Hello hello, I return with a new fanfic.
I'll talk more after this first chapter, enjoy!
7 Years before RWBY:
Peeking from my observation point on the roof, I surveyed Vale's night-life. Most nights the streets were quiet, apart from the drunks and party-goers. Yet tonight, an unusual man swaggered down the street. Wearing a white suit and a bowler hat over his orange hair, he smoked on an expensive looking cigar. Expensive meant he had money, money I would politely borrow. Drawing back from the edge of the roof, I leapt to the drain pipe connected to the adjacent building. Catching it and quickly lowering myself onto the dumpster bin below, I stalked my mark from alley to alley. Witnessing him twirl his cane and gaze at the stars, I made my move. Swiftly I snuck up behind him, avoiding the cane spinning in his fingers. Reaching into a pocket, my small hand met a wad of Lien notes. Drawing it out I turned and ran, having hit the jackpot.
Suddenly a cane handle was around my throat, choking me as I ran into it. "Tsk. You know it is wrong to steal little girl." I looked over my shoulder, meeting the dark green eyes of my mark. When did he notice me?! I've never been caught in the act before! "So, what am I going to do with you?" His voice was calm, smooth, and condescending. I gave him an answer as I swapped the notes for a shiv from my ragged pants, slashing at his face. He dodged casually, but allowed for me to break free. Sprinting down the alleyway I had emerged from, I rushed to climb the pipes. If I could reach the rooftops I was home free.
A loud whirring sounded from behind me, followed by a wrenching force. Concrete met me as I lost my grip. The pain was worse than anything I had felt before, minor scrapes and cuts were nothing to the cracking pain of blunt trauma. I screamed out in pain, unable to move fully as my body was shattered. Tears rolled down my face as I looked up through blurry eyes. Above me stood the man, clicking his cane's handle back into place. Kneeling down, he ripped the notes free of my clothing coldly.
"Let this be a lesson you can spread around town girly. No-one steals from Roman Torchwick." The suave voice was now bitter, forcing me to hide my face in fear of the man. Broken, dying, and scared I made one last attempt to survive.
Grabbing his ankle with weakly, I begged the man, "H…help me… please."
"Sorry kid, the world is cruel. I'm not going to be your white knight 'cause you asked nicely." Lectured Roman, seemingly uncaring. I buried my face into the ground. It was the end. Or I thought so as darkness took me.
Unknown time later:
"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee."
Words that I did not understand echoed through my mind as light seeped into reality. The voice that spoke them was familiar, but not the most important thing on my mind. I had been dying, last I remembered. Was I in the afterlife? Could I go find my parents? Why do I feel so strong?
"Well isn't that a miracle." A voice, the same as the words, the same as… Roman! I jumped up, yelping as pain shocked my whole body. Watching from the far side of the room was Roman Torchwick, the man I tried to pickpocket. Sat in a large, battered leather chair with a glass of brown, see-through liquid, the man did nothing. Senses recovering one by one, I panicked. I was stuck with a man I thought left me for dead. I checked every corner of the room from where I had propped myself up on a… bed? Confused did not give justice to how I felt.
"I'm no doctor but…" Roman quipped from his chair. Reaching for his cane, he pushed up from the chair. Seeing the metal contraption he wielded scared me. I remembered the cold feeling of the handle wrapped around my throat. Slowly Roman took steps towards me, fearing what came next I backed up into the corner, crossing my arms painfully to cover my face. Looming over me, Roman finished his sentence. "… I'd say I did a pretty good job." Lowering my arms enough to peer over them, I witnessed a warm smile form on his face.
"Why?" I asked hoarsely, my throat sore and dry.
"Even though the world is cruel kid, I felt sorry for you. You've been on the streets for a while if you can sneak up on me." The glass Roman held dangled in front of my face. "Drink it, it's all I've got for now." Gingerly taking the glass, I sipped the liquid and swallowed. Instantly my throat burned, making me cough and sputter. Roman laughed at my reaction.
"H-how can you drink this?!" The burning sensation lingered as Roman took back the glass.
"Practice kiddo, something you'll be doing a lot of once you're better."
"What kind of practice?" I asked.
"Well if I'm going to run this city's underworld and cause chaos, I need someone to help me get started." Setting down the glass, Roman dramatically spun round and pointed his cane at me. "And that person is… you." Gently poking me with the cane to emphasise his point.
"Why would I help you?"
"Oh it's not like you owe me your life for say… trying to steal from me and me saving your life." Roman retorted sarcastically. I had no response, he was right. Dropping my head, I frowned.
A hand ruffled my hair. "Don't worry your pretty little head. You and I are gonna do just fine. Plus I can give you things you have only dreamt of."
Instinctively I blurted out what I have always wanted. "Parents?"
Roman looked at me, his face betraying genuine confusion and pity. "Uh..." Turning his back to me, he rubbed his chin in thought and muttered to himself. "Ah why the hell not." Spinning back round, Roman smiled. "I guess if it makes you happy I can adopt you kiddo." I could not control myself at what Roman said. Leaping up to try and hug him, I stumbled and fell. Instead of meeting the floor, I was suspended above it. Glancing round I saw Roman holding me up.
"Jeez kid, was the offer that bad? I mean I'm not exactly best father material but-" He shut up as I finally hugged him tightly round the neck. Perhaps a little too tightly. "Hey… kid… can't breathe…" Realising I was choking him I let go, backing off and hanging my head. An odd sensation dripped down my face. Tears. Tears of joy. Roman was going to adopt me! I would have a father!
Straightening his suit out, Roman knelt to meet my eye level. "A real bundle of emotions aren't we?" Locking eyes, he ruffled my hair once more. "So what do I call you? Silver?"
"C-Caira." I replied, wiping my face dry.
Smiling, Roman picked me up bridal style and set me down on the bed. "Caira eh? I guess that makes you Caira Torchwick, daughter of the amazing criminal Roman Torchwick."
3 years later:
My lungs burned, heaving for air as I weaved through streets and alleyways. I could hear the fat thuds of the thug sprinting behind me.
Dammit dad, I thought you knew better! The hustle had gone wrong, my father made a mistake in trusting our contact. Now our fake Lien notes had been destroyed and I was on the run from a hulking thug. Hoping to lose him in the docks, I ran between the towers of containers. But that was a mistake, instead of losing him, I found myself lost in a maze of metal. Breaking the line of sight I hid between some smaller containers, breathing as quietly as I could. Fresh sea air and the stench of fish filled my nostrils with each breath. I needed to keep my lips sealed shut to avoid detection. A minute passed as I heard the screams of my pursuer fade into the distance.
Squeezing out of my hiding place, I tiptoed quietly amongst the containers. Knowing my father, he had dealt with things on his end. Two years training had improved my skills greatly, but I was nowhere near his level. Reaching the wall of a warehouse, I scaled up the wall using ledges, pipes and flaws in the brick. Noticing a shutter ajar, I pried it open. Sliding inside with my small frame, I sank down onto the metal catwalk and sighed in relief. Away from the stench and the screaming thug I could think clearly. Scenarios and plans rattled off in my head. What hideout should I go to? What would dad do? The questions and possibilities were too many to think over. Walking down the metal steps to a side door, I unlocked it and slipped out quietly. Turning from the door, a boot met my chest, launching me back onto the ground.
Both impacts hurt, even with my Aura shielding me. Getting up onto my hands and knees, the same boot connected with my side. Rolling along the floor, I got occasional glimpses of my attacker. It was the same thug I escaped moments before.
"Ya think I wouldn't notice ya clamberin' up the wall bitch?" Spat the thug, pinning me to the ground with a foot and his body weight.
"Well… there is a reason you don't run a syndicate." I quipped mockingly. If I had picked up anything from my father, it was his sarcasm and love of the dramatic. The thug snarled, pressing more of his weight down on my midriff. "Then again… your boss wasn't smart in clothing choice. No wonder nobody fears you, who wears light blue?" A vice-grip wrapped around my throat, lifting me off my feet. Instinctively gripping his hand, I stared aggressively into the thug's eyes.
"Like I care, ya little shit. Looks don't mean anythin' when you die, runt."
Struggling to get out the words while being choked, I reached for my knife hidden under my coat. "Ya know buddy… I'm going to… kill you." Losing the breath to speak more, I stabbed into the back of his hand, twisting the blade to increase the pain. Screaming, the thug let go, allowing me to drop onto my feet. Watching the man clutch his hand in horror sickened me. Unlike Roman, who enjoyed to mercilessly beat on his victims with Melodic Cudgel, I preferred clean, swift kills. Having to observe a person crawl and beg for their life reminded me of the first time I killed. I had cried as I saw a girl only a few years older than me lie crushed under debris. She pleaded for me to save her, but I could not. The suffering haunts me still, even after I slid my knife into her heart as an act of mercy.
Returning to the thug, slowly recovering from the stab, I dashed forward. He backpedalled, trying to gain distance and prepare. Futile was his effort, my speed was enhanced by Aura, matching a fully grown man. I aimed for his throat, puncturing cleanly into his flesh. Blood flowed over the blade and onto my hand. Initially blood made me sick, but a cruel world required no hesitations with killing. Over time the sadness and regret faded with each kill. I was not devoid of emotion, I could just kill those who deserved it without remorse. Waiting for the thug's gaze to empty of life, I yanked on my knife, a small blade and flimsy blade, but better than a shiv. After so many lives had been taken with it though, the blade shattered as I pulled awkwardly.
"Tsk. Looks like I can add a new weapon to my list of needs." I mumbled to myself. Flipping the handle in my hand, I flinged it into the bay with a small plop as it sank underwater. Taking one last look at the thug, I spat at his corpse. I really liked that knife. A botched deal, a chase through the city and a broken knife. Dad better make this up to me.
1 year before the events of RWBY:
Vale was serene at night, calming to my soul. Too bad it won't be for long. Six years spent building up my father's reputation. Six years lying, stealing, cheating and surviving. Infrequent hiccups led to my father being jailed on multiple occasions, but his insistence on me acting behind the scenes kept me anonymous. Not only did it work well for me, it benefitted my father too, and that made me happy. Rumours of 'Roman's Reaper' began amongst the criminal underworld a few years back, gaining infamy for the now crime boss. Eventually I became an urban myth, denied in existence by the police and feared by the people of Vale. I felt a buzzing as my scroll went off in my trench coat. Not the most inconspicuous clothing I know, especially when it is white with inner red trim, but it hides the equally suspicious black bodysuit beneath. Given that I worked mainly as an assassin for my father, it was functional and fitting.
Across the city, a siren blared alongside my scroll buzzing. I answered the call unhappily. "Look, before you scold me… they might have planned to backstab from the beginning. It wasn't me I swear!" Roman, my father, had once again let his flamboyant ego break down criminal negotiations.
Rolling my eyes, I replied sarcastically. "Ugh… sure they did. You owe me a drink and maybe a pack of those cigars for this."
"You know they aren't good for you sweetie, you'll die young." My father replied mockingly, gunfire rattling in the background.
"Not as young as these idiots." I retorted plainly.
"Atta girl, meet me at Junior's once you're done, loveyoubye!" Just as quickly as he said goodbye, the call ended. Pocketing my scroll, I knelt on the edge of the roof, placing a hand on the lip. Flowing my Aura into my hand, I used my semblance to construct a rope of Aura and rappelled off the roof. My semblance allows me to create tethers of Aura, varying in strength and properties as I see fit. I can launch these tethers or attach them to surfaces I touch. Landing silently on the concrete below, I reached under my coat once more, my fingers searching for my mask.
With the rise of the White Fang as a terrorist organisation, I 'kindly' borrowed some of their property, namely a full face mask. Adding a hood to hide my silver hair, I also sprayed my father's symbol onto it, a Jack-O'-Lantern. This distinguished me from the animals, making me recognisable and feared as 'Roman's Reaper'. From the shadows of an alley I peered out, perfectly timed to watch a car rapidly pull into a hidden entrance. It seemed that our only remaining rival in the underworld had fled once shit hit the fan. Finding out the location of his safehouse had been easy, Hei 'Junior' Xiong had become a trusted info broker over the years, and extorting information out of him was not hard.
Messing with Junior had become a habit, but I did not have time to reminisce. Dashing across the street once I was certain I had no onlookers, I leapt into the air halfway, pulling myself onto the roof with a tether. From above I surveyed the courtyard the car had pulled into. Guards littered the area, on edge as their boss calmly emerged from his car. Normally I would be quick, lethal. Yet tonight I felt like a show, and I blame my father for every reason. Crafting a tether strong enough to hold my weight, but thin enough to seem invisible, I strolled down the wall, clicking the heels of my boots. Constant clicking drew the attention of the crime syndicate members below me, the younger, inexperienced thugs staring up at me in fear.
As I touched the ground softly, I looked up, moonlight fully revealing my modified Grimm mask. Chaos erupted, and it was extremely amusing to watch grown men figuratively shit themselves. Some thugs ran to escape, only for me to reach into my coat and fling knives into their backs. The braver criminals grabbed their weapons and opened fire. Gunfire rippled past me as I dashed for the nearest thug, using him as a human shield. Once he had been sufficiently riddled with bullets, I dropped him and threw more knives with deadly accuracy, piercing throats and hearts. Out of cover but close enough to attack, I reached for my blade: Reticent Parting. A straight, white blade plunged into the heart of the nearest thug, all the way down to the black handle. Ripping it out by the ring on the end, I threw the blade cleanly through another thug's neck. Two thugs took their chance at my apparent lack of weaponry, slashing with basic red cleavers. Dodging back with little effort, I clenched my throwing hand into a fist, pulling on the thin tether connected to the ring on my blade. Slipping between the two, I met my blade halfway, spinning to decapitate both in one swing.
Sweeping my blade to clear the blood off it, I glanced around for the crime boss, seeing him cowering behind his car. Taking a page from my father, I twirled my blade by the ring, exaggerating my steps as I walked round the car. Once he was in full view, he opened fire in blind panic with his pistol. I deflected every shot that did not go stray, not breaking my stride. Placing a foot on his groin I mocked him.
"This is a cruel world isn't it?" His eyes widened at my youthful voice. "Surprised? Everyone is." My voice brimmed with confidence, belittling a once feared crime lord. Sighing as he simply whimpered, I raised my blade to his heart. "At least my dad didn't have you at his mercy. I won't hurt you like he would. Of course…" I drove the blade in, only moonlight shining in his eyes now. "… You'll be dead before you feel pain." Removing the blade, I wiped it on his shirt and returned it to its sheath, hidden under my coat. Gathering my knives took little time, but as I returned them to their slots I spotted bullet holes in my coat. My father was going to get a slap for tonight.
Weeks before the events of RWBY:
Being on top of Vale's criminal underworld was… boring. My father was always busy ensuring the cops and the Huntsmen who believe it was there 'duty' to clean the streets off our backs. So here I was, dangling my feet off a catwalk near the roof of our warehouse, bored.
I wish Neo was here, she's always fun. Neo had been picked up by Roman just under a year ago when she was hired to kill him by an up and coming rival. Luckily for my father, Neo knew nothing of my existence. It was the first time anyone has ever kept up with me in a fight besides my father. And I loved it. I remember how Neo's face lit up when Roman offered to hire her instead. Then mine did too as I realised I had a potential friend. Although Neo was not happy that I hugged her so tightly. I had to be pried off the girl and then sent to eliminate the rival, which I was not happy about. Over the year we became inseparable, apart from jobs. I could talk, train and enjoy life with Neo, it did not matter that she never spoke. But right now Neo was out of Vale, and I had nothing to do.
"Well, hello, gorgeous." Looking down from the catwalk, I saw my father talking with a black-haired woman. From above I could not get a good look, but the woman was flanked by another girl with green hair, and a grey-haired boy. Rather than acting on protective instinct, I watched from above, listening to the conversation.
"You are Roman Torchwick?" Her voice was sultry, and my father was enraptured.
"Indeed I am," eyeing her up and down, he leaned casually on Melodic Cudgel. "May I have your name beautiful?"
"Well… Cinder. How may I, help you?" Roman worked his charm, constantly displaying confidence in front of the woman.
"I plan to change this world, and I can offer you a… valuable partnership, if you help me." A partnership? That perked my interest. This woman wanted to work on even terms with us. My gaze flitted between my father and the woman, waiting for a response.
"Hmm. I'd be lying if I said you didn't have my interest." Without being able to see his face, I knew my father was grinning. "Perhaps me and thee could talk… privately." He nodded towards the duo behind Cinder.
"I see no problem in it. This deal will be very… beneficial to both of us." Cinder walked incredibly close to my father, playing on his weakness for attractive women. Looking over her shoulder, she addressed her minions. "Wait here, and try to… entertain yourselves."
"I believe I can help with that." I saw my father look directly at me, through the darkness of the warehouse. "Caira sweetie, why don't you greet our guests?" I pulled myself up, slipping on my trench coat before jumping off the catwalk. Landing behind our guests almost silently with my hands in my pockets, I got a proper look at Cinder. Gorgeous was an accurate description; medium black hair which covered one amber eye, a crimson dress and matching sleeves. She stood a little taller than myself, but looked hardly any older than me. Her whole being put me on edge.
With a dismissive backhand wave I spoke to my father, "Go on, go talk business."
"No introductions? A little cold don't you think sweetie?"
Flicking my eyes between Cinder, her grey-haired associate and the green-haired girl, I answered. "Just go make a deal, I can introduce myself y'know." Cinder smiled, approvingly or maliciously it was hard to tell. Roman huffed, guiding Cinder away with a gentlemanly bow. As I watched them go I noticed the duo shift uncomfortably, unsure what to do.
I looked both up and down. The boy wore black and grey clothing, matching his semi-slicked back hair and grey eyes. As far as I could tell he had no weapons on him. I inclined my head as if to ask his name. "Mercury." He said confidently. Just as I was sizing him up, he was eyeing me up, both sexually and cautiously.
Switching to the girl, she had her hair tied back in a shorter ponytail than mine and stared with dark-red eyes. Sporting a short top and green pants, she had leather armour covering her legs. Behind her back were two pistols. Repeating the same action I got a more reserved response. "Emerald."
"Caira, as you heard." I replied politely. "And I'm guessing…" I pointed to Mercury, basing my claims from experience. "… Assassin." Shifting my hand to Emerald, I did the same. "Thief."
"How did you-?" They jumped into combat stances, Emerald with her hands behind her back
"Takes one to know one." I interrupted. The standoff lasted a few more seconds as they processed my words, then Mercury smirked.
"Then we'll get along great." He smirked walking up to try and wrap an arm round me, but I batted it away.
"Ah ah ah, too close buddy." I took a step back and glared at him. "I know your type."
"Aww come on, buddies are supposed to be close." Mercury joked.
"Yeah, no" I responded dryly, walking past him and into his blind spot, I stole his wallet. "Honestly, I think I have a bit more in common with Emerald." I chucked the wallet to her and grinned.
"Hey! When-?" Mercury scowled at me as Emerald laughed.
"I'm a professional buddy, maybe you can learn something." I taunted as I walked in front of him.
Mercury did not take kindly to being humiliated. "Maybe I'll teach you a lesson!" He lashed out with a lightning-fast kick which caught me off guard. Knocked back a few feet I flipped to gain distance, drawing my blade in the process. Martial arts were not my strong suit, but with Reticent Parting out I could keep up my defence against the barrage of kicks. Normally I could find an opening in seconds, but Mercury's skill was a level equal to if not better than Neo. My chance came as Mercury grabbed my arm and attempted to flip me over. Mimicking Neo's acrobatics, I allowed his throw to follow through, but smacked him across the face with the ring on my blade and landed on my toes. Before I could follow through however, a shout halted the fight.
"CAIRA!" I paused to see my father and Cinder pacing towards me. "Why do we not start fights in the warehouse?" The tone was of parent, but laced with his common sarcasm. Fortunately for me, I picked up on a key word.
"Whoever said I started the fight." I shifted my eyes to Mercury, who had been grinning. The grinning stopped when Cinder's gaze homed in on him. He was quick to rub the back of his head and bow it in shame.
"Uh… sorry?"
Roman laughed. "I told you she's sharp. I'm not a major fan of the idea, but she'll fit in easily at Beacon." It felt good to be complimented in front of the trio, but that turned to confusion at the mention of Beacon.
"Umm… care to explain the whole… Beacon, thing?"
Cinder spoke up casually. "I will explain soon, first I need to… retrieve something." Walking up to me, she leaned in and whispered to me. "Just know that I have high hopes, and big plans for you, Caira." I shivered slightly as she touched my cheek softly, Cinder's words were chilling when spoken so calmly. The crimson woman began to make her way out of the warehouse.
"How long do you expect us to wait before stealing Dust?" My father asked.
"Not long, soon I will provide you with the means to make larger gambles." Cinder replied without breaking stride.
I watched the woman leave our hideout, her hips swaying seductively. Mercury turned to wink at me, which I returned with a scowl. Looking up to my father beside me, I nudged him to break his gaze from our new business partner's ass.
"You know, staring is only going to get you a slap." I jested while raising a hand, earning a small smirk from the crime boss.
"Ya know kid, she's just like you. Pretty, silver-tongued… and scary." Roman replied.
"I'll take the first two, but scary doesn't come close." Cinder's demeanour frightened me. Calm and collected in front of the man who runs Vale's criminal underworld and his best assassin. Not once did she falter when I stared at her, and I've made hardened criminals try and run for their mothers. Emphasis on try. Naturally I've worked to be known by reputation only, the police have no concrete photos of 'Roman's Reaper', but I felt that somehow she knew, and did not care. "Honestly I don't entirely trust any of them."
"Well whatever she wants us to do I don't care, this is going to be fun!" It pleased me to see my father have so much energy.
"Stealing Dust will be change for you, but we don't have the men for it. Perhaps you could make a trip to Junior's?"
I felt my father ruffle my hair, much to my annoyance. "Aww kid you make me proud. You've learnt so much." Pushing his hand away, I noticed him smiling warmly at me. "Just remember to do what we Torchwick's do best, and Beacon will be a breeze. So Caira, what do we do best?"
I answered, matching his smile with a mischievous grin. "Lie, steal, cheat, and survive."
Well that was fun! Honestly I prefer writing villains over heroes, so much you can do, and no moral limits!
Still open to original character ideas for my remaining two team members, R and H of RCHD.
Speaking of original characters, here is a teaser for next chapter.
Wardtortle, out!
"Seriously kid, you do not want to go looking for Roman's Reaper. Now move along, blondie behind you wants a word."
"You two ruined my evening, but~ Junior did have it coming."
"We never really got to talk over all the explosions, what's your name?"
"Daniel. Daniel Tanian."