"Uh, hey, Alisha." Rose places a hand on her hips. "There's somethin' I gotta tell ya," She draws in a deep breath through her nose and lets it out through her mouth. "I like you. Like, more than a friend. Ya know, like a lover would." She scratches her chin and then sighs, shaking her head. "No, too informal. Alisha deserves something more romantic."

She knows that there's a good chance that Alisha will reject her, after all, there's no way of knowing whether or not Alisha even likes girls but she doesn't care. Part of her just really wishes the other could read minds so she doesn't actually have to verbally confess and it would spare her any possible humiliation. Rose looks around their shared dorm and sighs. There's nothing romantic in the little room, just strewn about clothes, books and papers.

Does this mean she'll actually have to go out and get something? What if Alisha does reject her? What will she do then? She sighs to herself, and steps away from the full length mirror hanging off of their shared closet. Maybe Zaveid will have some suggestions. The older student does seem to know a lot about romance and girls, going through boyfriends and girlfriends every other week. Though, would she really trust his opinion? Dezel wouldn't be of much help, and Sorey is clueless about romance.

Resigning herself to go and get advice from Zaveid, seeing how she dropped and broke her phone by accident again and she doesn't have the money to actually replace it this time and doesn't want Alisha to help her pay for one. With a little sigh, she grabs her keys and heads out.

"Wear sexy underwear and have romantic music playing!"


Zaveid wrinkles his nose. "Then just be up front, it's not that hard."

"Yes it is!" Rose throws her hands up in the air, exasperated. "What if she freaks out? Like, hey my roommate's a lesbian and is asking me out kind of freaks out!"

"Then you can ask for a new roommate if she's that close minded." Zaveid taps his pencil against his notebook. "But Alisha isn't that type of girl, and you know it."

Rose slumps forward. "I know." The defeat is obvious in her voice, but she doesn't know what else to do. "I know she's not. Alisha is perfect in every way. She's so mild, she helps everyone she sees and I just. I don't know."

"Yeah, I know. You've been crushing on her since day one of rooming with her." Zaveid shifts a little in his seat, and bends down, unzipping his bag. "Here, I'll tell ya what." From his bag, he procures a fake red rose. "Give this to her. Tell her that you'll love her up until the day this thing dies."

Rose takes it from him. "Are you serious? That sounds so lame."

"Hey, it works."

"That sounds doubtful, but okay. I'll give it a shot."

"I want it back if your relationship goes belly up."

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks."