A/N: Alright, so, last chapter was just pretty much build-up to this one! A bit of story development and all that. You may notice that this chapter is longer than most, and that a pretty little icon was added to the details of the story. What does that mean? That this is the last chapter, of course! (There'll be more notes on this at the end of the chapter, like always.)

Peridot was left alone with her thoughts and feelings. Why couldn't I tell her why I feel? The thought echoed in her mind. It was the best time to do it. Why didn't I? A heat blossomed in her cheeks as she thought about the events of the past twenty-four hours. She kissed me and then she admitted she doesn't know how she feels about me. The blonde groaned.

"This doesn't help anything!" she exclaimed to nothing in particular.

She rubbed her eyes and sighed. At least it's all a start. The blonde stopped. Wait, a start to what? Peridot sat up from the lying position she had been in. There was no denying the fact that she liked Lapis. Or do I like the idea of her? The blonde shook her head. None of this is making any sense at all. This is worse than a box full of loose cables. The blonde thought about a box full of cords and shuddered.

Peridot glanced down at her phone. It's only ten? It feels so much later than that. She sighed, deciding it was best to actually get up. The blonde got up and rolled out of bed, glancing around for any clothes she wanted to wear for the day. I should probably clean around the house today, she mused, riffling through the small pile of clothes on a lone chair in her room. Sighing, she gave into the fact that she would procrastinate on the small task yet again. Pushing the thought to the back of her mind, Peridot slid into an over-sized green hoodie and some simple jeans.

Feeling much more awake, she wandered into her small bathroom and fixed the jumbled mess known as her hair. After the blonde got her hair spiked appropriately, she headed to her living room and dropped down on the couch. She reached for the remote to her T.V., and then grabbed the controller for her console. After turning both on, Peridot tuned out the outside world for a good two hours. The blonde finally returned to reality once she had beaten a boss that kept her full attention for half of the time she had been engulfed in the game. Who knew it would take that many attempts?

Peridot got up to stretch her legs and noticed that she was missing an important device. Oh hell, where did I put my phone? The blonde got up and made her way to her room. She saw that her phone had been tossed to the floor when she had gotten out of bed. She bent over to pick it up, and noticed that the notification LED was flashing. She flicked the screen on, and saw that Lapis had sent her a text half an hour ago.

Hey, Peridot. Can I ask you a question?

The blonde took a deep breath. She just wakes up and this is the first thing she says to me? With slightly shaky hands, she sent a reply.

Yeah, go ahead and shoot.

Peridot's mind wandered to thousands of possibilities of what Lapis could possibly ask. Her fleeting thoughts were shooed away with the buzz of her phone in her hand.

Are you okay with what happened?

That was definitely one of the worse things that Lapis could have asked. Peridot's emotions washed over her like a wave and they lingered there, like a web that had settled over her skin. Am I? The lone thought was the first and only thing that came to her mind. After a beat, it was almost like something had taken over her body to write the response.

Well, I would much rather prefer to answer this in person for a lengthier explanation. Long story short, though, yes. I am.

She looked down at the reply she had formulated. Oh hell, what did I just get myself into? Her phone buzzed once more.

Well, when are you free?

Whenever, to be truthful. I don't have any plans.

She wasn't lying, the best thing she was going to do today is attempt a raid boss in a game with some friends later. They can wait. This is more important.

How about around three?

Peridot glanced at the clock. It gives me time to get ready and stuff.

Uh, yeah, that works.

Setting her phone down, she felt her warring emotions bubble up to the surface again. One part anger, one part joy, and the last part being fear, all colliding into one sensation: confusion. Do I want this? Do I even feel anything for her? Okay, yes I do, but do I want to pursue it? Thought after thought flicked through her mind. With a frustrated groan, she ran her hand through the spiky mess of her hair. I'll figure this out along the way, then.

Peridot heaved herself from the couch and made her way to her bathroom once more. She turned the shower knobs and was welcomed by a squeal of resistance from the handle. Great, now that needs fixing too. Thought pushed to the back of her mind, Peridot took her shower quickly. From there, she got dressed in a nicer pair of jeans and a green check shirt. After getting clothed once more, she ran a comb through her hair and decided to spike it once more. After all her hard work, she glanced at her phone to look at the time. 2:04. It took me that long to get ready? The blonde sighed. I don't have any time to finish anything I wanted to do! Her frustration melted away when she remembered the reason why she had done any of it. A smile played at the edges of her lips as she thought about Lapis.

After being caught up in her thoughts, the time quickly slipped past her. Before she knew it, it was fifteen till three. Oh my stars! I'm going to be late! She rushed to grab her keys and flew out of the door. After descending the stairs two at a time (and almost falling flat on her face many times), she rushed to her small car. Once outside, she got further flustered by the weather. Large raindrops fell from the sky, quickly drenching her. With a disgruntled sigh, her fingers fumbled with the keys and lock, rushing to get it open. With a resounding click she unlocked the door and practically lept into the car to get out of the elements. She was about to slam her keys into the ignition when she noticed how much she had been over-reacting. She chuckled slightly and sat back, trying to relax. Imagine driving like that in this weather, that would have been a disaster!

After a few seconds to calm herself, Peridot started on her drive to Lapis'. She arrived at a few minutes past three, and silently cursed herself. She made her way up the stairs and to the bluenette's door. She knocked on the door and patiently waited for the other woman to answer the door. A few moments passed and then Peridot was finally greeted by Lapis. The blonde mustered a bashful smile, and waved her hand.

"Hey," she said.

Lapis blushed very slightly, and waved her hand back. "Hi," she said in reply.

After a beat of silence, Peridot finally was able to say more than a lousy greeting. "So, uh, do you want me to come in, or did you want to go somewhere, or…?" she trailed off.

Lapis clearly hadn't thought about that either, telling by the way she scrambled for an answer. "You could come in, if you want, or we could go for a drive or something, maybe a walk."

The blonde bit back a chuckle. "Uh, Lapis? You do know it's raining cats and dogs out there, right?"

The other woman blushed a bit more. "I know, I just like being outside in the rain."

Peridot scoffed. "Well I hope you don't mind, but I'd rather not get a cold from being outside in the rain."

Something flickered in Lapis' eyes as she chuckled. "You do know that's a myth, right? You get sick because you actually get infected with something," she said with a defiant smirk.

The blonde rolled her eyes. "Well I still don't like getting soaked by water falling from the sky. That and it's cold! I would rather not freeze today."

Lapis, seeing that she had clearly lost, stepped aside and waved Peridot inside. Peridot smiled and settled herself on the couch. Her smile soon faded when Lapis came and sat down by her, expression serious.

"We need to talk about last night, don't we?"

The blonde sighed. "We already did, don't you remember that?" She grimaced when her tone was more hostile than she had intended.

The bluenette shook her head. "I do remember that, yes. It was this morning, how could I not? That wasn't really talking about it though. You should know that."

"Okay, then what else is there to talk about? We established that it wasn't a good or bad event, that you were drunk and you couldn't control your feelings and-"

"No." Lapis interrupted. "That isn't even close to what I said, and you know that. You tell me what you want to talk about though, you were the one who wanted this."

Peridot's mind went blank. "Well, it's what I interpreted it as. How am I the only one who wanted this though? You brought it up via text and then arranged for this time and everything!"

"Okay, then let me ask you that question again. Are you okay with what happened?" Her tone was level and she seemed to be calm and collected. The total opposite of Peridot.

"I… Well. Er. Like I said, yes I am. You already knew that I share those same complicated feelings though, and vice versa. Actually I'm kind of not okay with it, but that's only because you were intoxicated. Many times people have gotten themselves into a commitment they didn't want because they weren't sober. I guess I'm afraid that you would have ended up as one of those people. So that's why I'm kind of not okay with it, and I know that I'm not making much sense, but you have to believe me. Well, believe that that's the only reason why I'm not okay with that. Okay, maybe that's not the only reason, but it's the biggest. There are many reasons why-" she rambled until Lapis cut her off.

"Peridot. One, you're talking so fast that I can hardly keep up with you. Two, you're just going off and ranting now. That's all fine and dandy, don't get me wrong, but please try to stay on track. What did you mean by 'that's not the only reason' though? There's obviously something else wrong."

Peridot's eyes widened. Way to go, Peridot. You already managed to screw this up! The blonde took a breath and cleared her throat. "What I mean by that was that there's another reason I still have some doubts about last night."

Lapis continued to look at her until she continued. "I guess that reason would be because that I don't know what I feel for you. Well, okay, I guess I do. Coming to terms with it though is a totally different thing. That's mostly because I don't know what you feel for me. I know it's a stupid reason, but…" she trailed off when she saw the bluenette giving her a strange look. "You okay Lapis?"

Lapis chuckled quietly. "I thought it was obvious what I feel about you," she whispered.

Peridot swallowed nervously and felt heat rise up to her cheeks. "It is?"

Another bittersweet laugh escaped Lapis' lips. "At least I thought so," she replied, looking Peridot in the eyes.

The blonde stared back at her, drinking in the beauty of her azure eyes. "Hey, Lapis?" she asked, the look of wonder never leaving her face.

"Hm?" came the hummed reply.

"Is it okay if I do this?"

Peridot never gave Lapis a chance to reply. It was fast, and a bit more meaningful than last night's short display of affection. When Peridot brought her lips away from Lapis', she scrambled backwards. "I-I'm sorry," she muttered, rubbing the back of her neck. "I have no idea where that came from."

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a warm hand on her arm. She glanced up and saw Lapis looking at her with a slight smile. "Peridot, it's okay," were the last words off her lips before they collided with Peridot's again.

A/N: Okay, so as I stated earlier, this is the last chapter. I apologize for the abrupt ending. I figured a half-worked ending was better than none! I'll do my best to get more and more short-stories up, and who knows? They might follow the plot of this story. They might not. I'll mostly be basing my writings off of prompts though, so there's that. If you have an idea for one, go ahead and send it to me via Tumblr (the blue hell-site) thesparklingnoodles, or send me a PM on here! (If you go with the latter, I apologize if I get to it late, my email stopped notifying me of updates.)

I would have worked more on this story, but my hours for work have been just increasing and I've been sleeping for like 12 hours a day (it's not healthy, I know) to make up for work and other events.

Anyways, as always, thank you for reading this story! And if you've stuck with me all the way, I apologize for the delay in these two chapters! Life just came up and wrecked my writing schedules and all. Be sure to drop a review or favorite this story, or just go on with your day! (Although reviews are what fuel my writing ego and make me want to write more haha.)

As for everyone who left "I hope things get better" reviews and sent me messages, thank you! Things have indeed been getting better, bit by bit. You guys are all wonderful. Thank you for sticking with me through this story!