Hi guys! Just a little one-shot about Meliodas, Zeldris and Estarossa before Meliodas left the Demon Clan, however old they are in this is up to you. Their relationship probably wasn't anything like this but I hope you enjoy anyway.
I do not own Nanatsu no Taizai/Seven Deadly Sins or any of it's characters.
Always There
"Meliodas! Meliodas look!"
A young Estarossa scampered over a rock, to reach the edge of the pond and carefully dip his fingers into the water.
"Estarossa be careful!" His younger brother Zeldris warned. Estarossa rolled his eyes, both of his brothers were so serious but Zeldris was much more cautious than Meliodas, almost to the point of paranoia.
"I've never seen anything like it!" Estarossa exclaimed, scooping up a handful of the ruby red water and watching it run between his fingers and down his hand, soaking his black sleeve slightly. Even though his sensitive nose and the texture told him it was just regular water, it looked exactly like blood.
"It's just the sediment and the algae that turn it different colours." Meliodas told him. Zeldris glanced at their older brother as though wondering idly why and how he knew all of these useless facts.
Estarossa was leaning down to scoop up another handful with childlike fascination when the rock under his hand crumbled. He pitched headfirst towards the water, Zeldris's "you idiot!" ringing in his ears.
Estarossa stopped short, his nose millimetres from the red liquid. Meliodas had grabbed the back of his coat collar to prevent his fall.
Sweat broke out on Estarossa's brow. He hadn't been quick enough to save himself but Meliodas, who'd been two or three meters away had managed to cross the distance in a split second.
His older brother was so powerful it was terrifying.
As though he was an errant lion cub Meliodas hoisted Estarossa up by his grip on his collar and placed him safely on solid ground.
"Be more careful next time," the older blond rebuked.
Estarossa smiled in thanks, allowing his hero worship of Meliodas to show in his eyes, "don't worry, I will!" He promised.
Zeldris scoffed under his breath, Estarossa smiled at that.
They all knew he wouldn't be more careful next time. But it was okay.
After all, his older brother would always be there to look after him.
Hope you enjoyed! Bye guys!