully, "He is out on a mission. He shouldn't be gone too long,"

"What mission? Why you didn't tell me?" Pam was pissed. I wanted to roll my eyes. "Thanks, Christian."

"It is something that was arranged before Nikolai fell into his current state. Not even I am aware of the details." I thought keeping things vague would make things easier.

"I don't like this, not one bit. I can feel it. Something is wrong." Pam put her hand to her chest and my eyes widened. Pamela, who was usually put together was a mess. She must have put a comb through her hair but her clothes looked like they had been worn the night before.

"How many times have you shared blood?" I should have known, but I had not noticed a change in our bond.

Pam looked away from me so she wouldn't have to meet my eyes, "Just once about a month ago."

I felt the knot in my gut ease, "I see. Then I can understand your worry, but I think Christian is more than capable of taking care of himself. Don't you?" Pam grumbled and I continued. I needed her head in the game and on point, "I need you to organize the guards and set up a defense of the compound."

"Why? What is going on?" Pam thankfully put on her game face.

"It's a long story so let me sum it up," I quickly told her about Cataliades warning and Nikolai's decline in health.

"Do you think someone has Freyda? Maybe they are torturing her and it's effecting Nikolai?" Pam suggested and I swelled with pride.

"That was what I was thinking. The problem is the spy I had in place to watch Freyda has cut off communications. We are blind to what she is up to." One of the calls I made earlier was to my spy in Freyda's camp, but he had not answered my call or returned it.

"Who would go after Freyda to hurt Nikolai? If we could figure that out maybe we could stop it."

There were not many that knew about the complexity of the tie between Nikolai and Freyda to use it in this way, but one name did come to mind, "Alexei."

Pamela's mouth dropped open and then she closed it before she opened it again, "You think Alexei is doing this?"

"Who else knew about the tie between Nikolai and Freyda? Think about it. Who would torture Freyda?" I couldn't help but wonder if our conversation sparked his idea to hurt Freyda.

"But what would he gain from this?" Pam's reaction worried me a bit.

"Are you still having the dreams?" I asked. Pam had told me about Alexei's visitations.


"Then I think the answer should be clear to you." It was obvious and I wasn't sure if Pam was purposely blocking out the possibility or if it was Alexei's mind games making her blind.

Pam and I didn't get to finish our conversation because we were interrupted by the sound of Sookie screaming and a loud crash. I set off up the stairs to Nikolai's bedroom and the scene was something I could have never imagined. Evan had moved Sookie in the far corner of the room and stood before her. Nikolai was laying on the bed helpless while Alexei held a limp Freyda in his arms. He had cut Freyda's wrist and was letting the blood drip into Nikolai's mouth. Freyda looked like a dishrag. Alexei had been working on her and she was covered in dirt and blood. It made me sick to think that this animal wanted my Pamela.

"What do you think you are doing?" I went straight for Alexei and he moved Freyda in front of himself like a shield. He had a stake pointed at her heart and he smiled at me.

"If I kill Freyda, do you think Nikolai will die too?" Alexei didn't sound anything but curious. "I think it's best you take a step back before I decide to find out."

I knew he would make good on his threats so I took a step back. I motioned to Evan to get him and Sookie out of there but Alexei wasn't having it. "Uh, uh, uh...don't go anywhere sister. I have been eager to see you again. I am disappointed that we have not been able meet one another under better circumstances, but my brothers are so much trouble."

Sookie peered around Evan, since he would not let her pass, "Alexei, this doesn't have to be like this. We are family and we shouldn't fight." I knew my wife meant well but Alexei was insane and his reactions were unpredictable.

"Pamela, did you hear that? Sookie said we are family." Alexei smiled at Pam but she remained silently in place. "That is why I am here." He went on, "I come with an offer of peace." Alexei shook Freyda and she just groaned. "I am willing to let Nikolai finish the blood exchanges with Freyda and then the spell will break and you can kill her freely."

"Only they will be bonded and that will also harm him." I wasn't sure if Alexei knew much about bonded vampires. Ocella was not one to share such information.

"He will live through that. Nikolai has no true feelings for her and the bond will be too new to take too much of a hold on him," Alexei argued and I was sure he knew very little, but he wasn't completely wrong.

"Why are you doing this?" Alexei would not help us for free. He had made that clear. "I know you don't see Nikolai and I as your brothers despite this dramatic display. What is in it for you?"

"You are much quicker than you look, Eric. There is something I want, but it is not something you can give me." Alexei looked pointedly at Pam.

"You want me to go with you." Pam's voice was emotionless, but I could feel a swirling darkness in her.

"Yes, if you agree to come with me and leave your lover behind, I will save our family and let them all live." Pamela stared off into nothingness and Alexei continued to try to persuade her, "Eric and Sookie can return to their island. Nikolai can regain his Kingship with his child by his side. You and I can see the world together and I can show you all the pleasures there are to offer."

"I will kill you!" I gritted my teeth and went to make a move for him when Pamela stopped me.

"No, Eric. Alexei is right. This is the best way. Everyone can go back to their rightful place and I will get to finally break free and see the world."

As Sookie would say, you could have knocked me over with a feather. "What are you saying? There is no way in hell I will let you go off with him!" I would not put my child in the hands of a psychopath.

Pamela looked me right in the eye and I knew she wanted me to back off. "Eric, I want to go with him. You don't understand, but there is a connection between us, one that I realized only about a month ago." Pamela's words were chosen carefully and she was trying to tell me something without letting it on to Alexei. I ran her words through my mind over and over. She turned her attention to Alexei, "Finish the exchanges and break the spell and I will go with you."

Alexei's grin was creepy, "I am pleased you have agreed to come with me and we will finish this second exchange now." Alexei pushed Freyda to her knees and he grabbed Nikolai's arm. With his finger nail he sliced Nikolai's arm open and commanded Freyda, "Drink." She complied as we looked on. I glanced over to Pam who gave me a barely visible shake of her head. After a minute or so of Freyda greedily drinking from Nikolai, Alexei yanked her from Nikolai and tossed her against the wall. She slumped to the floor and didn't move.

"Pam, come to me." Alexei held out his hand to her and she walked over to him without hesitation. I, on the other hand, had a hard time keeping myself from grabbing her as she passed me. She took his hand and they stood side by side, Pamela with no expression and Alexei looking like he had won the lottery.

"Now I will take Pamela and Freyda with me and return in one weeks time to finish the bond."

"That is not part of the deal. Pam will not leave with you until you have held up your end of the bargain."

"Now, now. You are in no place to make demands, Northman. I think this is more than fair."

"You expect me to trust that you will return when you have given me no reason to do so?"

"I told you that I wanted peace. Do you think I want you or the Russian coming after me? I want to travel with Pamela, not be on the run. If I do not return as promised, I am sure you would hunt me down, Viking. You are Pamela's maker and I know you can always find her." Alexei actually made sense.

"If Pamela agrees to this, I will accept your terms." I said the words he wanted to hear but there was no way in hell I was going to stick to them.

"Eric, no!" Sookie shouted out and Alexei turned to her.

"My sister, I know my Pamela holds you dear, please do not become a roadblock in the way of our future. I don't think Pamela would like to see any harm befall you." He had a huge set of balls to threaten my wife so blatantly before me.

"Watch what you say to my wife or I might rip that foul tongue from your mouth before removing your heart the same way." I was ready to kill him, fuck the consequences. This little fucker went too far.

"Eric," when he said my name it was like nails on a chalkboard, "it was nothing more than a warning. You know how I get when things get in my way. I lose control and make rash decisions. I just wouldn't want Sookie to inadvertently incur my wrath."

"I would kill you before you ever got close enough to touch a hair on her head."

"Perhaps, perhaps not, but unless you want to find out, it is best that you let Pamela, Freyda, and I leave quietly." I don't know how he got in but he planned on walking out the front door. I looked at Pamela, every one of my instincts told me not to let her go. She closed her eyes just for a second and then looked at me with determination on her face and gave me a nod. She wanted me to let her go with him.

"Go. Go now before I change my mind. Evan make sure they have a clear path out of the compound. I don't want any unnecessary deaths." I didn't like idea of letting my enemy go, but as a warrior if you are to survive, you need to know when to attack and when to take a step back so you can fight another day. I stepped back towards Sookie and reached back for her hand. As soon as I felt her small hand in mine I pulled her behind me.

Alexei lost his smile and rocked back and forth on his heels, "Smart choice, brother. Ocella always said you were nothing more than a dolt with a pretty face, but I see that he was wrong. I should have figured since he always said I could never be civilized, that I was a wild dog who could not be housebroken." Ocella had been right about Alexei. He was nothing more than a rabid dog who needed to be put down. I didn't respond. There was nothing more to say as I watched Alexei grab Freyda by the hair with his right hand and dragged her over to where Pamela stood. He reached out to Pam with this left hand in invitation. She confidently took it and I felt helpless as I watched Pamela and Alexei walk out hand in hand.