Chapter 18:

A few weeks later

Carl and Rick were enjoying some father and son time together, a Saturday at the park throwing a baseball around. They had just taken a brief water break, resting on the bench before getting back to it.

"You know Dad…" Carl began, "Mom says that Judy won't began talking tell she's 6 months, maybe later! But I think she's ready." Said, Carl, as if he and Judith shared their own secret on whether she could talk at three months or not.

"Oh really?" Said Rick with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. "What's gonna be her first word then?"

"Carl, duh!" Said, Carl, as if it would be obvious.

Rick laughed heartily, "You're telling me it wouldn't be momma or dada?"

Carl adamantly shook his head, "Sorry dad, not this time."

Rick chuckled, "All I'm saying is if her first word is Carl I want to hear it straight from Judith's mouth and not someone else." Said Rick with a playful glare.

Carl smiled widely and nodded, "Oh trust me you'll hear it"

Rick chuckled and took his head, he took a slight pause before continuing. "You liking being a big brother Carl?"

Carl nodded and smiled, "Yeah, Mom was telling me that now I have to be a…" He paused thinking of the phrase Michonne used "...role model! I think so far, so good!" He said proudly.

Rick smiled and nodded, "I agree with you...Michonne loves the both of you, you know that right?"

Carl nodded, "Yeah she says a lot! But I love her too so it's okay."

Rick chuckled a bit "Yeahhhh she does say it a lot...I love her too. And you. And Judy…. And I've been thinking of asking Michonne to be my wife. What do you think of that?"

There was a pause as Carl was in thought for a moment, finally, he turned to his father. "Dad, I think if you want to marry Mom then you should because she makes you happy! And you make her happy! And isn't that why people get married?"

Rick smiled proudly, proud of his son for recognizing what Michonne brought into his world and what he brought to hers. "Yeah…. yeah I think you're right son."

Carl nodded, "Yup I am!" He said happily.

Rick chuckled, "Okay now Carl, I need you to keep this conversation between you and I, okay? I'm still looking for her princess...rose cut ring thing." Said Rick with a shake of his head.

Carl furrowed his brows, the same way his father would, "What?"

Rick sighed, "Exactly. I also have to call Grandma Beverly before I propose or she may never talk to me again."

Carl thought for a moment, "If she stops talking to you does that mean I won't get any more of her cookies?"

Rick laughed lightly, "You'll definitely still get cookies. Now me I'm not too sure about."

Carl paused slightly and then shrugged a bit before hopping off the bench. "So you should call her then!" Carl began to run towards the open field where they were playing, ready to get back to becoming the baseball player his dad was. "Come on, dad!" Carl shouted back to Rick.

Rick chuckled and then got up, following behind Carl. "Coming!"


A few days later

Rick was struggling with finding the perfect time to call Beverly, Michonne's mother, without raising suspicion. And now that Michonne was aware of marriage being on the table she...hovered, putting it nicely. However, with a small bribe of a comic and sworn secrecy seal with a pinky finger, Rick managed to get Michonne out of the house and to visit Glenn and Maggie and their baby who was a few months older than Judith with Carl.

Despite knowing that Beverly would approve of his marrying of her daughter Rick couldn't help but feel the same nervous feeling he had when he was reintroduced to her parents as her boyfriend, despite being friends for years. Rick held the phone to his ear, leaning against the kitchen counter, ringing a few times before Beverly spoke.

"And which person from the Grimes residence is calling me on this lovely day?" Said Beverly, a smile in her voice.

Rick chuckled slightly, "Hello Beverly, it's Rick."

"Hello, Rick. How is everyone? My daughter being nice to you?" She said with a small smirk.

Rick chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, I told her that having Judy has made her soft. I'll see how long it lasts."

"Don't hold your breath. Our feistiness just gets put on hold it doesn't end." Said Beverly.

"I'll make sure to keep that in mind…" Rick paused before continuing. "I actually calling you to tell you that I'm going to propose to Michonne."

There was another pause, a long one, one that made Rick wondered if the connection dropped before Beverly spoke again. "You know, Rick she told me that marriage was, and this was an exact quote, 'unnecessary in this day and age' when I asked her about marrying Mike."

"I know. We talked about it a few weeks ago actually, if she even wants to get married. And she told me that she didn't want to get married to anyone else that she wanted to marry me, which is why she couldn't marry Mike." Said Rick, recalling their conversation.

"Wow…." Said Beverly a warmth and happiness in her tone. "This sounds horrible but sometimes I wonder if Mike was always holder for her…. I think even if life was perfect for her she would have made it back to Kings County for you Rick...Actually, I don't think she would've viewed life as perfect without you. You made my daughter happy so many years ago and after Andre, I honestly wasn't sure if I would see her so happy again. I'm glad you brought her out of darkness Rick, she deserves happiness. And so do you. So, yes, if Michonne says she wants to marry you, you should marry her."

Rick was silent for a moment as he chewed on his bottom lip, attempting to refrain from getting emotional. He hadn't heard their relationship or her feelings for him through someone else in a way that was so accurate it almost hurt. "Thank you Beverly...thank you." He said softly.

Beverly smiled, proud of both Rick and Michonne and their growth. "You're welcome, Rick. Now, did you get the ring?"

Rick chuckled a bit, "Yeah I did some searching. Michonne has specific taste."

"I'm afraid she gets that from her mother. I'll hope for your sake that Judy isn't the same way," said Beverly with a small chuckle, "And do you know how you're gonna propose to her?"

"I have two ideas that I haven't been able to choose between." Said Rick with a slight furrow of his brow.

"Well, Rick you know the type of girl Michonne is. All she needs to hear is the question and you already know the answer. Go with your gut."

Rick nodded, agreeing with her advice. "You're right...thank you again Beverly."

"Anything for my now future son in law. I'll be expecting to hear the news as soon as the ring is on her finger."

Rick chuckled, "Of course."

"Okay Rick, give a kiss to everyone for me especially my grand babies. I'll talk to you again once Michonne has a ring on her finger."

Rick chuckled again, "Yes, I will. Goodbye Beverly." Said, Rick, as he then lowered the phone from his ear and hung up. Rick smiled to himself as his conversation with Beverly had finally helped him in deciding on how he will be proposing to Michonne, deciding on an idea he's had since he first told her he loved her, many years ago.


The Following Day

Michonne was returning home from what Maggie had happily called a "momma's day" in which Judith and baby Hershel came with them for a mom date, while Rick was home and Carl was at school.

Now she entered the home, a diaper bag on one arm and Judith in her car seat in another one. With one foot in the door, she automatically called for Rick. "Rocky! I hope you spent your alone time cleaning!" She said with a small smirk to herself, not being able to help herself from harmless teasing. She took Judith out of her car seat and held her in arms, she sighed not hearing a response back. "What is daddy doing, huh? Didn't he say he wasn't going to do anything today?" She asked Judith who stared back in response.

"That's what I'm saying, Judy!" Michonne said in response to her child's stare. "Wait…. Do you hear music?" Asked Michonne as she listened to what sounded like faint music. "Rocky?!" She called again as she began to walk toward the stairs. "Rick Grimes, so you're just going to be home and listen to…." She paused for a moment before recognition set in her face and a soft smile came.

I had a vision of love. And it was all that you've given to me.

Their song. "Your dad is so sappy." Michonne said softly to Judith, who responded with a small giggle. Michonne shook her head a bit and continued up the stairs. She lightly tapped on the door and finally gained a response from Rick.

"Come in boss." He replied gently as Michonne opened the door.

There was a small gasp as Michonne entered. There were over a dozen roses on the bed, similar to when he showered her in roses in their teens. With the curtains drawn and a few candles, the room seemed to glow. And Rick, once her eyes laid on him she wondered what took her so long, in a navy blue suit that she loved him in, making his eyes even bluer. "Rick…" She said softly, as she felt Rick take Judith from her arms. She had clearly known that Rick would be proposing at some point but she could never imagine what it would look like in her head.

"Michonne…" Rick said in a similar tone with a small smile as he placed Judith in her crib and then walked back to Michonne. He stopped in front of her with only a small space separating them. "You ready?" He asked her.

Michonne nodded, "I'm definitely gonna cry but go okay Rick." She said, almost at a whisper like she was holding her breath.

Rick smiled and nodded as he began, "Uh, so I talked to your mom a few days ago. And she said I pulled you out of darkness. And I think some of that is true but I think you pulled me out of darkness too. It' uncomfortable feeling seeing the person you love drive away. And I know why you did, fuck Michonne I'm so proud of you I know you wouldn't be as successful if you stayed here. A lot of people told me that I would move on, that most high school relationships don't last so I forced myself to believe that so I could be okay. But came back. Different, but you were back. And I knew all the things I was told weren't true and I still loved you like you never left. You were a tough shell to crack and I think...I wanted to focus on you so we can talk less about me and what I was going through." He paused for a moment lightly rubbing his thumb on her cheek that was beginning to get slightly damp.

He lightly stroked her cheek and smiled softly as he continued. "And then finally I was able to chip away at you and you were able to chip at me. I always thanked you when you gave me some of you because I knew it was hard. And I know sometimes it's still hard so thank you Michonne. Thank you for taking Carl in like a second son because my god...does that boy love you. You once asked me if you think you would be motherly with Carl. It comes so naturally to you though you were a beautiful mother with Andre I'm sure and you still are one. Judith…" Rick said with a happy and small sigh. "Is amazing. I know you were scared at the thought of having another baby but I'm proud of you Michonne because that fear didn't stop you from loving our daughter unconditionally."

Rick smiled at her again, releasing his hand from her cheek. "Michonne I was sure I would marry you when we were in high school. It was just a matter of when. And now, ten years later I know when." Rick slipped a small black box from his inside jacket pocket and he bent down to one knee. "Michonne...Boss...will you marry me?" He asked opening the small box, showing a ring with a princess cut diamond with several small diamonds around it and a rose gold band.

"Jesus Rick…" Michonne said softly, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. "Rick...of course, of course, I will marry you." She said with a bright and happy smile.

Rick grinned up at her and slipped her ring on her left ring finger. He got up from his bent knee and wrapped his arms tight around her. He leaned in and kissed her deeply their tongues lightly playing with each other. After several minutes they pulled away and brushed their noses against each other.

"I love you, Rick Grimes. I love you so much." Michonne said, her eyes slightly closed and her voice still soft like the love in their room was quieting her.

Rick squeezed her and buried his head in the crook of her neck. After a moment he looked up at her, "Is the ring what you wanted?"

Michonne nodded, taking a moment to gaze at her new ring. "It's perfect." She said as she lightly played with the hair at the nape of his neck.

"Not as perfect as you…" Rick mumbled into her neck as he moved his hands down her waist and down to right under her butt, lightly picking her up as Michonne giggled.

Rick lightly dropped her on the bed, he broke away from her for a moment to take off his jacket, reconnecting with her with a kiss sliding his tongue into her mouth and hers into his. They stayed like this for several minutes his hands exploring her body like it was brand new and her hands tangled in his hair.

After a moment Rick pulled away, remembering a promise he made a day ago. "I just remembered...I promised your mom you would call her as soon as that ring got on your finger.

Michonne giggled lightly, finding it cute that Rick couldn't help but keep his word despite his own mild annoyance at himself. She gave him several soft kisses on the lips, "You are so cute, Rocky. Now get up," she said with a light tap on his shoulder.

Rick pouted slightly but got off of her, "You know this is to be continued don't you Boss?"

Michonne smirked and playfully rolled her eyes, "I don't know what you're talking about Rocky." She gave him a sly smile before leaving her room with a small wave.

Rick chuckled and shook his head. He followed after her after a few minutes to hear his future wife talking to her mother about the proposal. He smiled to himself just hearing her describe it.

Her words carried her love for him and even without looking at her you can tell she was in love.

And he was in love with her, her spirit, her smile, the way she walked into a room, her soft "good morning," he was amazed by her. Michonne rounded the corner and noticed Rick at the top of the stairs and she smiled. "You were waiting for me, Rocky?" She asked as she began walking back up the stairs.

Rick smiled, meeting her at the top of the stairs. "I'll always be waiting for you." He said softly.

Michonne giggled a bit and kissed him lightly, "You're so sappy."

"Mhm…Come on before Carl gets home." Rick said with a smirk.

Michonne giggled again, "You're pretty horny as fiancée Rocky."

Rick chuckled as he pulled her into their bedroom, "Whatever Boss."


"Dad!" Carl said excitedly as he met his father outside of their home, hopping off the school bus.

Rick smiled and lightly kissed the top of Carl's head and then ruffled his hair. Now, a few hours later Rick was in his usual clothes while home, a pair of sweatpants and a shirt he had to steal back from Michonne as she had grown more and more accustomed to using his shirts as her own. "Hey son, how was school today?" He asked as they walked into their home.

"It was boooooooooooring. But gym was fun!" Carl said happily.

Rick chuckled, "That's what you say every day!"

Carl shrugged, "Cause it's true!"

As they spoke Michonne rounded a corner with a baby monitor in one hand, as Judith was sleeping upstairs, and her new engagement ring on her other hand. "Carl you're just gonna come in the house and not give me a hug?" Said Michonne with a raised eyebrow.

Carl laughed lightly before going over to Michonne and giving her a hug. "Hi, mom! Whatcha do today?"

"Well…" Michonne began, "I went to see Maggie and Hershel and brought your sister with me. And then I came home and there was a big change! Can you guess what it is?" She asked him.

Carl squinted his eyes and furrowed his brow like his father often did, he looked around the house trying to see what had changed. After a few minutes, he looked back at Michonne and shrugged, "What changed?"

Rick chuckled, "Son, do you remember when we went to the park and we had that talk? And I told you about that question I was thinking of asking Michonne?"

Carl paused for a moment and then nodded, remembering. "Dad, I thought that was a secret!" He said with a slight pout.

Rick chuckled again, "I asked her Carl. I asked Michonne to marry me and she said yes." He said with a bright smile.

Carl's eyes lit up and he smiled, "Dad I told you so!"

Rick laughed lightly, "Yeah, yeah…"

"Carl, I know you know that your dad makes me very happy. I love him. And I love you and your sister too." Michonne gave Carl a light kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your family."

Carl smiled, giving her a light hug. "You fit in as soon as you said you read comics!" Carl said happily.

Michonne smiled softly, "You're pretty easy to win over kid." As she spoke she heard a soft whine come from the baby monitor. "Come say hi to Judy with me she hears you. Rocky, make sure the food doesn't burn!"

"How are you still bossy with an engagement ring on?" Rick asked with a small smirk as Michonne and Carl made their way upstairs.

"And what's the fun in not being bossy?" Replied Michonne with a similar smirk.


"Peek-a-boo!" Said Michonne who was now playing with Judith who was currently surrounded by pillows on Rick and Michonne's bed. Judith giggled as her mom revealed her face again, lightly hitting Michonne's nose as she did so.

"You're just wide awake aren't you?" Asked Michonne to Judith who responded with a gummy smile. "Why can't you go to sleep nicely like your brother?" Asked Michonne with a raised eyebrow as Rick entered the room after completing his nightly tradition with Carl.

Rick chuckled and sat next to them, scooping Judith up in his arms. "You know there were some nights when Carl was a baby and he couldn't sleep…"

"Oh, so these were the genes you provided for our baby?" Said Michonne with a smirk.

Rick laughed lightly, gently rocking Judith in his arms. "And you gave her the 7 am wake up call. Now watch and learn boss." Rick held Judith in one arm and lightly began to apply pressure in small circular motions, lightly massaging her. "You read about giving the kid a massage in your books momma?" Rick asked.

Michonne smiled, admiring Rick with Judith in his arms. "Yes, Rocky I have. But they never worked for me, you must have the magic touch."

"In more way than one…" Rick mumbled with a small smirk.

Michonne laughed, hitting him on his leg as she did so. "Shut up Rocky!"

Rick laughed along with her, shushing Michonne afterward. "She's almost sleeping boss!"

Michonne chuckled a bit and nodded, "Okay, I'm done." They were both silent for several minutes, Rick lightly massaging Judith as her eyes grew heavier and Michonne clearly in love with them both. Finally, Judith fell asleep and Rick gently got off the bed, placing in her crib so she wouldn't wake up again. He slipped back into bed, a grin on his face showing that he was pleased himself.

Michonne giggled lightly and then cuddled up to him, laying her head on his chest. "What kind of wedding do you want Rick?"

Rick thought for a moment and shrugged a bit, "I guess something wedding with Lori was huge I think we invited everyone one in town."

Michonne chuckled a bit, "I agree with you, I want something small...intimate…" She paused for a moment and looked up at him, smilingly softly.

Rick smiled back down at her, "Whatchu thinking about momma?"

"I'm just...very happy I came home…" Michonne said softly.

Rick lightly kissed the top of her head, squeezing her for a moment. "I'm glad you did too. I don't know what I'd be doing if you hadn't."

"Still fulfilling your dreams of Rocky." Said Michonne with a small smirk.

Rick chuckled a bit, "Yeah, yeah still fulfilling my dreams. What about you? Where else would've you ended up going?"

Michonne shrugged, "I don't know. I was thinking of Chicago for a while and day I ended up on a page listing homes in Kings County. And it felt...right. And then I realized you would probably still be here and then it was like a sense of comfort. Even though there was a chance you were with someone else. It was still comforting to know you were there. Where you are is where comfort is...where home is." Michonne said as she traced his chest with her fingers.

"You definitely make this place a was kind of crazy without you...I was kind of crazy without you." Said Rick gently.

Michonne reached up to kiss him softly on the lips a few times before breaking away, "Now look at you marrying the prettiest girl on the block." She said with a wide smile.

Rick laughed lightly, "I said that one time when we were dating I can't believe you still remember."

"Why wouldn't I remember facts?" Michonne asked as she grinned widely.

Rick chuckled as they began to playfully go back and forth. Rick protesting that he was a love sick kid when he described her as the prettiest girl on the block and Michonne proclaiming that he is still love sick. The two of them spent the rest of their night like this, quietly laughing, soft kisses, and discussing their past as well as their present. As young kids, the thoughts of them dating grossed them out but now as adults, the idea of being separated from each other again seemed unimaginable. They were able to rebuild themselves with the help of each other, now laughing in bed with each other with Carl in one room and Judith in theirs. No longer lost in a dark place.

A/N: First of all I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who congratulated me on finishing school it means a lot :) Also I truly wasn't expecting that many of y'all to still be reading so thanks so much! It was so nice to see the familiar usernames in my email once again. The next part of this story will be the epilogue! I'm glad I will finally be finishing this story after so long, as of right now I think it's my favorite as I love me some angst haha. Also, I recently heard a song called Blessed by Daniel Ceaser that reminds me so much of richonne in this fic it's crazy, it may make an appearance in the epilogue tbh that's how perfect it is. Thank you for the continued fave/follows/ and reviews. This fandom is one of the sweetest.