Pitch was out with sandy again giving nightmares instead of good dreams. He stopped at a young girls house. As he flew in through the window he noticed two things one there were about 15 hidden razors in her room and two she had cuts on her arms. Self inflicted he thought sadly. Well, a nightmare isn't gonna help her. Then he thought about it. If that was the case...why was he here? He was attracted to fear, not goodness. So he decided to look a little deeper into it. He put his hand next to her forehead and started looking at her fears. As he sifted through them, he was surprised to discover that most of her fears where the same as his. He gasped softly. As he looked he said to himself "well I ought to do her a favor" so he took 5 of the razors and put them in his hoodie pocket. The rest he took out of their pocket and dulled them. then he put them in the exact same place that they were at and left.