*At last port: While searching for the rider belonging to the injured dragon that crashed through her palace, Elsa stumbles upon a final shadow creature on the mountain side she must use her magic to defeat. She then discovers the unconscious form of a young man covered in armor, hidden in the snow, clinging to life because of the storm conditions and whatever altercation separated him from his dragon. Elsa creates a team of snow hounds to aid in the search, and they are used to transport him back to the ice palace in order to stabilize him before help can arrive. A strip of white discovered in the young man's hair brings Elsa back to memories and worries she forces away. Unknowingly, two figures of darkness watch the events from afar with anticipation.

Chapter Three: Louder Than Thunder

What would it take for things to be quiet?

Quiet, like the snow

I know this isn't much but

I know I could, I could be better

I don't think I deserve it

Selflessness, find your way into my heart

All stars could be brighter

All hearts could be warmer

-The Devil Wears Prada, "Louder Than Thunder"

Elsa cradled the armored boy in her arms, feeling all hope slipping away as she could hear the distressed wailing of his trapped dragon in the foyer down the corridor.

Yes, it had been confirmed, the creature belonged to him.

When Elsa was able to get him into the safe room in her palace with the supplies, she found a bandanna on his person with the same symbol as the red flag on the dragon's tail. She hadn't exactly stopped to put a full assessment together, but it was a simple enough connection. The sound of the dragon stirring frantically in the ice dome upon their arrival, probably sensing its master's presence, was also a telltale sign.

The trip back to the ice palace felt like a blur, with her one goal being to get him to the room with the fire pit she'd built and around every source of warmth she could offer.

That was supposed to be enough. She had tried to rationalize the sequence of events to herself on the way down in her mind; to keep her calm, to keep her optimistic.

He would be injured, but still not out long enough in the storm to die if she could properly help build his temperature. It would just be until help could arrive with more medical supplies and methods to bring him to the palace for proper treatment. She hadn't planned for this.

As she looked to the rider now, his symptoms had escalated well beyond what her simple rationale had concocted. She hadn't expected to deal with this horror again for the rest of her life. It's what she had isolated herself for the past 13 years trying to prevent.

The symptoms of a heart, struck by her own magic.

"I'm sorry," was all Elsa could whimper to the young man, trying to think of something. "I don't know how this happened…I never wanted to hurt anyone..."

The nameless rider in question was wrapped with every blanket Elsa could find stored in the palace, but that wouldn't stop the slowly progressing streaks of white running through his hair.

"You must have been hit by the blast I had sent towards the shadow demon on the mountain...when I was trying to find you, " Elsa said, unsure why she was talking to the young man like he was awake. Maybe it was a coping mechanism at this point?

She stoked the fire she had started in the pit with the supplies and instructions Kristoff had left for her several months ago. The night she first ran away and built her ice palace, intending to stay there with no way to provide for herself, had now become a teasing joke within her tiny family. Particularly from her royal ice master, who insisted that powers or not, it had been as idiotic for her to run off to the mountains unprepared as it had been for Anna to chase after her. He then insisted on helping her stalk the palace with an emergency store of items that would help guests of hers that were bothered by the cold, should anything else in their lives take a dramatic turn for the worst up there.

Those supplies included the blankets she was utilizing right now, even if her attempts were currently futile. Oh Kristoff, bless that boy and his preparedness and his crazy ice stories. She had taken him for granted, she would need to rectify that when all this was over.


Would 'over' mean when the nameless rider had succumbed to her deadly attack?

"This is the fault my magic, I'm so sorry, " Elsa said again quietly, bundling the unconscious dragon rider in a tourniquet like hold. "I didn't know you were there. I was just trying to destroy the creatures...I didn't see you in the snow...I know apologies don't make up for it, but please forgive me."

The symptoms of human affliction from a direct hit with her ice energy were undeniable. Even in the firelight, he was deathly pale and cold despite everything she'd done to help warm him. His hands and face felt like ice, and she suspected she'd hit him in the torso. That's where his body felt the coldest, even through all of his layers of armor.

That white color also wouldn't stop spreading. Like a disease, it tainted the rich auburn of the boy's hair to a ghostly snow color. Just like before, just like Anna.

"I have to assume the worst," Elsa recited, trying to sound official and in control. "I have to assume the blast was taken in the chest, close to the heart." Her voice quivered. "It took Anna about 12 hours to succumb to the full effect of my magic, but it's spreading fast on him. He was already hurt...and he's unconscious. Maybe his body isn't fighting the effects. If...I'm assuming the worst-I can assess the best way to-"

Her words died on her lips. To do what, exactly?

Elsa had been trying to keep herself in check. However, thoughts of the night when she'd struck Anna with magic, cursing her to freeze to death in that very palace, were bringing back potent emotions.

A single tear slipped down her cheek, and for a delirious moment, all she could see was Anna in the boy's face, frozen and dying again right before her eyes.

Even after healing her and breaking the eternal winter, Elsa had secretly never been able to get over what she had done to her sister.

There had been nights when Elsa would wake up from nightmares of her arms wrapped around Anna's frozen form on the harbor...slowing freezing her own body into an eternal embrace with her sister's. The gesture was to seek repentance for all of the years in life she had failed to give Anna the love she deserved. And there they would stay, frozen in time forever...never separated again...because that was the only thing she felt she could do.

Because she was dangerous and wretched and the boy here now was proof that everything she touched was destined to die...

"What am I doing!" Elsa shrieked to herself, hastily trying to remove the still streaking tears from her face. "I don't have time for this! I-I have to get him awake! I have to get him warm and awake to beat this! What happened last time...the trolls helped. Anna said she and Kristoff went to see the trolls and they...told her only-no, it can't just be an act of true love! There has to be another way! Maybe I DID get his head." She turned back to the young man again, pushing more of the snow white hair off his resting features. "I have to get him warm and awake-till we can get him to the trolls!"

Her body shook, whether from relief from a new possible plan or despair that she was just trying to delay the inevitable. There was also a shaking coming from the foyer, and Elsa assumed that now the dragon was awake, it couldn't be contained for long. The glowing devastation of its attacks echoed in her memory from the battle.

Then again...that may just have given her an idea.

"Marshmallow! Please come help me!" Elsa said, swiftly rising to her feet as she called her snow guard.

The giant snowman rushed in with his perpetual look of displeasure set over his features.

"It's getting out," Marshmallow said, and Elsa knew perfectly well he was referring to their reptilian house guest.

"That's all right. We're going to take it to its friend. Will you help me lift him, gently, and help me take him to the dragon, please?" Elsa indicated toward to the rider's form, feeling regretful that she wasn't strong enough to carry him herself.

Marshmallow did not look happy at being treated like a concierge for unconscious beings. Still, he lifted the young man up gently, even making sure at Elsa's behest to keep him neatly cocooned within all the blankets.

With a shaky rush of air out of her lungs, Elsa steeled her nerves and led the way back to the foyer. She was greeted by the sight of her protective ice dome in shambles and the dragon perched on a pile of ice rubble. It was doing nothing short of hissing at her snow hounds, who must have thought it their duty to corral the beast once more.

"It isn't shooting blasts at them, even when that could probably easily destroy them," Elsa thought curiously as she entered. "Why doesn't it treat my creations like it did the shadow creatures, even if it doesn't like them?"

Elsa commanded the snow hounds to stand down as she approached the snarling and glowing dragon.

She walked in front of Marshmallow, who was cradling the unconscious stranger with almost paternal precision. The large snow guard still by no means looked happy, and the situation may have been comical if it wasn't entirely life threatening.

"Hey-Hey...it's okay," Elsa said slowly, making a point to show the dragon the glowing power in her hands disappearing altogether as a gesture of submission. She knew it didn't like her magic, and she was trying her hardest to dam up her fear to appear as less of a threat as possible.

It seemed to work well enough to get the dragon to look at her curiously though its growl. She stepped to the side again to make sure the rider was in its full view.

"We have your friend," she said softly, trying to make eye contact with the dragon, to hopefully make it understand like it did during the battle.

At the sight of the unconscious rider, the dragon instantly changed its tune.

The growling now turned to cooing that took on that forlorn tone Elsa first heard when it had been looking for its master. It pounced off its perch and then paced back and forth anxiously. Its sad looking eyes never left the bundle in Marshmallow's arms.

Elsa knew the creature was still dangerous, but she had a feeling that if it wanted to attack her, it would have blasted her into oblivion by now. Just like regular animals, she was beginning to see it was intelligent enough to instinctively detect a real threat. Taking a gamble for their safety, Elsa beckoned Marshmallow to take a few steps forward while keeping her eyes on the dragon.

"Set him down gently please, Marshmallow," Elsa said, as she pointed out a spot close enough to the dragon to place the blanket cocooned rider. The dragon immediately began sniffing and circling the rider in distress before curling itself around him in a protective, feline manner.

The dragon's tail swept around their forms and its wings shielded the young man from Elsa's view. It immediately pierced the blonde queen with knowing eyes while letting out a single accusatory roar.

"What did you do!"

That's what Elsa suspected it to be saying, at least.

'It smells my magic on him, it knows,' Elsa thought with immense guilt.

Keeping eye contact with the dragon, she sank to her knees in front of the pair so that while she was still at a safe distance, she was eye level. With Marshmallow standing guard at her back, she felt certain she could move forward with her idea.

"He's cold," she tried to explain softly to the dragon, and the way it was looking at her with indignant intelligence, suddenly made her feel less idiotic for trying to carry a conversation with it. "He's cold and it's my fault."

"Clearly." The dragon's flat expression seemed to say as its eyes skewered her.

Elsa couldn't help letting out an embarrassed sigh in its presence before continuing.

"But, you can help," she said, trying to gesture toward the dragon wondering if it was smart enough to be aware of its own abilities. "Can you glow, like me? To make him warm?"

The dragon still gave her curious looks and wasn't giving her the response she wanted. She sighed again with frustration, trying to think about the battle against the creatures and how it had miraculously understood to attack as she did.

Maybe...she needed to lead by example.

"You're good at mimicking things? Aren't you?" she said, speaking to the dragon once more in a soothing tone.

It sniffed shortly at her, as if to ask how she could question its capabilities like a common house pet.

"Can you glow? Like me?" she asked it again, and then rose one hand that was illuminated with a blue, frosty ball of energy she was keeping contained.

The dragon reacted to this, winding around its master tighter and began its warbling growl at the threat of her presence. She remembered it glowing when the creatures directly threatened it..maybe she had to test it a little.

She moved forward across the floor slowly, which was a bit difficult to do on her knees in the close fitting ice dress. However, there was only Marshmallow and a dragon to witness, so she put elegant protocol out of her mind for the time being.

The closer she got to the dragon, the more threatened it seemed to get until she noticed its body beginning to glow with a blue light on its own accord. When Elsa could notice heat in the air where there was previously frigid cold, she froze in place, looking to the dragon to see if it could pick up her intent.

The dragon narrowed its eyes at her again, but then watched as she kept gesturing toward its rider and ceased trying to come towards it. It sniffed the air again and then started putting more attention on its rider, staying curled around him while maintaining a dimmed glow.

Elsa let a hopeful look escape as the dragon took the hint to use its glow to warm the rider. He was wrapped nicely enough in the blankets that it would help save him from any burns caused by the dragon's power, but would still allow him to benefit from the heat.

Not daring to move, her breath waited in her throat for any form of results. A small amount of steam rose around the boy and the dragon.

She waited a few seconds...a few more...and a few more...not even a stir.

Elsa's head sunk into her hands as another streak of white slowly concealed one of the last remaining bits of the rider's auburn hair color.

"It's no use," Elsa said to herself and the dragon, shaking as more tears escaped despite her struggle to keep them back. "Nothing is going to work. I don't want to hurt him more...but...it's like nothing is going to help except-" Her voice tapered off as she couldn't help wrapping her arms around herself.

Elsa felt like a child again. Like she was 16, curled up and trembling in her bedroom from dreams of inner demons she couldn't explain or admit to.

The loss of hope engulfing her lasted only for a few moments, before another roar from the dragon snapped her head to attention in its direction.

The mythical beast wouldn't break its stare, one that was angry, but also so incredibly determined it floored Elsa. It could smell her power in the air and sense her potential, and it seemed to understand that the only chance its master had was from the unfathomable abilities of the human before it.

"Fix it."

The dragon commanded her with its eyes as it roared again. She could barely argue with it, just feeling dwarfed and insignificant under its emerald gaze.

"I don't know how!" She yelled back to the dragon in confession, her voice breaking with every pathetic justification for her failures. "I've only done it once before...but it was only because Anna was there...because I was finally had people that believed in me...because-I thought it would never happen again!"

The dragon then gave a sad coo in response, and its eyes held more sorrow than she had ever seen displayed by any human in her lifetime.


It pleaded with her to do something. Anything...as it knew she was the only one that could.

"I'll try..." She whispered, finally closing the distance between herself and the rider as the dragon exposed some room for her to approach.

When next to the rider again, Elsa exhaled and racked her brain for the memory of the day she had unfrozen Anna and her entire kingdom.

'An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart!'

Olaf's words that day after the miraculous act rang through her head.

Love will thaw…



It had almost been too easy when she had been enraptured in the moment, surrounded by so much joy and realization. The energy just surged through her that day. It was so easy to be empowered by her sister's love...it was just instinctual.

"Maybe if I...do everything the same….it will help...something might happen…" she said to herself. "What had I been doing? I-I had just been holding Anna-"

Elsa glanced at the rider and blushed awkwardly, but realizing that was as good a place to start as any. With the leering supervision of the dragon, she propped him up and cradled him as she had on the mountain side. The more contact she had with him, the more effective the process was perhaps?

Could she just absorb the cold from him? It worked in other instances. If she could produce that kind of magical energy, surely she could intake it. However, raw magic and ice were different from people.

People were too fragile, too easily broken by the simplest things gone wrong...

She closed her eyes and focused, trying to recall every detail...every feeling, every nuance of that day.

"She was frozen and gone," Elsa found herself reminiscing to the young man aloud, trying to tap into her very being. "...and for the first time in years...I just held her...because nothing else mattered. I let go of everything...because there was no use fighting anything anymore. All too late...I could give her back all the love she had tried to give me our entire lives. I don't know what happened...I must have released something, because just as quickly as I'd lost her...I had her back again. And then before I could really understand what I was doing...the whole kingdom had been released. That's all I remember...just feeling...and a warming aura of love...why?" Elsa couldn't stop herself from angrily pounding a balled up fist against the icy floor in frustration. "Of all the emotions, why does it have to be love!"

Focusing as her body hummed with repressed energy, she placed a hand on his chest, hoping something would be released like last time. She fought to steady her powers so they wouldn't aggravate his condition to the point of no return.

"I don't know how to love anyone else besides Anna," she confessed more as she looked at him with heaviness in her heart, trying to channel...anything…"How? How am I supposed to love a man I just met?"

The irony of this situation haunted her.

"Anna could have done it," she said bitterly, more tears burning in her eyes. "If she was here, she could save you. She can love anyone. She can believe in anything...why can't I? Why is it so hard? How am I supposed to...love someone...when I don't even know their name?"

No response came from the stranger in her arms. Not even a breath this time. She noticed a small trail of frost that was now working its way up his neck.

"No-No please!" Elsa cried as the dam finally burst. Every resolve and fear crumbled away as she clung to the young man in desperation, trying to stop the final freezing process.

She grasped for one of his hands. It was hard and frozen like an ice sculpture.

Just like Anna...just like Anna...

"Please don't die! Please! Not again!" Elsa begged brokenly as the dragon caught onto the tragedy and now paced around them roaring with panic. "Oh please, don't make me cause any more death! I'm sorry, I'm sorry-What do I do? Oh, Anna what do I do?"

She held the rider in a vice grip now, all delicate precision forsaken as she could feel the ice taking over the rest of his body. Her head buried itself in his shoulder as she sobbed and refused to open her eyes.

She wouldn't let go!

She couldn't let go!

If she just kept holding on something had to happen! It had to! Especially when somewhere in the world, somebody loved this boy.

His dragon clearly loved him. Why didn't it work? Why hadn't the embrace of the dragon been enough? He could have family, friends, a father...a mother...a special someone?

Why now was the one person responsible for his life ...a monster. A monster cracked and cold like the ice she controlled, who could not love.

"I don't even know your name!" Elsa wailed, her pleas to the rider wrapped around unintelligible cries that violently shook her form. "Please! You can't let me take your life... when I don't even know your name!"

She didn't stop the rivulets running from her eyes, till she was sure she had no more tears left. She didn't stop praying that some miracle of instinct could save the young man she had cradled in her arms.

The only thing that rewarded her, was the feeling of his form weighing her down. Her eyes opened just in time to see the ice encasing the rest of his features.

All the world was frozen in silence.

Her cries trapped immediately in her lungs. Even the storm bludgeoning the palace outside seemed to audibly pause.

Elsa's eyes widened in horror.

Once again, all she could see was her sister's previous dead-eyed stare echoing in her mind's vision as she now embraced a frozen statue. The only difference between the memory of Anna and the young man now, was that his face was resting in an eternally sleeping expression.


Not Anna...

Not anyone else...

Not ever again...

Reliving the memories of her anguish and adoration for her sister that day...mourning the loss of someone she could never apologize to...aching with a soul that valued human life and lamented the thought of extinguishing it...Elsa let go of everything.

Now that it was too late, now that nothing else mattered.

The dragon circled them both, refusing to leave its master's side as it mourned in its own way. Elsa couldn't even look it in the eyes.

"Please, forgive me..." Elsa let out in a hoarse whisper, unable to let out any more cries or shed any more tears.

Her body slumped forward, overwhelmed from the distress it had endured without respite. Her head rested on the rider's ice cold chest. No sound could be detected within it.

She had no will to move. No will to do anything except drown in the silence around quiet was only broken by the keening calls of the dragon and the whimpering of her snow hounds as they sensed her despair.


A sound, louder than thunder in that somber space, pierced suddenly through the aura of death. Elsa then felt as if something unseen had pierced through her chest.

Once again, everything was happening too fast for her to even register as she was writhing in pain. A sensation of warmth emanated around her like the rising glow of embers being stoked alive.

The sound...it was a beat...a heart beat...

And then another...and then another...

...Coming from...the rider!

"He's-he's-" Elsa stammered out in surprise between gritted teeth as she realized that the warmth was coming from him as well. "He's okay? I-I-"

Elsa winced again and doubled over, trying to sit up to get a better look at the situation. The dragon shifted excitedly while nudging the rider with its muzzle.

Elsa prayed that she wasn't hallucinating as she witnessed the surreal sight of the ice melting from his form and color creeping back into his features.

As the dragon prodded the young man and licked him with curious concern, a strangled sound could be heard forming out of his throat.


Elsa couldn't stop another sob from escaping as he slowly opened his eyes.

They were green...just like his dragon's.

Elsa was close enough to see them try and scan for the source of the sounds around him before slowly closing as he faded out of consciousness once more.

The young man's body barely moved as the dragon chattered with enthusiastic roars and rubbed him like an affectionate cat. He sounded hoarse and in so much pain while uttering even those few syllables, but he was alive.

"Thank goodness," Elsa wept in relief, her own words barely audible as she rambled in exhausted euphoria. "Thank goodness-oh, thank you! Thank you!"

Witnessing the reunion of the dragon and its master tugged at the core of Elsa's heart. The bond between this man and beast was something unprecedented and unique, something deep she couldn't even begin to fathom.

Oddly, there was also a literal pulling sensation. It came from her chest again, causing more painful waves of feeling she couldn't identify. She could only describe it as being tethered to an invisible force that pulled her being in multiple directions without knowing.

There was suddenly a call of voices in the distance that echoed within the frozen palace corridors.




It was her mountainside guard regime...and Kristoff! She didn't know he had accompanied them. She could hear his voice ringing and she staggered upward drunkenly, making sure to remove the ice that could be blocking any remaining entrances from where they were all located.


She called out to her snow guard with a broken voice as she could barely keep her balance.

"Marshmallow-Please!" Elsa gasped, becoming more disoriented with each syllable she tried to command. "Please tell them! They need to help him-tell them please don't hurt the-dragon-please tell them to get him help as-as-"

A wave of fatigue that had been building from the moment the dragon crashed in her palace, finally overcame the snow queen.

She was mentally and physically unable to fight as the remaining strength in her body buckled. She could only manage to lay limply along the palace floor next to the unconscious man she had almost condemned.

"Why am I so weak?'" Elsa could only think as the remainder of her vision blurred. "Never...has using my powers been this tiring...why am I suddenly..."

Her thoughts wandered and went back to the young man, who hadn't moved much outside of the single response to his reptile companion. That invisible force...that imaginary tether...it seemed to pull her...right towards him...

The last thing she could even register was the burning green irises of the dragon piercing her soul from its master's side. The last motion she was capable of was reaching a limp hand as far as she could manage toward the rider while thinking:

"Please...please be okay...I need to know your name..."

And then blackness came for her.

Back in the decrepit fortress, the malevolent queen watched the resurrection of the young dragon rider with glowing, hatred filled eyes in the reflection of the looking glass.

"What power is this?" she questioned in a grave tone.

"Why, that would be an act of true love, my Queen. Certainly, you should be able to recognize one by now."

"You know that's not what I'm referring to," the queen snapped to the demon that mocked her from within the recesses of her mind.

The demon merely chuckled at her.

"That, my majestic one, is the affect of dear Elsa's unique abilities. How convenient that she was able to use them before his last breath left his body. Sadly, their misuse will bring about its own unfortunate set of consequences."

"Consequences from which you will benefit," the queen hissed, saying every word through teeth.

"We both benefit by ensuring that the sacrifice is well protected until the next time you are able to retrieve it. On Elsa's behalf no less."

"Stop saying her name!" The demoness howled. "That miserable waif is nothing! Not a Queen! Not a sorceress! And she is none of your concern! I am the ONLYsource of your power! I am everything, and you will remember that!"

More of the dark energy around her flared upward, though it was a wasted reflex of power that left her weaker in her current state.

"Careful, my Queen, your girlish envy may cost you more than it's worth."

The demon laughed again at its desperate host, finding her torment all too amusing and ironic.

"May I help remind you of a lesson on the universe that the rest of your species will not be capable of grasping until many years from now? Humans are such trifling beings. Thinking that complicating the comprehension of forces beyond their control, will help to harness them. The forces at work, what is referred to as 'magic,' can not be tricked into manipulation."

The image of the Snow Queen and the dragon rider rippled within the mirror, carefully focusing on the image of the unconscious blonde reaching out to connect with the life she had barely managed to preserve.

"A simplified understanding they will come to, one that you have already learned and Elsa will soon enough, is that every action will come with its reaction. And 'magic'...it ALWAYS comes with its price."

Author's Log:

April 19th, 2017

The calm before of the storm is nothing to fear in comparison to the eye. It lulls one into a false sense of shelter,until the waves come careening a top you during your most restful sleep.Is the beginning of the journey always the hardest?

Almost losing the ship, my newly acquired deck hands and mates put in extraordinary amounts of work to ease my worries. To keep us afloat. I can only thank them now for their messages and reviews, as is proper:

Reviews:Kbzog61, An Amber Pen, Golden Bearded Dragon, William563, cgsmithmo,KE12,Kuma Dzurui, Secretsivekept, Laidyx

A special note to Laidyx: Once again, thank you so much for your reviews. Once again, please excuse any attempts I have incorrectly made at translating. Perhaps I shall need some lessons? A bilingual Captain, even on my floundering ship, is certainly more beneficial to all. The intrigue is only beginning. Your reporting is much appreciated and warranted, and no worries, I'll keep you off the deck if you'd prefer for orders! ;)

I was certain most of my crew would make me walk the plank for the long journey during our detour through "Procrastination's Pass" per the storm throwing us off course. Every day they do not threaten mutiny, I am grateful.

I also must acknowledge the hands we picked up our latest port. To date, there are now 36 intrigued crew members following our charts and 34 loyal sailors declaring this their favorite voyage. I would call that satisfactory for this stage in the journey.

New followers:Scarlet Saffron Silver, William563, Raeon5, Arthanos, luciander077, PumpkinSpoon, theother1andonly1, skadoosh123

New favorites:Scarlet Saffron Silver, William563, Raeon5, Arthanos, luciander077, PumpkinSpoon, theother1andonly1, skadoosh123, Snake1234

A REQUEST TO THE CREW: If anyone is still reading the logs this far, I am asking a humble plea for assistance with two things:

1. I am in need of new siren muses! In your message in a bottle reviewing the turn in this journey, include your favorite song that you believe represents Hiccelsa or carries the theme of fire or ice.

2. Spread the word to your mates! I would love more crew members, and if you see a soul at port that you think would like this brand of supernatural, romantic, drama and madness, drag them aboard and let them see for themselves how we run things here!

The siren song to inspire this current chapter was "Louder than Thunder" by the devilish callers, The Devil Wears Prada. I was enraptured by this song before I knew it.

A closing note to my new mate William563, thank you for enduring months of my fever driven ramblings at sea over the state of this journey. I am honored that someone with such a reputable fleet that has been such an inspiration to me, has been willing to join my crew!

As per usual, leave your speculations (including muse requests) in a review or message in a bottle to me if choose! My best regards to everyone!

Disclaimer: A force of phantom power compels me to state that I do not own any of the references to Frozen (Captain:Hans Christian Anderson, Disney) or How to Train Your Dragon (Captain:Cressida Cowell, Dreamworks). All character cameos that make it aboard this vessel belong to their respected creators, just as my original characters will remain under my command.

Shall we try for a crew of 50 in the coming journey? Who else will join me?

Till next we make port,
