"Mari, this has been expired for a year."

"So? It's ketchup! It has vinegar, Alya!"

"Yeah, and pie crust has salt, but that doesn't make it good forever."

"Ugh. Whatever."

It had all started when Alya wanted a snack and decided to raid Marinette's fridge. Instead of finding edible food, she'd found plenty that was expired and declared that she was going to help Mari with basic living-by-yourself skills.

"And what's in here?" Alya gagged when she opened the container. "When was the last time you got sushi?"



"Two months ago? Maybe?"

"Well, it's so far gone that it's alive again. You have to take this out. Now."

"But why?" She whined.

"It's your sushi! I'm not taking it out!"


Alya handed the container over. "And hurry back, it's raining."

Marinette made a face while she slipped boots on and went on out.

Sure enough, it was raining steadily. She hurried out to her dumpster and turned the container upside down, turning her head away from the odor. One piece of sushi and the ginger stuck to the bottom, so she shook it and started hitting it on the side of the container to get the ginger unstuck.

A delivery truck was driving up her street, and Mari briefly wondered if it was for her. "Come on, ginger!"

A gorgeous blond parked in front of her. "Need some help?"

Mari looked up and froze. An incredibly handsome man stood right there with her package, and she was dumping out old sushi—while she was standing in the rain! Her face turned the color of the ginger. "Uh, no! Thanks! I got it!" She hit the lunch box on the dumpster for emphasis, blanching a little when the food remained glued.

"Are you…Marinette?"

"Yeah, haha, that's me! Since I live here! And I get stuff delivered to my place of residence!" Keep it together, Marinette!

"I'll need a signature." He handed her the pad and stylus.

Marinette fumbled with them and the lunch container, scribbling out something that looked like a signature before handing the container to him. "No, that's not right!" She jerked it out of his hand and handed him the right thing.

He quietly gestured to the package still tucked under his arm.

"Right, your package. No, no, I'm sorry, not your package! The, erm, parcel. Your parcel. My parcel!" She took it from him.

"Here's your receipt, mademoiselle."


She scurried under the awning and watched as he got back in the truck and drove off. When she glanced at her receipt, she noticed a survey.

"Tell us how your driver ADRIEN did today and enter for a chance to win!"

His name was circled in the same green as his eyes.

Alya had to get the ginger out for her later.

A/N: Inspired by real events. No dumpsters were harmed in the writing of this fic. Thanks for reading! -wwot